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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12285214 No.12285214 [Reply] [Original]

When’s the last time you enjoyed a good picnic?

I had one today and watched airplanes land and takeoff. Was fun

>> No.12285215

What's in the polka dot manbag?

>> No.12285218

So that's what the wasteland of America looks like?

>> No.12285220

Just looking at that bottle of peppies is making me salivate. Also, nice purse, faggot.

>> No.12285224

I haven’t Ben on one since I was a kid but the idea sounds nice. Who did you go with op? Also it kinda sucks you’re limited to a boring menu unless you get super autistic about it.

>> No.12285228
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my favorite moments are eating fish and chips by the seaside with my wife and her kids, watching the storm clowns roll in.

>> No.12285233


>> No.12285240

>sitting on a public holey table
Naaah, I like eating on the grass over a blanket like a real cave man and lying down after to look at the clouds
Havent been to one since junior high where some chick invited me to one for lunch with her friends and we sat out in the fields

>> No.12285246

Wife and I made samiches and fruit. Also packed a cheesecake from Collin street bakery. Was good.

>> No.12285250


>> No.12285255
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It’s a wasteland that keeps attracting people from more progressive areas due to jobs and cheaper homes and living.

God damn rick perry. You would not believe how many Beto stickers I see every week. This place sucks, stay out of it!!!!

>> No.12285256

They great on the fry chickins

>> No.12285281
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Sounds based.

>> No.12285285

Did u maek that? Nice!

>> No.12285291

No it was in a past fish and chips storm clown thread

>> No.12285294


>> No.12285296

Picnic at the airport. Great, cant wait to breathe in that delightful toxic air

>> No.12285316

/n/ and autismpilled

>> No.12285391

her kids

>> No.12285397

I just had that pepper bottle on my table at a restuarant for the first time yesterday. So the cap only has a small opening to drip the liquid out onto your food so are you supposed to do that or are you supposed to take the cap off and eat the peppers? Or both?