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File: 53 KB, 640x680, kirinbeer20181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12300536 No.12300536 [Reply] [Original]

How come the Japs make such shit piss beer but their whiskey is good?

>> No.12300601

Because the Japanese have always been better at making spirits. What's more, I think they inherited more of their whisky knowledge from the Scots, whereas I don't think there was as much of an exchange with regards to beer.

>> No.12300613

They import whisky from Scotland, blend it a little and put a jap label on it.

>> No.12300615

Asahi Black is pretty good.

>> No.12300678

>Be American living in Japan
>Sometimes go drinking with Japanese frendos
>Someone invariably orders Budwieser
>Hey man, right here, now this is the good shit, right anon?

>> No.12300683

Was surprised to hear that Argentinians consider Coronas to be pretty high class beers. Though they do have a craft beer scene currently brewing.

>> No.12300732

i get the 24oz Kirin from Walmart. tastes identical, like every beer walmart sells. pabst, keystone, icehouse, budweiser, miller, natural ice
the only different tasting beer you can find around here is Rolling Rock and it's not that different

>> No.12300789


Argentinian beer is shit but is getting more popular. Just stick to red wine.

>> No.12300808

If you're not a pretentious contrarian ass hat, it is.

>> No.12300976

Budweiser is ok but you're silly to defend Corona

>> No.12301026

It's not contrarian to understand that there's nothing high class about Corona

>> No.12301039
File: 171 KB, 1000x1000, beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make good beer, you're just too much of a disgusting flyover to know about it

>> No.12301040

They took American beer and overengineered it - found a way to brew almost all of the sugar out. I'm surprised they haven't found a way of brewing, distilling, or aging scotch that makes it bleed when you put ice in it.

>> No.12301047
File: 9 KB, 249x212, 1526696042471s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese beer brewing was introduced by Europeans. Stop getting your history from Mark Wahlberg movies derived from a video game.

>> No.12301049

I had a nice beer at a food festival in Tokyo when I visited but I completely forgot the name of the brewery, which is a shame. Don't think it was any of the ones in the picture. Wish I remembered it.

>> No.12301065

Yeah there are hundreds of small breweries catering to the domestic market, the only ones that are a household name in the West are the behemoths like Kiuchi and Yo Ho that have connections to distribution channels through multinational alcohol conglomerates.

>> No.12301072
File: 53 KB, 644x800, 5A4F591C-E9AD-4173-8B11-DC6E921CC747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Japanese have always been better at making spirits

>> No.12301076

First Japanese whiskey brewers educated in Scotland.

>> No.12301079

Do you really think Japanese beer is better than Japanese whisky? That's an uncommon opinion.

>> No.12301092

American brewing was introduced by Europeans as well, but they certainly weren't adding rice and corn syrup to the grain bill. Beers like Asahi and Sapporo aren't based on a traditional Pilsner, at least not anymore. They're based on what German brewers brought to new territories, and the mutations that came out of that - the most ubiquitous being the American light lager. The (ultra) dry style of which is something we brought back and reverse engineered (with the help of Japanese brewers) once Japanese dry lagers hit our markets.

>> No.12301100

What's the problem? I really enjoy both Kirin and Sapporo.

>> No.12301115

asahi dry is good and has its place in the world.

>> No.12301120

They're lightly flavoured, and similar to many other pale lagers on the market. There's nothing WRONG with them, just not much special about them. You know how we are - even our sporting events are special.

>> No.12301132

Nice meme but luckily I'm not American

>> No.12301133

Japanese only started making spirits a few centuries ago, while sake is millenia old. So no, they were not „always better at making spirits“, you double nigger.

>> No.12301138

Pilsener is one of the historically most young beer styles, you enormous fat faggot.

>> No.12301190

Japanese whiskey isn’t even good; this is just some nonsense redditors perpetuate. America and Scotland are the only good producers of Whiskey.

