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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 57 KB, 800x450, ground-beef-800x450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12307913 No.12307913 [Reply] [Original]

with a high quality medium rare burger, all you need is gouda, bacon, barbecue sauce, and onions
fucking delicious, anything else is just a distraction

>> No.12307944
File: 11 KB, 708x800, 9d6548a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12307956

Stopped reading there

>> No.12307967
File: 52 KB, 396x478, 1541447923452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for killing the flavor you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.12308012

The person who wrote this post is a faggot

>> No.12308042
File: 640 KB, 588x815, Elmer Fudd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one will care about your trash opinion after you've been pan-fried for breakfast.

You a big wabbit, and I miss the wabbit pelt piwoww when I wuz a kid. Congrats on servin a pupose.

>> No.12308049
File: 7 KB, 514x480, 1465662922127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you conspicuously did not mention salt

>> No.12308080

Why did you bother to type it out? I don't think OP was advertising a bath house thread, go elsewhere to advertise.

>> No.12308088

>medium rare ground beef
Yum a mouthful of lukewarm mush!

>> No.12308090

>t. faggot

>> No.12308103
File: 15 KB, 404x404, 1551652157218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barbecue sauce
>not a distraction

>> No.12308111

>can't tell rare from medium-rare because everything that isn't charred black is raw to him

>> No.12308180

>anything else is a distraction
>from my frankenstein mishmash of the most overpowering flavors i could find
this fucking board

>> No.12308536

t. squeamish faggot who wouldn't eat steak tartare but will eat a nasty lukewarm puck of ruined beef meat because Maddox said it was cool

>> No.12308578

I've eaten raw steak and raw liver. It won't change that you clearly don't know the difference between rare and medium-rare.

>> No.12308593
File: 23 KB, 410x452, 1c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>medium rare burger

>> No.12308611

the problem is the meat was ground in some backroom grinder that you don't know if it's ever been cleaned, it's only safe to eat ground meat undercooked when you grind it yourself

>> No.12308626

It doesn't even matter if it's safe or not. It could be irradiated beef or something, completely sterile. The fact is ground beef should be cooked, and cooked properly. If you want to eat raw beef, eat it sliced or chopped. If you want cooked beef, cook the damm beef. The lukewarm shit is just gross.

It's obviously a 12 year old who read too much Maddox trying to sound like a real tough RRAWWWRR LION CARNIVORE CAVE MAN because he doesn't eat stuff for the taste, he eats it for how he thinks it makes him look.

>> No.12308664

>anything else is just a distraction
>after covering it with a bunch of distractions
Do you even taste the burger?

>> No.12308670

Rare ground meat is nasty you reading comprehension devoid troglodyte, medium rare isn't

>> No.12308678

>barbecue sauce
You mean mustard.

>> No.12308690

No, medium rare is fucking terrible, you've internalized your own lies. Stop trying to impress people and just use your damm mouth.

>> No.12308878

I still dont know if the people who are terrified of medium rare ground beef are just trolls. Do they really think the thousands of people who eat burgers that way just go around shitting themselves all the time?

>> No.12308886
File: 73 KB, 250x164, 1545528723799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"High quality" burger, but somehow needs bacon
>Mixing cheese and BBQ sauce
>Probably using Sweet Baby Ray's

>> No.12308898
File: 62 KB, 750x696, 1551833652065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12308925

I assume their tard wranglers train them not to but who knows. Do they have to wear adult diapers?

>> No.12308995

I dont get it the retards are eating med rare burgers? Im not rlly sure what you think is gonna happen from eating it that way

>> No.12309273


>> No.12309297

>Just use your damn mouth
Take your own advice and suck a dick you complete faggot

>> No.12309544

desu T H I S, what OP posted is lacking an acid to balance out all of that rich sweetness. maybe if the BBQ sauce is the good vinnegar type then ok, but if t is the generic sugary sweet king then no.

>> No.12309977

You’ll look like a REAL MAN obviously. The most important thing is to impress a blogger from 1998. It doesn’t matter if you have to choke down mouthfuls of lukewarm gristle. It only shows how STRONG you are.

>> No.12310882

I dont understand you either. Is someone building a time machine to impress this blogger from 1998? Is the blogger impressed cuz he likes his burgers that way too? Its just slightly less cooked beef that if done right will be delicious I dont understand the meme