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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12293713 No.12293713 [Reply] [Original]

What's the biggest crime against food you've ever committed? For me, it's what I'm currently eating:

>tri-color rotini pasta covered in barbecue sauce

>> No.12293900

my brother used to unironically snack on the following
>2 slices of untoasted store brand wheat bread
>bbq sauce
he'd use a knife to mix it all the condiments together and then just eat it like a sandwich. he would do this every day.

>> No.12294051

One time I took an ambien, made a bearnaise sauce, and then poured it into a cup of noodles and ate it in bed.

>> No.12294057

You should consider suicide instead of eating horrible food and ruining everyone elses good time. Seriously.

>> No.12294137

cover tortilla chips in shredded cheese and microwaved it. still do it sometimes, tastes like childhood.

>> No.12294142

There's literally nothing wrong with this

>> No.12294144

Oh is this uncooth

>> No.12294174

Boiled tomato juice with rice.
My dad called them Nebraska Nachos.

>> No.12294191

The first time I made dinner by myself I made boil-in-bag rice & bearnaise from a packet.

>> No.12294212

made way too many noodle sheets for lasagne... refrigerated a few. Cut them into tagliatelle a few days later... remembered I wouldn't have enough tomatoes to make red sauce... noticed I didn't have enough garlic or cheese to make much else, and didn't feel like brown butter pasta... so I made a south-asiany curry and ate it with very italian noodles. The texture was all wrong, but the flavour was alright.

>> No.12294222

Knorr Stockpot

>> No.12294239

Got stoned and ate a block of cream cheese slathered in tobasco sauce

>> No.12294250

I'm from Alaska and this isn't uncommon here either. Then again, we're all pot heads up here.

>> No.12294305

I made a scrambled omlette with sardines, smoked clams, bacon, white cheddar, cream cheese, diced rainbow chard and riced broccoli. Was hoping it would remind me a little of something like clam chowder. Got the idea after hearing about fisherman's eggs. The fishiness was a little more than I had anticipated though. The salt was also bit too much. 4/10 would not recomend.

>> No.12294688

When I was a kid I'd snack on Danish rusks with caesar dressing and bacon bits ontop...

>> No.12294708

>sauteed spinach with chopped sausage and an egg scrambled in there too
Pretty much through what I had left in the fridge into a pan and hoped for the best
Really didn't work well

>> No.12294715
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>elementary school
>see kid at lunch eating a hotdog bun with ketchup in it
>calls it a blood sandwich and says it's good hot from the microwave
>try it out at home
>end up eating it a bunch over the next month because I thought it was good
>family still brings it up now and makes fun of me for how stupid it was
I want to die

>> No.12294723

macaroni with ketchup and sriracha
rice with sesame oil

uni was rough

>> No.12294743

sounds decent desu

>> No.12294834

egg, tuna fish, mayo burrito

>> No.12295028

>ramen noodles
>soy sauce
>sesame seeds

>> No.12295034

>was hungry
>had very little food left for the week, didn't want to eat it all all up days before my next trip to the store
>mixed mayo, ketchup, pepper, yellow mustard, bbq sauce, buffalo sauce in a bowl.
>ate it with a spoon for dinner

>> No.12295207

I do this all the time

>> No.12295218

This is just a tuna salad wrap add some pickles Anon

>> No.12295231

Not me, but my father used to eat microwaved raw chicken in a mug covered in hot sauce. The hot sauce was pretty much required because the chicken was so dry it would suck all the moisture out of your mouth.

>> No.12295774


>> No.12295866
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most of these aren't even bad.
try these;
>baked beans used as a mixer for rum
>instant mash (made with only water) with gherkins only
>fried apples with cheese
>rice with oil (type unknown)
>everything that was going mouldy or half way fucked, cooked in a big giant stew pot with vegeta (the slav seasoning, not the saiyan)

>> No.12295978

>baked beans used as a mixer for rum


Just why

>> No.12295981

hot sauce on spaghetti
made me feel sick

>> No.12295982

Skittle Milk
>rosewater, skittles, various food colourings and whole milk
>bonus points for chewing the whitened mushy skittles at the end

>> No.12295984

>hes never had a piping hot bowl of rum n beans

>> No.12295988

soft boiled scotch eggs

>> No.12296001

I used to do this but with saltine crackers. Absolutely delicious

>> No.12296011

>baked beans used as a mixer for rum

Youve gotta be memeing. There's just no way.

