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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12344764 No.12344764 [Reply] [Original]

There really isn't a reason to keep eating meat.

>> No.12344771

but that bacon looks delicious

>> No.12344774

Whats it like having to shit 6 times a day

>> No.12344778
File: 34 KB, 463x463, 59484392_463x463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking pigs are cute

>> No.12344779

good meat:

bad meat

>> No.12344785

I enjoy killing animals and there's no reason to let the meat go to waste.

>> No.12344793

fuck off achmed

>> No.12344809

>all societies that have ever existed within history and throughout prehistory, in all parts of the world, had some form of meat as part of their diet
>there really isn't a reason to keep eating it

>> No.12344813

Fuck off Facebook user

>> No.12344932
File: 83 KB, 590x433, 32b82a_6283119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pork and bacon as a whole is fucking overrated as shit, I bought some bone in porkchops and they tasted like nothing and I fell asleep afterwards

>> No.12344958

Redditors like you should stay in reddit.

>> No.12344967
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that's not a reason

>> No.12344971

I think there's a valid moral argument against animal slaughter for meat. But from a practical angle it's not necessarily possible for every person on the planet to be able to maintain their health on a diet without meat. Vegetable material isn't really well suited for human digestion.
If we had cow stomachs it'd be different. You don't really digest cellulose at all. Definitely not through enzyme digestion and at best only the tiniest bit of it might get freed up as a consequence of bacteria in your intestines eventually chipping away at it if you don't shit it out first. Its main health benefit is that most people in developed nations today are overweight, and "food" that isn't really digested helps them feel like they're eating without taking in extra calories.
You can kind of force some artificial sources of complete protein into existence like they do with that soy protein isolate shit, but in terms of what's naturally available from vegetables it really isn't something normal or practical for human beings to subsist on exclusively.

>> No.12345030

Fuck off peta shill

>> No.12345055

No real reason to stop either.

>> No.12345058

i like the taste of murder.

>> No.12345062

it taste good lol

>> No.12345071
File: 1.20 MB, 2288x1712, ham.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meat provides loads of protein and all the nutrients the animal needed to survive
>starch provides energy
What is even the point of vegetables?

>> No.12345103

There is. Real bacon tastes way better than fake bacon.

>> No.12345109

Vitamins, fiber, micronutrients

>> No.12345115

it tastes good

>> No.12345125

vitamins are high clearance and disappear within the first couple of minutes of harvesting.

>> No.12345157

>your face when you're a carnist
Seek help carnists, before it's too late. That is your future image otherwise, lol!

>> No.12345159

i want to torture that pig

>> No.12345165

I don't need one, I do what I want.

>> No.12345172

>actually living to old age
Not too bad

>> No.12345184

I like it. That's sufficient for me. If you disagree I've got a hot cooking fork you can fuck yourself with.

>> No.12345246

Your body needs meat to be healthy

>> No.12346293

No, but I'm going to anyway.

>> No.12347248

"I enjoy it" is a reason, autism-chan.

>> No.12347277

every vegan/meat industry thread hits the bump limit

why is /ck/ so easy to troll

>> No.12347431


We're part of the post-industrial generation so unsure of our own identities that we can only confirm it via the products we purchase and consume, i.e. meat, alcohol etc.

>> No.12347470

as the best being there is animals exist for our sake. they are ours to use to sustain ourselves with and use in service of the good.

>> No.12347509

Hes 45

>> No.12347519

If it weren't for the meat industry billions of animals would cease to exist. Isn't the gift of life still better than no life at all?

>> No.12347646


No not at all, what a retarded thing to say

>> No.12347660

i like meat. the animals can get murdered for all i care

>> No.12347755
File: 67 KB, 1280x961, image0-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no reason to do anything at all, might as well genocide every human being so more animals can propagate and have the ability to thrive and kill each other.

I actually respect vegan arguments and I have quite a lot of compassion for animals, but the vegan mentality fundamentally stems from the idea that animals are on the same level, or a higher level than humans. Killing an animal cannot possibly be considered the same as killing a human in any stretch of the imagination. They're not innocent either, a wild boar would have no problem eating a human.

>> No.12347791
File: 105 KB, 560x451, futurehamsandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Lil' Porker, a future ham sandwich/rack of ribs/boston butt. before he goes to bed he wants your assurance that you will enjoy and appreciate him when you consume his flesh.

>> No.12347796

all societies that have ever existed within history and throughout prehistory, in all parts of the world, had some form of rape homicide as part of their lifestyle
>there really isn't a reason to keep doing it

>> No.12347799

>But from a practical angle it's not necessarily possible for every person on the planet to be able to maintain their health on a diet without meat.
An interesting point, and the argument behind that is?

>utterly meaningless and baseless conjecture

>> No.12347833

He'll make a good sausage.

>> No.12347837

What about baby foreskin rabbi ?

