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File: 47 KB, 700x710, steel_brewing_company_-_steel_reserve_211-700x710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12283156 No.12283156 [Reply] [Original]

Is it bad to drink 3 of these every night ?

>> No.12283206
File: 332 KB, 420x420, acb70baad3f8c949ee901ab083428647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A gallon of malt liquor every night
Not gonna make it.

>> No.12283276

I drink 3 25oz a night and after two months of that I am seeing things and can't sleep

>> No.12283283

Sounds great!

>> No.12283289


>> No.12283291

Same I have trouble sleeping now

>> No.12283354

Yeah it's fine just make sure you're not eating 2000 cals since you're getting so many cals from alcohol/carbs

>> No.12283396

It sounds like withdrawals. Do you get the shakes, anxiety, hot and cold flashes? If it is withdrawals itll last about a week if you go cold turkey.

>> No.12283402

Seeing as Steel Reserve is the 'limp wristed pansy' level of malt liquor sure drink up. Let me know when you level up and want to earn your 'Man Card'.

>> No.12283417

do you not get withdrawals if you only drink at night? is it more a problem when you're drinking continuously? I drink a lot but I'm fine during the day I just get really bored at night at it helps me enjoy shitty food and Netflix

>> No.12283439

Holy fuck, i use to pound one of the 40oz every morn after i dropped my gf off at work. That was when they were in the glass bottles. I dont kno how the fuck niggers drink the plastic 40s holy shit just buy some weed

>> No.12283447


what that fuck are you talking about

>> No.12283453

Oh it def is. Extreme mental fatigue and weakness but it's no biggie. The weird thing is that some nights it doesn't even kick in though, it seems so random. I gotta quit being shit soon but oh well.

>> No.12283463

Camo? Axe Head?

>> No.12283486
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>> No.12283631

I drink about a six pack of regular 0.5L beer or more almost every day for about 5 years.(have been drinking a lot before I got into daily drinking)

I don't get the shakes yet when I do not drink for a day or two. Things I get is: Having really intense dreams and sometimes waking up soaked in sweat. Generally I don't drink during the day and only to in the evening before I sleep. Sometimes I start hearing shit or have over imaginative imagination when I am between awake and sleep.

Aside from that I am fine.

>> No.12283642

The only problem is that you're still alive the next day. Your carbon footprint is always too huge as long as you're still alive. Save the planet. Die.

>> No.12283660

What does malt liquor taste like and why does it get such a bad rap?

>> No.12283664

did you also pound her pusy haha

>> No.12283670

I think it tastes better than craft and expensive beer desu

>> No.12283681
File: 91 KB, 600x800, 60245F0D-D525-49FA-92E1-BDEC8E22D205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you try to quit. We’re talking sweats, shakes, insomnia, halicinations, maybe seizures. Might as well keep goin bud.

>> No.12283691

Based pusy poster

>> No.12283714

tastes fine, gets a bad wrap because pretentious people are embarassed to use a product which is no fashion and all function

>> No.12283730

Pretty much this best bang for ur alki bucks

>> No.12283748

I usually get a 12 pack of cans for dirt cheap $7.50 and will either start around noon and finish up around midnight or do 6-8 then reup/stack the next day. Its so cheap and good that if i get bored of the taste, I'll get the cheap af 12 pack of pbr next to it.
Also i have Crohn's and am speeding up my internal rot tenfold.

>> No.12283751

i used to do what ur doing. Don't do it too long. Not only is it like 3300 calories you gonna start getting bad anxiety that only goes away if you are drunk and eventually turn into a wierdo who cant talk to people. Get out while you can.

>> No.12283840

It tastes like beer, but sweeter and less hopped. They add extra sugar to counterbalance the alcohol content. So imagine taking a beer, pouring a shot of vodka into it, then pouring a shot of simple syrup into it. Does that sound awful? Well, bad news, actual malt liquor is worse, because you don't get that hop flavor so the profile is just barley water, sugar, and alcohol. And by sugar I mean corn syrup, generally. It's disgusting.

