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12289041 No.12289041 [Reply] [Original]

>have pedophile spokesman
>take away the $5 foot long
>closes down 500 stores

fuck subway I can’t wait for jersey mikes to be the new go to sub shop

>> No.12289046

I'd just like to say that I'm totally neutral about your post, but fuck jimmy johns fuck them

>> No.12289082

>go to jersey mikes for the first time ever
>girl tries to make my club without bacon on it
>gets corrected by manager, obviously new
>also puts lettuce on it when i said no lettuce
>whatever i'll just eat the shitty shredded lettuce
>she basically throws the sub into the bag
>bag had a rip on the other end and the sub splots straight onto the floor
>start inadvertently laughing
>she remakes my sub

was like a 6/10 wouldn't go back again desu

>> No.12289102

and that girls name??? albert einstein...

>> No.12289106

I only have Subway in my area.

>them feels

>> No.12289188

Ya I don't understand how jimmy johns is a thing, they are legit worse than subgay. Jersey Mikes is better in every way, but I don't think they will catch on because they are too expensive for the common bottom feeder.

>> No.12289195

I feel bad for everyone who doesn't have Sublix Pubs.

>> No.12289230

i live in connecticut, where subway was founded, and they are everywhere.
i drive around a lot for work, and always make a point to see what the attendance is like. any time of day, these parking lots are basically empty, and it's been like this for a couple years. i can't imagine they're doing too well as a company, but for some reason i can't think of a single one that i've seen close down

>> No.12289280

Quizznos will piss on their graves

>> No.12289305

>I can’t wait for jersey mikes to be the new go to sub shop
What does that even mean? I already get Jersey Mike's all the time and I don't see why anyone would want them to start getting lots of extra customers and turning into another Subway.
That was obviously a problem specific to one new employee who probably doesn't even work there anymore. I'd be pissed off if they put the lettuce / tomatoes / onions on my sandwich too though. That's the one thing I don't like about them, how they make that the default on their sandwiches. It's not that big of a deal since they offer good ingredient control options on the delivery apps they work with, but still doesn't make much sense to me. Why not just have the meat, bread, and cheese be the baseline and let people who want the extra crap added on ask for it instead of the other way around where you need to ask to exclude it?

>> No.12289308

Didn’t Quiznos go out of business?

>> No.12289316

pretty sure the dude was walking miles to the subway losing weight in his epic transformation just to creep on some girl

>> No.12289322

They filed for bankruptcy. Filing for bankruptcy doesn't mean the business disappears. It just means they restructure their debt so the parties they owe still get something paid back with a better defined court ordered plan to go off of and the business gets to cut back on expenses and move towards a business model they're better able to sustain.

>> No.12289327

Naw. I live right next to the original Quiznos. It’s still here.

>> No.12289718

hes still lookin good

>> No.12289936

Chipped my tooth on a piece of bone from Jersey Mike's. Fuck that place.

>> No.12289989

How about you go fuck yourself. JJs is elder god tier. If I could only go to one restaurant for the rest of my life it would be JJs

>> No.12289994


>> No.12290089

>addictied to kiddies and food
>take food away
>only outlet is kiddies

>> No.12290154

Quiznos isn't out of business, but holy shit they're circling the drain. Literally every single one in my state closed. They treated their franchisees like dog shit.

>> No.12290160

>Why not just have the meat, bread, and cheese be the baseline and let people who want the extra crap added on ask for it instead of the other way around where you need to ask to exclude it?

I been saying this shit for years. This world is weird man.

>> No.12291861

honestly jersey mikes is always trash too and the felon making the sandwich behind the counter usually fucks up the order.
my list goes publix > firehouse > wawa > jimmy johns > jersey mikes > subways

>> No.12291866
File: 90 KB, 500x294, BoarsHead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's time for Boar's Head to open their own sub shop chain and blow everyone else out of the water.

>> No.12291918
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Fuck you, I'm gonna go have an Italian Night Club with hot peppers

>> No.12291936

It's called Publix

>> No.12291959

anon lives under a rock

>> No.12291960

Based and Boarpilled. I wish more Safeways had them

>> No.12291961

I feel bad for everyone who doesn't have Cousin's Subs

>> No.12291962

>bistro that sells paninis made with boars head
Kino place but it's in a terrible location, feels bad

>> No.12291973

>That's the one thing I don't like about them, how they make that the default on their sandwiches
If it doesn’t have lettuce, onions, and tomatoes it’s not a sandwich. If you don’t like any of those three things you don’t like sandwiches.