>> No.12296023
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>hard boiled eggs? no way! for me, it's soft boiled; the patrician choice

>> No.12296062
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>> No.12296119
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yes way. 0 memes. you guys have clearly never been as poor and drunk as me

>> No.12296144

At that point just drink it straight.

>> No.12296154

I've been pretty poor and pretty drunk but I would sooner drink it straight or cut it with water if I had to before mixing it with fucking beans

>> No.12296156

>Scrambled egg
My go to college meal

>> No.12296203
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ok i would normally drink it straight but a combination of curiosity, desire to be drunk and hunger got the best of me

>> No.12296223
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>kid in school opened up his jam sandwich and put salt and vinegar crisps in it

>> No.12296228
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>> No.12296638

White port and lemon juice. Add lemon juice to water. Cover and cook for 2½ hours to boil. Add shrimp, reduce heat to medium, and simmer, uncovered, on medium-low heat for 25 minutes, or until firm but not mushy. Pour through fine-grained sieve into food processor and blitz until pureed. Transfer shrimp into a blender, using a food processor for small pieces or a stand mixer for very coarse. Add remaining ingredients: 1 cup coconut milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, vanilla extract, coconut flakes, salt, pepper and milk, if desired. If you don't have coconut milk, add coconut milk of choice to the blender. Blend until smooth. Set in freezer until ready to use. Store in airtight container at room temperature and frozen for up to 1 month.

>> No.12296653

Crunchy Pb and J on a tortilla. Bretty good, less shitty bread.

>> No.12296654
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not as bad as some here, but microwaved rice with a raw egg mixed in and too much mayonnaise. the egg didn't cook at all and it was just awful.
what was it like

>> No.12296671

Ayo this nigga drinkin beans!

>> No.12296854

OP, are you the guy from a couple days ago who made a thread asking for advice on how to make pasta with BBQ sauce taste good?

>> No.12297063

I used to nuke cheese. Just cheese.

>> No.12297133
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>what was it like
horrible, i still drank/ate it though

>> No.12298852
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Nacho cheese on strawberry gelatin because fuck thus gay earth.

>> No.12299155

exhibit A: a sandwich consisting of peanutbutter, barbecue sauce and a kraft single between two eggo waffles

exhibit 2: sous vide duck leg pulled apart and shoved into a quesodilla

the exhibit formerly known as C: garam masala and cayenne pepper powder in new england clam chowder

̧̧͉̩̭̹͟e̴̞̜̦̜̩͎̦͙̘͈̮͠ ̴̶̛̜̠̮͘͟x̵̡̝̦̳͕͍͝ͅh̢̛̘͉̥̪̝̝̼̰̳̝̤̰̟̜̕ ̢̖͓͚̮̰̮̘̖̦͕̪̮̝͢i̴̛̼̝̟̤̪̙̞̫̺̤b̨̛͍̫̻̘̝̩̤i̸̙͙̼̬ ̴̤̩̱̳͠t̵̛͈͓̪̩̕͢͜ ̵̸̨̧̼̹͇̱̯͔̟͚̤̥̤͍̼̬̻̱̰̮r̷̶̦̠̜̥̞̰͔͈͚͚̜̣̱̞͉ͅ4̷̴̨̧̠̞̣̹̬͇̹̥͈̥̞̬̜̩̠̤̻͝ͅͅo̷͚͓̗̞̖͕̺̫̤͘͢͞f̶̶̡̹̖̘͔͔: thin mints and horseradish

>> No.12299247

How much for a gram of bud in Alaska? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12299254
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My family and I watch Elf every year, and we would sometimes put syrup in our spaghetti, it actually kind of has an interesting taste to it.

I also put pumpkin spice on pizza as a joke once and it was actually quite nice.

>> No.12299377

Shit man, at that point go ask for some rice or something from a food bank

>> No.12299905

Not me but an old roommate would mix canned tuna and frozen corn (still frozen) with mustard. I asked and she said it was tuna salad. The smell was 0/10

>> No.12300031
File: 1.90 MB, 2592x1936, general tso nachos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you wanna go? You WANT TO GO, FUCKER? Here's the biggest food crime I've ever committed. Deal with it.

>> No.12300034

Oh, yeah, and those are potato chips, not tortilla chips. And cheddar cheese.

>> No.12300598

those are clearly yellow corm tortillas

>> No.12300720

My brother used to put applesauce on his popcorn. Also, sometimes when he ate popcorn, applesauce or not, and he didn't finish the entire bowl but didn't want to throw away the rest of the popcorn, he would just put the popcorn in the fridge. So sometimes I would open the fridge to get a drink and theres just a bowl of popcorn sitting in there.

