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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12321801 No.12321801 [Reply] [Original]

Who else unironically loves old boomer restaurants like Perkins, Village Inn, Friendly's, Howard Johnson's, etc?

They're just so damn comfy. I can go in and have a turkey dinner, or a BLT, with some fries and ranch dressing and honey mustard, with no one judging me. Forever. They'll never change. The world may go to hell but they'll never change.

>> No.12321807

at the local village inn, theres a really old guy who comes in all the time and all the waitresses know exactly what he wants. they don't even ask him, they just start preparing the order once he walks in. got to talk to him once, hes a great guy. really fucking old, ww2 vet.

i want to have a 'usual' at the local diner when im old as fuck, my driving goal in life if im gonna be honest.

>> No.12321808

>ranch dressing
To the camps with you

>> No.12321849
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you're the reason why he needs to do this

>> No.12321860

I don't. Reheated food the Sysco truck shipped in at ridiculous prices. Not to mention wait staff who spend more time gossiping or looking at their smartphones than waiting on you, while still feeling entitled to a 20-25% gratuity (remember when 15-18% was the norm?). No winder these places are closing down.

>> No.12321865

Perkins' is pretty based, I don't think any other place serves mozzarella sticks on top of tortilla strips with shredded cheese on top.

>> No.12321971

I am a total slut for piccadilly or any sort of local rotating menu cafeteria. Extreme comfy

>> No.12321989

Great now i'm horny. Thanks a fucking lot.

>> No.12321993
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There can be only one.
Jim's is the only old school boomer chain worth going to, and it's only in one region of one state.

>> No.12322000


That reminds me I need to hit the local picadilly, fuck me I havn't been in one in something like 10 years I think.

THat said, the closes I tcan think of a boomer resturant would be FATZ in Georgia

>> No.12322036

I wish I commanded that much respect.

>> No.12322044

perkins isn't bad. most of the boomer restaurants going out of business are pretty terrible (applebees, ruby tuesdays, ect)

>> No.12322046


Howard Johnson's is a hotel.

>> No.12322112
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Elmer's is good for old people food like prime rib or roast beef sandwiches with steak fries.

>> No.12322115
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For me, it's Big Boy
There are lots of good local diners where I live though, not many chains, Big Boy is a comfort though

>> No.12322117

Me too. Seems like it could be a fun way to spend an hour anyway
Pancakes with the berry syrup. Good times

>> No.12322119

perkins is ok, never heard of the rest of them

>> No.12322302

>ww2 vet

literally 0 respect

>> No.12322591

That fresh rain

>> No.12322631

The Cracker Barrel by me fucking rocks. I always get the fried tendies platter, unless I'm there on a Friday, which in that case I get the Friday fish fry. Pair either one with fried okra and turnip greens and I'm good to go. Never had a bad meal there honestly.

>> No.12322646

For me, it's the chicken fried steak and eggs from perkins. Comes with 3 pancakes and really hits the spot.

>> No.12322650

Does Friendly’s still exist? It’s the first place I ever had a quesadilla (breaded chicken strips, bacon, and cheddar cheese sandwiched between two buttered flour tortillas)

>> No.12322883

FATZ is fucking awesome. Shrimp and cheese grits.

>> No.12322893

They're rare but they're around. I remember really liking their fried potatoes as a kid.

>> No.12322981

Piccadilly, now that takes me back! Piccadilly’s carrot soufflé got me into eating soufflés.

>> No.12323023

It was at one time the largest restaurant chain in the US. Now only one exists. https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/09/howard-johnsons-franchise/499157/

>> No.12323058
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l went to a Village Inn at 230am with friends after leaving the bar.

I will say this: a club sandwich with their salty fries (which were crispy and scorching hot) and their brand of coffee is unbelievably satisfying after a night of drinking

>> No.12323063

We shouldn't have been in the western theater. Let Europe handle it's own childish problems. But you should respect veterans as it's not their choice where to deploy, and those are draftees, not volunteers.

>> No.12323115

my grampy used to take us to village inn
also theres this place in golden hill san diego called HOB KNOB HILL that's pretty good.

>> No.12323134


>> No.12324198

I'm in Hartford and there are a shit ton around here.

>> No.12324334

I couldn't believe how cheap Jims was, third worlders could afford a dinner here.

