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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 260 KB, 320x356, 7869F4F7-0D17-4151-9F98-868CFC2236A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12269812 No.12269812 [Reply] [Original]

It still hurts so bad. I never even got to meet him.

>> No.12269827

Anthony "smoking cigarettes is a personality trait" Bourdain

>> No.12269830

Which one of his many delicious recipes will you miss the most?

>> No.12269838

Le Cucked By a 14 Year Old Seething Stew

>> No.12269877

>parts unknown
his wifes cervix

>> No.12269883

why does this get posted every day and why are so many edgy jokes always getting recicled´recycled

>> No.12269967

>le pedo apologist

Fuck off, op.

>> No.12269969

You probably would have been disappointed

>> No.12269975

I don't know who this is but it hurts bad.

>> No.12270119

This. He wasn't that special. I do remember an extraordinary episode where he went to Mississippi. Hilarious.

>> No.12270129

That's what I look like after doing heroin to come down from a 3 day coke and alcohol binge.

>> No.12270302
File: 101 KB, 523x523, 4D13D77300000578-5827387-image-m-9_1528655244998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just went to discover parts unknown

>> No.12270334

It's not like I would jizz my pants from meeting the guy. But him and his team made the best travel television that will probably ever exist, and I would like to shake his hand for that.

>> No.12271032

Why are his eyes photoshopped

>> No.12271052

Who is this faggot? Some sort of faggot or something faggotty like fags?

>> No.12271075

he's actually a nigger

>> No.12271080

he was a drug abusing cuck, is that why you feel such solidarity with him mr reddit?

>> No.12271088

More like a faggot nigger...amirite?

>> No.12271111


he was alien integrated ai.

>> No.12272816
File: 58 KB, 737x639, 1517738696727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12272835

Any kind of print, digital or otherwise, typically whitens and glosses up the eyes. It’s common practice but some are better at “hiding their hand” than others.

>> No.12272848

There’s some kid who thinks this is /b/ and always gets butthurt when his posts get deleted. So he keeps making threads like this as sort of a passive-aggressive way to “get back at 4chan.”
It’s just pathetic

>> No.12272867

That sketch was really unfunny. Idk why I watched it til the end. I knew from the get-go that it wasn't going to be funny. I instinctively knew by the appearance of the cast and the token negro that it wouldn't be funner or clever in any way. Yet, I still watched it. And that I regret the most.

>> No.12272878

he was a miserable whiny cunt. good that he offed himself

>> No.12273264


>> No.12273543

he was killed

>> No.12273617

Did you not watch the show? He was a depressing sack of shit dude. A worthless alcoholic. Just like you.

>> No.12273676

do you seriously make this thread every week? fuck off cunt

>> No.12273737

Does it hurt? Do people really hurt when actual who's off themselves? Get a grip

>> No.12274232
File: 16 KB, 300x250, eyeshine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much menthol Kools did he pay to get that eyeshine surgery done

>> No.12274248

>actual who
Weak bait. Also empathy

>> No.12274258

he seemed to like sucking on british cigarettes particularly

>> No.12274263


For what purpose

>> No.12274265


>> No.12274270

I know. My favorite part of the show was when he went to Austin and some band was trying to impress him by acting like they are this fancy kind of shit all the time. He just said "Really? Usually I'm just eating Popeye's half the time." A man after /ck/'s own heart

>> No.12274309

he meant the cigarette candy. you won't want to know why tho

>> No.12274341

Why do people like him so much? Like I loved parts unknown and I like his presentation style and everything and there was some great bits everywhere he went but everyone acted like he was some saint everywhere he went and I don't understand it at all.

>> No.12274676
File: 14 KB, 236x356, tonyman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved this motherfucker too. I keep thinking he's going to come back and there's going to be another season. Just not used to him being gone yet

>> No.12274682

He hadn't used drugs since the mid 80s, silly nigger. People take news headlines and just run with it

>> No.12274892

he was a dumb brown skinned olive nigger anyway
fuck off to reddit if you want to worship trained niggers

>> No.12274902

Yikes, shouldn't speak ill of the dead, my man... sure he was a pedophile and a cuck... and now an absent father but have some respect for all the noodles he boiled.

>> No.12274904

what kind of coword kill themselfs over chicken nuget...

>> No.12274927

Don't forget that he was a notorious bum driller. The dumb gay dead fag pouned asses on the reg. The world is a better place with his passing.

>> No.12275394

>he was a drug abusing cuck,
>He hadn't used drugs since the mid 80s, silly nigger.
why can't redditfaggots read? how fucking stupid are you.

>> No.12275404


>I'll never get to meet a junkie bum Jewish man that over politicized an industry filled with and run by Mexican/Central/South American slaves.

>> No.12275417

I made it 35 seconds before I had to turn off your reddit comedy sketch. What a waste of quads.

>> No.12276295

>smokes all his life
>does hard drugs like heroin
>never once suffers repercussions b/c kills himself before he reaches old age
based as fuck

>> No.12276336
File: 799 KB, 2135x2849, 000037a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He won't be missed for sure. He was something while it lasted

>> No.12276355

Watching the Antartica episode right now on Netflix and holy shit this is amazing.

>> No.12276413

Kitchen Confidential is probably my favorite book of all time but this personality cult is pathetic, get a fucking life.

>> No.12276425

Bourdain by himself is more important than your entire family line, past and present, could ever hope to accomplish.

>> No.12276433

p a t h e t i c

>> No.12276489

The funny thing is this sparkling eyed faggot actually believes this.
But in all serious RIP, god needed another embarrassment up in heaven