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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12344792 No.12344792[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>saturday night
get the fuck in here, retards.

>> No.12344804

fuck you no swearing

>> No.12344811
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i'm taking a month off drinking. i'm two weeks in and it's getting miserable. but i gotta go through with it.

>> No.12344819

fuck off janitor nobody cares

>> No.12344827

Bad feels, wish I could taper myself off but if I have a single drop I don't stop until I'm lying on the floor again

>> No.12344833

stay strong, anon
every day is one day less
eventually it goes away and you'll be dumbfounded that you ever did it to begin with
it's just a countdown until that day

>> No.12344859

Pour one up on me fellas. What're we talkin about tonight

>> No.12344863
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i appreciate those words, but honestly i'm fully intending to go back to the sauce heheh. I am dumbfounded I let it get so bad, but yeah, drinking on weekends worked for me for years until I let it become a daily thing and had a REAL problem.
yeah you should taper off and take a break. it feels great to get clean for a while. but the thirst is there.

>> No.12344871

Bout to go to the store myself, see you soon boys

>> No.12344904

1) GoT ends tomorrow, where do we go from here
2) Why is The Empire Strikes Back the best Star Wars movie
3) Could Boston sports team win three championships in one year
4) How embarrassed are we as a nation over the anti-abortion legislation that was recently passed

>> No.12344911

You gave me 4 reasons to assume that you're a huge faggot.

>> No.12344912

this. it really started to let up for me around the 5th week. it seems easy now

>> No.12344914

Duly noted. How does my cock taste by the way.

>> No.12344945

Come on sweetheart don't be shy

>> No.12344946

fuck that
i did three pints every day for a couple years and i successfully hid it from my friends, my chick, and my family
i posted a while back that the thing that worked was just deciding that liquor doesnt exist. just tell yourself it doesn't exist. and i expected to catch shit but i didnt when i mentioned that kratom - which i dont recommend - was the one thing that got me off liquor

>> No.12344952

for me. its plastic jufgg vofks

>> No.12344982

Taking a human life is murder, plain and simple. Finally the whores of this nation will be forced to think about their actions and face the consequences

>> No.12344989

If men had to get pregnant abortion would never have been illegal.

>> No.12344990

>star wars
>abortion ree
>nigger ball
reddit tier faggot

>> No.12344992

most based image I've ever seen and I love Hill Farmstead beers

>> No.12345003

Look mom I'm trolling on the cooking board of 4chan, no mom fuck you I don't need real friends.

>> No.12345006

I was going to participate in this thread, but Boston is gay and abortion is murder.

>> No.12345013
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>> No.12345015

"""Men""" can get pregnant these days, this still went through.

>> No.12345021


>> No.12345034
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ok boomer

>> No.12345046

why is murder always bad

>> No.12345050
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i'm proud of you, anon
you suckered a half dozen idiots so far

>> No.12345057

I thought he went too far with the abortion line, but you can’t argue with the results.

>> No.12345059

It's not always bad, that's why it's acceptable to murder someone who murders others.

>> No.12345065

Meh, getting underage b& /pol/tards to reply isn't exactly hard work

>> No.12345068

How do you al/ck/ fags do it?

Last night was the first time getting drunk to the point of slurring and having the spins in a good while, and it fucking sucked. I just got nausea, had a horrible night of rest, woke up puking and with an ungodly headache, and had the taste of chain smoked cigs lingering from drunk smoking the night before. 0/10

>> No.12345069
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Just bought 3 of these bad bois. What am i in for?

>> No.12345075

Fuck you, I'm being completely serious here.

>> No.12345081
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either drink a shitload of water, which is never fun, or...
take a benadryl as soon as you stop drinking. i eventually got to the point where i didn't need it anymore, but those things will keep you from getting the spins or nausea.
it's in the same family of drugs as dramamine or other motion sickness drugs and they all work remarkably well for heavy drinking.

>> No.12345082

>How do you al/ck/ fags do it?
Dude. Alcoholism isn't a choice, and if you think the people posting in those threads are happy about where they are we should have a talk.