>> No.12347862

>vegan mentality fundamentally stems from the idea that animals are on the same level
Nope. That's what the carnist believes since they act on crocodile impulses hardwired into the human brain to fulfill a raging, uncontrollable bloodlust for meat. They see themselves on equal footing with predatory reptiles. Vegans oth, seek to rise above those base animal instincts, taking the first step towards a new and enlightened human who has transcended animalistic, destructive predatory instincts.

>> No.12347866

One word: Bacon

>> No.12347892

Humans are still predators since we're omnivores.
The fuck do vegans think we have canines and forward facing eyes for?

>> No.12347900

Vegans should be raped and murdered, and their hides made into premium leather goods.

>> No.12347902
File: 30 KB, 400x321, CA54B0C5-9AC4-4B6D-B55B-3388D0A96C72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh canines
How much of an unread retard do you have to be to make this argument?

>> No.12347905

You cant even get your dick up unless your bull walks in, fatty. You’re not raping anything

>> No.12347940


What makes you think you can transcend your animal instincts? You're not enlightened, you're just the same as everyone else. The more "transcendent" you think yourself to be, the more psychopathic you actually become.

>> No.12348101

Look fatty, I don't expect someone with blood dripping from their gore slaked mouth to understand how humans can rise above lower instincts to reach higher levels.

>> No.12348384

I'm better at life than you

>> No.12348388


those are for defense

>> No.12348455

I'd fucking kill a man for some pork shoulder right now. I can't think of a single other cut of meat that compares. Sleep tight, Porker.

>> No.12348456


>> No.12348529
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Pork is tasty

>> No.12348537
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>> No.12348546

>t.never had a bratwurst or a pork steak sandwich

go back to durkadurkastan sand monkey

>> No.12348551

Who gives a shit, people eat what they want to eat.

>> No.12348555

I'm from a farming family and I won't eat anything that isn't from my or a nearby farm. Industrialised farming is absolutely filthy, the animals live in appalling conditions where they never see the sun and are fed hormone feed and antibiotic laden food just to keep them alive and producing.

>> No.12348564

I like to kill animals whether or not I eat them. Your point?

>> No.12350255

I literally CANNOT taste porkchops at all

>> No.12350272

I went vegetarian for a few years and ended up not feeling great after a while. Strong cravings for iron and it was hard to concentrate. I only eat meat about once a week now, more than that and I get sick of it. But I'll still switch to lab-grown meat when it's available, as long as it's nutritionally the same, because an alternative without killing would be better.

>> No.12350634

This but bacon is good if made right

>> No.12350881

Sure there is. Pigs are a destructive invasive species and deserve to be culled. The meat is just putting it to good use.

>> No.12350922

That pig would eat you if it could.

>> No.12350941

Settle down Mohammed

>> No.12350966

And some of them can.
Let a pig go feral so you're fighting with Boer. Go ahead, see how happy and peaceful a Boer can be. Give it a hug. The little one there next to momma!

>> No.12351202

>if made right
Anything is good if made right, you stupid asshole.

>> No.12352034

>implying chimps dont eat meat



>> No.12352036

Yes, good goy, keep eating the flesh of suffering animals.

>> No.12352113

It tastes good

>> No.12352119

There really isn’t a reason for you to post.

>> No.12352124

>There really isn't a reason to keep eating meat.
unless its smoked and slathered in bbq sauce

>> No.12352153

>his argument is proven wrong
>"M-Muh joos!!!"
absolutely special-ed tier

>> No.12352161

>implying vegans don't unanimously vote for leftists who are just as arrogant and obnoxious as they are
nice try

>> No.12352242
File: 23 KB, 510x412, 1558204680202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's really no reason to keep laws that give animals rights
they live literally to be our food and entertainment, and have no potential to use their lives for anything more than that

>> No.12352257

Except it's a gorilla in the pic you absolute mong.

>> No.12352262


>> No.12352305

>Its main health benefit is that most people in developed nations today are overweight, and "food" that isn't really digested helps them feel like they're eating without taking in extra calories.
You can kind of force some artificial sources of complete protein into existence like they do with that soy protein isolate shit, but in terms of what's naturally available from vegetables it really isn't something normal or practical for human beings to subsist on exclusively.

Holy shit why is /ck/ so fucking stupid. Go kill yourself if you believe this bullshit.

>> No.12352310

I hate this board. Holy fuck.

>> No.12352331


>> No.12352334

yes there is

>> No.12352419
File: 1.21 MB, 1300x1800, Are Vegans Healthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just watch as vegan's cognitive dissonance intersects with biological reality. This is free entertainment.


>> No.12352449

>dont shatter my delusion
How does it feel being an admitted psychopath?

>> No.12353688

Pork is a fairly neutral protein and you have to season it well, similar to chicken.

>> No.12353707

It's called a meat. Pork is a meat.

>> No.12355534

Yes there is.
Because I want to.

>> No.12355541

>Doesn't eat gammon.

>> No.12355546

Except I like the taste and texture of meat. That's kind of a good reason.

>> No.12357087

I'm glad your chemically castrated kind will not inherit the earth, you silly eunuch vegan.