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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, Garbage-Disposal-Plymouth-Plumbers-1920x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12265268 No.12265268 [Reply] [Original]

Is this is a real thing that all americans have? What is the advantage of this?

>> No.12265271

feeds the gators in the sewer.

>> No.12265272

>what is the advantage of this
think. speak.

>> No.12265274

You're asking if garbage disposal is a real thing? What the fuck?

>> No.12265279

>Is this is a real thing that all americans have?
>What is the advantage of this?
there isn't one. it's a scam perpetuated by the plumbing industry.

>> No.12265281

>he doesn't know that a sink is also a toilet

>> No.12265282

Garbage disposal doesn't exist where I live. I don't understand the point of putting food down the drain when you can put it in a food waste bin.

>> No.12265286

No one uses them but yes we all have them

>> No.12265287

that's what the shower is for you savage

>> No.12265291

it’s much easier to rinse off a plate into the sink with the disposal running. two birds with one stone, as it were.

>> No.12265293

>I don't understand the point of putting food down the drain
that's because there isn't one

>> No.12265294

>he doesn't know that the sink is also a shower

>> No.12265299

Is it possible to shred your hand in one of these things. On TV people always lose wedding rings and stuff in there and have to fish it out.

>> No.12265312

Yes, but you'd have to be completely lacking in brain cells to stick your hand down the sink while it's running. This shit can make mince out of virtually anything, the only things I don't stick down are hard bones, olive pits etc.

>> No.12265313

The point is to dispose of food waste in a way that it isn't sitting in the bin and rotting. Instead of having rotting food stink up your house in the garbage, grind it to a sludge and rinse it down.

>> No.12265315

They're all just holes to the ocean, lady!

>> No.12265316

someone find that post from last months where the guy says he flushes spoiled meat down the toilet

>> No.12265334

I've always had one >New Zealand
They're great, leftovers on your plate get washed straight down the sink. Chopping vegetables waste, peeling outer layers of onions, eggshells etc.
I stayed in a flat once that didn't have one and there was always bits of food getting stuck in the sinkhole, I hated trying to scoop out bits of my flatmates chilli con carne

>> No.12265379

These things are illegal to install where I live now because it turns the sewer system into even more of a nightmare of microbial growth with high density of finely ground biomass floating in the sewer water, and the city sanitation department has to send in people in hazmat gear to fish out rotten, coagulated biomass in the sewer all the time at great cost.

>> No.12265384

>t. san franshitsco

>> No.12265385

Not really, you would have to have your hand forced down there. If you just stuck it down it would grate it like a cheese grater

>> No.12265391

Three time zones away

>> No.12265396

Imagine being a europoor

>> No.12265400

Feels amazing tbqhwyf.

>> No.12265428

Is that pic from a "how NOT to use a disposal" tutorial? Because you're not supposed to just dump a bunch of shit down there, especially not greens.

>> No.12265432

>No one uses them
you sweet summer child

>> No.12265436

Okay Mohammed

>> No.12265438

why would you think it matters what color it is dumbass

>> No.12265831

Well what can you put in there?

>> No.12265859

just leftover shit thats smaller and softer. maybe leftover caramelized onions or something but never any big chunks like that unless you want it to break

>> No.12265931

>darn, the garbage disposal is jammed
>i'll just stick my hand down and see if i can dislodge it
>honey, turn on the light so i can see better
>wait, that's not the light switch

>> No.12265965

I used to be afraid of this as a kid

>> No.12265971

That’s not how the sewer works.
t. wastewater treatment plant operator

>> No.12265986

Yes, they are common. No, they aren't perfect. Things like bones and some thick fruit & vegetable peels won't grind up properly and can clog the thing up. They are nice to have though because then you don't have spoiled food stinking up your trash barrel.

>> No.12265988

Doesn't your garbage get collected every week?

>> No.12265989

Yes. It is a real thing.
Contrary to what my wife says, YOU CAN NOT PUT AN ENTIRE MEAL IN THE DISPOSAL.

>> No.12265992

Yes, but it doesn't take a week for wet food to rot.

>> No.12266000

Yes it does. I know because I only wash my dishes once a week.

