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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.79 MB, 1500x1016, Lets-Eat-Outdoors001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12344313 No.12344313 [Reply] [Original]

Classic 50's American Dishes Thread

>> No.12344314

>dairy foods
>eating outside

>> No.12344315

buckling up for a good thread

>> No.12344318

Cool. I'm on board.

>> No.12344321

was it autism?

>> No.12344326

Holy shit imagine if America was never subverted by poilitical, chemical and media facilities. The absolute potential.

>> No.12344328
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>> No.12344334
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>> No.12344339
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what the fuck were they thinking?

>> No.12344340

wtf they didn't even remove the black bits at the end of the bananas

>> No.12344344
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>> No.12344348

That looks based, I'm thinking of unironically making it.

>> No.12344349
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what was with the 50's obsession with jello?

>> No.12344353

how come there's only one good jello mold pic in this thread?

>> No.12344356
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>> No.12344358

that's good tho. post the weird ones.

>> No.12344365

it was a fad.

>> No.12344368
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Take me back please boys

>> No.12344370
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>> No.12344371
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im the only one posting i can only do so much

>> No.12344374

So is 50's cooking total dogshit because it was primarily the woman's job to cook meals for the family?

>> No.12344378
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step aside kids

>> No.12344387
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>> No.12344402
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i kinda like the idea of this one

>> No.12344445

The 50's was post war and cheap synthetics and cheap meats and stomach-filling foods were the norm. Product placement was rampant and anything that they could throw to the wall and have stick was the goal. Thus the obsession with jello and mayo and smeat and all the rest of the garbage they tried to pass off as edible.

>> No.12344654
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>> No.12344680

An eternal classic

>> No.12345389

You had two things going on with gelatin, first was an obsession with the idea that with a food consisting mostly of water and gelatin that you could shove anything in there and it would make it healthy, a majority of weight watchers recipes at the time were gelatin-based. The other thing was that gelatin allowed you to flex on your neighbors, bringing a gelatin salad, aspic, or dessert as tall as your picture to a dinner party was a statement that you had a fridge with a tall enough compartment to let it set.

>> No.12345459

Heart disease? no thanks.

>> No.12345469

Yee and all this shit was just the left overs from the food industry created for world war 2 and the whole idea was to convince people that cooking anything else other than this garbage was really difficult and took a long time and they did it because ultra processed ready to eat full meals weren't around yet but they still had to sell there garbage as whole meals

>> No.12346131

you post this but you just know that if this exact dish was on a giant square white plate at a michelin starred restaurant there'd be a line of yuppies out the door willing to pay $60 for it

>> No.12346172

fuck me

>> No.12346284
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I thought there was also the mentality that you could mimic old french aspics and such with it, despite the food not having existed in forever.

Not sure what long John soda is but, probably those float looking things near the seltzer water.
>Vagabond Shortcake
That's a strawberry shortcake overthere and looks awesome.
>Garden-Fresh Pickles
Looks like they've got two different kinds of pickles, cool.
>Spamaroni Pi-
Spam terrifies me, but it's probably that noodle, potato salad, with meat bits in the middle. Perfectly fine.
>Cheese Dip
>Cheese Beanies
Don't know, not worst thing ever.
>Hot dogs

This one doesn't look smack a woman too bad.

>> No.12346800
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>> No.12346993
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>> No.12347001
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>food must be in jiggly jello
Still better then the HFCS garbage of today though

>> No.12347015

>It’s like there’s a party in my mouth and everyone is throwing up

>> No.12347029

>That looks based, I'm thinking of unironically making it.
I also was intrigued at the citrus one, since fresh grapefruit prevents setting of jello. I think I have never seen anned sections other then mandarin oranges. I wonder if the little cups count.

>> No.12347041

>what was with the 50's obsession with jello?
Potlucks, bridge game parties, and other get togethers were pretty popular, considering all the stay at home mommies who didn't work and planned ahead for all kinds of things, from dinnertime to outfits complete with gloves and hat and getting your hair set in the salon once a week.

