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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12294760 No.12294760 [Reply] [Original]

What are we cooking /ck/?

Awaiting a bountiful harvest of Heirloom Tomatoes and Peppers and beans

Not shown: Glass corn, citrus trees, avocado, apple, peach, pears, apricots, various herbs, chickens and ducks.

Also, post gardens.

>> No.12294922

so... that fence is to keep out what exactly?

>> No.12294965

It's to keep the plants in, retard

>> No.12294969

no moles, gofers, or groundhogs that's for sure.

>> No.12295031
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>That soil
What kind of desert do you live in?

Also I'm getting reeeal close to affording a house and can't wait to build a garden, until them I'm stuck with pots
I loaded up the "Gardening" folder on the Mega already

>> No.12295041

Are there any programs or websites that will optimize a garden layout for you? I know there's plenty of garden planner sites and apps that just let you draw shit out. But I can do that with paper and a pencil. I want a computer program that takes into account the space needed for the plants, their interactions, and then algorthmically organizes the garden and optimizes it. I mean, I can do it by hand but it'll take longer.

>> No.12295049
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How often do you need to map your own garden?

>> No.12295054

I don't know but it would be nice to have an app that would do it for you and would be scalable to different sizes/shapes.

>> No.12295057

plants dont move though

>> No.12295061

I love having a garden and my yields are always great but I am jealous that I can't grow citrus here.

>> No.12295425

bump for interest

>> No.12295562
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We're getting buttloads of strawberries right now. Eating a bunch everyday for breakfast and freezing the excess. May make some jam.

>> No.12295627
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>tfw you live in zone 6a and it's still too cold at night to plant the garden

>> No.12295641

I bought a meyer lemon and a makrut/kaffir lime tree grafted to semi dwarf stock to grow indoors under grow lights.

>> No.12296726

Chickens and ducks

>> No.12296738

zone 9

>> No.12296746

do you cover that frame with plastic sheeting for freezes? If so, where can someone buy good sheeting for projects like that?

>> No.12296747
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Got various brassica going. They're not quite ready yet.

>> No.12296757

what's up with the plastic and bricks?

>> No.12296771

>move in with gf few couple years ago
>put new garden in backyard. have luck with a few things
>kale didnt do too well
>break up and move out
>go back next summer while drunk and sneak in back yard
>the kale i planted is massive and no one is picking it
>new place is completely covered in shade

fuck bros

>> No.12296790
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Neither a program or website but I remember this book going into details for some of this. I'm sure it's on cs.rin.ru or something

>> No.12296815

fuckin lol

Comfy garden bruh.

The OP pic didn't bury it 2 feet, but if you do that most critters give up on trying to get in. You can also drop rocks/pebbles around the fence instead of dirt as a further deterrent. Those guys don't live in every region anyway, wonder where OP lives considering all the citrus. Southwest US or Central America?

>> No.12296821

Just know what space you're working with and find a companion plant guide.

>> No.12296825

It's landscape fabric, not plastic, helps block weeds. The bricks are just ones we scavenged from building sites after they finished the brick laying. They just trash them anyway.

>> No.12296832

Hey I here in a week or so nights will be up to the 50's. Middle of Iowa reporting.

>> No.12296959
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Based cowboyland, anon

>> No.12296980

Are you hold at Guantanamo Bay?

>> No.12296988

Im just growing like 14 kind of herbs. It's cheaper then buying and they are more resistant than most house plants.

>> No.12297507

i have a 15ftx15ft patch of concrete. feelsbadman. got loads of pots though, 3 x blueberries, 1 x redcurrant, 1 x gooseberry, 5 x herbs - parsley, mint, coriander, rosemary, thyme -- a whisky barrel cut in half to make a pond which is growing dwarf waterlillies and 2 mating-pair pear trees in 140L pots. plus loads of snowbell and bluebell bulbs planted amongst everything to look nice in the winter/spring time.
used to have an orchard and small woodland when i was a kid, too poor without parents' money so all i have now is concrete and pots.

>> No.12297541
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>> No.12298702
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Shooting for the earliest corn here. Day 38 on 63 day corn.

