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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12278649 No.12278649 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12278684

im a natural born female

>> No.12278694

Im not really gay, just lonely

>> No.12278698

My threads are doing Iron Man numbers.

>> No.12278699

I only come here to shitpost, i get banned when i shitpost on /pol/, fucking kike jannies.

>> No.12278729

I go to pol to shitpost when I get banned for flooding the board with McChicken threads. Also drinking coffee at 10 pm

>> No.12278730

I'm American and make European h8 threads because I'm a lonely cuck faggot.

>> No.12278737

not /ck/ related

>> No.12278743



>> No.12278757


Well we *could* be confessing /ck/ related things

But no

>> No.12278762

you cant just make a thread with the word confess and call it a ck thread

>> No.12278769

Clearly you can

>> No.12278791
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Every one in a while, when no one is around, I'll... I'll eat a bowl of spaghetti with ketchup on it. It's just so good

>> No.12278797

Oh sweety.. :(

>> No.12278808

You were raised by a single mother werent you?

>> No.12278834

Nah, dad was just super lazy sometimes

>> No.12278870
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I don't use a single whole tomato in my spaghetti sauce. Not one. Tomato paste and water. Get your disgusting slimy swamp fruits out of my pasta.

>> No.12278889

When I don't want anything in particular to eat, I come on here for inspiration for what to order on Postmates

>> No.12278895
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>> No.12278910
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You're a real woman to me. What penis?


You have a vagina!


>> No.12279042

i tell my friends that im vegan but i eat animal products almost everyday

>> No.12279173

Thats funny af!
>holy shit! I hope this is true!

>> No.12279225

I think aspic is decently good if you've got food you don't want to throw away, it all depends on what foodstuffs you combine in it

nice baps

>> No.12279231

I’ve never successfully made really soft tangzhong/roux bread and I feel sad about that.

>> No.12279232
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My girlfriend left me so I got depressed and ate 7 slices of pizza and drank a bunch of rum. Now I feel like shit. I'll get over it I guess

>> No.12279236
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I have crippling anxiety that's sometimes so bad I cant walk through an empty grocery store. It's like my fight or flight response is broken. I tell no one and just live my life to the best of my ability

>> No.12279238

I really like Taco Bell's beefy nacho loaded grillers and shredded chicken mini quesadillas, but I never order as many as I want because I don't want to make the employees burn so much time pressing them all. Foil wrapping them and putting them through the heated press seems like a big time sink, and if I ordered ten of each I'd feel like an asshole for giving them a backlog and throwing their time off. So I only ever order a maximum of four between the loaded grillers and mini chicken quesadillas, and cuck myself, and leave without all the food I want.

Silver lining, it does push back the date of my inevitable heart attack.

>> No.12279384

>I'll get over it I guess
Yep you'll get over it because you have no choice. iktf.

>> No.12279414
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>> No.12279425

I confess, I once ate a shitload of rose petals, ostensibly as a stunt to prove to my co-workers that rose petals are edible and humans can totally eat them. Unknown to them, my real motivation was, I was homeless at the time and hungrier than a motherfucker, but I was too ashamed to let anyone know. I acted like I was just trying to assert a point, I was popping them back, going "Dudes, I swear, these are edible. Look, I'll eat another handful. *om nom* They actually taste pretty good. Like a mix of apple and strawberry, which makes sense, because they're botanically related to both. This is legitimately food, our bodies are capable of digesting this. Throw this in a salad with some spinach and a vinaigrette, you'd have it going on. "

Meanwhile, my body was going "YES! Nutrients! Consume these to avert death. Eat more. MORE!" At the end of the shift, this girl on staff gave me two dozen of the roses, and insisted I take them home and add them to a salad. I told her I would and that once I threw in some croutons I'd be set for dinner that night, and we all had a good laugh. What they didn't know was that that literally was my dinner that night. I didn't have shit to add to them, couldn't afford no damn greens or dressing, I just straight up ate the petals of two dozen roses out of hunger that evening. And I felt lucky to get them.

To make this story a bit sadder, the roses came from a dumpster. It was the day after Valentines Day and one of the guys had found a dumpster full of them behind a florist, overstock, like. Filled the bed of his truck with them and brought them in for everybody to give to their SOs as a surprise. So these roses I was eating were slightly wilted, and also covered with pesticides, which even though I washed them thoroughly I know I was getting some of. Didn't care. Homeless.

>> No.12279430

I don't know what sous vide is

>> No.12279432

I only eat fast food. I'm homeless and roughing it in my car so I can't really ever cook.

>> No.12279444

Honey, use a search engine. You have the internet at your finger tips!

