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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12325176 No.12325176 [Reply] [Original]

Alright i dont want any shit from you people, how can i eat a vegan diet and get all of the necessary nutrients for a healthy body? Im talking omegas, vitamins, minerals, and no processed garbage either all natural ingredients, i can do this because i grow my own food and live on a farm

>> No.12325181 [DELETED] 


>> No.12325255

You have to supplement B12 somehow, sorry bud.

>> No.12325262

Easy. Red Bull

>> No.12325271

You'll find your own habits

just follow gut. Only time I remember I'm a vegan is when I see an argument or hear one about it. Never think of it otherwise. Just second nature. I eat what I like.

find a couple Dosen recipes and just eat that and experiment and etc

>> No.12325315

pretty easy. You don't always have to supplement it either if you eat fermented foods like tempeh that has natural b12

>> No.12325378


Here is the short-course Ph.D on Veganism.....



>> No.12325387

What’s with the swastika?

>> No.12325396

It's best to do research on vegan nutritionists around the internet rather than ck.

>> No.12325920
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>> No.12325940 [DELETED] 


>> No.12325961

>doesn't want shit from people
>gets on /ck/
Pick one.

>> No.12326175

You don’t.

You’re retarded.


>> No.12326179

we'll for that'd you have to be literate

and that's unlikely for anyone considering being vegan

>> No.12326197

tempeh doesnt have sufficient b12. I'd recommend anyone to supplement it btw, nearly 40% of the general populace is deficient in b12

>> No.12326451
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Just eat vegemite for fucks sakes
Oh whats that vegemite is gross? Yeah well so is begin vegan

>> No.12326466

Nazis where notorious vegans. WW2 was about forcibly converting the rest of the world.

>> No.12326484 [DELETED] 

imagine thinking that conflating all vegans with raw vegans with eating disorders

>> No.12326490

imagine conflating all vegans with raw vegans with eating disorders

>> No.12326637
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Don't worry about eating too much when starting out. Plant-based foods are less dense in calories, and therefore you can eat more. I recommend researching online two options for every meal until you figure everything out. (two breakfasts, lunches, dinners) Supplement B12 and vitamin D if you don't get much sun. You can find plant based vitamin D in things like almond milk. Make sure you are eating plenty of seeds and nuts (things like chia can be added to almost anything) and make sure you're eating enough CALORIES. This is number one. Majority of people stop because they're not eating enough. Research online for more information. When creating your plate, ensure that you are doing the following:
>getting enough calories
>half of your plate should be starch based (noodles, potatoes, whole grains, etc.)
>At least one serving of both fruits and vegetables.

>> No.12326645 [DELETED] 


>> No.12326674

Thats Afrika Korps you dumb faggot.

>> No.12326685 [DELETED] 


>> No.12327010

The best vegan food is a shotgun.

>> No.12327050

the dude has been spamming that shit every time vegans are mentioned for months. dunno if it's sv3rige himself or just some obsessed person.

>> No.12327421

Eat mussels or oysters on your cheat days. Serious. There's really no compelling argument against eating an amimal without a brain or consciousness. They're pretty much meaty plant life forms.

>> No.12327436

>optimal health
>it's a shitload of carbs, very little fat or protein
>3 servings of grain a day
>more sugary fruit than green veg
do you retards actually do this

>> No.12327572

fuck off, you NEED to supplement B12 if you go vegan. Stop spreading around misinformation, you will hurt someone.

>> No.12327593

Theres plenty of fat and protein you retard. Do you know how caloric density works?

>3 servings of grain a day
And? Are you one of those gluten fearing soccer moms?

Yep. Retarded soccer mon confirmed

>> No.12327605

Bivalves have preganglia, they have limited awareness and sensation but have them nonetheless

>> No.12327608

Do u have any idea where u are?

>> No.12327684

Yeah, and plants feel pain, have a limited sense of environmental awareness, and react to negative stimuli. They also communicate with each other, so that's like a pre-language. But you eat them anyway because you have to eat. Honestly, if I were trying to be an ethical vegetarian/vegan, I would draw the line after bivalves so my health and conscience reached a balance. But hey, this is coming from a human who has compassion for other humans.

>> No.12327690

Your entire view on this is flawed and kinda faggy.
When was the last time you ate meat?

>> No.12327711

Vegemite is delicious and a great source of B vitamins.

>> No.12327727

You just can't. Veganism is an eating disorder. :^)

>> No.12327759


I like to punch the food i eat into cronometer to make sure I am hitting my RDA's every once in awhile but everyone is different, plan ahead and do things with purpose. Stuff that helped me starting out was different recipe books in styles that I enjoyed.

I supplement B12, D3 and Iron with my daily multi, been doing aight and starting to be a lift.

>> No.12327762

Hitler wasnt healthy.

>> No.12327774

>yeah and plants feel pain
No they dont, they have no nociceptors nor preganglia. Stimuli reaction is not sentience

>Honestly, if I were trying to be an ethical vegetarian/vegan, I would draw the line after bivalve
Well then you wouldn’t be vegetarian or vegan. There is nothing in them that cant be efficiently satisfied otherwise. You’re not reaching a balance for anything, you’re eating a living creature because you have poor self-control and little care for what is actually a sentient being

>> No.12327777

There was no view even stated in the OP, what are you even referring to?

>> No.12327823

Have a nice day.

>> No.12327843

Try not to lactate too hard, chunky

>> No.12327854


>> No.12327929


>> No.12328102

anon, vitamin b1 and b2 together does not make vitamin b12

>> No.12328198

Being vegan is totally healthy, just look at how well this baby developed.


>> No.12328282

tfw not a vegetarian but restrict myself to veganism for a couple of weeks to get more of a feel on how to work vegetables

>> No.12329338

what a waste of quads

>> No.12329532
File: 472 KB, 640x940, IMG_3381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine you're a WW2 veteran.
>1st grandson is a communist transexual
>2nd grandson is a vegan nazi faggot hungry skeleton that can't throw a football

>> No.12329599

>I don't want any shit from you people
>Now give me what I want
I think instead you're about to get some shit, fagboy.

Plenty of fat and protein for a faggot stick person weighing 85lbs, I hope you break your arm picking up your next bottle of sriracha you virtue-signalling braindead fuck.

>vegans won't actually directly defend this but vehemently support it anyway
>vegans cry over killing a chicken or cracking an unfertilized egg but should be allowed to starve their human children to death

>> No.12329620
File: 114 KB, 1001x1180, 1557899970242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to ck to post with my friends and hang out
>some coastie shit makes a comment about white people or conservatives or poor people
>get annoyed and spend the next 48 hours shitposting non-stop and making the board a living hell
>go back to normal posting until another smug coastie faggot rears its head
Any food for this feel?

>> No.12329670

It’s more like 20 you retard stop believing everything you see on 4chan