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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 71 KB, 673x420, macaron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12339540 No.12339540 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actually prefer Velveeta ooze package style mac and cheese to the Kraft powder style?

>> No.12339689

Way better than kraft.

>> No.12340360

I do and everyone I know prefers it too. Who would want shitty powdered cheese?

>> No.12340382

It is better.

Though a next step up is just melting actual velveeta yourself.

>> No.12340483

lmao yall know velveeta isn't actual cheese tho right it's just a cheese substitute

>> No.12340494

lmao oh my garsh no one else knew that. What grade are you in?

>> No.12340503

I like Kraft better.
>Who would want shitty powdered cheese?
Do you dislike it specifically because it comes in a powder form? It's not like it's still a powder when you're eating it unless you got very confused during the preparation steps. Not that a powder consistency is even a bad thing for cheese in the first place. As far as I know most people are OK with parmesan cheese for example.

>> No.12340514

No shit, sherlock. But if you're fine with boxed stuff moving up a little is fine too.

>> No.12340518

Blurgh, meant to link >>12340483

>> No.12340529

Parmesan is a hard cheese that is sometimes grated

>> No.12340533

Not sure what your point is. I'm asking why powder consistency would be seen as a negative. Parmesan cheese in powder form doesn't seem to upset people.

>> No.12340537

It's okay, but honestly I'd rather go through the effort of making a real cheese sauce from scratch than pour that plastic "cheese" in my mouth

>> No.12340554

Fake powdered cheese is shit. Stop yourself from eating it.

>> No.12340571

Oh no, it's shelf stable, how horrible. You faggots are so ungrateful for modern amenities.

>> No.12340580


>> No.12341287

I don't have a preference insofar as the taste, but I find that it's easier to remove Kraft dinner cheese from the dishes than it is to remove velveta cheese

>> No.12341299

Fake cheese sauce unironically tastes better than any real cheese sauce.

>> No.12341316

I prefer neither. I'm a fucking adult. I know how to cook. When I want pasta alla Mornay, I make it myself. It's incredibly easy. Get a tablespoon each of butter and flour. Cook it. Add 3 cups of milk. Whisk until thickened. Season with salt, freshly-ground pepper, freshly-grated nutmeg, and a hint of Dijon mustard. Add a bunch of freshly-grated cheese. Cook 8 ounces of pasta and throw it in the sauce. Voila, pasta alla Mornay, or mackincheez if you're a little kid.

>> No.12341318
File: 19 KB, 293x212, kZAQ1qJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Way better than kraft.
Both are made by Kraft

>> No.12341326

If you make cheese sauce with roux, it's going to clump up and solidify when it cools. To reheat, just pour a splash of milk on top before microwaving. I've also added a splash of buttermilk before reheating. It was tangy and delicious.

>> No.12341363


I bet both of those Kraft mac n cheese would beat your nutmeg n cheese in a blind taste test.

>> No.12341385

Do you like pasta? Because, and I'm really sorry to break the news to you, it's actually just shitty powdered wheat. I'll take dehydrated cheese over "cheese" any day thanks.

>> No.12341441

all I've ever done is make pasta and then sprinkle cheese on top while it's still super hot. Fuck velveeta and Kraft

>> No.12341458


>> No.12341862

Of course, we're Americans and we can eat whatever we want to eat while you eurofags complain. One of the funny things is that your hoity-toit bullshit.
Do you eurofags really think that the United States of America gives a flying fuck about you?
Tell me when you've been able to do anything useful?

>> No.12341877

Different purposes, sometimes this velvetta packets go well with other pastas.
Some people are very hoity-toit and in the end given a good recipe and execution then none of these twats will know any better.
A lot of that is really funny.

Fuckin 3am in the morning, I dont't want to deal with it.

>> No.12341882

Beyond your euro crap bullshit then it doesn't matter anymore. You can be hypocrites all you want and blame the USA for all of your problems. Yet you're wrong blaming a nation much younger than your own. So you might to fuck the fuck off.
It might benefit you.

>> No.12341888

Prefer powdered. I grew up with it and personally find that Velveeta always tastes a little off.

>> No.12341897

>Do you eurofags really think that the United States of America gives a flying fuck about you?
You clearly do my obsessed friend.

>> No.12341917

The thing is that I'm an American and couldn't give two shits about what some eurofag thinks about me.
Bank that shit!

