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12322083 No.12322083 [Reply] [Original]

Just hit 20 and had my first alcohol (in japan where the legal age is 20).
Why does it taste so awful bros? How can people drink this stuff all day and how do people like it aside from the neat throat heating effect?

>> No.12322089

Rubbing alcohol for outside boo-boos.
Drinking alcohol for inside boo-boos.

>> No.12322260
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If I was intelligent enough to solve my problems I wouldn't need to drink alcohol everyday to cope. I am not a smart man, I am a drunk man. Alcohol is poison, not something you drink for taste but for effect.
From what I have heard the Japs drink for social reasons, so you're kind of fucked as far as that is concerned. Unless you have no friends and don't have a job, in which case good on you.

>> No.12322284

In Japan, the drinking age is whenever you can buy alcohol from a vending machine without people catching you. That said, Ozeki One Cup is as good a drink of sake as you have any right to expect out of a vending machine.

>> No.12322354

You get adjusted to the taste, for one. Different types are better for some. I never really liked sugary drinks, so this was easy for me.

But by far, the best thing about it is relieving anxiety, and setting you up to act loose and social in social settings. There's nothing better to get everyone to speak up a little bit more, and bond.

>> No.12322361

Their addiction surpasses the nasty taste of alcohol.

>> No.12324247

Sake tastes like shit. I had some kind of Chinese rice wine once (don't know the name but it was a bit cloudy) and that was actually good.

>> No.12324463
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I've reached the point where I can chug warm vodka quite happily. The end must be near.

Anyway, if you truly hate the taste of booze as-is, you should try a lemon sour or a martini. Sweetness, sourness and ice can overpower the taste of alcohol - and alcohol, in turn, can overpower our fears and inhibitions. But the greater the fear, the greater is the allure of a bottle.

>> No.12324487
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well the first problem is you waited till 20yo (how?) i had sips since 7 or 8yo and actually "drank" by 11yo, by 13 i was going to the weekly kegger with the highschool kids, by 18 i was full blown alky drinking a handle every 2 days and by 21 (American legal age) i never wanted to drink again. i might sip some whiskey once and awhile but drinking is for the young when your body can cope and you need to cope with crazy childhood transitions and stress but by the time you're in your 20s you should be over it and have a grip

>> No.12324489


>> No.12324637

Nips drink because they are viciously overworked and their own women hate them.

>> No.12324658

The only reason to drink alcohol is it makes you stupid.

"Fine" alcohol is a scam. It's all poison, and it all tastes like poison. I still drink but I will not pay out the nose for it.

>> No.12324674

Cider, and Vodka are the only alcohol I can stand excluding those sodapop teenage girl sugar drinks. Beer is fucking awful, Wine is awful.

>> No.12324682

Also what kind of pussy waits til they turn legal age to have their first drink? On my 19 birthday I went to bar with my dad, but it was hardly my first drink, I had even been out with my friends to bars where they weren't strict about checking ID.

>> No.12324758

>damaged your brain’s development by drinking early
congrats you’re a tough guy

>> No.12324793
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>> No.12324798

drink sapporo it’s delicious

>> No.12324810
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>drinking means abusing
humans have been drinking for 5000 years, most of which for their entire lives due to polluted drinking water. A beer or two at 16 ain't going to cause brain damage and if you think the great minds the human race ever produced didn't toss back a few when they were growing up then you're the one with brain damage.

>> No.12325434

You'll burn out your taste buds of the alcohol flavour after drinking a few times and then you'll enjoy the flavours more

>> No.12325447

This, I don't drink at home buy it at all but in social settings a little bit does help but obviously a lot will make things worse.

>> No.12325505

Based setz poster

>> No.12325554

Development or programing.
Kids are under massive and consistent psycological warfare, so much so that it changes their natural development.
Their brain chemistry changes and when that is not enough they are given chemical lobotomies.

>> No.12325619

>How can people drink this stuff all day and how do people like it
Idunno man, I just drink White Claw anymore.

>> No.12325945

>how can people drink this stuff all day
easy. you put the liquid in your mouth, and swallow it. then repeat.

