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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12260155 No.12260155 [Reply] [Original]

Why is soy oil in everything now? In baked goods products it's even replacing where the cream/butter should be almost wholesale. How do companies think I expect that to taste good and desire to purchase something like that, what the fuck?

>> No.12260219

discord trannies want ppl to do hrt without their knowledge

>> No.12260233

>Why is soy oil in everything now?
USA produces a lot of soy and corn, which is why they're used often, and it's cheap.

I don't buy much premade food anymore because most of it doesn't taste good anyway like you say. But if you really care about it then you should donate to groups or raise awareness about working to make real products cheaper to produce like with lab-grown meat. Some of them are working on similar ways to produce cheaper "real" milk and other dairy products.

>> No.12260269

Nothing wrong with soy.

>> No.12260274

what do you buy with soy oil in it?
stop buying that shit

>> No.12260281

Because it's cheap. Stop buying whatever mass-produced products contain that stuff - it's poison for you. Same goes for sunflower or other vegetable oils.

If you're American, try to also avoid HFCS since it's added to everything...

>> No.12260290

I think the issue is more of the amount in people's diets, on top of already having a poor diet, rather than vegetable oil being poison.

>> No.12260293

I bought some lemon cake without looking at the ingredients and it just didn't taste nearly as good as it smelled. I looked at the ingredients and soy oil was the 3rd or 4th ingredient. The next time I went to the store I started reading a lot of ingredients lists to see if it was only that lemon cake or if it's in a lot of things.

>> No.12260298

Only consume animal products, eat local grass fed meats, drink raw milk, use raw butter. Resist the soy NWO

>> No.12260301

fuck off sv3rige we're omnivores

>> No.12260303

It's quite ubiquitous in mostly everything. Even restaurants could use the stuff to cut costs.

>> No.12260306

Then eat your soy and shut the fuck up about it pussy

>> No.12261279
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>> No.12261346

Only on /ck/ would someone tell you that soybeans, of all things, are poison. LMAO'ing at your life

>> No.12261351

it's cheap and it makes things oily. and it makes you cute.

>> No.12262759

Because dairy supports animal cruelty and people generally aren't alright with that?

>> No.12262791

Why don't you just not buy products with soy in them? Is there a specific product whose formula has changed? It's hard to imagine this is a real problem for you