>> No.12345087
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>mfw expanded image shows hill farmstead

>> No.12345095
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sure you are. i believe you.

3 8oz bottles of mickeys? the taste of weak malt liquor and no buzz.

>> No.12345099

I teetered on the edge of alcholism for like a year my dude drinking 30-60 beers a week. On top of that, alcoholism runs in my family. I eventually just decided to for myself to cut down because I just started feeling shittier and shittier

Interesting, that's the thing though - I could never feel good about myself knowing that I had to take medicine just to drink the amount i'd been drinking and enjoy it.

>> No.12345106

Hey asshole i'm a hell of a lot more likeable when im drinking. Its literally my social lube and i actually enjoy drinking too. I try to keep my alcoholism under control tho. I don't drink all day and save my drinking till the evening

>> No.12345118

>How do you al/ck/ fags do it?
>Last night was the first time getting drunk
You are so far removed from what an alcoholic feels there is no possibility of understanding what it means to be like this every night

>> No.12345124

Well bud I can tell you now that you are nowhere close to the rock-bottom of alcoholism and are in the active denial phase. I'm sure you've gone a few weeks without drinking and told yourself that you're in control and only drink when you feel like it too. I'll see you in a few months when you tell me you've started showing up to work more and more hungover and had your first callout from being too drunk from the night before.

>> No.12345132

>reading comprehension
I said first time getting drunk to that point in a good while. I had a string which lasted a couple moths a few months back where I was like that at least once every 2-3 days, sometimes more.

>> No.12345136

I'm sorry to hear that my man, there is a big genetic factor to alcoholism but it's a good thing that you know your family history. Just be careful going forward because it is so, so easy to go from that I can drink 2-3 beers at a party to feel good and social to the 5-6 beers I like when I feel loopy and more like "my real self" drunk.

>> No.12345145

And last night was one of those nights for me, had a couple higher ABV's brews for a nice little buzz, went out to the pub, and 2 hours later i'm slamming my 6th-7th pint on an empty stomach

>> No.12345156

That's the bitch of it all, the day after when you recognize what you're doing and you keep telling yourself you know better and it's not going to happen again and you go through the week perfectly fine but then before you know it it's Friday again and you did the same thing but with even higher ABV beer because work was "so hard" that week

>> No.12345162

based shit faced bottom shelf vodka drinking lost cause of a human being poster
been there, my dude, been there

>> No.12345168

Got an uber called for me one night in a similar situation, what an angel that guy's girl was, haven't seen them since thankfully.

>> No.12345177 [DELETED] 

>4) How embarrassed are we as a nation over the anti-abortion legislation that was recently passed

Fucking kill yourself. I'm being completely serious. Go find a tall building, step out in front of a semi, do something. Because unlike a baby, your life actually is worthless.

>> No.12345178

Ha yup. But, it usually isn't even a week. By mid-week i'm usually jonesin for at least a six pack to myself. That's why i'm consciously trying to limit myself to no more than 20-25 drinks a week. And believe it or not it really isn't a meme - you legitimately feel much better physically and just about yourself in general when you save the drinking benders for abnormal occasions.

>> No.12345183

i work for myself and i do manual labor
i can say without a doubt that the worst way alcoholism manifests is when you are driving to work drunk at 8am because you drank so much the night before and you are still hammered
and then you have to do the jobs while still drunk, and maybe by noon it will clear up
honestly it's the worst thing you can do to yourself. "dont drink liquor" is probably the best and most universal advice i could give anyone

>> No.12345186

No denial here friend. I know what i am. This entire year i had 1 sober day and the year before i spend a week sober due to antibiotics. Not rock bottom by any means and plenty of days going to work hungover. I spend my days drinking nothing but water but as soon as im off work its straight to the gin martinis and bourbon

>> No.12345191

I was able to hold out the whole work week, got me a little Evan William's white label to celebrate

>> No.12345198

Yeah man, I'm saying you tell yourself you can wait until the weekend to drink again but the cravings hit when the hangover wears off, so by Thursday/Friday you are just dying till the day is over when 5 o'clock rolls around and you can hit up the corner store. Or maybe the grocery store because you think the corner store guys are starting to recognize you coming in the same time every week and you're feeling guilty or ashamed, but fuck those guys they don't know you. And you're just antsy and your skin is crawling and you don't feel calm until you've had that first half a tall boy.

