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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12247427 No.12247427 [Reply] [Original]

I just hate it.
Oddly enough, I don't mind most of its ingredients separately, but combined all together they all just taste awful. This is coming from someone who has eaten escargot and octopi from a fairly young age, so it's not like I was never exposed to exotic foods. It's not like spice is the issue either it's not overly spicy

>> No.12247434

The plural of octopus is not octopi

>> No.12247445

American detected.

>> No.12247472

Korean food in general is fucking overrated. Literally every other country around Korea makes better food. Only decent think they have is BBQ and their chicken wings (which is their take on Buffalo wings).

>> No.12247505

Whats not to like, its just pickled veg.

>> No.12247543


>> No.12247552

I eat a jar a week, by itself, the spicy kind, because reading Moyashimon made me want to eat fermented foods and it's all that's readily available near me. I'm OK with my current situation but what else can I do with it? Nothing serious, just fun and quick.

>> No.12247577

If you hate regular kimchi, try kkakdugi (cubed radish kimchi), altari (whole baby radish kimchi), and baekkimchi (white cabbage kimchi without chili powder). I don't like regular cabbage kimchi, but those three are delicious.

>> No.12247612

Try making some hot rice with an egg cracked and mixed in, some bonito heavy rice seasoning and kimchi mixed in once the egg cooks. Add some sweet salty meat like brown sugar sausage or maplewood bacon.

Kimchi is meant to be eaten within another dish usually with rice.

>> No.12247618

I'm a white American dude, and this is one of my favorite flavors. But it always, without fail, makes my asshole explode.

>> No.12247619

>It's not like spice is the issue either it's not overly spicy
yeah, suuuure.
just admit it's too spicy for you, homo.

>> No.12247625

I have all those things, but I ain't OP. My girlfriend lived with koreans for a while and keeps us stocked up like she's still living in Seattle. Maybe I'll give it a try since I've got some eggs from the local university farm. Is it true that fermented foods contribute to stomach cancer?

>> No.12247629

Hot kimchi ain't that spicy. I'm pasty as hell but I love those double spice korean chicken ramen packets. Kimchi just doesn't have a great flavor. Pickling vinegar and red pepper don't make a compelling combo to me.

>> No.12247767

technically everything we eat causes cancer, so I guess that moderation is key.

>> No.12247787


>> No.12247814

>hating kimchi
Is there any faster way to out yourself as a manchild?

>> No.12247819

Well that's lame

>> No.12247824

Wish i could show you all the varieties of kimchi the great women in my family make. All sorts of weird and good shit.

>> No.12247827

Who wants to live forever, faggots? Embrace the great, enveloping, cosmic dark.

>> No.12247839


What's more lame is Korea won't even admit to it.

>The researchers, all South Korean, report that kimchi and other spicy and fermented foods could be linked to the most common cancer among Koreans. Rates of gastric cancer among Koreans and Japanese are 10 times higher than in the United States.

>"We found that if you were a very, very heavy eater of kimchi, you had a 50% higher risk of getting stomach cancer," said Kim Heon of the department of preventive medicine at Chungbuk National University and one of the authors. "It is not that kimchi is not a healthy food -- it is a healthy food, but in excessive quantities there are risk factors."

>Kim said he tried to publicize the study but a friend who is a science reporter, told him, "This will never be published in Korea."

>> No.12247877

fucking big kimchi moneyhatting the news

>> No.12247886

what sham, MSG-scare tier lobbying group funded this 'research'?

>> No.12247891

A lot of koreans eat kimchi but some of them took their own kool aid and think kimchi will save their souls, just like all the people overseas that buy it up. So they literally eat kimchi and rice all the time. Well guess what not only does the kimchi give you IBS, now all that white rice gave you diabetes too. So youre double fucked.

Literally no escape from illnesses.

Just eat what you want I say. Personally my favorite korean food is that bean soup with grilled fish on the side.

>> No.12247894

There's no vinegar in kimchi.

>> No.12247935

Oh wow, lactic acid tastes like vinegar. Big surprise. If you don't like that taste, which largely makes up the flavor of pickled food, then you won't like kimchi.

>> No.12247948

Actually, since the word is not authentically classical Italian or Greek, being a modern construction, the natural plural is 'octopuses'. The wholly-incorrectly derived plural 'octopi' is also considered correct in both English and American English. The correctly derived plural from classical Greek would be 'octopodes' but this is not considered acceptable in either English or American English.

>> No.12247954

Thank you. I consider myself fairly adventurous and open-minded with food and I’ve never been able to wrap my head around kimchi. It’s just not good.

Holy shit. Now I feel validated.

>> No.12247978

There's a contradiction just in the sentences you quoted. Kimchi consumption doesn't explain why Japanese gastric cancer rate is as high as South Korea's. The accepted existing explanation from epidemiologists is a combination of shared generic factors and widespread H. pylori infection in both countries.

>> No.12247985


>> No.12247989
File: 86 KB, 500x516, 1501650127001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>escargot and tako being exotic
jesus fucking christ you have the pallet of a 2 year old. i would recommend throwing yourself off a 20 story balcony

>> No.12248003

It's due to the salty soy paste (actually salty, fermented things in general).

See: >>12247787

>> No.12248010

where's the evidence for claiming all fermented food is bad?

>> No.12248013

so you have fermented flavor

>> No.12248014
File: 220 KB, 752x500, Cucumber Kimchi .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


those are all really good but I'm mostly partial to oi gimchi - the cucumber kim chi and especially when the cukes are still really fresh and crunchy

>> No.12248019

same i just eat it by itself or with rice / fire noodles

>> No.12248028

>white rice gives you diabetes as part of a balanced diet
haha the absolute state of keto fags

>> No.12248031

Who says all fermented foods are bad? Non-salty fermented foods are better for you than overly salted ones.

>> No.12248120

>non published study because of the nefarious, unidentified forces of fake news
>the ubiquitous "could cause" phrasing
>hey everybody, kimchi causes cancer!
OK, I'm convinced!

>> No.12248228

Interestingly the correct way to pronounce octopodes is not actually ock-to-POHDES, but rather ock-top-o-deez


>> No.12248246

cucumber kim chi is gr8
it's a shame korean food and people in general are disgusting

>> No.12248260


Enjoy your chemo, Kim Lee.

>> No.12248261
File: 74 KB, 341x231, japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white rice gave you diabetes

>> No.12248266

>two last names
good try

>> No.12248285

... I thought everyone would know that anyway

>> No.12248293

If you can guess my korean name, or even my english name, i will post a hd pic of mine ruddy brown penis

>> No.12248299


I don’t care. Enjoy your spicy rotten peasant food all you like.

>> No.12248304

No one wants poo dong Lance Wang.

>> No.12248306

Play the Korean mans guessing game you salty little incel

>> No.12248317

this post made me laugh out loud thanks anon

>> No.12248321


I will not.