>> No.12266050

>Things like bones and some thick fruit & vegetable peels won't grind up properly and can clog the thing up.

What's the fucking point then? Either make it seriously powerful or fuck off. I'd want one which can't just fuck up my fingers, but grind up my entire arm and rip it from my body.

>> No.12266062


Its nice if youre living alone and it takes you a while to fill up a trash can. Once a trashcan has food in it, it has to be taken out soon, but it you grind that stuff down the drain instead you can wait till its actually full.

>> No.12266064

I don't have one, never saw the need.

>> No.12266065

Talked to a guy at Home Depot who lost his hand in a garbage disposal. One dangerous thing about them is they can keep silently spinning for a good while after it's been turned off. Never ever put your hand down there under any circumstance.

>> No.12266071

Having a significant other?

>> No.12266078

I'm american and I've never used a or owned a sink with a garbage disposal, even in restaurants.

What we do usually have is sprayers, they're useful as fuck.

>> No.12266086

>What's the fucking point then?
to get a plumber out to fix it for a lot of money

>> No.12266103

these are attached to toilets too when you need to use smaller diameter pipe if you're running sewage from an ensuite in the middle of a house you need a macerator to breakup up all of the shit so it will fit down the smaller pipe.

>> No.12266108

Sounds neat. I end up having to keep most of my biodegradable trash in the fridge/freezer until bin collection day. I don't even like having it in the larger bins to rot, attract ants to the premises.

>> No.12266117

It seems useful for that situation. I live in an apartment with a trash chute so I just use small bags and throw it out regularly.

>> No.12266130

>its a scam perpetuated by the plumbing industry

Pretty fucking much. Plumber here, people think you can just throw whole ass chunks of food down the garbage disposal and end up clogging their sinks then they call us to come out there and fix their shit. Garbage disposals are trash (pun intended).

>> No.12266156

You can flip the breaker to be sure it won't come on accidently and in the time it takes to do that it will have stopped spinning.

>> No.12266306

No one likes a smelly trash can and foods are the #1 source of foul odors. So blending and discarding food down the drain eliminates the need to change the trash liner every other day. Also never put egg shells down your disposal. They ruin the edges of the blades.

>> No.12266439

>nobody in this thread knows it’s called a garburator


>> No.12266577

Why don't you wasteful fucks just compost your food

>> No.12266583

why, for our imaginary gardens?

>> No.12266618
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x2520, 1531869081044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a huge advantage

>> No.12266628

Seems like a Darwin mechanism

>> No.12266631

Yes, but the food can still start stinking and attracting flies and vermin if the weather is warm enough.

>> No.12266639

You can get commercial grade ones that could do that, but they cost a lot more.

>> No.12266660

>small bits go through sink pipe without problem
>large chunks go through toilet pipe without problem
>massive amounts can be taken out to trash bins immediately
My parents have that shit and it‘s absolutely useless.

>> No.12266664

It's usually used by lazy people who don't want to pick food up out of their sink if they drop it while preparing it, i.e. peeling vegetables, draining meat. It's not meat to be used like in that picture op. Only retards do that.

>> No.12266666

You aren't seriously flushing food down the toilet are you? I agree this sink-plug-blender thing is a retarded and useless contraption though.

>> No.12266670

I've only ever lived in one place that has a disposal. I never put anything down it that was as big as OP's image and I never had a issue. It is mostly helpful when you don't want to scrape a plate super thoroughly, or you don't want to dump wet coffee grounds in the trash. Tbqh it is an appliance I would never go out the way to install.
t. Burger

>> No.12266682

Holy fucking quints bros. Checked

>> No.12266691

>flushing food down the toilet?

But they’re mostly useless. The only time I actually use it is when there’s shit that’s sticky on a cutting board I don’t want to touch/let stink up my trash (like chicken trimmings)

>> No.12266760

Americans are so fat and lazy they'll rather make up new acronyms all the time instead of spending the energy required to actually pronounce words.
You can bet your ass an invention that saves a trip/week to the garbage can is common, if not mandatory.

>> No.12266793

Its great for getting rid of coffee grounds and potato peels

>> No.12266812

>What is the advantage of this?
If bits of food go down the drain (protip: kids are fucking stupid and love doing this) they get pulped so they don't clog things up.