>> No.12347152
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>> No.12347378

gelatin was expensive and hard to make. but they invented a new process that made it cheap and easy. it was part of the "modernization" thing along with processed and frozen foods. So people started using it for almost anything simply because it was novel. obviously gelatin dishes existed way before that but they were prohibitively expensive or hard to do for the home kitchen.

>> No.12347384

That's not a totally crazy idea actually. Depending on what you stuffed it with. Tomatoes, peppers, cumin, chili p, some chipolte mixed in cream cheese. Maybe throw some chorizo in it. then stuff the center of a head of lettuce with it. Cut slices for a quick snack.

>> No.12347480
File: 306 KB, 1400x1056, kipmenu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

id rather eat out thanks

>> No.12347485

inflation is scary

>> No.12347490
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yeah me too

>> No.12347491

what was the jello flavored like for recipes like this? was it just passively flavored by whatever you put into it? that doesnt sound pleasant

>> No.12347505
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Remember when white men could go out to eat and not be bothered by minorities?
Me niether .

>> No.12347536
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>> No.12347542

I wonder what he's looking at? You know theres no television up there.

>> No.12347545

This image twinges something deep and sentimental in me. Just knowing all these old crackers are dead by now.

>> No.12347562

to be desu, nowday's dishes that you muriccans usually post, look and seem to be way better than these all 50's stuff


>> No.12347568


>> No.12347716

Orange-ade still reminds me of soccer practice

>> No.12347725

People used to look at radios

>> No.12347752

>...the soup loaf I think
>No, sir, I'm afraid you misheard me

>> No.12347753

I feel like there should be a way to fuse this with the popularity of the Wedge Salad

>> No.12347754

The Jell-O company had a marketing campaign when they just opened which was just a book of recipes, since nobody knew what the fuck to do with it (it's not exactly like aspic and doesn't behave in the same way). Ever since, they continued to publish recipes, and they got more and more batty as time went on because there's no limit to the formula "stick some shit inside Jell-O". It's also the reason there are so many extant recipes; the booklets were a huge success.

>> No.12347757
File: 128 KB, 600x291, Bet-you-cant-eat-three-600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May actually beat out Kellogg's Shredded Wheats for worst slogan

>> No.12347831

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.12347857


No. Americans aren't white anymore so its hard for them to do that.

>> No.12347869

>Tuna Noodle Casserole
>Pineapple Upsidedown Cake
>Salmon Mousse
>Crown Roast
>Swedish Meatballs
>Deviled Eggs
>Potato Candy
>Glazed Ham
>Spumoni Icecream
>Baked Alaska
>Chicken A La King
>Moscow Mule (cocktail)
>Clams Casino

>> No.12347923

Looks like a gay bar.

>> No.12347955
File: 113 KB, 600x453, 1556563287660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Tuna Noodle Casserole
My dad always called it Tunc. Shit was pretty dank if you drenched it in enough Parmesan cheese and used actual albacore tuna.
>>Pineapple Upsidedown Cake
a shit cake desu
>>Salmon Mousse
a terrible way to use canned salmon
>>Crown Roast
never had it but it looks ok
>>Swedish Meatballs
good if done right.
>>Deviled Eggs
the realm of every shitty easter brunch
>>Potato Candy
never heard of it. this shit must be from minnesota or something
>>Glazed Ham
still good
>>Spumoni Icecream
good shit gelato is dank
>>Baked Alaska
ruined by a dickhead political operative
>>Chicken A La King
fucking great
>>Moscow Mule (cocktail)
dark n stormy is the same thing but better
>>Clams Casino
good shit

You missed salisbury steak, which is also really good if done right.

>> No.12347969

>You missed salisbury steak, which is also really good if done right.
It belongs to the Japanese now

>> No.12348022

Why are Europeans so angry all the time?

>> No.12348071

>never heard of it. this shit must be from minnesota or something
Maine actually

>> No.12348085
File: 156 KB, 600x577, 1558031411948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine your country is forcefully turned communist. Imagine your politicians bussing in massive amounts of third world refugees despite the fact the people don't want them there. Imagine the government telling the women of your country that they should be breeding with these third world subhumans. Imagine 2/3rds of your paychecks being taken in taxes to support NEETs and 3rd world subhumans. Imagine all the men in your country are to cowardly to do anything about it except seethe on a South African beat box collaboration board. Them you know why yuropoors are constantly uppity. It's funny.