And it gets a bad rap because it has an established track record of doing bad things. It's a beverage with wine potency packaged in beer quantities, that needs to be consumed at beer speed to be palatable while each can or bottle is still cold and carbonated. It makes it hard to judge and moderate your alcohol intake, throws off your sense of how far you go before you're gonna puke, before you're gonna punch a motherfucker, etc. Its easy to make errors in judgement when swilling malt liquor, and it's marketed to broke people who can't afford to make a lot of mistakes. And if you do manage to throw back a few quarts without doing anything stupid, the hangover the next day is a motherfucker. It's not just the alcohol, that sugar is fucking with your insulin levels and shit. God-awful feeling the next morning. It's terrible shit.
>t. 40 oz warrior
I've been bit by the Cobra, shot by Colt 45, marched with the Olde English, ridden out the Hurricane, went bareknuckle with Mickey's, and tapped into the Steel Reserve and did more High Gravity training than fucking Goku. In my experienced opinion, malt liquor is trash and a poison decent people ought not to introduce to their bodies.

>> No.12283901


>> No.12283931

>makes it hard to judge and moderate your alcohol intake, throws off your sense of how far you go before you're gonna puke, before you're gonna punch a motherfucker, etc
Bro a tallboy of Steel is about 4 units, it's just shitty beer with higher abv.
It's not going to affect you any more than twice the quantity of Bud Lite would. I remember when 4loko was the hot new thing all the faggot freshmen would pretend to be wasted after a couple of sips like it was a magic potion.

>> No.12283938

Four loko is just stronger than beer, my friend drank two cans, passed out, and the combination of alcohol and caffeine made him shit himself. dangerous mix

>> No.12283947

Four Loko hasnt had caffeine since 2010

>> No.12283956

>I remember when 4loko was the hot new thing all the faggot freshmen would pretend to be wasted after a couple of sips like it was a magic potion.
Yes, back then it had caffeine.

>> No.12283959

Lol if you don't add in a 5 hour enery into ur loko

>> No.12284008

You are not listening to me, I have no pretensions nor delusions of sophistication, I have drank more malt liquor than any God-fearing man should ever consider. My objections to the beverage are based entirely on its flaws.
And you are not understanding me. Yes, it's four units, but the problem is it's packaged and consumed as one. Sure, drinking twice the quantity of Bud Lite would be just as bad, but you're not consuming twice the quantity of Bud Lite in a few gulps. What I'm saying is, that's what fucks you up. Having to chug that tallboy of 211 while it's still cold and carbonated and getting the alcohol content of four longnecks, that fucks up your pacing.

>> No.12284080

Yeah, I would say that's pretty bad

>> No.12284107

He's gonna make alright. Into heaven!

>> No.12284108

I drink a fifth of whiskey every night

>> No.12284118

for how long? post bottles

>> No.12284120

What kind of beer comes in a plastic bottle?

>> No.12284132

root beer

>> No.12284195

A lot of 40zs now

>> No.12284246

If you enjoy pancreatitis and liver scarring, yes.

>> No.12284304

>nhl players aren't allowed to endorse any alcoholic beverage that isn't malt liquor
when they drew up the rule they wanted to do all of them but some guy had a sponsorship deal so he got it exempt

>> No.12284436
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Dont do it for more than a month, dude. Make sure you hydrate and eat in any down time you have if you can stomache it. I drank four tall cans(24oz each) a night for 5 months and ended up with pancreatitis. Granted, I also didnt eat very well or drink much water and I was extremely stressed.
I couldnt even keep water, let alone food, inside of me for 13 days. The muscle atrophy and effects on my mind are still repairing nearly 4 years later. The lack of energy and brain fog I suffer was not worth the temporary stress relief.

>> No.12284459

Breh, this is how you get kindled. Doesn't happen to everyone, but it sucks when it does. It got to the point where if I drank two nights in a row, I'd have hallucination-level withdrawal the day after I quit. Even had a couple seizures. Went on a week long bender and actually had full blown DTs. People like me either give it up or die, man.

>> No.12284521

Been doing this for 8 years now

>> No.12284533

Take a week off of it and hydrate.

>> No.12284537
File: 10 KB, 150x300, 27218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they stop making pic related?
I can't find it anywhere in Colorado :(

>> No.12284541

3 steelies is nothing. must have been your stress.

>> No.12284547

If I do I cant sleep. get awful anxiety etc.... Only time I stopped in those 8 years was for a flu or severe sinus infection

>> No.12284937

I'm the same way, but at this point it takes both alcohol and cannabis. I know from experience after the first three days you'll start getting into a more normal pattern if you want to. It helps to havea purpose, like manual labor or hard exercise. You'll fall asleep.

>> No.12284966

it takes both if you're regularly using both, tolerance is a bitch

>> No.12285016

Drinking to excess is degenerate. Stop while you can.

