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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12262977 No.12262977 [Reply] [Original]

>people will unironically defend american cheese

>> No.12262983

Nope, it's garbage.

>> No.12263023

no it's shit. it's yummy shit but it's still shit.
That's an american style single btw. Real american cheese which is a thing, is more like an unaged cheddar.

>> No.12263028

People will ironically defend american cheese too.
Who's which? Who can say? Enjoy your thread.

>> No.12263040
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>not loving based land o lakes

>> No.12263058

that is not American cheese! that is american flavored cheese product slices. Big difference from what we get in the deli

>> No.12263191

damn shame that those kinds of cheese are labelled "american." it gives a bad name to high quality american cheesemakers

>> No.12263208
File: 45 KB, 500x500, bh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there """""""people""""""" that don't like a quality American 'eese?

>> No.12263282

it's called homogenized milk protein solids, dumbass

>> No.12263370

maybe not velveeta slices, but a good american cheese is fucking delicious and will always be the best burger cheese. fuck you

>> No.12264376

What are some good cheese slices

>> No.12264389

Kraft singles

>> No.12264459

It's great for grilled cheese, nothing else.

Also we have some amazing cheese that isn't processed cheese.

>> No.12264467


>> No.12264470

It always annoys me when people call those shitty singles slices American cheese.

>> No.12264477


>> No.12264478

I don't know. I just can't believe there are """""""people""""""" who waste money on Boar's Head.

>> No.12264482


>> No.12264715

commit an hero

>> No.12264720

It's only acceptable on burgers. That's its sole purpose

>> No.12264758

It's better on grilled cheese. For burgers pepper jack or cheddar is superior.

>> No.12264915

It's not american cheese you moron. It's american cheese product.

>> No.12265424

not them, but for a frozen/mediocre burger (bbq'ing cheap for a huge group or smth) american cheese fits better imo. but ya pepper jack is god tier, and I also like swiss with some

>> No.12265494

We call it Cheddar in my country.

>> No.12265506

In my country we call it pasteurized prepared cheese product. It has cheese ingredients, but it’s emulsified in a quicker way and individually wrapped. It doesn’t meet the FDA standard for Processed Cheese Food which is the ruling for normal cheeses.

>> No.12265643

That's not American cheese, that's processed cheese food that happens to be popular in America because Boomers are idiots

>> No.12265662

All cheese produced in the USA is objectively, fucking shit.

>> No.12266109

Can I get American flavored cheese slices, but in a block?

>> No.12266121
File: 166 KB, 450x338, kraft singles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrapping each and every individual slice in cheese is ridiculous, I agree.
The saturated yellow weirds me the fuck out, though. I'm sure there's a good reason for it, but it looks like cartoon food.

>> No.12266126

Completely and objectively wrong. What have you tried of American made cheese?

>> No.12266148

Yup. Work in the US for 3 months every year. The cheese is shitty because they have these archaic laws that won’t let them use unpasteurised milk.

>> No.12266154

To me it's just a nostalgia food like frozen pizza, corn dogs, pb&j, etc. I wouldn't eat it regularly, but every once in a while it's fun.

>> No.12266157

While I agree that the stuff about unpasteurized milk is stupid, that doesn't mean you can't get some good fuckin cheese here. Also, you can still get unpasteurized cheese, it just has to be older than 60 days. What cheeses have you tried from here?

>> No.12266160

that's not american cheese you stupid nigger, its a kraft single

>> No.12266210
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>> No.12266240

same with nacho cheese. I don't get it

>> No.12266296
File: 72 KB, 676x537, E68683F9-7350-4DCB-8CD6-DD5D29BD8BE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Kraft singles are pretty fucking great melted on a hot dog or burger ..

>> No.12266346
File: 164 KB, 1024x1024, 1550817090147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nacho cheese is cheddar with a roux/cup of milk to make it creamy. i use sharp cheddar but its commonly made with mild. And try to act like its an American thing just because we put it on a corn chip instead on toast like the French

>> No.12266746

There is insanely good cheese at specialty shops in the midwest

>> No.12266765

>when I make food for many people it's OK that the quality is shit

>> No.12266767

the nacho cheese you're talking about is not the nacho cheese I'm talking about