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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12272838 No.12272838 [Reply] [Original]

anons of /ck/ has led me to the light
the last hummus thread I was shitting all over it. the one hummus I tried was not good. I was at a food bank and there was a small pack of crackers/hummus. it wasn't bad like I remembered.
since then I grabbed couple more premade ones. the first was roasted garlic sabra. some folks here say sabra is shit,
the next time I was going to grab the caramelized onion version but they didn't carry it.
I ended up going with roasted red pepper boars head hummus. after trying it I mixed what I had left of the first one
since then I picked up some ritz everything crackers and pita crackers. the hummus is gone and I want to make it instead of buy overpriced tubs.
what are some good additions, recipes, ideas of other things to do with it besides dipping crackers
those ritz everything crackers were a lot better than regular ritz, also better than the Mediterranean pita crackers (townhouse)

>> No.12272864

Real pita, lavash. Also put that shit on almost anything, I love it in sandwiches. Also just toast n hummus or chips, nearly anything

>> No.12272881

Fuckin hummus neck momos

>> No.12272898

I like taking the mini sweet peppers and dipping them in it. Or carrots, celery... anything crunchy and dippable.

>> No.12272945

mix cumin in it

>> No.12272946

I make my own.
Use it to put on sandwiches, in wraps, sometimes I make tuna salad with it, instead of mayo use hummus.

I've attempted to make hummus fritters once, mixed it with some egg, flour, and formed little balls, then deep fried them, didn't turn out to well.

But if you make your own hummus half way through beating or muddling the hummus stop and mix in with an egg, some lemon zest and you can make the fritters easily, I guess it's the coarseness you need for the ability to fry up. It's sort of like a falafel.

All in all, hummus was meant to be a side dish you dip shit in, not really an ingredient on it's own.

>> No.12272988

>I make my own
since no one has linked a favorite recipe yet.
what are some do's and don't's when making it

you could use a small cookie/ice cream scoop and freeze smaller scoops of hummus. then bread it or batter it before frying.
I'm trying to think about how it would be warm/hot. what kind of sauce would you dip it in?
thanks for the ideas
don't bullshit me
is momos a restaurant?
neck from what animal?

>> No.12273112

>since no one has linked a favorite recipe yet.
>what are some do's and don't's when making it

Hummus is supposed to be somewhat creamy.

My recipe is traditional Israeli (not Israeli but learned when I visited) Lemon juice, lemon zest, salt, fresh garlic, chickpeas, light Tahini, and some water.

I add all the ingredients in a food processor, beat until relatively fine, add some good quality EVOO, beat some more.
Then take a large mortar and pestle and just whip it in there until it's smooth, at one point it will be like whipping together a salad dressing and you need to adjust with a little olive oil here and there.

>> No.12273304

thanks for the walk through,
do the chick peas need cooked? or just drained from the can
how much tahini you talking?

what does /ck/ think about substituting lime for the lemon

>> No.12273379

no, canned chickpeas are fine. If you happen to find dried, just soak them for maybe three hours.

One can of chickpeas roughly 15oz, to about a third of a cup tahini, that's just my preference. It adds this sort of nutty flavor to it. You can add more or like a lot of people, like less, if you'd like. Lime is a no go for me, lemon all the way.

From what I remembered when I traveled to the Palestinian / Israeli area is that everyone has their own recipe. But most of the time it was the creamy texture was the same.

>> No.12273441

I used to work for Jews, their recipe for Hummus is:
1. Drained chickpeas
2. Tahini
3. Cumin
4. White pepper
5. Salt
6. Citric acid

It’s been a few months so I’ve forgotten the proportions, and we really measured the chickpeas by the cans they came in. I’ll try to make some this afternoon and pass on the amounts. By all means please use lemon juice over citric

>> No.12273471

Also need to mention that the ingredients were probably sourced with optimal cost and convenience in mind. Also there are many Indians and Buddhists in my area who take no garlic.

I believe garlic will be good, acid from limes or lemons are fantastic, but the seasoning is ultimately about balancing cumin, salt, white pepper. I would add only lemongrass because it’s the goat aromatic.

>> No.12273475

so olive oil is in some but not all
did you pour oil on top like I see on pics

>> No.12273490

if I go roasted garlic, should I add fresh garlic also

>> No.12273516

If you've got a food processor, definitely make your own op. It's ridiculously easy and tastes amazing. Canned drained chickpeas (reserve some of the liquid though), add to the processor, add some cloves of garlic, lemon juice, a good dollop of tahini, and some nice virgin olive oil, maybe some cumin/coriander too. Blend that shit and add the reserved liquid as needed to make it light and fluffy. Hummus is one dish that I go insane with garlic and it always tastes great. Good luck!

>> No.12273523

hey anon
here, yes I'd definitely add some fresh garlic to any hummus that you want garlic in. I only use fresh cause I'm lazy and it's the tits.

>> No.12273551

I forgot to mention, the tahini came in big buckets and it there was olive oil in it. Like maybe 20% by volume. Supplier got them from Turkey. We will stir the tahini to get a good amount of oil and paste into the blender.

We sold the hummus in bulk w/o extra oil, but for customers there was a nice presentation. Hummus in a bowl nice and smooth, with kinda a center well. Olive oil in the well, with a dab of harissa in the center. 9 pine nuts in 3 piles around the oil, smoked paprika and zaa’tar sprinkled on the hummus around the well.

