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12342167 No.12342167 [Reply] [Original]

>on my 7th red bull today and it's not even noon

>> No.12342173

Have you attained flight?

>> No.12342211

Enjoy your heart attach

>> No.12342216

to what

>> No.12342273

To a woman who will never love you back.

>> No.12342280

Enjoy arythmia

>> No.12342297

I really really like women

>> No.12342336

Y’all know he’s a legit homosexual, right? It’s why he has such a big problem with his parents.

>> No.12342471
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No :(

>> No.12342644

I'm on my 3rd coffee and it's 11:10 am. is Coffee worse or better than Red Bull?

>> No.12342658
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For me it's barq.

>> No.12342662

A. Rod runs into A. Barr

>> No.12342680

Who is this completley heterosexual male who really likes girls?

>> No.12344494

recommended max intake of caffeine is 400mg

>> No.12344504

That's what they tell you to stop you from becoming more powerful.

>> No.12344665

RIP in peace teeth

>> No.12345932

Yes, and he's never going to win Super Bowl.

>> No.12345949

8oz Red Bull has 73mg of caffeine
7 of those is 513mg
That's just one Bang (300) and a Rockstar Punched / Hardcore Apple / Zero (240mg)
Depending on what time you woke up and your caffeine tolerance, it's really not that much. I'm more concerned about the price of 7 Red Bulls versus the price of two Bang/Rockstars.

>> No.12346171

Whatever you do don't smoke weed now.

>> No.12346248
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>the price
I used to drink rockstars all the time, like 1 or 2 a work shift. Then I did the math on how much that was over a year, even at good prices they were $1.40 each for the 16floz with 160 mg of caffeine. Now I just use caffeine pills, it's $3.50 for 80 pills which have 200mg caffeine each. That makes the pills about 4 cents each. So the pills are about 32 times cheaper and have slightly more caffeine. Additionally, the pill can be just downed with a sip of water and you get a full 200mg, whereas for the same quickness of caffeine intake, you'd need to chug the whole rockstar which can be annoying and can end up making you piss like crazy.

Take the literal caffeine pill, bros. Far cheaper than any other option and far more convenient.

>> No.12346256
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>on my 7th red bull today and it's not even midnight

>> No.12346281

caffeine isn't something to fuck around with. all it takes is a stressful day and lack of sleep mixed with 10+ cups of coffee (or equivalent caffine intake) and you're putting your life at risk even with a young healthy heart. Don't be stupid about it.

>> No.12346286

Or maybe you could stop being a bitch and take it like a man.

>> No.12346288
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>> No.12346292

>10+ cups of coffee
Bro, that's like 950+mg of caffeine.

>> No.12346609

>it's really not that much.
That is a shitload of caffeine dude. 50mg~ is enough to get noticeable effects for 4-6 hours if you have it on an empty stomach and don't have a fucked up tolerance due to constantly taking way more than you need.

Energy drinks just have way too much caffeine, which might be okay once in a while, but definitely not for regular intake.

>> No.12346629

>caffeine on an empty stomach
That's how you get the shakes, anon.

>> No.12346637

>That's how you get the shakes, anon.
That's why I said about 50mg, it's not enough for that to happen but you still get the pleasant effects. It's only an issue on an empty stomach if the dose is too high and needs to be slowed down, which could be useful in some instances like a long work shift, but if you just want to enjoy some caffeine then 50mg on an empty stomach is fine.

>> No.12346671
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I'm gonna be the preachy faggot here but please stop.
You've obviously built up a tolerance to caffeine, but I wouldn't be surprised if you sleep really fucking badly and this is the reason why you're drinking so much of this crap in the morning.
Reduce your consumption, either cold turkey or slowly, whatever works better for you. You'll sleep better, and when you ever need some caffeine to get through a rough day, it'll kick you way harder because you're no longer so used to it.

If you keep this up you'll be struggling with diabetes and tooth problems, and your Vitamin B12 intake that's several magnitudes above the maximum recommended daily intake could fuck you up in not yet fully known ways.

>> No.12346674

I'm pretty sure you're just a pussy about stimulants. A 16 fl oz Coke has 69mg of caffeine.

>> No.12346676


>> No.12346696

Maybe. I'm a ginger and I think we're supposed to feel the effects of things like that more strongly, but with a shorter duration. But I also try to keep my tolerance down so low doses can still have a pleasant effect which avoids downsides like caffeine crashes and headaches that a lot of people complain about. It doesn't make you tough to take too much of something and build up a tolerance/addiction, it just gives you more negative side effects.

>A 16 fl oz Coke has 69mg of caffeine.
A cup of black tea is supposed to have around 50mg and I can definitely feel it sometimes.

>> No.12347859

wagey in the cagey

>> No.12348266

I think that says bang on the drink. The thing I did to your mom last night btw.

>> No.12348747
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fuck you, bitch.
i used to smoke meth, drink redbull, and stay up for weeks at a time in college. now i'm a successful cpa at one of the big 4 firms.

>> No.12349872

kys liberal faggot

>> No.12351181

>can drink 4 red bulls at nightand still fall asleep
Fucking sucks, constantly tired

>> No.12351189

>drinking liquid bubble gum
>thinking that's manly
You failed at life.

>> No.12351192

Sure, anon. Sure. Whatever you say.

>> No.12351198

Oh WOW an accountant!

How cool and successful you must be to take pride and brag about it.

>> No.12351199

>being alcoholic
>thinking THAT'S manly

please end yourself

>> No.12351206

>drink a little expresso
>have heart trouble all day

>> No.12351418

>making shit up to use as an argument

>> No.12351441
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>rarely consume caffeine
>wake up almost dead tired due to poor sleep
>drink a large container of coffee (maybe like 4 cups)
>feel fine for about an hour until now
>unable to focus on anything
>feel like I'm about to jump out of my body
>heart is racing
>everything sounds louder
>head is hurting
>oh god I can't focus
>why is it so bright?


>> No.12351447

I like drinking cold water after I down coffee, followed by a cat nap/ coma

>> No.12351448

I can't do that I have work to do.

>> No.12351487
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>tfw pounded 2 cans of nos and about to go to sleep

>> No.12351489

It says banq

>> No.12351492
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>> No.12351500

It is pracrically impossible to OD on coffee

>> No.12352821

I like to drink some ice cold water after my coffee, then a three hour nap followed by a 15 minute run and a hot meal and another 15 minute run and maybe a sauna and massage. Then, 2 slices of lemon and I'm good to go.

>> No.12353155

I banq'd your mom then