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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12339987 No.12339987 [Reply] [Original]

>You cook every day don't you anon?

>> No.12339992

yes, i do have to eat you know.

>> No.12339995

usually at least once, on friday i order pizza though

>> No.12340005
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>Cheat days aren't ok, make your own pizza

>> No.12340041

Not even once. Also you're going to be really embarrassed when you have a heart attack or stroke all of a sudden one day and your family sees you have gay male model pics on your PC.

>> No.12340095
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>Not even once? I can't believe you just said that

>> No.12340111
File: 41 KB, 736x886, gigachad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those who eat healthy with stress-free lives don't get heart-attacks

>> No.12340159

Yep. Had waffles for dinner.

>> No.12340263

>those who eat healthy with stress-free lives don't get heart-attacks

>> No.12340265

jesus christ how many different gigachads are there

>> No.12340274

Literally died in a sauna while on vacation. Not sure how much more stress-free you can get than that. And at the ripe old age of 22.

>> No.12340278

>jesus christ how many different gigachads are there
The source material is some Russian male modeling business. Of course they're going to have a lot of different pictures, that's exactly what their line of work is.

>> No.12340281

I've been cooking every day for the past two months. Usually chuck-eye steaks or some variation of eggs or some kind of sausages. Had salisbury steak last night and cheeseburgers tonight.

>> No.12340344

>aziz shavershian
Nice try. His family had a history of heart problems and this guy did bodybuilding.

>> No.12340746

>abuses stimulants
yeah man zyzz was sure healthy
didn't know he had his own wiki page though lmao

>> No.12340756

No but I live with someone who does so close enough.

>> No.12340816
File: 657 KB, 604x1004, [HorribleSubs] Houseki no Kuni - 10 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_02.35_[2018.06.16_22.21.27].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So sometimes my bf cooks for both of us. Also why are you so close Chad? Trying to make my bussy ovulate?

>> No.12341717

tits or gtfo slit

>> No.12341721

Pizza cant actually get kind of expensive

>> No.12341726


>> No.12342206

>freakish-looking model that had facial surgery and roided hard / didn't eat much at all for this physique is a role model on this website
No hope for zoomers

>> No.12342213

And roids.

>> No.12342220


>> No.12342235
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>Why yes, I eat steak for breakfast, how'd you know?

>> No.12343420

where did you find me this picture of me

>> No.12343528
File: 44 KB, 640x614, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>freakish-looking model that had facial surgery and roided hard / didn't eat much at all for this physique is a role model on this website
Yeah, the irony is they think Zyzz is a bad example because he did the same exact things their gay Russian model hero does.
Here's another one (two heart attacks before age 32):

>> No.12343592

Of course. If I didn't, this family would starve or eat garbage food.

>> No.12343626

Most days, yeah.

>> No.12344383
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Dan is the fucking man, you shut your fat ass mouth before I slap the permanent taste out of it.

>> No.12344415

99% of the time. Sometimes I'm out and about with work, so it's either a quick fast-food stop, or some meat, fruit and cheese for the hotel room.

Either way, I eat every day, and that's why I'll never have a BMI of 0, like this well-bearded freak.

>> No.12345394
File: 353 KB, 604x630, 1558230946168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when he asks you to his place to cook for you rather than treat you to a nice restaurant

>> No.12345412

Fuck off back to ponychan, avatarfag.

>> No.12345432

I smoke cocks. Is that considered cooking?

>> No.12345434

it's a vegan staple

>> No.12345444

This. Not every day since I make enough for leftovers and freeze some. The dude still fucking goes to get fast food wtf.

>> No.12345555

No I'm poor

>> No.12345564
File: 176 KB, 500x534, 1512575125361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gobbling up meat

>> No.12345588

>Dan is the fucking manlet

Douchebag stoner college "entreprenuer" detected.

>> No.12346773

Every evening

>> No.12346777

Pretty sure Zyzz was doing ketamine and other stuff too.

>> No.12347002

of course. i also lift every other daY chad. i do it for mE wife. i do it fOR HER

>> No.12347005

Go shoot up and have another heart attack, Dan. Maybe third one's the charm.

>> No.12347017

do thots actually think this

>> No.12347024

That the man is trying to take a shortcut to getting laid and will probably end up raping her if she goes and doesn't consent? Yes. Because it is true much too often. Sorry, but there are a lot of male fuckwits who have made it impossible for us to trust you.

>> No.12347026
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Shut the fuck up, vaginal Jew.

>> No.12347037
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I just want to cook a good homemade meal for a special girl.

>> No.12347040
File: 490 KB, 1702x403, typicalvaginalJew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that any girl is special

>> No.12347045 [DELETED] 

If a woman accepts an invitation to a single man's residence for a dinner date or drinks, she has given implied consent for sexual intercourse. That's settled law.

>> No.12347052

And yet the major conservative party is in power in the UK. The major conservative party is in power in USA. The major conservative party is in power in Australia. Despite over 50% of the human population being female. Incredible.

>> No.12347053

stopped reading right there

>> No.12347064
File: 265 KB, 1350x801, 1470673821691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More men vote on average than women, retard. And women overwhelmingly picked the cunt over Trump in 2015.

>> No.12347066

Voting is compulsory in Australia.

>> No.12347067
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I meant.

>> No.12347074

Australia's "conservative" party is more leftist than our democrats.

>> No.12347080

Australia's conservative party has captured and imprisoned refugees on a foreign island for six years even after after being cleared as legitimate refugees. Donald Trump happily used the words "you're worse than I am" when he was told about it.

>> No.12347082

>Voting is compulsory in Australia.
>$20 fine increased to $50 after first failure to vote
So does everyone just pay the fine? That's what I would do. $50 every 3 years i.e. $16 and change annually isn't much of a deterrent.

>> No.12347088

Why? You can just turn up and put the paper in the ballot box without filling it in. This is why you're poor. And yes, there are poor people who pay the fine and imagine they're protesting.

>> No.12347099

Nobody is poor because they have a once annual $16 expense. If that amount is a problem for you that means you already fucked up long before that point.
>You can just turn up and put the paper in the ballot box without filling it in.
That's better than actually voting I guess, but still would be a hassle to need to go somewhere to do that. Assuming you can just pay the fine online without needing to go anywhere I'd pay the fine.