>> No.12300728

t. marketing genius

>> No.12300737

I make it a habit to commit a cooking crime every now and then when no one is watching just to see what happens.

>> No.12300876

For one of my friends 18th birthday we went on a trip to the pancake boat, basically an old river steamer where you can eat unlimited pancakes for 90 minutes. When we all had our eat we started to fuck shit up by making atrocities like 3 pancake stacks filled with gummybears, peanut butter and chocolate sauce.

>> No.12300898
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Spaghetti with ketchup and peanut butter

>> No.12300922

>Cooked chicken
Congratulations, you're retarded

>> No.12301113
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>> No.12301122

They are fucking not
what even is that

>> No.12301205

My mom likes to make molasses and onion sandwiches. Everyone who sees her making/eating one always ends up deeply disturbed by it

>> No.12301646

let me just find my photos, I used to be big on experimenting with taste combinations

>> No.12301664
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oh yeah, the combination sandwich Pretty normal, I was just hungry for one sandwich, but wanted to have three different ones

>> No.12301666

Lol, I had some leftover general tso's chicken from the chinese place, but no rice to eat it with or anything. I had potato chips (the wavy kind) and cheddar cheese, and I was tired and had been drinking, so I made "general tso nachos". It actually tasted good, but it was a fucking abomination.

>> No.12301671

Oops, this was meant for >>12301122

>> No.12301672

onions are sweet. people make sweet beans and onions. i can see it

>> No.12301676
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not really cursed, but found on my phone. Just sunny side up fried on bacon with cheese slice on top

>> No.12301682
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oh hell yeah

>> No.12301684
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the one

>> No.12301685

Is this a doge for ants?

>> No.12301687
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the only

>> No.12301690
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the unforgiveable

>> No.12301696
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unrelenting in its overingrediency

>> No.12301699
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unyelding in its lust for h e i g h t

>> No.12301701

when i was still buying off the street no one even tried to charge more than 10/g

>> No.12301707
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The treat especiale...

>> No.12301710
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>> No.12301717
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Bask in its glory

>> No.12301724
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And despair!

>> No.12301726
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>used to get the minimum meal plan in college
>Stretch it sneaking tupperware meals out of the dining hall for double or even triple the value of my meal plan
>Miscalculated the first semester and had no meals left with a month to go
>Spent the last 6 dollars I had on bread, balogna and mustard
>Lasted 2 weeks on water and a sandwich a day
>Quietly pocketing beers when my roomates were drinking
>With 2 weeks left I traded a six pack to a melanated gentleman for a lb of government cheese his mother sent him
>Every night for a week straight my food for the day consisted of a 1/2 inch slice of government cheese with tobasco and a stolen beer
>Would have had to actually resort to begging had there not been an unguarded pizza in one of the dorms communal areas
Also one time I made a pan sauce from the fond of corned beef hash and a stout but thats not as interesting

>> No.12301729

quartered boiled eggs mixed with mayo, mustard, and black olives with brine. like ghetto egg salad but with a more substantial bite.

>> No.12301745
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Behold! OC!

>> No.12301792

>>Spent the last 6 dollars I had on bread, balogna and mustard
>>Lasted 2 weeks on water and a sandwich a day
>>Quietly pocketing beers when my roomates were drinking
>>With 2 weeks left I traded a six pack to a melanated gentleman for a lb of government cheese his mother sent him
>>Every night for a week straight my food for the day consisted of a 1/2 inch slice of government cheese with tobasco and a stolen beer
Fucking based, dude.

>> No.12301844

As a kid I would regularly eat a hot dog bun (no hot dog) with just ketchup inside during school lunch. Funny enough I never liked ketchup in hamburgers.

>> No.12301875

I mix yogurt and milk for a quick and cheap protein shake.

It's actually not bad.

>> No.12301900
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I don't mean to be disrespectful Anon, but that looks like an actual abortion was done on your plate.

>> No.12301963

recently i mixed vodka with beet and prune juice. i wasnt expecting anything good, I was just trying to get some potassium after working a couple of doubles. as expected it was bad but i dumped some tamarind concentrate in there to add a little tang and it was alright. i drank a whole fuckin liter of it. ran out of vodka now drinking cooking wine with tamarind/prune juice. feels fine

>> No.12301976
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I once stuffed a chicken breast with the filling of an apple pie whose crust had gone moldy.