>> No.12348108

Based food historian

>> No.12348135

reminder that most people back then did not eat this shit. don't fall for the eurangutan agitation

>> No.12348142

This isn't real. It doesn't make sense.

>> No.12348148

I hate jello.

>> No.12348205

I'll have things that never happen except in the fantasy world of breitbart and F(au)x News for $1200, Alex.

>> No.12348293

the bananas are cooked

>> No.12349794
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holy fuck it's the proto-hurgin

>> No.12349801
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That's about 6 pancakes and 3 slices of bacon short of an actual breakfast, but okay

>> No.12349948

Hey, three for free!

>> No.12350289

Honestly how the fuck did baby boomers survive on this shit, seems like cooking knowledge literally died from 1946 to sometime around the early/late 70's.

>> No.12350316

What a great restaurant.

>> No.12350329

most of the non-jello sponsored recipes recommended aspic. Aspic's basicly normal jell-o before they add colours and tastes. Its basicly pure gelatin.

>> No.12350366

No because canned food companies had to find a way to keep selling thier product after the war ended.

>> No.12350415

Aunt jemima was based. I’d save that woman’s life anytime

>> No.12350645

anti segregation subliminal messaging

>> No.12350659
File: 64 KB, 534x550, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is russian propaganda

Fuck you Ivan!

>> No.12350675

digestability aside that's a dank ass cake. the best baked goods are made with crisco

>> No.12350756

I can't tell anymore is people like you are real or just trying to sound as dumb as possible to get a rise out of people.

>> No.12350828

what the problem is?
oh, you're one of those peanut allergy guys?
carry a bottle of sanitizer?
that's real america, a little bit of the runs in the afternoon gets the blood flowing.
America and minor food poisoning, A down home tradition!!

No, but really, moms always kept that shit in the cooler until the last minute.

>> No.12350836

How do we create dishes that will outlast the upcoming nuclear holocaust between us and the USSR.
Mostly. That and,
Holy Shit, this IceBox doesn't require Ice!

>> No.12350887
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>> No.12351059

#7 how to pour glass of cold milk lol

>> No.12352007
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Sure is.

>> No.12352017

It's actually true, before television. Today people leave televisions on 24/7 and only occasionally glance at them. People are weird.

>> No.12352024

They had TVs in bars since the 40s.

>> No.12352872
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>50's american fetishization

>> No.12354170
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>>12344358 #
>>12344356 #
>>12344339 #
>>12344344 #
>>12344370 #
>>12344378 #
>>12344387 #
>>12344402 #
>>12346284 #

You now know that Soylent was not even close to an original idea
>originally came in a powder form made of skim milk, soybean flour, corn oil and vitamins and minerals

>> No.12354181

night night, Ronnie

>> No.12354214

take your meds

>> No.12354241

>Implying the corporate overlords that pushed jello into the inbredicans were not the ones pushing the HFCS as well
are americans even capable of independent tought?

>> No.12354260

they are the same people that push avocados and quinoa. They find a cheap food and market it.

>> No.12354759

this ad is autism, did they need to explain the joke, holy shit

>> No.12354848

most ads of that time had a short flavor text explaining the whole ad because people back then was dumb as hell and couldn't get the message otherwise

>> No.12354860

It's just a funny behind the scenes story to show the warmth and humanity of the people responsible for the ad.

>> No.12354876

Probably because people weren't used to complex themes to convey advertising, since the advertising industry wasn't very advanced so only a few companies had campaigns that were above simply "hey, you, buy X."

>> No.12354877


>> No.12354889

well, yeah, the masses usually have troubles with new forms of media
the mass hysteria caused by the broadcast of war of the worlds comes to mind

>> No.12355005

Fuck off crapskin

>> No.12355177

Unrelated but is there any combination worse than salad and hot dogs? Fuck that noise

>> No.12355239

Nothing really happened when war of the worlds was broadcast. The masses believe anything they are told by the media

>> No.12355300
File: 76 KB, 223x237, gee-bill-two-wieners-two-wieners-two-owo-21042286~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw dabbing on your neighbors with your jello mountain.