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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 63 KB, 749x494, Impossible-Foods-Our-goal-is-to-produce-a-full-range-of-meats-and-dairy-products-for-every-cultural-region-in-the-world_wrbm_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12340633 No.12340633 [Reply] [Original]

>tastes delicious

>> No.12341298


>> No.12341303

Yes it do, old chum

>> No.12341343

What do?

>> No.12341347

They don't think Impossible be like it is, but it delicious.

>> No.12341351
File: 258 KB, 1482x2048, 1556311517330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that meat is always

>> No.12341353

I'm going to eat a Dave's double from Wendy's any time I get a hankering for a burg until Impossible comes to BK where I live. Then I'm switching forever and never looking back.

>> No.12341354

Lamb is the best meat for the environment though.

>> No.12341356

For me it's the cruelty that gets me. I have a hard time killing a mouse. Then I watch those horrific YouTube videos about conditions in factory farms and try to imagine being there and witnessing it all first hand. It's stomach churning.

>> No.12341357

Stomach turning I mean. It's late here...

>> No.12341362

[citation needed]

>> No.12341365

Churning and turning both work

>> No.12341371


>> No.12341373

>responds in shekels

>> No.12341376

If meat was unsustainable all carnivores would go extinct

>> No.12341379

The way it's produced today is unsustainable, obviously. If the whole world ate the way Americans eat there would be an environmental catastrophe instantly.

>> No.12341380

>t. Grandpa AntiEnvironment
The Racist of Yesteryear™

>> No.12341381


>> No.12341382

I find your mind lovely btw. If only you were a woman hnnnnng

>> No.12341388

silly infp's

>> No.12341392

I think it is impossible that someone who would eat this burger to ever be straight. just my opinion, no offense to the shills

>> No.12341401

Why would someone eat a burger to be straight. That sentence doesn't make sense unless a gun is pointed at you and you have to withhold your dick sucking powers.
If anything you've proved all non-impossible burgers are gay.

>> No.12341403
File: 10 KB, 254x300, peter singer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes fun of those who care about animal welfare
>believes in jungian horseshit

>> No.12341406

what a miserable little cope. take your faggot burger and hit the bricks

>> No.12341407

The world will march forward and leave you behind. Suit yourself.

>> No.12341411

At least try a gyro burger. Its a good meat anon.

>> No.12341416

>t. gayboi

>> No.12341419

>two things that have nothing to do with each other
>only one of those things is true and it's the one founded in psychological research

>> No.12341422

they will

>> No.12341430


>> No.12341437

They're going extinct right now. We're entering the sixth mass extinction.

>> No.12341440

Dumbies, i for one will not be going extinct as long as i eat the vegans.

>> No.12341446

Show me a convincing fake ribeye. Pro tip: you can't. Of course you can replicate ground meat. Now, try to make actual meat.

>> No.12341455
File: 154 KB, 640x677, 56000d139dd7cc24008bbbc7-640-677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>news article which quotes sheep breeders as a source to suggest you should eat lamb
Lamb has a very high carbon footprint, is not sustainable, and is not ethical.
Based retard poster
>you're gay if you don't want heart disease and atherosclerosis

>> No.12341459

remember not to breed the economic migrants will surely solve our overpopulation crisis

>> No.12341460

Honestly, I've had so many ribeyes of all different kinds, lean ones fatty ones, cheap ones, expensive ones, that I am finally tired of them all. I could go on just fine if I never ate another ribeye in my life. Anyway, expect all ribeyes to become exorbitantly expensive in the future, such that even the well off will only be able to eat them sporadically.

>> No.12341464

That image looks familiar.

>> No.12341468

You're like an alcoholic telling people they shouldn't enjoy a beer or glass of wine.

>> No.12341479

That might make sense if I was still addicted to beef like I used to be. I don't really eat beef anymore.

>> No.12341480
File: 278 KB, 500x481, we_have_this_thread_every_day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12341482

>anyone who disagrees with me is liberal

>> No.12341492

and that's a good thing

>> No.12341496 [DELETED] 

Anyway, you're right. To help the environment, just reducing meat consumption is enough. You don't have to be vegan or vegetarian. (It says so at the end of this article, for example: >>12341437)
And the same goes for improving your health. But to stop cruelty to animals you pretty much have to swear it off. No way around that.

>> No.12341497

>I'm clean now, I swear, I drank so much I don't want to drink anymore for the rest of my life

>> No.12341498
File: 116 KB, 500x569, 03284239084293084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12341504

Alcoholism is a physical dependence. You can't just "shake it off". This was actually a lot easier than I thought. The existence of Impossible burgers helps a lot. And I'll eat those maybe once or twice a month, if you must know.

>> No.12341506

Anyway, you're right. To help the environment, just reducing meat consumption is enough. You don't have to be vegan or vegetarian. (It says so at the end of this article, for example: >>12341437)
And the same goes for improving your health. But to stop cruelty to animals you pretty much have to swear it off. No way around that.

>> No.12341509


>> No.12341512

There’s too many fucking “gourmet” burger joints these days AAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.12342093

"Impossible" is not a burger joint but a type of burger. It is listed as Donald Trumps favorite burger.