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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12247465 No.12247465 [Reply] [Original]

So my dad was an idiot and put my brand new cast iron I got for my birthday ( I have never owned one before ) in the dishwasher and now there's rust spots all over it. How do I remedy this situation?

>> No.12247470
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just buy SS and non stick instead

>> No.12247474

I already have some SS and non stick and wanted to try cast iron since I've heard so much about it. The constant maintenance and rules are kind of tedious though.

>> No.12247487

Just scrape of the rust with steel wool and reseason it

>> No.12247488

Melt and recaast.

>> No.12247492


Learn to take care of your cast iron retard.

You barely ever wash the shits, usually the type you posted is used for frying. So when you're done frying wipe it out with a rag and put new oil in the man put on medium heat and rub it in.


If you have to wash it wash it with a rag or a sponge that is a soap virgin or steel wool.

>> No.12247493

Thanks I'll go get some steel wool now. Any tips for reseasoning and what kind of oil to use?

>> No.12247501

He told me he used soap to clean it before giving it to me. Is it basically fucked now?

>> No.12247509

>Scrape rust with soap and steel wool
>kill dad so he never fucks up your seasoning
>second layer of seasoning
>fry up bacon
>feed corpse to dogs
>use grease to fry the skins of potatoes with a lot of salt

>> No.12247515
File: 294 KB, 740x985, 740full-kacy-anne-hill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fucking iron

scrape that shit with steel wool and once it's bare metal, get it caked in oil so it doens't rust again

we figured this shit out with battleships and cannons and shit in the 1870s, it's not exactly rocket science

>> No.12247521

She looks hungry

>> No.12247524

Thanks I'll go do that then. I was mainly worried if I had to scrape off all the seasoning since soap was used on it. Guess I'll just be safe and start over from scratch. Will any type of oil work or is there a preferred one? I read that flaxseed oil is the best?

>> No.12247547

Many people say that flaxseed oil works best but basically any oil with high smoke point will work.

>> No.12247548
File: 258 KB, 740x985, kacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything high temperature, canola, avocado, etc

I use canola oil or crisco which is basically just hydrogenated canola, it works fine

I'd keep her fed

>> No.12247563

I appreciate the help. All I have on me is olive oil so I'll make a trip to the store and see what else they have. May as well not half ass it. Thanks again anons, you're the best.

>> No.12247567

You absolutely can wash it with soap and water, you simply have to dry it afterwards on all surfaces. Give it a coat of oil after drying until it starts maintaining a sheen.

>> No.12247574

Flax but canola is good too

>> No.12247575

It's fine, soap just destroys the season, you basically just need to remove any rust spots, cover it in a thin coat of vegetable or grapeseed oil and put it in the oven upside at 375f for an hour, then pull it out. It's a pain but your pan is fine.

>> No.12247576

Well he used both liquid dish soap and dish detergent on it so I'm worried some of that worked its way into the seasoning if that's possible.

>> No.12247580


Depends. How does your food taste? Does it taste like soap?

What you can do is boil water in it a fuckton. Like fill it with water, boil the shit out of it. Repeat until it's not soapy.

Cast is very porous and you can ruin them fairly easily but most of the time it's not ruined.

>> No.12247587

I haven't cooked in it yet but I'll try it out after I get it reseasoned and see if I have to basically start over. Alright I'm headed to the store to get the shit, see you later anons.

>> No.12247597

Use a 9 volt battery on the steel wool, it'll help charge it up (try not to touch other conductive surfaces, place your pot on a few paper towels to avoid grounding it) and help reduce the ferric oxide buildup.

>> No.12247603 [DELETED] 
File: 453 KB, 740x985, kacy dress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a direct instruction of how to start a fire like some 2002 boy scout, do not attempt

>> No.12247623

It shouldn't matter that he USED soap. It matters if he didn't dry the dish afterwards. Even then you should be able to just coat it with oil and fry with it. If it is really bad, throw it in the oven for an hour or two, let it cool, then add oil. Just remember to dry it right after washing. You can use soap, steel or copper wool, anything, just dry it after washing.

>soap just destroys the season


>> No.12247649


Silly Anon, it's steel.
Don't worry OP, it's metal, metal doesn't burn. or have ever seen a girder catch fire? See?

>> No.12247654

Steel melts, wood burns. Retard.

>> No.12247674

>How do I remedy this situation?
Get rid of it. You've been memed and your dad did you a favor.

>> No.12247702

stop attention whoring gaywad

>> No.12247717

Sand it then reoil it then bake it at 400 for an hour. Then reoil it and bake it at 400 for another hour.

>> No.12247733

>Sand it
Stupid advice. Completely unnecessary.

>> No.12247750


>> No.12247780

Be nice to the man. Tell him the parm didn't accept soap and you'll both learn how to use one together. He'll probably even season it for you after you use it to cook dinner together. After you're done cooking immediately scrape any food off, rinse, dry on a burner, add a light layer of oil, swish, let cook for a while, then let cool. Five minutes of effort.