>> No.12279454

Despite learning how to cook and trying to be decent with every meal, and succeeding, it's all quite good, I still crave shitty fast food, instant noodles and dollar store absolute garbage.

It's just what I grew up with.

>> No.12279455

No, a boipuccu is always the bum of one who has no other lower orifices. The pussy of a pre-op woman born with a penis is the gash that has not yet been surgically realized. Your language is utterly transphobic, but you can be forgiven at this point because society has not fully ascended. You just need to be open to future truth.

>> No.12279456

Whew. Heavy. What'd you have to eat today?

>> No.12279462
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No beautiful woman should EVER cut off her delicate-feminine-penis-boiclit! Are you encouraging those WOMEN to get an open wound that never heals?!

>> No.12279474

Don’t be a fag, Mr. Man, he’ll find his special other next time around.

>> No.12279478

Meant for

>> No.12279483
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I mix equal parts of mayo and ketchup as a sauce for my french fries.
I love pineapple on pizza.
Bacon is not that good.
Cheese based french dishes are so good, fuck vegetables.

>> No.12279505

>I mix equal parts of mayo and ketchup as a sauce for my french fries.
Just Thousand Island, man.

>> No.12279524

I'm eurofag, whe don't have that.
Here most people go with ketchup, mayo or something else, mixing them is heresy.

People who mix mayo ketchup and mustard deserve to be shot tho.

>> No.12279611

A Jack Link's snack stick and about 3 ounces of Bush's baked beans. And a Reese cup.

This is fine. I have the rest of the can of beans to last me all day tomorrow, and two slices of leftover pizza. This is workable. Not sustainable, but for the moment, I'm okay.

>> No.12279623

I'm really really a drunkie. Drank yesterday like alot. Woke up today still drunk.. Probably gonna be the same tomorrow. Oh i'm also vegan

>> No.12280108

sad, but true

>> No.12280125

i have never eaten a hamburger or a cheeseburger before
i only eat pizza, fries, chicken nuggets, and chips.
yes, i am underweight.
what should i get on my first burger? where should i get it from?

>> No.12280224

i once put the brine from a jar of jalapenos in a cup and drank it, and liked it

>> No.12280256

I exclusively shitpost on /vp/. Not even good shitposts. I am the cancer. I don't even know why I do it.

>> No.12280306

Beware of fish used as a fining agent or gelatin for clarifying in some beers

>> No.12280356

Sometimes I'm lazy and I don't reverse sear my steaks and just cook them in a pan.
I enjoy Wendy's every now and then. I can't have enough of their new sauce, it's like fucking crack.

>> No.12281848
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i will become an alcoholic at one point

>> No.12281854

i finally embraced our reddit bros from /pol/

>> No.12281855

I can tell the difference between butter and I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.

>> No.12282047

I make butter chicken with sushi rice

>> No.12282071
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I use a entire stick of butter on two pieces of toast on both sides
I like to eat steak well done
I like my hamburgers well done
I throw away my cooking equipment after I get done using them.
I unironically love to chew on bones like a dog

>> No.12282489

ground beef should be cooked a little more than normal to be desu, something about surface area being exposed

>> No.12282496

i eat too much canned food, canned beans, canned corn, canned tuna, on daily bases.

>> No.12282500

just ride the waves man, and let time do its thing.

>> No.12283246

I’m 37, white with children. I cook. And I participate here. Is that weird?

>> No.12283257

I put unsweetened yogurt in the scrambled eggs and it tasted good.
Also, I'm out of limes so I squeezed a clementine over my canned tuna. Salted it and it was delicious.

>> No.12283320

I hate Americans who talk about food with passion.

Couple days ago there was some cringy American YouTuber complaining that 'Italians do not dictate how their diaspora should enjoy their cooking' and then proceeds to pour creme in his 'Bolognese' sauce. They just don't get they're taking a heap of shit on some countries food. I can't be bothered that your dead 3% Italian grandma used to make it like this back in time, it's not Italian cooking neither is it a 'Bolognese'. Name it your fucking own, call it American or whatever. These dishes have a place, but by naming it with a traditional name and calling it Italian you're literally replacing someone's regional kitchen.
This two split of both being proud of being American and boasting about your European heritage doesn't make any fucking sense.

Worst is that American channels/blogs/recipe websites dominate the internet, making it often hard to find actual original recipes. Which just makes it damaging in the end: it's not salty Italians raging at Americans only, it's New Yorkers spreading their own version of Italian culture and simply because of media and English as linga franca starting to replace it. Fuck off with the cream in carbonara.

Next is 'Dutch baby'. Some stupid pancake that as a Dutchman I've never seen before. Apparantly it's inspired by some German dish but it's American in the end, by a creator that didn't finish school or whatever.

Apparantly Indiana people think they invented the Schnitzel Sandwich..