>> No.12266814

I've lost like three shotglasses to my garbage disposal. Fuck I'm retarded. At least it's self-cleaning, just pull out the big chunks of glass and let it grind everything else to dust.

>> No.12266820


>> No.12266830

You know, you can feel around for 2 seconds before turning it on, right?

>> No.12266831

This nigga really tried to say he flush food down the toilet like it makes sense. Foh

>> No.12266839
File: 260 KB, 765x1024, 980x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wahey what a fucking GIT

>> No.12266840

Having trash taken away instantly by water is cleaner and less wasteful than having trash taken away in plastic bags to sit in storage bins and then be hauled away to a landfill.

Consider especially high density cities, wouldn't it make more sense to refine plumbing and disposals so they can take all degradable waste? If non-organic packaging and waste was eliminated to be only recyclable metal and glass, and everything else came in a degradable organic packaging, things would be good. The stuff sent down the drain could be collected and composted.

In lower density areas everybody should be running compost piles.

>> No.12266863

Yeah, I pull out the big chunks of glass, but there are a 1000 tiny glass particles I'm not going to pick out individually for a fucking hour.

>> No.12266873

But in most developed countries food doesn't just go to landfill, it is separate from other waste.

>> No.12266874

>imagine not having a garbage disposal
Is there anything more 3rd world? Maybe having to throw your used toilet paper in a trash can because the plumbing is that bad?

>> No.12266887

>doesnt unplug it.
Also i had a glass break in the sink and glass jammed the disposal. I used a broom handle to force the blades and break up the jammed glass. Then it worked and broke the glass down further and it worked

>> No.12266940

what are you on about

>> No.12266943

yes and a significant portion of people are fucking retards and put literal garbage down the sink because thats what they think it does

>> No.12266950

you can manually stop them too by inserting the service wrench in the bottom

>> No.12266954

Your drain doesn't get clogged.

>> No.12266961

>clogs your drain lines
nothing personal kid

>> No.12266966

You're right, my drain doesn't get clogged.

>> No.12266983

Wow, you're too dense for words. I'm sorry.

>> No.12266984

It pisses me off that garbage disposals don't seem to be a thing in Chicago. I lived abroad for years and it was so annoying not having one. Now that I'm finally back in the states I still have to suffer without one

>> No.12267001

Yeah, the only place I've lived (in the States) that didn't have a disposal was a 5th floor walk-up in NYC and if fucking sucked.

>> No.12267016

It can be random. It just depends on if whoever built the kitchen wanted to pay extra for one or not.

>> No.12267022

old buildings generally don't have them because it wrecks havoc on old plumbing

>> No.12267046

Op, when cleaning and rinsing dishes (mostly just quick rinses before the dishwasher if you are an average person), small bits of food go down the sink, and some stay. Eventually it can get clogged, or just make it drain slower, so we just turn on the garbage disposal and it breaks it down, often with running water on, and safely releases it into your sewer.

>> No.12267049


>> No.12267051

my pipes from 1910 handle the garbage disposal fine

>> No.12267054

White people are lazy and can't into scraping excess from plate into trash before putting dishes in sink

>> No.12267064

non-white people are so poor they cant afford a $100 appliance

>> No.12267159

your house is a different matter from an apartment building
you presumably don't mistreat your house, renters do

>> No.12267617

>white people have this crazy contraption they call "indoor plumbing" and ACTUALLY shit inside their house - like, where they sleep
That's how stupid you sound.

>> No.12267638

You like smelling rotting food in your trash? See this is why people hate europe.

>> No.12267685

scraping food into your trashcan makes your house fucking stink because its rotting in there all week. just compost what you dont eat.

>> No.12267698

Quick and easy sacrifices to Moloch in the comfort of your own home.

>> No.12267699

>his trashcan doesn't have a lid
fucking animal

>> No.12267709

My ex had a crazy garbage disposal and would toss chicken bones down it with little issue.

It may be kind of lazy but my ex never had to take out the trash since everything that'd stink would go down the disposal lol

>> No.12267741

And every time you throw something away you have to smell rotting garbage.

