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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12332413 No.12332413 [Reply] [Original]

Angry, murderous bandits break into your house, hold a rusty cheese grater to your neck, and force you to choose which one you will have to eat in order to keep them from grating you to death. Which one do you choose? Filipino Spaghetti, or Filipino Carbonara?

>> No.12332415

I'm gay btw not sure if it matters.

>> No.12332419
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>> No.12332421

Well, Filipino spaghetti has hotdogs in it, but their carbonara looks like thick jizz. Which are you more comfortable with?

>> No.12332429

Filipino and american ghetto cooking have a lot in common

>> No.12332442
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>> No.12332954

Filipino carbonara isn't even Filipino it's Korean and it comes from their instant noodle flavor which is hot trash.

>> No.12333087

hotdogs all day long. creamy carbonara is just gross.

>> No.12333122
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Authentic Filipino spagetti for me

>> No.12335130

Just looking at those two things makes me feel ill.

>> No.12335137
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yeah i'd probably opt for grated to death

>> No.12335152

Why can't I have hotdogs AND thick jizz?

>> No.12335186


Death sounds enticing.

>> No.12335196

I rarely ever say something this harsh, but these people need the urge to cook beaten out of them. Those videos are an offense to humanity.

>> No.12335201

I would make them grate again.

>> No.12335214

These people are almost jack-tier

>> No.12335238

i dont consider myself a racist person but it hink im beginning to hate filipinos

>> No.12335280

you're just a picky eater

>> No.12335285

>doesn't want to eat literal slop
>just a picky eater

>> No.12335321

all food is slop if you really think about it

>> No.12335561

This is just soldier cooking

>> No.12337356

This is just poverty pasta mislabeled as carbonara, doesnt look too bad desu, its just not carbonara.

She's got me confused though, why does she use bottled water as a base for sauce, but then use the tap water to rinse the pasta?

>> No.12337423

On the topic, is it safe to consume pecorino cheese if part of it has started to mold if the part i'm grating is still fresh?
Whenever i buy a wedge of pecorino the back part of it always molds before i've even gone through a third of it.

>> No.12337472

For hard cheeses, you're probably alright if my experience is anything to go by.
t. not dead yet (knock on wood)

>> No.12337495

if you can see mold, the entire cheese is compromised
not that you should care desu it doesnt really do anything to you

>> No.12337520

cheese is mold :)

>> No.12337802

You're mold