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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12263846 No.12263846 [Reply] [Original]

>McDonalds in my city closes down
>new Taco Bell opens up
Why do even fast food companies insist on shoverling multicultural agendas down our throats? I don't want "DUDE SO SPICY TACO BELL XDDD", I don't want my mouth to be in pain throughout my entire meal, I don't want to have horrible heartburn, I don't want to wake up in the middle of the night with shit running down my leg, I want to have a traditional American fast food experience and so does everyone else. Stop pandering to elitist millennials.

>> No.12263860

Literally nothing on their menu is actually spicy but this is a troll thread anyway so im retarded.

>> No.12263867

>mcdonalds closes
>taco bell opens
Based if true.

>> No.12263868

taco bell is probably older than you, how is it pandering to millennials? also, how weak are you to spice that taco bell puts your mouth in pain throughout your entire meal?

>> No.12263882

Pandering to spicy food faggots with "muh fire sauce, muh diablo sauce, muh rattlesnake burger" is retarded and exclusionary, most Americans can't handle food that spicy so you're losing a massive audience by making food they can't eat. The nacho sauce is spicy enough as is, why can't you just enjoy that instead of ruining everyone else's food?

>> No.12263884

who is this man with the large nips?

>> No.12263899

lel what a fucking point, the optional sauce packets on the side are too spicy for my weak ass, therefore its exclusionary? just because you're a complete pussy in the face of heat doesn't mean everyone else is too. also, just ask for food without the fuckin spicy sauce if its so much for you

>> No.12263919
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Don't comment on them plase
The fucking spicy peppers in the rattlesnake food are NOT optional, and Taco Bell uses promotions that pressure you into using spicier food packets.

>> No.12263936

youre being pressured by fucking ads into making your own food too spicy? you feel that compelled by corporate taco bell that you add hot sauce to your food unwillingly? wtf even is this rattlesnake shit youre talking about

>> No.12263953

They make fun of people like me with insulting jokes and phrases on the sauce packets, I've also been bullied by other customers because they saw the color of my sauce was mild or medium.

>> No.12263967

how exactly have you been bullied by other customers

>> No.12263982

From a white guy, mid-20s: "Hey, aren't you a little old for mild?"
From a black guy: "Haha don't wanna burn yourself there!"
From a high school kid: "Pussy"

>> No.12264011

paint the scene for me, what were you doing, what were they doing, how did these interactions begin

>> No.12264014

yah this doesn't sound real

I mean what do you have to look like to get bullied like this? You obviously must look like a total target for this to happen. No normal person would have this occur to them.

So, this must be fake.

>> No.12264022


>> No.12264030

Not him but all the latinx people in the bell always laugh at me and say shit in spiclish that i know is about me.

>> No.12264035

They were in line behind me while I was picking out my sauces and reading the text on each packet to make sure I don't get any with insulting messages. I have big nipples which poke out of my shirt easily and they were getting mad about them.

>> No.12264042

this will happen anywhere you go with any ethnicity you encounter. even the whitest fucks will shit talk you and anyone else, theyll just do it quietly so you don't hear. such is life, get over it, doesn't matter one fuckin bit

>> No.12264074

Next time keep those nips to yourself and maybe children won't eviscerate you

>> No.12264593
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Black guy sounds like a real treat

>> No.12264603

So just get diablo, dude. Its literally not even spicy. They should make one that's hot.

>> No.12264651

Lol, you are the very definition of retarded

>> No.12264680

This is my favorite thread on 4chan. You're one crazy ass mother fucker for setting up bait this spicy hot. Mad respect.

>> No.12264794

>this pale whiteface cracker faggot thinks diablo sauce is too spicy
lmao i bet you think sprite is spicy too you fucking white failure babycock.

>> No.12264845

>can’t handle a little spice
>implying anything on their normal menu is even spicy
>when most of it is topped with shredded iceberg lettuce, aka water in a solid form
Bro I know you’re trolling but I feel like people actually think like this

>> No.12264864

Good. Now you will eat less fast-food and might actually cook for yourself.
See it as an opportunity.

>> No.12264870
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>> No.12264877

I dont give a fuck,all I want is the valcano menu back

>> No.12264880
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>He thinks the nacho sauce is spicy

>> No.12264914

when they took that shit away it was a tragedy. i miss the volcano burrito man

>> No.12264926
File: 77 KB, 512x512, swiggity swoogity here your card asshole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overweight pasty faced pimply 30-something year old waddles into taco bell
>orders food in a cracked voice
>proceeds to reads the sauce packets so one can't trigger him
>he's sweating beneath his trench coat, dark patches appearing over his protruding nipples
>the other customers watch and snicker as this grown ass autist shifts through the sauces with dirty fingers for safe space sauce packets
You deserve to be mocked faggot

>> No.12264935
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>> No.12264936

i hope op was just bait, otherwise i feel bad for him cuz he's getting flamed

>> No.12264946

How can you be so pasty and yet so mongrel? No muscle mass, plus a computer chair that has seen at least 5000 hours. Please do something to help yourself.

>> No.12264983
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>not even a proper time stamp

>> No.12264986

Anyone who gets triggered over the witty npc sayings on sauce packets needs to rethink their lives, anon. It's the way of things.