>> No.12345202

Polfags BTFO

>> No.12345205

>punishing immature women for having sex by forcing them to raise children they don't want and won't properly care for
Right, not like it effects the kid involved or anything. We sure showed those sluts a thing or two lol

>> No.12345207

God. When you're just driving and praying that no one sees you, and when you show up and you duck your head till you feel sober. When you take that cologne shower in the car and carry that extra toothbrush in the glove compartment. But you just know deep down that your guys know it's Wednesday/Thursday/Friday and this is your day to show up fucked but they're doing the same thing most days and they will never call you out on it.

>> No.12345208

Yep, the hangover from last night has worn off for the most part and I just finished my second beer. I'm calling it for the night here though. May have the last beer in the sixer tomorrow, may save it for Monday or Tuesday. I dont know.

>> No.12345209

>being a drunk
at least have some format and be a heroin junkie or a coke head.

>> No.12345217

I am a friend but I'll tell you now the denial is about yourself, about how bad it can get. About how you tell yourself after a bad bender that the next time is it, it is the time you'll be on the upswing. That THIS is how low you will go, how you've seen the bums and the guys with brain damage and how you KNOW that will never be you because you're better than them, smarter than them. But then you can't stop.

>> No.12345231

>I dont know.
That's the hardest part, when you feel fine now but don't know what tomorrow is going to bring. When you want to wake up and feel normal but your head hurts and you can't think right, so you start downing coffee and smoking like a fucking chimney but all it does is leave you "fine". It's not till you get that beer when things start to make sense again. And that second beer makes you so calm and just how you want to be all the time and how you feel everyone feels.

>> No.12345263

it's always easy to recognize fellas and stories like this
stay strong, anon
i genuinely believe i successfully hid it from my customers, my crew, my chick, and my family
there were a couple times where i got drunker than all fuck and had communication with a customer over issues like installing a walkway
and i was so drunk i'd delete the emails out of shame, and i was left with no idea about the job

>> No.12345266

Yup, that last line especially. That was the hardest part about cutting back a few weeks ago - not having those couple drinks for the feeling of "normalcy" at night, every night. Once you get past that though, and start realizing that you can live without it, it gets easier. I've had multiple no drink nights, a bunch of 1-2 light beer and then stop nights, and only one bender being last night, but it was a social thing with friends I hadn't hung with in awhile. I'm not trying to quit completely, I just want to save the benders/beyond buzzed nights for social occasions and the like. You notice it becoming a problem when you start habitually drinking to the point of a heavy buzz every single night alone, like I was. It's not so much the alcohol as it is the habit/ritual of it all. Luckily, I cannot stomach liquor and legitimately just enjoy the taste and idea of sipping on a beer. If I had adopted liquor like a lot of my family, this could of gotten way worse.

desu as a side note, smoking weed has helped me a lot with this. I started substituting my nightly drinks with a little marijuana and it's helped wonders.

>> No.12345267
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Best bait in the whole thread

>> No.12345269

That's why we're here brother, you need that one outlet before you eat yourself alive

>> No.12345272

meh, lots of people just like that post here

>> No.12345273

20 year old American here who can't drink yet but is turning 21 soon and I clearly have binge drinking disorder. I start one drink and I have to finish at least 5 or 6 in 90 minutes to get where I want. God I'm scared for the retarded shit I'm gonna start doing when I go to bars

>> No.12345277

>desu as a side note, smoking weed has helped me a lot with this. I started substituting my nightly drinks with a little marijuana and it's helped wonders.
Don't get sucked too deep into the marijuana as a cure all replacement substance etc etc. Pot has its heavy negatives (psychologically not as much physically) if you use it nightly, even if its just that once a night. This is coming from someone who works in the recreational marijuana sector

>> No.12345280

>I'm not trying to quit completely
That's how it gets you, when you say that you can drink in moderation, that your will is stronger than all those losers who couldn't cut it, that you're smarter than them. And it just. keeps. happening. that you don't have to stop completely.