>> No.12292054

>closes down 500 stores
How is this even a surprise when you have multiple stores in a 1 mile radius in a decently populated town?

>> No.12292077

Have you guys been to firehouse subs or is that a Florida thing? Awesome cheese steak sandwiches tho!

>> No.12292088

Welcome to Firehouse!

>> No.12292095

That's complete nonsense.

>> No.12292218

Probably because their bread is good and they use based foods mayo. I can understand someone going in and feeling like a rube though.

>> No.12292411

>grilled cheese isn't a sandwich
>BLTs aren't sandwiches

>> No.12292433

I'm pretty sure I've seen them around in Arizona but I've never been. I just can't be bothered to go to sandwich place when I could just make my own lazy and crappier sandwich for free, or go to any other restaurant and get a hot "meal" for the same price.

>> No.12292677

I live in Virginia and theres a few around here. Good place.

>> No.12292973

Yeah i know, same with stop and shop, but they're not an established chain. Not everywhere has them. If Boar's Head delis were as common as subway the world would be a better place.

>> No.12293046

You ever et at a Stuffy’s? I’ve heard good things about a chain in Virginia called Stuffy’s.

>> No.12293186

fuck sub shops in general.
charcuterie is the future of deli food.

>> No.12293264
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Have you tried the new kid's menu at the 'Way?

>> No.12293268

Why is it so hard for you guys to make sandwiches? There is almost no cooking involved in it.

>> No.12293308

You still have to buy a bunch of ingredients which will expire if you don't end up wanting to keep making and eating sandwiches every day before they run out. A lot easier just to have someone make one sandwich and give it to you so you aren't taking on some future multiple sandwich making committment.

>> No.12293316

Patrician taste, its the only thing I get

>> No.12293324

>hebephile, not a pedophile.

>> No.12293327

>multiple sandwich making committment.
Why can't you eat the same thing for 5 days?

>> No.12293345

I never said I can't. But I have no guarantee I would either. I could very easily see myself getting lazy or not wanting to continue eating it after a couple times of doing so. Is it that hard for you to understand waking up in the morning one day and feeling like you'd rather just go into work and have food handled for you? I don't get how people like you don't have a concept of laziness.

>> No.12293467

UCF literally got a Boar's Head stand alone shop. They already have those anon

>> No.12293606

thanos should've snapped all tomatoes in the entire universe out of existance. Literally nothing of value would have been lost

>> No.12293615

>worst subs in the game
>most likely to succeed Subway as Sandwich King
Most people are plebs. That’s the very nature of plebs.

>> No.12293691




With that out of the way, I mostly get sandwhiches from Publix these days. Which, I think, is a big reason Subway could never recover. The market has just changed dramatically from when they were top dog, grocery stores are offering equal or better value and quality, with lower overhead. There's room in the market for sub shops, especially if they deliver, but it's not as wide open as it used to be and it's simply impossible to ever claim that much share of it again.

>> No.12293818

No, he was pursuing kids as young as nine.

>> No.12293856

There is nothing wrong with pedophilia.

>> No.12293975

>JJs is elder god tier.
>barely any variety
>shit tier meats
>Bread sucks
>barely any toppings
>can't get it toasted
It's fucking garbage.

>> No.12293994

every pedo looks the same its like a costume evil forces you to wear how sick

>> No.12294048


>> No.12294053

is there a town in the USA that doesn't have at least one decent pizza place with way better subs for like a dollar more?

>> No.12294092

This. JJ’s is the only sub shop that’s ever given me the shits. Terrible, terrible “restaurant”.

>> No.12294107


>top tier
Jersey Mikes, Publix
>good tier
>shit tier
Jimmy Johns
>inedible tier

>> No.12294108
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Anyone else eat a meat feast in one sitting?

>> No.12294124

Your reminder that there is evidence that he was framed due to police fuck ups and covering their ass and a dog capable of "sniffing" cp off a microsd card

>> No.12294145

didn't they catch him because he was just telling people that he was attracted to children and flying to Thailand?

>> No.12294333

Subway would return to the top if they brought back the deep U cut.

>> No.12294344

>inedible tier
subways are highly dependant on location, and i feel bad for you if you've never experienced a busy subway that always has fresh bread and fresh meats.

The shitty rural subways I end up at when travelling make me depressed. The super busy subway nearest to me however is fucking awesome all the time, I love it.