Shit like this make you bunch look fucking retarded and just simply annoying to deal with.

>> No.12283338

i once made a pizza with storebought dough, onions and a glass of ragu fin, sprinkled with some pecorino
it was amazing btw

>> No.12283362

Not really since the children aren't yours.

>> No.12283408

>Worst is that American channels/blogs/recipe websites dominate the internet, making it often hard to find actual original recipes.

man, this x9,001

I'm Amerifat, but whenever I wanna look for say, Italian recipes or Japanese or whatever, if you look up recipes, even japanese ones, you'll get like 'JAPANESE STYLE PANKO BREADED MAC AND CHEESE WITH WASABI' from better homes & gardens cooking subwebsite type of random bullshit, and it's impossible tos ift through.

now what I do believe it or not, is if, for example, I'd like to figure out how to make a Japanese dish, I'll google translate the name into kanji or katakana or w/e it is, and then i'll go to google.co.jp and paste it, then find a webpage, navigate via pictures and google translate.

>> No.12283410
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>Apparantly Indiana people think they invented the Schnitzel Sandwich..

It's true, you see giant signs up saying, Schnitzel Sandwiches, or the Original Hoosier Schnitzel, with big fryers tubs of pickles, and onions sitting outside every carnival and hog festival.

What's really insulting is people from Illinois serving chops or grilling them in restaurants and calling them Schnitzels, them crazy Illinoisians.

>> No.12283416

Oh pd

>> No.12283460

Well next time don’t switch sides in the world war and don’t make life so bad for your people that they flea to NY in lieu of starving to death, and then you can decide that old world Italian is Italian.
>btw, American here, but I lived and studied Italian grandma cooking from an Italian grandma for about two years. Lived with an Italian jew named susana at a pensione in San Gimignano. I worked her little field and did here mise prep in exchange for lessons. 10/10 would do again.

>> No.12283465

Don't bring up European politics. They don't understand responsibility and will play pass the blame and rewrite history.

>> No.12283494

shut the fuck up m8
you dont know shit about my children, atleast i have a family unlike your basement dwelling ass

>> No.12283682

He mad.

>> No.12283690

polished another box of Krispy Kremes
no water in 10 hours

>> No.12283875

Ate an entire box of hot n spicy cheese it's again :(

>> No.12283961

Loaded grillers are the best thing Taco Bell has. And don't worry about those fags making it, it's their job. You're an asshole for not buying more desu.

>> No.12284390

Please switch bodies with me

>> No.12284400
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I don't know how to cook
I like fast food and chain pizza
I don't drink
I've lost most of my motivation and emotion yet I don't know why
I haven't jacked off all day
sometimes I wish I was magically turned into a woman just so I can have something new in life and a fresh start.

>> No.12284417

I consume a gallon of ice cubes everyday. I also never tip my bartender

>> No.12284430

I dip white bread in tap water, its been my favorite breakfast since i was 4 years old.

>> No.12284440

I eat shit (if I eat at all), but everytime I cook for someone I prepare something that I actually put effort and quality into

>> No.12284461
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I spend a lot of time wondering whether claire's bush has a grey streak as well

>> No.12284954

I am very lazy with cooking and will eat toast with tomato paste spread on top and Italian seasoning mixes sprinkled on it.

>> No.12284969

>has a job
Either a larp or a moron who wastes their money on addict shit, either way you get no sympathy from me.

>> No.12284993

i was mean to my mom tonight but she was really gettig on my nerves. she kept on asking me give her a b12 injection and i told her we'll do it before she goes to bed, then she asks again and i snap at her and thats when she retreated.

i feel bad because i can imagine she'll probably go to sleep upset, if not crying, but at the same time, her constant nagging wasn't helping her cause. am i in the wrong ck

>> No.12285026

I'm thinking her panties have a brown streak going through em since she is /ourguy/ afterall

>> No.12285036

Kill yourself attention whore

>> No.12285254

I once boiled a steak while I boiled chicken breast to compare the two, and then ended up discarding the steak after one bite

>> No.12285577

Have sex incel freak

>> No.12285581

Are you me?

>> No.12285661

Yes you were. Apologize and love her with everything you have

>> No.12285690

I don't eat. I post here but I cannot remember the last time I have actually eaten anything.

>> No.12286403

I eat a mayo sandwich when I'm stressed

>> No.12287297


>> No.12287311
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I want everyone to live harmoniously. You all deserve love.

>> No.12287329

I love Burger King and KFC without being black

>> No.12287343

I eat oven fries and pasta with heavy cream most days because I spend all my money on weed. Food has lost its appeal to me after 10 years of being depressed anyways so I don't care. I come here out of habit nowadays.