>> No.12324335
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>Reheated food the Sysco truck shipped in at ridiculous prices
>ridiculous prices
Just how poor are you

>> No.12325623

Big boy is kino. Coupla pizzaburgers flying style, # of fries with gravy, and a lrg onion rings.

>> No.12325648

>Reheated food the Sysco truck
>wait staff who spend more time gossiping or looking at their smartphones

So, you've never been to a perkins or other old Boomer hangout, then?

>> No.12325801
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>i want to have a 'usual' at the local diner when im old as fuck, my driving goal in life if im gonna be honest.
I can't afford that at my local diner.
They appeared on Diners, Drive-ins, and Drives, got absurdly popular, then got bought out and now they have 60 locations and are still opening at least one a quarter.
To fund their rapid expansion, they raised prices to an absurd level.
Biscuits and gravy is now $13. Shrimp and grits is now $19. I had a waffle with a side of fruit and a glass of tea and it cost me $13.

I guess I need to find a new diner.

>> No.12325817

all soldiers should be respected regardless of what political regime backed their army

>> No.12325860

Yep. I haven't been to Jim's in forever, because I live far, far away now, but growing up and even as an adult, their fresh strawberry pie was the fucking kitt's tits. I'm having a serious bout of nostalgia just thinking about it.

>> No.12325891

Objectively wrong

>> No.12325931


>tips your fedora

okay edge lord

>> No.12325947

Not true. There are plenty of soldiers that don't deserve respect for their actions both in and out of combat. Being in the military doesn't mean you're a good person.

>> No.12325950

*Readjusts hat*

Dont touch me.

>> No.12325967

I live in a large city. I have never even seen any of those.

>> No.12325976

Two traffic lights isn’t “large”

>> No.12325980

Third largest, in fact.

>> No.12325990

The last Howard Johnson's closed in 2015. How can we be expected to know what you're even talking about?

>> No.12326478

That’s the exact one my GF and I go to.

>> No.12326621


>> No.12326635

Who the fuck still pays tips these days? You can save so much money by buying groupons/localflavors when they have coupon codes, no tip and using a credit card where you keep your funds and getting a boost of 5.25% (for me) on dining.

You guys are just throwing money away you could be spending on onaholes, dakimakuras and real estate.

>> No.12326649


Boomers are the ones who brought the world to hell retard

>> No.12326676


So a soviet mongol from Kirgistan who saw little to none combat and just raped a czech woman in 1945 deserves a same treating and respect as a B-24 radio operator that did 60 missions in heavy flak over the Ruhr area?

I got some bad news for ya.

>> No.12326713

neither of them have control over their circumstances though
aside from the raping

>> No.12326750


It's about the moral backbone. Some troops give fresh water to the people in a warn-torn town, some rape the living shit out of it. So I still don't belive that all soldiers are equal.

Every conflict has it's own goodies and baddies.

>> No.12326954
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>Eventually, the competitors and imitators spawned by Howard Johnson’s success bested it as the franchise and its old-fashioned sensibility and formality, asdepicted in Norman Rockwell’s 1958 painting “The Runaway,”became passe. In the fifth season ofMad Men, a trip to Howard Johnson’s came toemblemize a generational dividebetween Don Draper and his wife, Megan. The flash point: A sundae glass of orange sherbet.

they made it look kino though

>> No.12327202

Village in is a fucking horror show

Waffle house > dennys > ihop > village inn

>> No.12328597

>Howard Johnson
The first time I moved to America was as a kid in 1991 and HoJo was fucking everywhere and I loved it. Then, we moved back to Euroland a few years later and came back for high school in 97 and HoJo was NoMo. Where the fuck are they? Is it just in flyoverland now?

>> No.12328600

Oh. Shoulda read the thread, sorry.

>> No.12328604

They're only in the NEUS now. Used to be as far south as DC, but I think they start tapering off from NNJ down.

>> No.12328612

I don't think anybody judges anybody in restaurants. That went out with segregation 70 years ago.

>> No.12329300

Thank you, fellow SD anon. I've been missing the Village Inn aesthetic

>> No.12329639
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There's one HoJo's left, in Lake George, NY.

>> No.12329761
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TURKEY THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!

