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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12265439 No.12265439 [Reply] [Original]

I hate tomatoes.
And I shouldn't be shamed for it.

>> No.12265440
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You're right, you should be beheaded for it and the entire black race genocided

>> No.12265447

The 2nd part is fine.

>> No.12265453
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>> No.12265470
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>> No.12265481

You're not being shamed for it because its tomatoes, you're being shamed because you look like a fucking child picking them off your sandwich. You're being shamed because it looks like you never grew up and mummy was always there catering to your every childlike whim. Regardless of what your life actually is, that's how it looks. Just learn to like them and continue on with life as an adult.

>> No.12265495

Anyone who hates tomatoes is based and redpilled. Tomatoes are fucking disgusting and taste like shit

Kill yourself

>> No.12265500

But why? They taste so sweet and delicious and savory

>> No.12265503

I used to hate tomatoes, then I had a good tomato.

>> No.12265530

Every time you eat a tomato, the devil gets a pleasant feeling in his balls.

>> No.12265823

>eats ketchup
>eats pizza with tomato sauce
ok kid

>> No.12265827

I like tomatoes more than you, op.

>> No.12265857

I do not eat ketchup.
And I always ask for little sauce for my pizza.
Raw tomatoes are literally disgusting.

>> No.12266513

>They don't grow their own tomatoes from seed
Cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12266518

Tomatoes are one of those things that really smænch my tumpus

>> No.12266524
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I’ll fight you to preserve the humble tomato’s dignity.

Time and place kid..

>> No.12266569

Cooked tomatoes are good. Raw tomatoes are fucking disgusting and put places they never belong, like a garden salad. Who wants a sour wet slime ball in their otherwise crunchy and crisp salad

>> No.12266593

Just force yourself to eat it a few times and not spit them up like a baby and you'll learn to like them. Worked for me with many foods.

>> No.12266745

Nothing quite like a fresh mato’ he’ll, I even eat them on their own cut into quarters. You’re sub human

>> No.12266776

The two of you should be crucified side by side.

>> No.12267926

Doesn't work with a lot of shit, including tomatoes

>> No.12268847

There’s 1,000 varieties. Lately I’ve been picking the firmest and deep frying in seasoned bread crumbs for sandwiches. Sometimes a little lemon also.

>> No.12268864

Why do you plebians come on a fucking cooking board if you don't like tomatoes. I bet you limp-wristed faggots don't like onions either.

>> No.12268865

Cringe, yikes, and oof but unironically

>> No.12268910

Imagine having your picky faggotry enabled as a kid and never growing out of it
I was once a little bitch like you, when I was 13 years old

>> No.12268922

Quit buying them non locally in the winter and embrace them in the summer

>> No.12268951


>> No.12268963

You should be kill’t

>> No.12268972

batter them in a corn meal and fry em up.

I don't care if you like tomatoes though, to each their own.

>> No.12269028

Shame is a third world concept. Do what you want and if others try to foist their own opinions on your psyche and you see no benefit to it fuck them.

>> No.12269115

>when I was 13 years old
And then what happened, your first menstruation?

>> No.12269158

No, that happened when I was 11

>> No.12269186

No they don't, they look and taste like disgusting tangy abortions

>> No.12269198

Yeah me too. I can eat pretty much any fruit or vegetable, but I just can't make myself like raw tomato, it's putrid

>> No.12269205

That's from not eating tomatoes and having shit nutrtion as a child. Early menstruation is an indicator of risk for a host of health problems later in life.

>> No.12269207

I hope you're not pretending those are the same thing as raw tomatoes because that would be embarrassing for you

>> No.12269215

Good thing I stopped being a picky sperg then, right?

>> No.12269273

Fuck you faggot. Raw tomatoes are fucking disgusting.

>> No.12270670
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>there are people on this very board who dislike New World`s greatest gift to culinary
The only problem that good tomatos are extremely seasonal. In winter you have to eat marinated, buy flavorless pieces of disappointment or shell out some serious cash.

>> No.12270671


>> No.12270705

I only like tomatoes in two things: Salsa, and in a proper sandwich. Can't stand them in salads.

>> No.12270708

Tomatoes are good, but tomatoes do NOT go with beef. Stop putting tomatoes in my burgers you fuck.

>> No.12270926
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The absolute state of /ck/

>> No.12270992

Is this porn?