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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12250978 No.12250978[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have any stories of black customers at establishments you’ve worked at? Do tell.

>> No.12250980

Had a black customer in this morning.
He had coffee and a large serving of scrambled eggs. Said he was going to the gym later on.
Nice guy.

>> No.12250989

Or so we thought...

>> No.12250992
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When I wage slaves at subway most of the black guys who came in where really nice. Some of them even gifted me money when I told them I'd be quitting soon (all of my coworkers sucked aside from one guy, so the customers loved us). Old Black women on the other hand are a different story. They're either super nice grandmas are perpetually pissed off and annoying.
Regardless I had far more pleasant interactions than negative.

>> No.12250994

OP here. Sorry, you seem to have misunderstood. I was hoping for a bit more of a "redpilled" vibe, if you catch my drift? Been having a real tough time lately, confidence is at an all-time low. No girls like me and I am prospectless, which is taking its toll.
Was hoping for some redpilled brothers to validate my existence nonetheless, by reminding me that I am superior to blacks, women, non-whites, Jews, liberals, etc. Have a few threads on other boards that'll hopefully give me the pat on the pack (can always rely on /r9k/ and /pol/, was hoping /ck/ was up for it as well).

>> No.12250999

wage slaved*
I don't work there anymore.

>> No.12251000

This poster is also gay, not sure if that matters.

>> No.12251010

he's 87% right though

>> No.12251013

>black man comes in around Christmas each year
>tries to short change scam the cashiers
>didn't fall for his ruse two years in a row

>> No.12251015
File: 145 KB, 700x900, C08453B0-C58B-4645-816A-AF2CC3037806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t listen to him, he’s obviously a robot. I’m the real OP.

>> No.12251016

most pathetic thing i read this week

>> No.12251017
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>be me
>used to deliver pizza
>black people never tip
>pull up to this guys house
>big black dude
>tells me to come inside
>unironically concerned about what could happen to me
>mfw he was pretty nice and gave me a $20 tip

>> No.12251029

When I was a young guy I worked at a high end grocery store that had its own legitimate butcher shop and i worked that counter. I almost never had problems with black people other than one or two regular weirdos who might have actually been crazy. The people that constantly have me grief was the chaldeans which are Catholic Iraqis. They only ever bought the cheapest and worst cuts of meat like rump roast or chuck roasts and my life would become a living hell when those cuts went on sale. If you don't know these cut are inherently very fatty, there is no getting around that. Well these chaldean women would show up with their mother and daughters and each one would buy as much as the sale allowed but not before demanding to see ten different pieces of each cut trying to find the one with "no fat!". The old ones often didn't seem to know any English other than "no fat!". They would take all day picking out their shitty roasts and leave with thirty pounds of meat each. This would go on all day, every day for a at a time. It took everything in my willpower not to start slicing throats with the ultra sharp knives I had laying around. It was a really shifty job that paid garbage and I was constantly pestered by management over trivial things but something about working around dead animals being butchered makes girls horny because I got laid at that job constantly by the never ending stream of girls that would get jobs in the department for a few months and leave. Lost count of how many times I fucked girls in that meat locker next to the sides of beef and lamb hanging from the ceiling.

>> No.12251037

>fucking beside cow carcasses
Sounds horrifying but I won’t know. Guess women do like that kind of thing