>> No.12294355

fuck you

>> No.12294398

I like getting the spicy Italian with all pepperoni, have them put oil and marinara sauce on the bread first, some parm then meat and cheese. I usually have olives and jalapenos and have them double toast it until it's super crispy, then fill it with spinach before closing up

>> No.12294434

They're still better than subway

>> No.12294444

>Bread is good

Its the worst bread actually. Its so damn hard. Jersey mikes has awesome bread. Subways bread would be ok if it wasn't filled with such horrible ingredients.

>> No.12294452

That's boring. There's an almost limitless amount of things i could eat. So having the same thing even two days in a row seems real boring to me.

>> No.12294463

>instead of the other way around where you need to ask to exclude it?
You mean like literally every other fast food burger/sandwich joint in fucking existence?
Having to tell them what you want is not the fucking norm and it shouldn't be.
If you're a whiny pissbaby that doesn't want tomatoes then YOU should be the one to have to ask for it.
Your way: Every order is a special order.
The non-retarded way: Only special orders are special orders.

>> No.12294468

Firehouse was the final nail in Quizno's coffin. The few survivors will keep on surviving, but they'll never be able to retake their niche.

Pretty sure it's straight up national. They're all over Missouri.

>> No.12294471
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For me, it's DiBella's.

>> No.12294475

Boar's head has their own shops

>> No.12294479

Literally the WORST thing about Jimmy John is their bread. Its amazing how they now have a brand new style of bread that taste different but is still worse than every other sub shop

>> No.12294483

Jersey Mike's jacks off into your food though. So he tried fucking some girl in high school. Who cares as long as you're not related.

>> No.12294488

>cold sub sandwiches with subpar ingredients

If it weren't for ebt and retarded boomers subway wouldn't exist. Now that retard boomers are loading into old folks homes subway is dying.

Sidenote: I dated a girl who worked there in hs and her hair always smelt like shitty bread

>> No.12294489
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>mayo on an italian sub

>> No.12294495

Go to TOGO's. Don't be a faggot.

>> No.12294497

Stuffy's is better than Firehouse. Zero's is one of the best subs you can get anywhere though.

>> No.12294499

it's not dying, it just way over expanded because it was the cheapest fast food restaurant to franchise so thousands of poos with money opened them up every half mile

>> No.12294502

People who eat subway shouldn't be allowed to vote because their decision making is not sound.

>> No.12294520

>only in Detroit and New York
Fucking pass

>> No.12294521

Show me one single subway where you can use EBT

>> No.12294533
File: 24 KB, 338x450, subway-accepts-food-stamps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one by my house has a big flag on the road that says they do. Jack in the box also accepts it. What do these two have in common? Horrible food.

>> No.12294534

>four 4s
His story checks out. Jimmy John’s confirmed shit.

>> No.12294554
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>just .99 cents more
>$7.56 versus $6.55

>> No.12294559

Based bean counter anon

>> No.12294575

>only in Detroit and New York
Also in Indianapolis, Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and various parts of Connecticut.

>> No.12294579

SUBWAY University and the Operations Manual (10.45) states that only three olive slices should be on a six inch, and six slices on a twelve inch. Bean counting is the name of the game.

>> No.12294612

i literally turned 360 degrees and walked out the door the moment i heard all the employees say that as soon as i entered

i never went back

>> No.12294671

You realize the entire staff were thinking “that boy is spinning in circles, there he goes out the door. no doubt the poor thing has autism” and they’re probably right.

>> No.12294706

aw shit fr, im applying this fall

>> No.12294797
File: 61 KB, 639x792, 16996337_389367631419538_1909236194800464184_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>filet minion

>> No.12296630

good fuckin riddance. The shit they have there tastes like nothin but plastic. literally inedible

>> No.12296752

Based non-retard.

>> No.12296764

Subway is the worst fast food ever.

>> No.12296913

Well in that case they need to open more branches.

>> No.12296942

You say this but have you considered just supporting your local delicatessen that makes their Own bread on site and uses boars head?
I go to my local deli once every couple weeks and no other sub shop has been able to compete

>> No.12297526

>not just making your own sandviches
Fucking worthless soillenials.

>> No.12297582

Make me a sandwich.

>> No.12297907

You're right. And I mean I already do, maybe it's time I quit complaining and be grateful for what I have.

By the way try the Boar's Head teriyaki chicken. It's so freaking good I sometimes sneak slices by themselves.

>> No.12298422

whoa was Mohammad pissed?? that's his turf

>> No.12298433

just ask for it you braindead shitfuck

>> No.12298887

based and pedopilled