>> No.12267752
File: 2.87 MB, 320x240, 1551928191686.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine being a europoor
Kek, Jesus Christ never

>> No.12267794
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1446259980272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeping your garbage in the fridge

>> No.12267805
File: 212 KB, 652x774, 1287103213223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The memes write themselves

>> No.12267814

he has literally no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.12267816
File: 73 KB, 1024x904, 65727EA6-85E7-4C14-832B-EB68363C9CA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flushing food down the sink is different from flushing it down the toilet
Are you pretending or something?

>> No.12267817


based and sewerdwellerpilled

>> No.12267835
File: 84 KB, 1024x1001, 3A070054-80BE-444F-96F2-95B150D24060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Organic waste is collected separately and composted in first world, you absolute niggers.

>> No.12267840

And what percentage of people are actually bothering to use it?

>> No.12267852

it's used for cut grass. people who bother using it for food are a minority

>> No.12267862
File: 415 KB, 4096x2540, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people actually just dump shit into these intentionally, especially entire fucking piles of potato peels and leftovers? what the fuck is wrong with you faggots? I thought it was just for small bits that happen to fall down there that clog if it collects, i.e grains of rice, noodles, tiny bits of veg, etc. if you live an an actual house and not a cuckshed apartment then enjoy needing a repair/replacement 5 years early unless you legitimately have one that's restaurant grade.

>> No.12267863

>used for cut grass
We have green waste bins in the US. Literally nobody throws their food scraps into it.

>> No.12267866

Figured as much. I'm sure there are certain cities in the US that do similar stuff, and recycling as well. It's just that most people don't bother.

>> No.12267870

Piles of leftovers? Only slobs do that, the same way that some slobs in your country don't recycle.

They're meant for small bits of things stuck to the plate.

>> No.12267871

>especially entire fucking piles of potato peels
Yes, all Americans throw fucking piles of potato peels - literally the one thing everyone learns when they are 4 will clog the garbage disposal - down the garbage disposal. We're all just that stupid.

>> No.12267889


>> No.12267898

it's a rhetorical question, there's literally dipshits talking about throwing bones, peels, and more into it ITT. it's pretty obvious im referring to them and not all americans. hell, I'm american and obviously don't do that.

>> No.12267907

I live in an apartment block and they‘re always quite full.

>> No.12267915

Some parts of America are older and have shittier plumbing, by grinding up the food before it goes down the drain you don’t have to fix the drains.

Of course you can put the food in the trash, but when food inevitably gets into the drain it’s easier to deal with.

>> No.12267922

>there are certain cities in the US that do similar stuff, and recycling as well
>it's just that most people don't bother
What in the actual fuck are you talking about? Everywhere in the US has garbage, recycling, and green waste. You just wont have green waste if you don't have a fucking yard. And most people recycle. I'll admit I'm not anal about it, but yeah, of course I have a separate bin for bottles and cans and clap your hands, and I literally don't know anyone who doesn't.

>> No.12267934
File: 36 KB, 474x479, 30yo boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not the only one who does this. good to know. rotten bananas are a magnet for cockroaches

>> No.12268047

Most woke people with even a postage stamp yard are composting their vegetable scraps and egg shells for their gardens. Garbage disposals are one of those boomer things which thankfully are passing. Kitchen scraps are sensibly being recycled, nowadays. Boomers were convinced through savvy marketing post WWII that they couldn't produce or process their own food. Thus they bought and sprayed carcinogens on their lawn to maintain 1 specific weed that the chemical corporations said was beautiful because it showed you had risen above the hardscrabble ancestors who were self sufficient.

>> No.12268052


I don't wash my dishes at all can confirm.

>> No.12268054

i'd figure most HOAs would ban composting. Didn't Rand Paul get his ribs kicked in because of some
"off" smells from a composting pile

>> No.12268080

>Not making a compost with food waste
>Having much food waste to begin with

>> No.12268086

they don't have them in india because you guys would just shit in the sink with the disposal running and cause more aids

>> No.12268088

do you eat the banana peel, coffee grounds, and cabbage core?

