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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12265337 No.12265337 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just American culture, or is there something satisfying about watching someone fail to replicate the recipes that those whom they respect berate them for failing to be capable of reproducing?

It's as if the ability to create food is the last bastion of human creation.

Yet you know that whatever process your judge might have is transcodable into data that can be quantified, and thus reduces their criticism to the point where your personal influence is seen as a threat.

Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't.

>> No.12265365

What the fuck are you talking about? For normal people cooking has nothing to do with abuse.

>> No.12265399


Yeah, it does, though, whether it's what you've been making for grandma and can't seem to please anybody but her, or what your grandma has been making for you, and you can't quite express to anyone else.

Do you not have relatives who cook things?

It's not like they mean to shame you, after all.

>> No.12265410

>Cooking for your family is abuse
Is this some sort of third wave feminism shit?

>> No.12265417

Are you on drugs or something?

>> No.12265418


>> No.12265480


No? Have you not tried to recreate some recipe that a dead relative left for you to try and make?

Am I speaking Greek here?

Third-wave feminism would just remind you that your gender is meaningless, but you already know that.

Like, literally yes? Does that matter?

>> No.12265499

Recreating a family recipe is not abuse you blue haired harpie. There's nothing wrong with celebrating family traditions.

>> No.12265501

You made me laugh real hard, have some (you)s. I'm looking forward for you to keep posting these pastas.

>> No.12265959


I never said there was anything wrong with celebrating family traditions, you stone-ground waffle iron.

Abuse isn't always simple. Sometimes it's just time passing, and the recognition that no matter what you do, it's not going to be the same thing.

Man, you take things literally.

>> No.12265976


See, now, pasta comes from a kind of dough I haven't ever dealt with. I can do a pie crust and pizza, but that's one I've never made from scratch.

My mom's spaghetti was always broken down from packages.

>> No.12267146

Many cooks are cooks because they have no other skills, so there's lot's of low life types in kitchens

>> No.12267288

Fairly odd that the regular burger spergs didn't sperg out and write BE BORN IN COUNTRY THAT MATTERS or that they didn't notice that you posted Ramsay who's fucking English
refuse to believe they were capable of thinking it was bait

>> No.12267576

are you high?

>> No.12267656

Im sorry your boyfriend is abusing you over your cooking but the fact is this may be a turning point in the relationship. You're going to have to tell them that things are going to be different from now on.
- Crock Pot meals in a bag prepared weekly.
- Or Frechetta and other ready to cook stuff.

Also get gud at some staple unusual food like making your own bread. Especially that dense bread that fills you up and tastes real good. And make sure youve always got real butter or whipped cream cheese to go with it.

Restaurant quality pizza is easy. The dough is difficult but who cares about it. The sauce will determine most of the taste about it
(Hunts 4 Cheese sauce, +Pureed Tomatoes or a can of tomato paste. Add about a teaspoon or half of sugar. Add garlic powder. Add a little bit of salt).
Also before you put the toppings on top of the shredded cheese, sprinkle about a teaspoon of garlic powder over the cheese, and about that much or half of salt. This will flavor the cheese.
Depending on what you put on it the total ingredient cost could be about 4-5 bucks for a full size 16 inch pizza. Cheese will be the most expensive but you cant skimp on it. And with thick sauce this does not lend itself to isolated islands of cheese like the mozarella slices put on margherita pizzas.
> 500F degrees for 8 minutes and then move the pizza to the top rack under the broiler element. Set it to broil and watch it closely, as soon as you see the cheese starting to brown/spots turn it off and get the pizza out right away.
> this is a short enough time that you can watch the pizza, and requires enough precision that you must do so. If you dont time it correctly you will get a burnt pizza.
That kinda/sorta gets around the limitation of not having domestic 800F degree ovens.

society wont give them skills, that costs money, dont waste your time with /pol tier arguments here

>> No.12267669

I cook for my family because I enjoy cooking, it's usually my choice and people chip in so I get to eat expensive shit sometimes, and I like to cook for my family. They don't force me to do it. If anything I'm the one who abuses them because I usually ask for people to chip in, I once made my sister chip in 50 dollars for a beef tenderloin that was only 25 dollars since my best friend is a butcher. Ha. idiots.

>> No.12267677
File: 52 KB, 640x750, 1556317754909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooking is a skill like any skill it needs to be beaten into a person so they do it right

>> No.12267882


Wait - didn't I already answer that?

A-ha. I thought so. Wiley trickster.

>Im sorry your boyfriend is abusing you over your cooking but the fact is this may be a turning point in the relationship. You're going to have to tell them that things are going to be different from now on.

Wait... wut? I'm a 41 year old divorcee cis-het male and the fact that you just sort of went there is kind of sad. Jesus, like wtf?

I know how to cook. I was literally just bemoaning the fact that nothing I make will ever match what I remember being cooked by my grandmother. Fuck, dude.

>> No.12268239

Maybe if you didn't express your thoughts like a retarded faggot people would stop responding to you like you a retarded faggot, you retarded faggot. Lay off the weed christ.

>> No.12268325


Wow, that's some really good advice.