>> No.12345291

You're going to have to figure out why you want to "get" somewhere. Is it anxiety? Insecurity? The belief that you "have" to be slopped to "be yourself" or "talk to women". Does alcohol serve as a social lubricant or as a numbing agent, and if so what are you trying to numb. Who are you hanging out with. Do you start to get emotional after that six pack. A lot's going on here.

>> No.12345292

i love you too
i think im past it
i said in another thread that deciding that liquor just doesnt exist is the only way
its kaput. it's gone and it's over
for me, this is what has worked

>> No.12345296

Oh yeah, I know. I get insane anxiety if I take more than two hits from a bowl, and often times will find myself really anxious/disconnected from the world if I get a little to high the night before. My anxiety from weed stems from an incident over a year ago where I was drunk as fuck and took nearly 20 bong hits (and at this point in my life, I didn't smoke beyond a hit every month or two). Had a crazy anxiety attack, was totally disconnected from the world for like a week following, and ever since if I get even remotley high enough to where I feel the world start to "slow down", I freak. I just take little micro hits out of this mini bowl I have and it does the trick for me. I make 2 G's last about two months for myself.

Smoking and drinking is another story though. If I down a six pack and then start smoking, I can just rip through a bowl like nothing. The beer takes off all the anxiety for me and I just enter a state of pure booze filled euphoria where all I want to do is sit down and stare at a wall.

>> No.12345304

Whatchu know bout that? Prolly nothing. Prolly tons.

>> No.12345313
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Please tell me this is bait.

>> No.12345315

Keep strong and you'll get through this. I hope your wife/SO is part of the journey to recovery, when you can just talk to her and she can help you in some way and know that you can get through this together, it makes all the difference.

>> No.12345327

Oh yeah, I know. I'm just saying though that a majority of young dudes can go out and enjoy pub culture throughout their youth, so why cant I? Tbh I think that I was blessed with my genetics in a sense (besides the alcoholism part). I have wicked hangovers whilst a lot of my buds can just black out and wake up feeling A-okay. I cannot stomach liquor without gagging whereas a lot of my buds drink vodka/whiskey straight from the handle. I have only blacked out once in my life and hated it and know my limit in that regard - a bender for me is a brown out which (even in my more heavy drinking months) would only happen on occasion and always in a social situation - whereas for most heavy drinkers they black out multiple times a week on their own.

>> No.12345328

>I make 2 G's last about two months for myself.
ok lmfao nevermind man you're totally chilling this is absolutely fucking nothing
at my worst i'd go through a gram of high potency cannabis oil extract every day, thankfully i didn't keep that up for long.
Your pacing is quite remarkable, i guess that anxiety attack helps tremendously with not smoking more and more each night like a jackass. I haven't had a full on shitty experience from weed yet thankfully. I know for a fact when I slow down my weed usage even more this upcoming year my tolerance will sink and I'll have to become a couple hits out of a bowl kind of guy
>smoking and drinking is another story though
god bless biochemistry and drug interactions, drinking makes getting high so much funner

>> No.12345336

this is expert level bait, well done

>> No.12345346
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>this kid almost had to grow up in a poor neighborhood with a less-competent-than-average mother but fortunately we ripped him or her apart, limb from limb, right before that!
I'm sure that kid is very happy for your kindness!

>> No.12345347

Having a shitty experience 100% does matter lol. It was absolutely terrifying and to this day like I said, anything more than my single bowl hit will make me feel not okay. But yeah dude, I got this extremely high medical grade strain the other week that's like 25-32% THC and once every other day or so i'll take a small hit from my bowl (like, graze the top of the weed for a second and then inhale for less then three seconds small hit) and be set for the evening.