>> No.12301986

My dad when he's drunk mixed butter, honey, and nutella in to a mix and ate it with bread

>> No.12302023

sounds good desu senpai

>> No.12302149

>cake frosting
>extra sugar and fat

is your "dad" what you call your other mom?

>> No.12302162

2 week old little caesers dipped in queso

>> No.12302176

I'm not offended, it does look absolutely disgusting. That's why I took a picture of it. That's what happens when you're tired and a bit drunk, and you just want to eat something before you go to bed. I'll tell you though, it tasted fucking delicious. General Tso's chicken goes very well with cheese.

>> No.12302182

Nah, he's actually really skinny, he eats a ton though. gulps it down with lots of alcohol, falls asleep for a few hours, eats candy and watches reruns of tv series from the early 2000's

>> No.12302554

yeah thank you so it was not fucking corn tortillas you dumb fuck >>12300034
btw I had worse, yesterday I got home from a client tired, smoked way too much weed and had rice chips with pickles, tomatoes and balsamic vinegar. looked like cancer vomit.

>> No.12302562

sorry not you dumb fuck, (You) dumb fuck: -> >>12300598

>> No.12302566


>> No.12302582

I once made something with my friends we dubbed the sloppy jane. it was all the meat in the fridge so andouille sausage, ground beef, shredded leftover chicken, and bacon tossed into a pot with a hunk of velveeta, blue cheese, parmesan, jalapenos, red onions, buffalo sauce and sour cream all stewed down into a slop that we put on hot dog buns. yes it was gross, yes it was heart stopping, and yes we were very very drunk. I literally had a hard time walking up the stairs after I had one. I dont know if my heart has ever fully recovered.

>> No.12302602

>fried apples with cheese
ok, now you've peaked my curiosity

>> No.12302624

>plain pasta boiled
>just dump store bought pack of shredded cheese into the pot and stir it around
it's great until it goes cold and I haven't finished the pot and the whole thing just kinda solidifies and is no longer stretchy

>> No.12302731

I want to vomit.

>> No.12302738

One time I ate half a giant bag of doritos when I was 7 years old, and threw it up later that night. Would not recommend the flavor of dorito vomit. I have been unable to eat a single one since.

>> No.12302752
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>> No.12302753

Were your intestines ok?

>> No.12302770


>> No.12302998
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>> No.12303001

When I had nothing else to eat I had to eat a hotdog in a hard shell taco with mild Taco Bell sauce

>> No.12303432

That doesn't sound that bad.

>> No.12303464

one time my friend and i were super drunk and drinking more rum
we did dijon mayonnaise rum shots
i quite enjoyed it, but i'm already a big mayonaise fan

>> No.12303477

based poss poster

>> No.12303488

>not taking patrician rum and baked beans shots

>> No.12303490

My best friend ate ketchup on corn on the cob

>> No.12303500

By far the worst shit in this thread.

>> No.12303502

Are you Jack's son?

>> No.12303532

While out eating with an Australian friend, I decided to try putting vinegar on my chips, then, according to my central European urges, I dunked the chips into mayo. A surprisingly good combination when a bit of salt was added.

>> No.12303544

Sliced lemon slathered in maple syrup

>> No.12303553

not him but it's really good, fry em good with some butter and sprinkle cinnamon and brown sugar on them then grate a sharp cheese on top and maybe broil a little. great pancake topping

>> No.12303579

When I was in college I went to the cafeteria with friends and got a sub with every single topping on it, probably like 30 different things, considering sauces, cheeses, spreads, and meats. It was an absolute nightmare but I did it again about a month later, the flavor really grew on me.

>> No.12303613
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>flour tortilla from taco kit
>out of date can of refried beans
>a single japapeno
>shredded cheese microwaved on top
was not nearly as good as i thought it would be

>leftover french fries from mcdonalds
>shredded cheese microwaved on top
>dusted with chili powder
i thought it would taste like chili cheese fries

>peanut butter
>chocolate chips for baking
>white bread
this was actually really good but my sister thought it was weird

>grilled cheese
>grape jelly

>3 boxes of kraft macardi and cheese
>a can of tuna
>some chopped slices of sandwich ham
>leftover half jar of pimentos
>a few slices of leftover bacon
>some leftover shredded cheese
>a slice of havarti cheese
i wanted to clear out space in my fridge so i just put anything that had already been opened in with the macaroni
it wasnt very good but i didnt want to waste it so that was my breakfast & lunch that day

>> No.12303617

My younger sister once ate a banana in a hotdog bun covered in ketchup

>> No.12303618

i sometimes eat sandwiches made out of nothing but slices of white bread, lettuce and mayo

>> No.12303629

That's hardcore, how well did you function during that time?

