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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12304606 No.12304606 [Reply] [Original]

How to cook vegan???
I need something else besides rhonda patricks smoothie and soy, Im avoiding soy, not for the meme, but because im trying to rely more on beans, simply because theyre cheaper

>> No.12304645


>> No.12304670

1. get blender
2. add nut butters and kale
3. add other things that will make it look like some sort of meat product
4. shape into meat-like thing and cook or just plate it
5. start video blog of yourself doing this as you slowly become malnurished

>> No.12305942


>> No.12305965
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6. Give yourself some catchy name like "Emily the bite size vegan"

>> No.12306071
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Found the fatass

>> No.12306746

this nigga eatin beans

>> No.12307671

Pls dont bully
I already did a year of keto with copious bacon

Im simply trying something new

>> No.12307686

She is a dermatologist to booth.

>> No.12307838

Get fruits, grains, beans, vegetables, herbs, spices and tubers.
Cook them.
Wala: you just cooked vegan. Why is this so fucking difficult for you people?

>> No.12307845

>Why is this so fucking difficult for you people?
Peeling tubers. It's not even that hard or time-consuming but somehow whenever I need to peel them I'm considering fasting for the day instead.

>> No.12307856

Sautee onions and garlic in olive oil. Add a can of crushed tomatoes, a can of white beans, frozen spinach, and some rosemary. Simmer.

>> No.12307896

Dude. Just cook anything that doesn't have meat, dairy, eggs, fish, seafood, or honey in it. Holy shit. Do you not know how to use google? Get on Foodgawker and do a search for "vegan", you'll get tons of fucking recipes.

>> No.12307947

I eat a flexitarian diet because culture. A lot of what I eat is vegan. Tuesday, I had lentil fritters, a salad and some veggie tots for a fried lunch and vegetable curry with rice for dinner. Wednesday, I had "fake" goulash soup (which means "vegetarian") for dinner. Yesterday, I had pasta with "fake" pizzaiola sauce (again, vegetarian). Today's lunch was lentil curry rice. I'm about to have pasta with cauliflower for dinner, which is vegan, though I'm going to put cheese on top because fuck total veganism. And tomorrow, I'm planning to have beetroot-and-mushrooms soup for lunch (or dinner, haven't decided which).
So out of 15 meals, 7 were (or will be) vegan (or nearly so, in the case of tonight's dinner).
Just eat vegetables and shit. T'ain't difficult, fag-o-tron.

>> No.12307958

>vegan hater
>loves bacon
I know you peaked in 2011 but that's 8 years ago you've got to let it go

>> No.12308018
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Salad lasagna

>> No.12308020

>take normal recipe
>leave out or replace animal produce

>> No.12308533

>go to /ck/ for recipes
>dude just like eat fruits and google

At least I have some meals to look for, thank you

>> No.12308581

Spaghetti stir fry

>> No.12308585

>Im avoiding soy, not for the meme, but because im trying to rely more on beans
Soy beans are beans, friendo

>> No.12308614

Chili sin carne
Spaghetti bolognese with soy mince
Lentil soups
Aglio e oli
Pasta with tomato sauce
Stir fry with or without tofu
Lentil curry

>> No.12308615

but soy is beans

>> No.12308716

Glad that helped.
I didn't mention brekkie cuz I always have dairy of some sort at breakfast. Maybe you can swap in some kind of faux dairy or something, idk.
I had homemade blueberry jam and fresh blueberries whipped into homemade yoghurt on Tuesday, a mango lassi Wednesday, rice pudding with milk and dried cranberries yesterday and simple-ass cornflakes with milk and fresh strawberries today. I don't eat meat or eggs for breakfast (unless the eggs are used in a baked good, like brioche or something) because culture.

>> No.12308734

I usually have a bowl of oatmeal with blueberries and some other fruits for breakfast

>> No.12310656

I always have some combination of fruit and dairy. Usually grain as well. This morning, it's gigantic-ass fruit salad. Strawberry, cantaloupe, jackfruit, kiwifruit and blueberry dressed with yogurt cream which is 1:3 by weight powdered sugar:yogurt. It's fine to make with normal yogurt, but strained/""""""""Greek"""""""" yogurt is better. Similarly, skim or low-fat is fine but wholefat is best.
idk if vegan "yogurt" would be good here. Never had the stuff.

>> No.12311624
File: 34 KB, 1020x523, Shockingly Thin Vegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Dr. Dray" .. vERY popular youtube channel, over 200K subscribers ..... all who adore her and none who notice she is a 60 pound anorexic vegan skeleton baka..