>> No.12285023

Hey, 2016 reddit transplant. Remember me? I can find you all over this board. You might want to politely and quietly leave now.

>> No.12285037

You're doing an awful lot of stalking and not enough killing yourself.

>> No.12285050

>t. scared
Keep on, it gets worse.

>> No.12285051

Mickeys is low abv

>> No.12285053

Meh, I could drink two 40s and be fine. The biggest thing with that is the carbonation, carbs, and sugar. It's healthier to just drink some scotch.

>> No.12285055

You're one mad faggot.

>> No.12285943

This , it's like the same percent as Budweiser

>> No.12286321

Holy shit it’s an Egyptian

>> No.12286582

Why do you guys drink such disgusting crap? There's plenty of tasty alcohol that's just as strong if not stronger, and not much more expensive. But I guess if you have a nigger tier job you can only afford nigger tier drinks.

>> No.12286604

Malt liquor tastes good. Its the most popular kind of beer in japan. $2.29 for a 42 of olde english at 8.8%. 3.99 for a 22oz of 9.1% stout

>> No.12286621

>malt liquor tastes good
haha no. It all tastes like piss. Worse than cheap American macrobrewery lagers.

>> No.12286641

I drink about fifty ounces of malt liquor on most week nights and I can assure you, it tastes like rancid piss

>> No.12286644

Also it's really trashy to actually calculate the money to alcohol molecules ratio you spend on. I know, I was just like you once, when I was in college. If you aren't broke, why not just spend triple on the same drunkness you will get with something that actually tastes good? At least I can pair my drinks with my meals.

>> No.12286691

Tastes fine to me so does PBR and bud
only 50 oz?
I drink malt liquor 2-3 times a week microbrew the rest of the time.

>> No.12286692

The Camo/Vodka combo.

>> No.12286695

>not drinking 4 cans of 4loko a night
It's healthier you should try it

>> No.12286713

I exclusively drink delicious beer with each of my meals.
>IPA with spicy food
>amber ale or a pilsner with a sandwhich
>hard cider with dessert

>> No.12286905

are u me

>> No.12286933
File: 98 KB, 1000x1000, 13927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not drinking this urine of the gods

8-14% is for tryhards

>> No.12286971
File: 176 KB, 400x485, tumblr_n48usg8n1f1rmgooko1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it tastes like rancid piss

Why do you keep drinking it? Shouldn't you graduate to Popov like a real alcoholic?

>> No.12286973

I start to vomit really bad in the morning when I drink steel reserve everyday, i have to change it up and buy good beer once in a while to give my stomach a break. Drink a six pack of spaten optimator(7.6%) and three 24oz cans of steel reserve the next day and tell me which one has a nicer alcohol buzz.

>> No.12287149

>My mom only let's me drink 6% alcohol

>> No.12287223

Same, I drink about 1/3 of a handle a night. No problems during the day. I haven't drank for 3 days and no withdrawals.

>> No.12287232

imagine thinking its a good idea to spend the same amount of money for the same shitty taste with less alcohol

>> No.12287574

Does he know how close he came? Probably not.

>> No.12287588

That's why I wasted the necessary energy to type the word almost

>> No.12287624

Wut withdrawals from two months of abuse ha.

I've been drinking 6 tall cans of beer of a night for almost ten years now, about four of those years I was downing probably 16 a day plus what ever else I could find.

Only time I get symptoms is when I haven't drank for maybe four days I get insomnia. Honestly, if you eat right, stay hydrated and only drink during certain times a day you'll hardly have any negative effects. Non high-functioning Alcoholics are generally in bad health not because of the alcohol itself, but because they eat like shit, and have shit attitudes.

>> No.12287633

I've been drinking for years in the evening without a problem sober during the day or couple days off, but once I was drinking throughout the day for like a couple of weeks that was a whole nother story(I was in another country and kinda stressed out about it throughout the day so I began drinking during the day )

Auditory and mild visual hallucinations when I didn't drink for a couple of hours, anxiety that felt like I need to jump out the window.

>> No.12287721

vodka has a weird uncomfortable buzz, it will get you drunk but getting drunk on malt liquor feels warmer and more sedating like red wine if that makes any sense, cheap whiskey feels better than bottom shelf vodka. some people just don't care at all and want to get drunk as quick as possible and those people drink cheap vodka.

>> No.12287928

Drink 2 40zs a night every night usually while playing vidya and winding down for the night.