>> No.12268089

Yes, but food stinky no nos

>> No.12268127

das darf rein hahahhahahaha that sounds funny

>> No.12268180

What's wrong with the cabbage core? I usually eat it after i trim it

>> No.12268198
File: 75 KB, 1000x1000, insinkerator-garbage-disposals-select-plus-64_1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related installed 2 years ago my drain hasn't clogged once. Used to clog all the time. It's super quiet too. It has rubber fittings on the sink and drain so no vibration. True story

>> No.12268206

>banana peel
Great for compost.
>coffee grounds
Great for growing your own mushrooms.
>cabbage core

>> No.12268227

insinkerator is good, I had one installed on my house when I bought it, who knows how old, and had to replace it about 5 years ago, still working fine! Just don't be a retard and throw eggshells down it, cause the minerals will just turn to sediment and sit at the bottom of the P trap and slow your drain down

>> No.12268231

i make cole slaw and don't know what to do with the core. i'd probably add it to ramen but it doesn't last more than 1 day before it wilts and i toss it.

>> No.12268249

arent they loud, and wouldnt they get like gross and smelly after awhile inevitebly having to be cleaned? we had one for abit but got it taken out because it was a piece of shit

>> No.12268261

>Having to bother separating trash instead of grinding it all up and having it go in the sewer where it belongs.

Europoors have so much free time they have to invent new ways to feel like they're being productive.

>> No.12268267

I've never cleaned mine and it doesn't smell. Try not buying shit.

>> No.12268275

That's nice. Still doesn't change the fact most people don't use them.

>> No.12268277

We have free time because we are productive and aren't cucked by 80h work weeks and multiple hour daily commutes.

>> No.12268280

>And most people recycle
kek sure they do, kid

>> No.12268302

how would you see down the drain with your hand in the way?
also what sort of brainlet doesnt unplug their garbage disposal when sticking their hand down it. Am I the only person who unplugs something then toggle the switch to be 100% sure i unplugged the correct thing? I do this with my router and saws too when changing out bits or blades.

>> No.12268304

is that why you put the washing machine in the kitchen?

>> No.12268314

That is where youre wrong

>> No.12268424

>I'm schlomo's pet wageslave, btw
Stay fat and cucked lardy, lol!

>> No.12268432

Yeah, but he immediately ran to canada for treatment. Go figure.

>> No.12268488

it's nice to only take out the garbage once a week.

>> No.12268505

That's what they invented pipe cleaners for dum dum

>> No.12268550

you can throw whole ass chunks of food down it, that's the whole point of having one
i've been doing it my whole life and never had a clog

>> No.12269942

If you use a garbage disposal you're a lazy fucking nigger

>> No.12270047

t.filthy 3rd worlder that can't flush paper down the toilet

"what! it goes in the bin!"

yeah ok, you be you (a sub-human)

>> No.12270063

Have you seen modern garbage disposals? The industry has come a long way in the last couple decades. The one installed in my house in the 90s would clog my drain constantly. And let through significant chunks when it wasn't even on. The new ones have a small metal fence and food particles need to be a few mm to exit.

>> No.12270259

It backs up your sink but I'm lazy and still use it ery time

>> No.12270274

Do Europeans actually have to scrape off bits off food into a bin before washing their dishes? What is this, the 19th century?

>> No.12270286

I have a Kenmore disposal that's probably near 40 years old.
I've thrown almost everything down that thing and not once had a clog or jam.

>> No.12270305

It's for discreetly getting rid of garbage "food", i.e. salad, as pictured.

>> No.12270687

not big enough to fit american in there. must be european grinder

>> No.12270791


>> No.12270800

what if I had a garbage disposal and a trash compactor?

>> No.12270927

>bother separating trash
I just have a separate bin. It doesn‘t take any extra time.

>> No.12272140

are you retarded? do you really think you can leave food in a trashcan for a week without your whole place smelling like shit? for people who actually cook, a garbage dispsal is a godsend.
>just throw out the trash every day
how fucking wasteful. I though europoors were environmentally friendly.

>> No.12272396

I do that regularly and it smells fine. Maybe if you live in a one bedroom apartment and have a lot of food waste that would be a problem.

>> No.12272446

he doesnt know that the toilet is also a drinkable water source (as long as you get the water out of the bowl and not the tank behind it)