- Every Turk on the internet

>> No.12330798

I love me some Perkins. They don't have them on the east coast though. :(

>> No.12331642

They do in Florida.

>> No.12333051

That’s not the real east coast.

>> No.12333984

all these old school boomer chains are going the way of dad rock. extinction is inevitable. check em' out while you still can if there are any in a 100 mile radius of you that are still even left

>> No.12335733

based Elmer's posters. I haven't been to Elmer's since I was a kid growing up in Palm Springs

>> No.12335763
File: 516 KB, 220x244, tenor (2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a yank.

>> No.12335915

Nobody remembers Bill Knapp's, Russ's, or Mr. Fable's?

When I was a kid, you'd walk in there and hear them storming Normandy Beach and dropping bombs on Osaka.

I miss my Greatest Generation.

>> No.12335939

Denny's and Sherry's are me and my friends go-to hangout when we're all in town. We just sit there from 10pm to 7am and eat sides, maybe share a sampler, and talk. God I fucking miss having friends who can have a conversation instead of just talk at each other.

>> No.12335985

Perkins is okay, never really seen any of the other ones.

t. Minnesotan

>> No.12335989

Continental scum
Scratch a kr*ut and you wound a hun

>> No.12337215

Friendly’s is a boomer chain?

>> No.12337579


>> No.12337592

>salt and carbs are satisfying after drinking

what a unique and unknown point of view you've contributed.

>> No.12337593

I just ate at Hoss's the other day. Shit was cash.

>> No.12337595

Village Inn at 2am after a long night of smoking and drinking was, in my opinion, both based AND red pilled.

>> No.12337597

Darwin's waiting room doesn't count

>> No.12337603

Perkins meatloaf hits the spot. The fried onions are a good addition.

>> No.12339423

id go in just to try out the hash browns they make
betting most are meh tier

>> No.12341255

>after a long night of smoking and drinking
Sounds like I'd rather have tacos

>> No.12342183

Mmm, factory-produced frozen meatloaf, just what I want!

>> No.12342720
File: 58 KB, 1229x1160, lQGT6xM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Great Grandfather fought in the Irish War of Independence
>Used to go to a local restaurant called Grace Neills
>Most people in town know who he is
>He used to go in and sit at the same table which was always kept clear at 11am and 5pm for him
>He'd arrive in the morning and say get the same lunch every time with his wife
>Doesn't order, they just make it for him
>The owner (also ex-IRA) would always come out and chat to him about old times
>He'd leave and then come back for his dinner
>He did this 3 times a week
>On the 3rd time, saturday, he'd bring my granda with him
>The owner would say "Hello Soldier!" to my granda when he was a kid with my great grandfather and they'd salute each other

I wissh

>> No.12342919

tendies aren't all that cheap for the restaurant. I guess it depends on what you mean by ridiculous prices though.

>> No.12342931
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>tfw your local Perkins, which had been around for at least 25 years, closes down and gets replaced by a Denny's

>> No.12342950
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This was my very first cooking job. I still think about that breakfast buffet

>> No.12343514

imagine being a predictable fucking loser is your life's goal

>> No.12344652

Is there even really a difference?

>> No.12345073

Imagine thinking that constantly doing random shit makes you better.

>> No.12345122

What if you do both

>> No.12345251

My family always used to go here on the way back from our summer vacation, its been years since i've been to one

>> No.12345390

>visit home town
>go to my favorite breakfast / diner place
>High school crush works there with her other 8/10 friends
>feel like a fat slob for what I ordered (Chocolate-chip pancakes with a glass of milk and a side of bacon)

>> No.12346944

No idea, probably just some /int/ fag who can't talk to people without sperging out

>> No.12346947

Go dilate

>> No.12347147

they do in NJ

>> No.12347200

>it’s not their choice
You could just not show up. What are they gonna do? Spend tax money looking for you in the middle of a war? Lmao

>> No.12348043

Based as fuck. Swiss miss with some fried pickles and maybe a slice of coconut cream pie is just the comfiest shit.

>> No.12348056

wow this is really shitty. normies really do ruin everything.

>> No.12348084


>> No.12348095

I have a perkins nearby and its a really comfy restaurant, perfect for sunday lunches, but their food is just alright. Not bad, but nothing to write home about.