For me, weed just enhances my drunkness and puts me in a practical comatose without all the negative effects of drinking to much (aka nausea and all that). It's fucking wonderful. Pure relaxation

>> No.12345349

Ok, but you're what, 19? 20? Are you aware of how your body is still developing? How your brain and prefrontal cortex is developing for emotional regulation? How with continued alcohol use you won't be able to emotionally process stress as it affects your parasympathetic nervous system?
It's not like there's a cliff for being a full-blown alcoholic, it's a gradual process of small bargains with yourself until you can't control it anymore.

>> No.12345358

I'm 23, didn't have my first beer until my 21st Birthday.

>> No.12345371
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>> No.12345386

i made a big mistake by not mentioning how dry ive been for ten years now
seriously one day at a time
every day is a win and all you need to do is wake up

>> No.12345402

>seriously one day at a time
It can be 10 minutes at a time. If I can make it through these next 10 minutes I don't have to drink.

>> No.12345421

Never seen Steel Reserve but in the UK we do have K Cider which is also 8.2% or so percent and gets you horribly fucked up. There's the whole K Cider challenge too which is something like either 4 in hour or hour and a half. Horrible stuff.

>> No.12345454

When did you start smoking pot? How old are you?

>> No.12345455

Here in the US we have Edward 40 hands which is with malt liquor, 80 oz of 8% in 1 hour or less. Equally stupid.

>> No.12345457

I drink trash beer, because I am dirt poor.
$1 for 25oz, at 8% ABV.

Every night, when I go to the liquor store, I feel like it might be the night where the cashier refuses to sell to me, out of pity for my liver. I know it's just myself projecting shame, to think this, though.

Steel Reserve is only %6 here. I've seen it at %8+ in other states, though. I buy some shit called "Natty Daddy", or alternatively, "Dog Bite". CHEERS.

>> No.12345466

not everyone is smart enough to bait, newfag

>> No.12345472

Projecting shame is an internal thing, because deep down you feel bad about what you are doing but don't know how to change. You drink to not feel bad, because that is the only way you can deal with stress, anxiety, and guilt right now.

>> No.12345478


>> No.12345482

23, and on and off since I was 15. Didn't become a somewhat normal thing until about a year and a half ago.

>> No.12345488

the effects have to vary per person
I smoke every day and I'm working on a masters in mathematics. I dont feel any negatives

>> No.12345513

Yeah but I feel like long term it has negative effects on mood if you abuse it. I feel the negatives but none of the negatives are to do with my functionality. I've had a 4.0 GPA my last three semesters (i started smoking four semesters ago) with a steady upward GPA climb and i've been involved in a lot more academic activities since i became a pothead
But it is undeniable that marijuana adversely affects your appetite if you eat after smoking regularly enough. Also if i stop smoking for two or more days I get really fuckin cold, like my body temperature is all wack. I felt similar when I quite nicotine and my internal temperature went all hot, i got sweaty and shit. Undoubtedly there are physiological withdrawals to pot.

>> No.12345548

3 pints a day is entry level. you could do that your whole life and never have a problem. go head and enjoy yourself.

>> No.12345553

i dont find that to be the case

>> No.12345560

We all start somewhere and end up somewhere, don't be mean anon. At a point no one enjoys where they are.

>> No.12345580
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well, what I mean is, it won't cause you any serious detriment to your health, and there's a good chance you wouldn't even have withdrawals if you stopped. but yes, if you "NEED" that every day to feel okay, and you think that's bad, then yes it's a problem
my intention was not to be mean, just to point out there's a lot of dudes ITT drinking 3+ times that much daily, and that's a group which I was personally included in in the past. if I could hold my habit to just 3 pints daily, I'd be a happy camper

>> No.12345592

Again, it's not a happy thing. No one is happy having to drink more and more and more to just feel not shitty. Like not even feel good, just not feel shitty. Please don't make fun.

