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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12312420 No.12312420[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is the janny such a crybabby bitch nigger? My thread was food related ya faggot dingus

>> No.12312424

The poop thread? No. And fuck off.

>> No.12312439
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>The poop thread? No. And fuck off.

>> No.12312445

kek, based janny.

>> No.12312455

It's almost like he's fulfilling the requirements of his assigned role. Weird.

>> No.12312487

Selective enforcement of vague rules, yeah bro! High five!

>> No.12312491

What was your thread about?

>> No.12312503

If you're as polite and gentlemanly as the OP suggests, I think the reason is clear.

>> No.12312505

It was literally a shit thread


>> No.12312506




>> No.12312511
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you sure showed him, anon.

>> No.12312515

>caring so much about this shitty place you archive every thread

>> No.12312522

Someone set it up years ago and allegedly forgot the passwords so it just runs

It's remarkably useful for calling out shitposters when they claim they've been wronged

It's also occasionally useful for vindicating complaints about unfair deletions

>> No.12312533

Yeah it's hard to be mad about a /b/ tier thread getting deleted.

>> No.12312539

/b/ isn't as good as that thread anymore. It's just another porn board now.

>> No.12312541

>this place is shit and therefor I should be free to make it worse
a fine example of the attitude of pure cancer

>> No.12312542

Looke like it was either about corndogs or one's diet to me

>> No.12312547

>Why does my poop smell so bad?
Yeah clearly a quality ck related thread
Fuck off retard.
They should have a requirement where you have to have a triple digit IQ to post here.

>> No.12312552

Let me get this straight...

Some idiot made a thread about eating shit, it got deleted, and now he's made this thread to bitch about it getting deleted, and you're all yelling at the janitor who deleted it? Am I straight here?

>> No.12312553

So it was.
Suck a dick, faggot.

>> No.12312561

>triple digit iqs are needed for fast food threads
>am I straight here?
Nah m8 your gay lmao

>> No.12312563
File: 309 KB, 1778x636, Screen Shot 2019-05-01 at 4.59.18 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine's worse

>> No.12312565

If we had such a requirement there would be less low quality threads, such as the fucking retarded fast food "ironic" shill threads you mentioned.

>> No.12312567

Most here are defending the Janny's actions. If you're gonna shitpost, that's one thing, but getting mad after someone reacts accordingly is moronic

t. regular shitposter

>> No.12312568

People hate the jannies here because this board is just popular enough and just slow enough that shitposting can still be done here.
So of course they get upset when their /b/ tier retardation doesn’t even make the utterly minimal grade required and gets nuked.

>> No.12312571

Who mentioned anything about ironic threads? If you're so angry about the threads here go somewhere else