>> No.12326137
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As you grow older your taste buds naturally die off and most people start to lose their sweet tooth so you become more receptive to bitter flavors like beer and more aggressive mouth feels like whiskey. Also don't buy stupid meme alcohols, just get the quintessential starter drinks that are popular for a reason like Crown Royal in Coke or just vodka in something sweet like orange juice or soda and if you're still to much of a pussy just drink wine coolers..fuck what everybody says them bitches are yummy

>> No.12326212

>.fuck what everybody says them bitches are yummy
this, the fucking girlier and foo foo fuck the drink, I love it. I will pound Seagrams Breezes.

>> No.12326220

Guess what? You don't have to drink it. The only alcohol I like is beer, so that's what I drink. Drink what you like.

>> No.12326230

Strong Zero is a good, cheap way to get wasted.

>> No.12326300

When cunts grow up.. they usually have some trouble in the family or at school etc... They try out drinking to feel better, this turns them into dopamine addicted people, when they encounter some problems they turn to drinking alcohol.. This cycle is unstoppable unless the person itself gets conscious about it.. usually its 50/50 that he stops drinking ever or only at some occasions.

>> No.12327763

yo, homebrew fag here

drink soft beverages first and work yourself up. beer may also be kinda gross to you at first (i still only like it with salty fries at the bar) and then eventually the fermented taste/liquor taste will become more pleasant

in terms of easiness to drink for the avg person i'd say it goes like this:
mikes hard/other juice concoctions like boozy soda
hard ciders and dessert wines like moscato, lambrusco, sangria
light beers and champagne
mixed simple drinks like tequila sours, moscow mule, old fashioned, cosmopolitan..... and normal beers

everything after that is basically your choice of hard liquor or more bitter beers like stout and ipa's. if you want to drink it plain you can start by putting ice in it and letting it melt just a bit to cool off that burn, or doing a shot with a chaser (i like pickle juice myself)

>> No.12327896

You'll learn to just down 5 or 6 shots in one big gulp. You don't care about the taste after you're fucked

>> No.12328002
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>> No.12328524

now double it

>> No.12328534

do yourself a favor and skip the whole alcohol phase of your life. alcohol is a poison.

>> No.12329870

>double it
Earth's only 6k silly heathen

>> No.12330096

For you

>> No.12330110

I don't like the taste of liquor or wine but I appreciate the taste of a cold beer on a hot summer day. That is if you aren't an alcoholic that drinks every day like I do, the beer just tastes gross but if you do it in moderation it's good.

>> No.12330116

>Just hit 20 and had my first alcohol

All my other Eurobros, was it was about 13 years old when you first got drunk too?

>> No.12330126

Nah, 16, legal age

>> No.12330770

so yea 13

>> No.12331757

You don't drink it for the flavor. Typically once you get one or two in you the taste doesn't bother you.

>> No.12331911

I'm 24 and I've only ever had ONE sip of red wine from an olive garden sample.

>> No.12331921

started drinkin with a friend around 16, got bored of it way b4 i even hit 21. just overrated poison

>> No.12331971

Eh I only started really drinking every day recently. 27 and have drank plenty growing up just not all the time. Mostly cheap vodka to get fucked up but that shits gross and stupid desu. It all depends on the person. I like bourbon whiskey. I drink a half gallon of even Williams a week or so prob. Just chase it with a coke. I don't like "regular" beet. But a good dark lager or stout is good. Prefer Sam Adams or guineas stouts are both good. I dont like ales personally. Mm also hard apple cider or those Smirnoff ice are good too. Prefer green apple over any flavor in those. Oh and I don't do sweet girly shit besides maybe the green apple stuff but green apple vodka is really good too. Drinking and getting fucked up is ok but drinking shit you don't like is kinda dumb and just sounds like what ya do in high school or collage

>> No.12332019


Jesus christ mate. You sound like a 15 year old impersonating a 27 year old.
>i prefer bourbon whiskey
>smirnoff ice is pretty good

If this is your actual opinion you should stop drinking and just suck more dick.

>> No.12332483
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not him but you sound like a tough guy,
>eww bourbon
your probably not even old enough to remember icing people so be careful who you call kid, kid