>> No.12341921

I know :-)

>> No.12341933
File: 36 KB, 216x271, Velveeta_Toppers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget your velveeta toppers.

>> No.12341973
File: 17 KB, 247x239, How Could You.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12342006

I hate to break it to your faggoty whiny ass but velveeta cheese is powdered too, they just pre-mix it for you with some other stuff to keep it hydrated and liquid. How's that for some gotcha logic? I can't wait to hear your rousing defense now. I bet you'l post a non sequitur and stamp your little baby feet for not realizing your mistake.

>> No.12342019
File: 1.18 MB, 360x270, 1424640344588.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an American and couldn't give two shits about what some eurofag thinks about me
And yet here you are posting to show how much you 'don't care' :)

>> No.12342026

no I remember helping my mom cook actual pasta, and wondering how all my friends were so obese and unhealthy.

>> No.12342293

That would make sense given that this is an American board or is that too much for a eurofag to understand?
Don't mix up responding to you eurofags with caring, you fags are straight into insoc now.

>> No.12342299

And now you're investing time into explaining how investing time into explaining that you don't care doesn't mean you do care.

>> No.12342309

Don't be an arrogant eurofag, I care about it from the American side. I couldn't give a shit about you eurofags who are too far gone to be worth helping anymore. Why did you fight world world wars when you have germans controlling your borders?

You tell me about your bullshit, and I stopped caring about it a long time ago.
Piss off!

>> No.12342313

Not much time. There are still some folk out there that don't want that merkel german controlled BS.

>> No.12342327

I prefer neither. On the rare instance that I find myself wanting some mac and cheese, I just go to the storeand buy elbow macaroni and a block of cheap cheddar cheese, which I combine with the milk, butter, flour, and mustard powder I already have to make mac and cheese that’s 10x better than packaged shit.

>> No.12342342

Make sure you do it with Colman's mustard powder or if not then S&B.
Either way do it as a slurry so it doesn't clump up.

>> No.12342346

>no I remember helping my mom cook actual pasta, and wondering how all my friends were so obese and unhealthy.

Pasta is pasta you retard, it doesn't matter if you home cook it or not. Macroni and cheese is always going to be carbs + fat and nothing else, which if you eat enough of it, will make you fat.

>> No.12342355

stop the presses

>> No.12342361

Yeah but nobody is eating that everyday for every meal. That's the problem with you presumptuous types, you presume and assume.
Being an uptight scum that thinks that you know everything about everything will only get you ulcers which will result in a long painful death.
Cheers faggot, I bet you like it up the bum and are into carbon credits.

>> No.12342419

"Halt the presses!" comes out better.
I'm not being weird, but I think that's the right way to put it. hahaha sue me on a Saturday morn.

>> No.12343593

>"Halt the presses!" comes out better.
>I'm not being weird, but I think that's the right way to put it.
You're wrong.

>> No.12343874

No one has ever said that

>> No.12343897

How do people even do that? I wonder if he had a dream he mistook as reality where he "learned" that "fact."

>> No.12344391

I prefer the Kraft but then I need to buy milk.

>> No.12344392

They are both chemical cancer pretending to be cheese. Reminder that if you eat this garbage instead of actual cheese, you are literally killing yourself.

>> No.12344461

Yeah, but that's true of a good portion of all US food style products. Witness the third roundup gmo trial resulting in a $2 billion judgement for the plaintiff after 2 other trials rewarded 9 digits
>b-but only 1500 more trials to go!
Bayer on suicide watch!

>> No.12344870

How many of those trials weren't in California?

>> No.12344957
File: 30 KB, 394x424, pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever is in the pantry works for me when I just want to mackie cheeze
sometimes I make Alton Brown's stove top mac 'n cheese
good too
Cracker Barrel makes good block cheese, but their macaroni and cheese isn't worth the extra coin
brb killing myself

>> No.12345054

bro you dont even have to add milk just mix in the powder real good and you got some grade A shit going on

>> No.12345167

Mix it in with what? Just the butter?

>> No.12345298

Try reading the court transcripts where through the divulging of internal documents, monsanto was caught lying about their research and they were fully aware of the fact it was carcinogenic.
>b-but only CA would find against that
Bayer on double guard suicide watch, executives involved in the monsanto purchase have already had their heads chopped off, lol.

>> No.12345299

I bet you take it up the ass dry

>> No.12345314

Congratulations, you know how to make real mac and cheese.

Learn from this poster.