>> No.12345607

lol i hear you man, this is me btw >>12344811 sounds like a break could do you some good, when i'm not having cravings I feel pretty decent, feeling quite nice at the moment here

>> No.12345622

understood, and i mean no offense
i stopped myself around this range in my late 20's
on my mothers soul it got to a point where i was shaking so badly in the morning that wiping my ass was a problem
what im saying is that i was full-blown, 100%
the place you end up in but only realize it once you are there

>> No.12345786

To my brothers who thinking of binge drinking tonight, let's talk

>> No.12345793

im about to do my two buddies are about to drive over
in 60 minutes im going to be drunk for the first time in 9 days and it will feel SO GOOD

>> No.12345824
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ah, here's dinnner

>> No.12345831

Im sure theres some effect. For me, Ive smoked on and off for years and havent noticed any effects except my short term memory isnt great, but it doesnt bother my studies. Some people might just have a higher natural tolerance

>> No.12345836
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dinner was a steelie

>> No.12345837

I don't know what to say, all I know is if it is going to make you feel better for tonight, if ti is going to make you feel better for the day, I can't stop you. I just hope you recover soon.

>> No.12345845

steelie n multibeer in here
last nite was many steelies n beer
woke up at 7am headache, and was doing so well

>> No.12345857

Let's talk about your week. You drink on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, how does the rest of your week look? Are you afraid of your work from Monday to Friday? What scares you and how can I answer your fear, when you drink through Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday and you wake up with a headache afraid to face the day

>> No.12345859

started drinking a steelie. got 1/4 of the way through it and felt gross so i stopped. looks like i'm winning my battle with alcoholism boys. i haven't been drunk in a month and have only drank one beer 4 out of the last 30 days

>> No.12345865

last few months been drinkin every day, last couple weekends been grad weekend though, blackout vomit drunk with friends that are graduating
makes it easier to stay sober during the week stomachwise
the daily drink buzz is the slow death

>> No.12345903

turns out we're not drinking at all tonight but are just going to get stoned as fuck
goddamnit i was looking forward to drinking man

>> No.12345914

pour up 1 min to the Big Satdy Chug

>> No.12346098

best recycle my man

>> No.12346112

christ no wonder why you drown yourself with alcohol you pathetic fuck

>> No.12346262

>not drinking a colt 45

not gonna make it.

>> No.12346267

Drink beer, I've never been hungover with beer and I usually drink 2 40oz of high gravity (8.1%) in about 2 hours, beer is like 80% water so.

Dehydration is what gets you hungover.

>> No.12346454

3 pints of what?

>> No.12346459
File: 261 KB, 1746x1310, 60290812_346144336259181_6192789880972509184_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made homemade pizza for the second time
what do you guys think?
Not the best presentation imo.

>> No.12346526

damn fellas i need some brewskis
Id eat it, all of it

>> No.12346545

Sweet as!
Sounds dumb but I get self conscious about what my food looks like after I cook it.
It tastes bloody amazing so I know it's worth it, even if it looks bad.

>> No.12346565

Im 19 and in the same boat as the other guy, it just makes life feel okay

>> No.12346621

idk what the fuk that is but as long as you don't call it a pizza you free to do as you pleas

>> No.12346645

One on the right is for my Vegan brother.
But mine on the left, is deff a pizza.

>> No.12346685
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I'm getting BLACKed

>> No.12346780
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>tfw work nights
>Have horrible sleeping disorder where I can only sleep for like 2 hours before waking up and be unable to sleep again
>Get home at 6am
>Go to 7-11 and get a six pack of PBR and Fanta
>Explain that "it's my night" while the cashier stares at me
>Finish the 6 pack
>Drink about half a liter of vodka with the fanta
>Pass out at like 1pm to wake up hungover as fuck at 9pm to go to work

>> No.12346798

You drink “steel reserve” in your glass and your glass says hill farmstead? What’s that supposed to be? Some kind of sick joke?

Genny cream ale is far superior

>> No.12346802

Trying to quit. I get like waves of dread/anxiety. Is this normal?

>> No.12346819


>> No.12346845

something about pouring steel reserve, or any forty into a glass just doesn't seem right. you have unnerved me. but i just snuck a little half pint of vodka earlier today. bottom shelf, i'm an alcohol, but have been clean (for the most part) since my last episode. just doing some 420blazeit now.. at 4am. can't get back to sleep