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File: 398 KB, 750x750, gourmet_whip_quart_isi_cream_whipper_1703-01_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12320414 No.12320414 [Reply] [Original]

Someone gave me this cream aerator , what can I do with besides make whipped cream and huff the cartridges? seems like a memetasker

>> No.12320431

you can make all sorts of gastro foam infusions for real gay shit like foam tacos and other artsy gastro food

>> No.12320434

huff the gas

>> No.12320453
File: 40 KB, 530x391, sniff7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huffing isi gas

>> No.12320467

jizz into it and make whipped man cream

>> No.12320651

stick it up your ass, DUH

>> No.12320677

this desu

>> No.12321071

kill yourself like the fitness blogger

>> No.12321079

use it for party balloons

>> No.12321091

you can make rapid infusions by over pressurizing it. search on google.

>> No.12321118

>he doesn't know

>> No.12321129

Dispense the charger into a balloon then inhale from it and hold until the lines that compose shape in the world around you unfold into hilarious patterns

>> No.12321135

the penis makes it better

>> No.12321137
File: 32 KB, 720x439, 1556720687982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this work

>> No.12321208

hippie crack

>> No.12321260


you can aerate pretty much any kind of puree, it's very useful. i like a corn aeration myself, or a good potato one.. or a leek/artichoke one.. or, fuck, there are infinite possibilities.

you can make spongecake in the microwave with them as well

>> No.12321285

go on a cooking competition show and fuck your shit up at the last minute

>> No.12321468


>> No.12321480

Sponge cake

>> No.12321481

In addition to all the foams, you can also use it to force-macerate botanicals and fruits into spirits.You can even use it as a way of forcing marinade into a cut of meat that you can fit through the neck.

>> No.12321586

Those are nitrous oxide, you're mixing that up with helium which is used for balloons.

>> No.12321620
File: 136 KB, 1101x1002, 1553292295106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can make some pretty cool sauces with it - anything nicely emulsified or thickened will work
mirangues and substitutes are made a lot simpler
the best beer batter possible involves an ISI
you can carbonate fruit and veg - giving it a fizzly texture

>> No.12322007

im aware of what's in them
he asked for uses and i just thought of how a balloon could be inflated with them
the gas will expand the balloon

>> No.12322021

You did write "party balloons" the ones that float, Nitrous Oxide isn't going to float a balloon. Just admit that you were mistaken intstead of pushing an untenable argument.
Any gas will expand some balloon when forced into it, but not every gas is lighter than air to make it float.

>> No.12322038


>> No.12322067

i've never thought of party balloons as floating ones, i call those helium balloons
when i was a kid all the balloons were blown up with lungs and so didn't float

>> No.12322072

I can see that, mostly when I was a kid we used helium to fill up the balloons so they'd go all over the place.

>> No.12322076

i wasn't in on this stuff, i noticed the gas tanks at dollar stores and my dad told me what they were
but he never used them for balloons, he just would buy a bag of balloons and blow them up
thank you for understanding friend

>> No.12322125
File: 66 KB, 800x600, hindenburg-nasm-si-98-15068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The NAZIs learned that the hard way when we wouldn't sell them helium and resorted to hydrogen.

>> No.12322840

I guess they did nazi it coming

>> No.12323122
File: 91 KB, 700x467, 10812034-3x2-700x467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but the ones with nitrous oxide are the best party balloons of all

>> No.12323132

Hit it bro, you'll get super light headed and hear a WUBWUBWUBWUBWUBWUB like a helicopter flying around your head

>> No.12323151


>> No.12323159
File: 736 KB, 1786x2480, Natalie_Wood-fMAbGtl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of wood doesn't float?
Natalie Wood!

>> No.12323184


>> No.12323198

Why didn’t she shower on the boat that night?
She wanted to wash up on shore!

>> No.12323223

Put in grapes and champagne in it and hit it with the charge to have the champagne compressed in the grapes like >>12321091>>12321481 anons said (just an example of an easy one that's a hit with girls) or make a potato soup add a little gelatin and charge it into a potato foam, plenty of dishes that it pairs awesomely with

>> No.12324284


>> No.12325424

You can do a bunch of modernist type stuff with it, foams and such. You can also do really fast and effective infusions with it. There's also a really interesting technique for making hollandaise in them- you literally just dump all the ingredients in it together, heat it up in a water bath, charge it, and you have hollandaise.

>> No.12325663


>> No.12325923

I doubt it, the large fat molecules are what makes cream hold it's shape when air is whipped into it. Cum probably doesn't have much fat in it.

>> No.12325943

Use it to make tempura batter.
Use it to make fizzy berries.
Use it to infuse vodka or anything really