>> No.12303639

One of my favorite meals was basically just boneless/skinless breasts marinated in italian dressing and baked, some steamed frozen vegetable like spinach, a basic salad, and minute rice. I would drizzle everything but the vegetable in italian after that. At the time it was satisfying, but the true "one-note" and blandness of the dish itself was pretty disgusting in retrospect.

>> No.12304342

The first poss had me giggling, this one rekt me

>> No.12304490

One time because of /b/ posting old food commercials, I ate a piece of bread with peanut butter and mayonnaise. It was alright desu.

On another note, I sometimes eat burritos that consist of only cheddar cheese and ketchup.

>> No.12304517

>thin mints and horseradish
Tbh I can see someone drunk/high deciding to try this so I don’t blame you anon

>> No.12304755

Not great, luckily I had easy finals that semester. I lost a lot of the weight I had gained from eating too much dining hall pasta and pizza so that was a plus

>> No.12304762

>Also one time I made a pan sauce from the fond of corned beef hash and a stout but thats not as interesting
What is this even called? Thats fucking foul

>> No.12304791

I dipped apples in ranch as a kid but I would say crown to the worst thing I've made as an adult is my attempt fusing boulliabaise and gumbo using frozen mixed seafood (squid, mussels, imitation crab, shrimp)

It was fucking horrendous and I don't know why I thought it was a good idea

>> No.12304876
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>fried apples with cheese

>> No.12304964

I like to put some potato chips on a plate with some velveeta on top, nuke it till it's gooey, pour some tabasco on top and eat.

>> No.12304989

I tried this but with ketchup and white bread during elementary school and the teacher told my parents that I wasn't eating healthy enough. Even though most other kids were eating michelles shitty lunches or highly processed snacks.

>> No.12306543

apples and cheese

>> No.12306666

Would love to try this tbqhfam

>> No.12306674 [DELETED] 

French fries in hot sauce and barbecue sauce.

>> No.12306720

I once tried vanilla ice and ketchup. It tastes exactly like bile.

>> No.12306769

I get instant puke reaction from white Rum thanks to bad experiences as teen - I have to have something to cover up the taste, and water doesn't work.

So beans it is. Iced coffee? Been there. Soy sauce? Worked suprisingly well. Holding your nose? It's not a bad way to go.

>> No.12307167

One of my friends did the same thing, although there might have been cheese on there as well

>> No.12307266

>ketchup on corn
I used to do this when I was a kid, but I've moved on to butter, if only to get people to stop giving me weird looks.
In regards to this thread, the two worst things I've done (also when I was a kid) was dipping bread into apple/grape juice, and mixing orange juice with Coke. I distinctly remember the OJ & Coke being the point that I stopped mixing all sodas with juices.

>> No.12307276

>dipping bread into apple/grape juice
people do it with wine. i don't really see this as a sin

>> No.12307899

I wanted to stir-fry but I was out of rice, and felt too lazy to walk to the store to buy noodles, so, I used spaghetti instead. Taste was okay, but spaghetti itself dissolved into tiny pieces as I fried. It looked like a mushy mess, and my pan still has some burnt spaghetti strands stuck in its bottom.

>> No.12308331
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Bamed pinto beans iwht crotch soda

>> No.12308434
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how does /ck/ feel about these bees at 2:23?

>> No.12308439

7:23, sorry
i absorbed some weaker downies for their chromosomes and am still feeling the effects

>> No.12308444


This is just nachos

>> No.12309421

Peanut butter and butter sandwiches when I was like 13 and now for me it's dill pickles and cool whip both are fucking amazing

>> No.12311148

When I was a kid and not allowed to use the stove/oven/microwave I used to make bologna and cool whip sandwiches. Not with any bread, mind you. It was literally 2 slices of oscar meyer bologna with a spoonful of cool whip between them.
Yes, I am obese now.

>> No.12311391

When I was like 10 I’d eat nothing but white sandwich bread dipped in ranch dressing because I got home about an hour before my parents did

>> No.12312316
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Trying to make chocolate milk with frosting and not syrup.

>> No.12312348

I drank a 5 year old can of condensed coconut milk and some old pepperonis from the fridge and ketchup and hot sauce packets , I was broke stranded in a friends house(he was in jail) without money for 2 weeks and I lost about 10lbs.

>> No.12312415

American here
That looks delicious.