>> No.12247795

Flaxseed is good because it's a "hardnening" oil that leaves a good film. Take a room temp or warm pan, heat up the oven, rub pan with oil soaked rag/ paper towel, put upside down in oven. Leave it for an hour and you're done.

>> No.12247805

Lordosis is a disease.

>> No.12247826

Tbf, his dad was a faggot and should be called out. No one, and I mean no one with half a brain puts cast iron in a dishwasher. The real question should be how did some boomer alzheimer ridden guy remain out of a nursing home for so long?

>> No.12247830

Canola oil.
Splash a little in your pan. Rub it around with a cloth through the whole damn thing, get a second clean cloth and try and get as much off as you can. Put it on your burner until it starts smoking. Throw it in the oven at 500 for an hour.

>> No.12247835

Ignorance can be forgiven. Belligerence, not so much.

>> No.12247849

If you don't rub it off, you'll get lumps of carbonized fat that won't make for a flat surface.

>> No.12247852

As opposed to what putting it in an acid solution with a copper coil and a car battery circuit and removing the rust that way? It has a tiny amount of surface rust. This isn't a 200 year old dug up sword.

>> No.12247913

Why do you still live with your parents?

>> No.12247949


>> No.12248017

No, as opposed to scrubbing it with soap and water and then seasoning it. Don't be a retard.

>> No.12248043

Rust isn't water soluble you complete dip

>> No.12248100

Steel scrubbing pad. Soap and water. Scrub. Rinse. It will be clean in about 30 seconds, I guarantee you. It went through the dishwasher once. It's not like it was sitting in an abandoned barn for 50 years. Don't be a retard.

>> No.12248116

Just use the steel wool and skip the water. It's not doing anything.

>> No.12248239

I have no faith in zoomers. We arent going to make it. By a teflon pan brainlet

>> No.12248242

You can use soap

>> No.12248252

don't call your dad an idiot

>> No.12248253

>my dad was an idiot

i see it runs in the family, even with the fucking internet at your disposal you have to come here and kill a thread for common sense shit.

>> No.12248342

If you wanted to start a fire using this method, then you would also need to incorporate some unwoven string and integrate it into the steel wool-9 volt battery junction.

>t. some past 2002 boy scout who got his wilderness survival merit badge

>> No.12248349

>unable to google a simple fucking question
>not knowing basic common sense shit in the first place
>thinking you're in the right to call anyone else an idiot
That's rich

>> No.12248354

>Poisoning yourself instead of learning how to use something that braindead peasants knew how to use properly

>> No.12248379
File: 37 KB, 500x500, 51sCZJkqxSL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found a cast iron pan buried in my yard a few years back, cleaned it up with pic related, and still use it everyday. Made this pizza today


>> No.12248644

My girlfriend is a vegetarian and refuses to eat anything out of the cast iron due to how it is never washed with soap.

>> No.12248745

Cook with it. That's all you really have to do with cast iron. All the other shit is for millenials who dont actually cook.

>> No.12249286

How do you meet these crazy people

>> No.12249347

I really want to smell her hair

>> No.12249354
File: 11 KB, 600x300, 381602CE-A13A-4485-A266-ACBFF54E51A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using superior unblemished, stainless beautiful pan folded 1000 times

>> No.12249650

man this reminds me of my grandma getting me a cast iron GRILL skillet. like what the fucks the point of cast iron if your food can't stick to the whole surface

>> No.12249997

Do you live in the 20s?
OP: so the exact opposite what he wrote.

>> No.12250757

Yes. Throw it away.

>> No.12250775

>fry up bacon
Might not be a good idea, a lot of bacon has a bit of sugar in it to balance out the salt and the sugar will stick.

>> No.12250810

>Do you live in the 20s?
See you next year faggot

>> No.12250815

>Many people say
Most people are utterly full of shit, too.

>> No.12250817

If your pan is properly seasoned then it won't come off with soap, and you can always add a bit more fat next time you cook.

>> No.12250832

>living with your parents
You have to be >18 to post here

>> No.12250833

I just bought one and ground it flat with an angle grinder and re seasoned

>> No.12251064

Took me a while to beat it in my folks that you can’t just wash the thing. You HAVE to dry completely and then oil

>> No.12251072


>> No.12251096


>> No.12251155

Read up before you make a fool of yourself next time.

Taking care of cast iron is very straight forward:

>DO NOT use soap
>DO NOT put in the dishwasher
>DO NOT air dry
>DO NOT cook overly acidic things in it
>AVOID using metal utensils
>DO heat to speed up drying
>DO scrub with coarse salt if something is really stuck
>DO rub in [high smoke point] oil and bake in the oven ever so often (aka seasoning)

>> No.12251162


>> No.12251191

Why even post if you're not going to bother pointing out WHAT (and preferably explain why) is wrong?

>> No.12251866

You absolutely can use metal utensils, it's not fucking teflon. You can also cook acidic things in it provided you seasoned it. And you can use soap on it provided you then dry it and put a bit of oil on it. You do not have to use high smoke point oil, it really doesn't matter what fat you put on it.

>> No.12252026

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA pic related has to be b8