>> No.12298749

Yo. I know of a project. idk if it's what you're looking for since it's more in line with companion planting, permaculture, etc. But hey, maybe it helps. We need to improve the companion planting data source. I've found a source of super interesting companion planting information but a lot of it is basically comments and 'oh maybe you could do this or that'.

>> No.12298766
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Make some SIPs and grow some tomatoes and peppers to go with those herbs.

>> No.12298775

You don't have problems with algae in those white buckets? Any pumps or is it kratky? Nice healthy 'mater you got there anon

>> No.12298829

Sometimes they get a bit of algae in the bottom water reservior between the two buckets, but not much. No pumps but not kratky. Similar though. The potting mix wicks through the net cup. Eventually roots go down into the resevior. I put some fert in the potting mix, but that's just to get them started. Dyna-gro Foliage-Pro in the water is what keeps them healthy till the end of season. Huge plants, big yields, very healthy. Been doing this for about 7 years. Got 12 buckets this season.

>> No.12299991

Can you recommend somewhere I can read more about this method?

>> No.12300025

jelly of the gardens bros, all I want is to be a humble farmer tending to my delicious vegetables and fruits to make meals at peak freshness

>> No.12300349

If you want your plants to grow faster you need to put water and torches next to them

>> No.12300778

If you search global bucket or SIP bucket you will get an idea of what they are. On the inside you can use all sorts of containers for your wick basket like a butter tub or solo cup. I like net cups with a bit of moss shoved in to keep too much potting mix from falling through. There are dozens of variations on the sip. The Alaska grow bucket is one I want to try in the future, but it's a bit more complicated.

>> No.12301028
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Already Harvested


Currently Harvesting But Still Growing

>snap peas

Growing But Not Harvest Ready


Once the lettuce and snap peas finish up I think we're just gonna do that whole 10' x 2' area with bush green beans.

>> No.12301148

What are the sticks in the buckets for?

>> No.12301163

>he doesn't know

>> No.12301170
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Garden's a husk of it's former self unfortunately. Used to help my grandfather maintain it but he had a stroke recently and can't work on it. I've got to learn more about planting before I start it back up again.

>> No.12301176

What is this? Are you digging in concrete?

>> No.12301195

I plan to grow food, but I dont think the central Florida climate will do well. Any tips?

>> No.12301453

Why would central Florida be bad? Lots of people grow there. There are going to be region specific challenges, but that's going to happen anywhere.

>> No.12301481
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We are in Canada so things are coming in late as it’s been cool out. We add tomatoes and peppers when they get big enough to go outside.

>> No.12302209


Fuckin cats.

>> No.12302235

I could probably start planting seeds, but it's still too early to plant anything else. Usually wait until after memorial day. It snowed a few days ago.

probably just going to do an herb garden this year and a variety of hot peppers to make hot sauces.

>> No.12302250

We had a gal that lived out on the prairie that wanted us to tear down her fence, we warned her that the deer will destroy all of her plants. She did it anyway and the deer destroyed all of her plants, now she wants another fence.

>> No.12302903

that wouldn't keep cats out

>> No.12303160

Got me a community plot.
Waiting for the hot season to begin then gonna do some tomatoes, bell peppers, and experiment with watermelon.

Got garlic and beets in right now tho

>> No.12303291
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I fucked up with my english peas this year (on the left) by planting them in a too nitrogen rich soil but my tomatoes (on the right) are doing well. I planted climbing beans at the base of the peas and since they're legumes they'll probably have the same issue. I've still got time, I think I'll replant the beans in a less rich soil but I'll be lucky to get even a few meals out of the peas this year when I usually end up freezing several gallons. Sad.

>> No.12304081


It does. They like using pots as litter boxes but if they try to squat over it they get poked, so they go elsewhere.

>> No.12305390

Its called a pencil, paper and straight-edge.

>> No.12305445
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First crop of strawberries after planting some last year on a whim. I put a couple sliced in my pancakes for breakfast and a few on the side. Also made a cheesecake with them last night. This weird vegan recipe that's mostly made up of raw cashews but it tastes amazing and just as good as the real deal. Also got cherry bushes and dwarf apple trees. Sandplum bush died a couple years ago and I'm still mourning over it. Sandplum jelly is a golden gift that one must never pass up an opportunity at.