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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12312500 No.12312500 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck /ck/ I'm still sad

>> No.12312504

Imagine being sad that a pedophile killed himself. Liberals, everyone.

>> No.12312512

If you killed yourself you would no longer be sad.

>> No.12312514

How can you post if you're dead?

>> No.12312516

a cuckolded pedophile junkie is dead and you're sad?
fix yourself

>> No.12312742

>>/b/ you meme loving shithead

>> No.12312863

>muh pedophile
Why does the loony right, so fixated on their own pedophilia longings, project it onto their opponents in baseless accusations? Seriously, seek help.

>> No.12312872

Go away. Nobody likes you or your spam threads

>> No.12312883

I'll never understand why normies are so obsessed with this guy, they were nearly in fucking tears over it

>> No.12312890
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My feels when
I miss him every day, bros

>> No.12312892


>> No.12312902

/b/ is nothing but loli/shota and porn. This place is more comfy for me

>> No.12312910

/b/ is for copypasta and spam
you belong there. Stay there

>> No.12312922

Thanks but I'm staying

>> No.12312924

You are garbage, and you belong on /b/.

>> No.12312939

I really do miss him every day tho. And I'm sad that we won't get any more delicious recipes from him

>> No.12312969

Address the question. Why do you make such accusations knowing that there is no evidence?

>> No.12312974

You are spamming and full of shit and belong on /b/
You are not allowed to spam outside of /b/. That's where you and your shitty threads belong

>> No.12312978

Answer the question. I'm not going anywhere. If I'm banned, I'll just reset my router and post it again.

>> No.12313009
File: 51 KB, 540x540, honoka_kousaka_voice_for_zoey_20466_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your tears are the secret ingredient in my delicious homemade lemon tarts.

>> No.12313020

You belong on /b/. figure that out shitposter.
Trolling also should stay on /b/.

>> No.12313025 [DELETED] 


>> No.12313041

how many other people are going to hang themselves because of this retard?
not just his gay ass fanboys, but the kids he fucked in the mouth too... amazing to think how much one man can touch the life of others -- for better and for worse

>> No.12313058

I'll still toss on No Reservations when I'm having trouble sleeping, especially at the woman-creature's. Something about his voice just lulls me into a coma - get her giving me a back rub or something while it's on, and I'm out cold in minutes.

>> No.12313061

Stop saying that stuff. You know you have no evidence

>> No.12313100

hes jew you know
does that makes you less sad hes dead?

>> No.12313178


>> No.12313184

you have insubstantial evidence of that you dim faggot

>> No.12313197


>> No.12313217

We all die eventually, annone

>> No.12313219

Eh, he was a pompous cunt with no real insight on any culture, nothing of value was lost.

>> No.12313905


>> No.12313911

he was a pedophile and his pedophile girlfriend threatened to out him, cleaned him out, and didn't stop psychologically abusing him

I enjoyed his show but there's no doubt he was a pedophile and she had a lengthy history on him. Birds of a feather flock together. It's not an accident to end up with a pedophile girlfriend.

>> No.12313916

>t. projecting chomo

>> No.12313925

probably used her to groom young studs for himself. it's a sick world but at least at the end (of a rope) he decided to make it just a bit better

>> No.12313932

go hang YOURSELF rumorfaggot

>> No.12313964

>OP posts it
>Tons of people post edgy accusations, possibly while pleasuring themselves to the thought of le leftist cucks getting triggered
its like i am always reading the same thread, this is obnoxious. at the end of the day he was just a regular guy who was outgoing and liked to talk to people. and despite what pol has you believe, that is a virtue indeed. im leaving this thread now but go ahead and try to lure me with some juicy b8, go ahead.

>> No.12313996

tell /lgbt/ we say wassup

>> No.12314591


>> No.12314863

he died?!

>> No.12316206

Right wing faggots need to go fuck off somewhere else. I'm sick of you starting trouble here

>> No.12316218
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>> No.12316227

Shouldn't OD yourself then.., cuckoldie.

>> No.12316232

Shut the fuck up. Projecting bitch

>> No.12316267

daily reminder bourdain got cucked

>> No.12316289
File: 25 KB, 480x358, 1556590001555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He traveled the world eating good food and banging models. He could appreciate both high culture, fine art and great literature while also enjoying the gritty blue collar world and the rock and roll lifestyle. It's the ultimate hedonist nightmare that someone like him would kill themselves. Without faith and family, life is truly meaningless. He should have retired and spent more time with his kid, remarried and started a new family.

>> No.12316340

christfag detected

>> No.12316347

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.12316385

lol thats gay as fuck mate

>> No.12316442

>Without faith and family, life is truly meaningless.
Objectively false. That’s just what you tell yourself to cover up the truth you already know deep down: life has no meaning except the meaning we choose to give it. For you it’s the myth of your “God” and a few cultural obligations to your relatives, for me it’s pursuing perfection in various crafts whiles doing what I can to improve the human condition for all, and for still others there are a million and one meanings to life. It’s all a choice though, entirely up to us as individuals to decide what to do with our meaningless existence. And you chose an imaginary god that teaches morals with the threat of eternal damnation.

>> No.12316443

OMG, I can't stand to see Nico cry like that. wtf

>> No.12317081
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>Without faith and family, life is truly meaningless.


>> No.12317146

he was a little of an ass which was ok. but hes show kinda gave me a headache sometimes.

>> No.12317696

Then why did Bourdain kill himself? He was on the same path as you. At 60, I guess it gets kind of old.
Never said you had to be christian. You just need faith and the community that comes with it. Rituals help cope with the cycle of life and death.

>> No.12317791

I’ll cook a hotdog in your anus

>> No.12317822

that would presume he wasn't a junkie pedophile, but still a nice sentiment

>> No.12317826 [DELETED] 

Y'all bout to have to fight me IRL for saying that stupid shit. He never touched any damn kids faggot

>> No.12317831

kek I'd probably catch HIV from your faggot ass tears

>> No.12318644
File: 1.45 MB, 700x1425, 68958347864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He had an unrelenting history of getting cucked. His wife was letting that be known well before his peadophile girlfriend

>Without faith and family, life is truly meaningless.

His 'family' seemed pretty shitty, considering his wife was showboating to the world how much of a colossal cuck her husband was. Now this same guy is playing daddie to his kid. Sad.