>> No.12273569


>> No.12273570

I don’t recommend blending raw garlic into it but roasted sounds ok. I suspect raw will distract from the nice tahini and chickpea flavour. Then again I’ll make some batches to try, raw might end up delicious

>> No.12273571

I'll be using a stick blender/burr mixer
I have a very small food processor attachment for it, but it doesn't spin well, might be stripped. I picked it up at a garage sale
I liked the sabra and boars head stuff but 5 bucks a tub is too much for a regular thing

>> No.12273593

And I just recalled something my boss was quite firm about regarding the chickpea water.

We drain the chickpeas and really rinse them well, because the chickpea liquid in the cans are supposed to be full of preservatives. We get a lot of very picky vegan customers so this was a precaution. On a side note the hummus then keeps for about 1-2 weeks only.

>> No.12273616

>hummus fritter

What are you doing man? Just make falafel and dip it in hummus

>> No.12273634

You have to mix in olive oil or it won't be creamy. Also add garlic.
Citric acid is fine but it's better with fresh lemon juice

When you serve it, make a little well in the center and pour more olive oil and paprika

>> No.12273651

It's called experimenting.

>> No.12273706

Someone already did that. That's how falafel came about. It's all pretty much the same ingredients, just with parsley.

>> No.12273915

You're missing the point.

Cooking is about experimenting to make different recipes. As the OP even stated themselves that maybe freezing the hummus as an ingredient for a 'dish' might work.

I know Hummus is an old as fuck recipe, and so is falafel but that doesn't mean you can't try new methods of cooking it.

>> No.12273984


you wanna have a good fucking time with hummus you brush pita bread with olive oil, salt to taste and stick it on the frying pan until you like the color and texture

the combination is better than salta and chips, doesnt last more than 10 minutes though because no one can restrain themselves

>> No.12274530

I'm going to need to find pita, I'm not sure the grocery stores carry it in this area

>> No.12274549

>mix cum in it

>> No.12274603 [DELETED] 

Here, fagatron. Go to town.

>> No.12274666

for dinner I made
garbanzo beans
olive oil
minced garlic
lemon juice
in a blender

>> No.12274894

That’s unironically quite difficult to achieve

>> No.12274900
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>> No.12274926

Really? The recipe looks like a pretty standard yeast-leavened bread in that you just knead, proof, shape, proof, bake (or grill in this case).

>> No.12275016
File: 1.16 MB, 720x960, i_asked_my_fellow_hu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just grind some soft chickpeas and mix with tahini(sesami butter). Wa la!

>> No.12275022

awww the first food I ate the first time I got high on weed. mmmmmm

>> No.12275551

thanks for the help and ideas everyone
what about additions? I'm all about mixing flavors that I like. I was looking for the carmelized onion sabra the first couple times and there was none, has anyone here tried it?
mixing the roasted red pepper and what was left of the roasted garlic was great
anything you've been thinking of adding or have already tried

>> No.12276139

Dont do that

>> No.12276616

Blend chick peas with tahini, a dash of lemon juice, some olive oil and a few cloves of garlic. Salt, pepper, you have hummus.
Switch the chick peas with oven cooked eggplants and you have baba ganoush.
Make baba ganoush without tahini and add a reduced tomato and you have aubergine caviar.
They're all fantastic, enjoy your dips and don't make too much at once.

>> No.12276749

how dare you bring your shitty videos to a thread I made
fuck off to youtube john
can threads be deleted?

>> No.12277354

want a good hummus recipe look no further than the masters in Lebanon

>> No.12277779
File: 71 KB, 450x617, 1461798730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I use chi chi beans instead of garbanzo beans
makes all the difference

plus devil's digits

>> No.12277921

Boars head is a pretty good brand

>> No.12278713
File: 49 KB, 250x357, 1556479121896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is an immersion blender sufficient for making hummus?

>> No.12278920
File: 179 KB, 464x310, weight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it better be
if it doesn't work I'll use a press

>> No.12280538


>> No.12280712

I see for once the jannies aren't fags and deleted johns spamming of videos on here

I'm like the earlier poster that first responded and tried to make a sort of hummus fritter. why not try things? not much lost if it fails.
I was thinking of other stuff to add or do with hummus, potted meat is trashy canned meat product in most peoples eyes. I don't eat it very often at all, but I do like it. it might be good to mix with hummus. they are almost the same consistancy and flavors that I don't think would be off together

>> No.12280811

I just tried with a conventional blender. If you’re making hummus with already pre-made tahini sauce, by all means

But making tahini in a blender it’s almost impossible to get it smooth. Think I’ll just buy tahini next time. Texture was a shame because it tasted so good

>> No.12280832

lemon juice is citric acid you jew-loving retard.

>> No.12282010

This anon knows what's up. Making it yourself is always the way to go but there are some store bought ones that aren't too bad if you don't feel like making it yourself. I roast my own garlic and add to homemade hummus and use it on sandwiches... fuck my life it's good. Replace mayo with it once and you'll never use mayo on sandwiches again. Also really fucking good to dip chicken strips in

>> No.12282020

Saw chocolate hummus at walmart... kept fucking walking.

>> No.12282077

>How DARE people like a food I've heard of. Must be a meme. I know, I'll post a funny image I saved from online! That'll show them for talking about food and cooking on a food and cooking board.

>> No.12282355

store bought hummus is like a base, to build on. i always add extra virgin olive oil (lots), fresh lemon juice, black pepper, and sometimes fresh garlic. otherwise its too bland. paprika good too of course. i dont need other stuff in it, like red bell pepper paste (why), or pine nuts.

>> No.12282591

>Also really fucking good to dip chicken strips in
I can dig it

>> No.12282824


its literally how u make it tho