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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12335970 No.12335970 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Adam Richman’s favorite sandwich?


-Crusty bread roll, hollowed
-Sriracha and mayo spread onto bottom bun
-Potato chips
-Sliced turkey
-Another drizzle of sriracha
-Pickle slices
-Fried egg
-Avocado spread on top bun

>> No.12335982
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>> No.12336001

yeah who doesn't like 15 good ingredients shoved into a bun. food is about BALANCE not unholy concoctions

>my favorite dessert is ice cream and candy and cookies and cake and brownies with sprinkles on top :)

>> No.12336005

Turkey is a sustenance meat and if some fag says its their favorite, they have no taste.

>> No.12336018

There is no way DUDE wasn't involved.

>> No.12336032

I mean, it sounds like a sandwich that a glutton would make. It probably tastes good.

>> No.12336056

>potato chips on bread
I don't care how popular it is, that's a shitty texture combination.

>> No.12336064

I agree.
I prefer adding nuts to sandwich for extra crunch and fat.

>> No.12336086

i actually loved that show.
i think he died of a hart attack

>> No.12336091
File: 261 KB, 1200x920, adam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dint my image post?

>> No.12336103

He’s not dead you ass

>> No.12336108

Good night sweet prince

RIP in peace

>> No.12336111
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>> No.12336116

Turkey actually ruins the whole sandwich, replace that with roast beef and it sounds pretty damn good.

>> No.12336125
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he was about to die

>> No.12336135

I mean there’s nothing discrete he’s pretty open about his Jewish background

>> No.12336141


>> No.12336147

He eats pork all of the time. He's a pretty piss poor Jew.

>> No.12336151

>being jewish means your practicing

>> No.12336154

>No cheese
what a fuckup, the rest seems solid

>> No.12336161

>I mean there’s nothing discrete he’s pretty open about his Jewish background
>eating bacon

So he's not just a jew, but a hypocritical pharisee jew, the worst type of all

>> No.12336167

sounds like you just hate joos

>> No.12336176

no, just hypocrites

>> No.12336179

I'd eat the hell out of that. Right up my alley.

>> No.12336181
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>> No.12336185

It's not that healthy to hate a majority of the human population

>> No.12336190

He’s obviously not religious

>> No.12336193

You are such a pathetic faggot.

>> No.12336213

It's good enough for God :)

>> No.12336224

God is holy, he got rid of the majority of the population as he saw fit, we as humans do not/should not have that power.

>> No.12336239

Good thing I'm not advocating wiping out the population, just advocating for calling hypocrisy what it is.

>> No.12336260

Sounds like you have dementia and/or can't read, more reason to renounce your ways and be an upstanding citizen

>> No.12336574


>> No.12336740

I fucking smug he is. I hope he gets MeToo’d

>> No.12336755


There's still no possible way to beat a ham & swiss. Put red onions on that bitch.

>> No.12336807


>> No.12338131

I loathe this lardass.

>> No.12338139
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Whatever happened to this madman? I mean he's held every job in the restaurant industry and I miss his insightful and erudite comments about food from his show.

He needs to come back.

>> No.12338144

Pretty much just a bunch of memes on a bun

>> No.12338147

What a disgusting, gluttonous fat kike.

>> No.12338154

>my favorite sandwich!
>I like sandwiches with pork and chicken more
OK so is this your favorite sammich or not you fuck

>> No.12338302
File: 12 KB, 350x324, Jack-Black-171558837630_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's held every job in the restaurant business

fucking attention whore
almost as needy as this fat fucktard
you can smell their desperation through the TV screen

>> No.12338317

>takes bread out
>no onions
>no cheese
>huge pool of mayo/siracha
>chips directly in the pool to get soggy
>fried egg
fucking disgusting

>> No.12339500

Yeah no thanks, I don't want soap on my sandwich.