>> No.12301235
File: 8 KB, 220x230, EB253A72-EB90-4784-96C0-C52BCFC6A197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good producer of whisky

>> No.12301263

probably getting banned for this but worth it

>> No.12301272

Bourbon is great fight me

>> No.12301274

Tasty bait

>> No.12301276

Bud tastes bad. Corona tastes like mostly nothing

>> No.12301336

rice beer in general is waywaywaywaywaywaywayway much better than anything west produces

>> No.12301344

after rice beer comes nordic stuff. muricans have shit taste in beer anyway

>> No.12301348

You know Budwiser is made with rice, right?

>> No.12301352

They don't, they import mostly Scotch whisky, blend, barrel and sell as Japanese whiskey later on. Everything else that actually is 100% made in Japan is still just Scotch since the Japanese aren't interested in creating something new but just take what's been done before and get really really good at doing the exact same thing.

At least Irish whiskey, bourbon and hell even Canadian whiskey tastes unique. Japanese just takes like an average highland most of the time

>> No.12301384

budweiser uses rice along with barley so you cannot say its rice beer. it has rice in it but i woudnt call it rice beer

>> No.12301400

Nice cope, cornchugger.

>> No.12301412

Ad long as I can pretend it is piss from a pretty schoolgirl who am I to complain?

>> No.12301419

Its not that bad.

>> No.12301420


Corona is fun and a novelty to drink once in a while, but definitely not a good beer

>> No.12301448

Ive been drinking more pale lagers lately and I have come to prefer them to craft ales (aside from sours and gose)
Most crsft beer is too sweet. I'll tike my lightly flavored alcohol water please.

>> No.12301642

You're overselling it now.

>> No.12301652

You‘re overcoping right now.

>> No.12301677
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 10936783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Jap beer you should drink. Some german showed the nip how to brew this.

>> No.12301691
File: 30 KB, 420x600, orion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can drink this all day every day. And that's the kind of beer it is, a day drinking beer. But, I also like the flavor better than other Japanese beers (It's technically Okinawan, but whatever).

>> No.12301693

It's wonderful that you two will never realize how spoiled you are.

>> No.12301736

Bourbon tastes good if you have the palate of a child

>> No.12301766

>I‘m poor so bad products are good

>> No.12301781

inb4 but if I’m mowin muh lawn

>> No.12301801

Yut yut you jar headed fuck.

>> No.12301846


Not even denying it, we have a lot of choice. In every European country you can find better beer than Corona for a lot cheaper.

>> No.12302000
File: 97 KB, 600x300, gingakogen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirin is pretty much pleb stuff although it does open up your third eye so you are able to see various types of yokai. Ginga Kogen is a little pricier but exponentially better than most other Japanese beer.

>> No.12302043

Most jap beer is completely inoffensive tasting...not really good or bad, at least it doesn't have that corn aftertaste like budweiser.

>> No.12302044

Uh, no. Haven't ever, nor would want to ever be in the military. Okinawa is a great vacation spot, though.

>> No.12302970

Said the pretentious contrarian ass hat.

>> No.12303896

/ck/ is full of poorfag trash who think anyone who has left their panhandle swamp town must have gotten out by blowing up poor brown goat herders with $50k missiles paid for by my taxes

>> No.12304016

Reminder that all the major Japanese beers you can buy in America are not brewed in Japan.

>> No.12304116
File: 745 KB, 727x1080, 1517729621065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If beer isn't at least as dark as coke it's trashy fruit juice for sorority thots

>> No.12304207

You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded

>> No.12304405

PBR tastes nothing like Keystone or Natty and none of those tastes like Bud or Miller. Get a fucking palate plen

>> No.12304660

are you implying sake isn't a spirit, retard?

older tradition doesn't automatically equate to a better product.

>> No.12304712

Spirits are distilled. The reason why they are called spirits is because the "spirit" of the booze (the ethanol) evaporates during the boiling process and condenses into a pure form through distillation.

Sake is just fermented, like beer and wine.

>> No.12304746

I'm not a tryhard so I drink cheap beer.

>> No.12304757

>he thinks japanese beer doesn't have barley

>> No.12304767

sake is definitely not a spirit, the mixed culture of koji + yeast allows the fermentation to reach much higher ABVs (up to 24%) than would be achievable with yeast alone

t. have sake fermenting in my fridge right now