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File: 52 KB, 870x565, impossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12239082 No.12239082 [Reply] [Original]

Tried an impossible burger from red robin side by side with their cheeseburger yesterday. It was almost indistinguishable, except for a very faint aftertaste which didn't bother me (certainly not like the aftertaste of Diet Coke bothers me). It was certainly equally satisfying and tasted "juicy". (I know that this partly comes from its fat content, which is the same as a normal burger's.) I read here and elsewhere that you can taste a difference still. But to me it seems too small to even bother mentioning. What is your experience? Also, when the fuck is BK coming out with theirs nationwide?

>> No.12239117

i had the burger king version and the taste was exactly the same as a regular whopper, but the patty was drier. not a big deal considering condiments provide moisture to cover it

>> No.12239143

That's disappointing, because every regular whopper patty I've ever had was either dry or just soggy to begin with. I figure it will be closer to what White Castle is doing, which is quite dry. (On the plus side, it has a distinct taste of beef that was first braised until it fell apart, and then totally drained of moisture. Still tastes like braised beef.)
>having to compensate with condiments
This is why fast food chains suck. Even if they're cheaper it's not worth it.

>> No.12239153

just the impossible whopper cost me 6 bucks, no fries
they need to fix that if they want it to succeed, i wont pay that much again

>> No.12239159

Well, I mean the one from red robin costs 12 dollars (one dollar more than their plain cheeseburger)
And yeah the White Castle impossible slider is like 2 bucks without tax. Unacceptable

>> No.12239430
File: 48 KB, 800x450, 111222333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I ate two burgers back-to-back

>> No.12239431

I fell for the meme and tried it. Fucking slick. I'm gonna buy their fucking stock when they go public, there no way this shit wont absolutely fucking DESTROY the agriculture industry.

>> No.12239432

I ate half of each. So there

>> No.12239435

I mean, wasn't that the plan all along? Phasing out the unsustainable cattle industry?

>> No.12239524
File: 101 KB, 800x800, ctyp impossible foods burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12239840

It has more liquid weight tham typical shit-tier burger meat though. They use beet juice to make it "bleed". It's similar to grass fed fresh beef.
t. had one a few months ago with an omelet

>> No.12240065
File: 278 KB, 500x481, we_have_this_thread_every_day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12240584

itt shills

>> No.12240591

Impossible burger uses vegetable heme to make it red, the beet juice one is beyond meat.

>> No.12240609

I had one and it tasted nothing like meat

>> No.12240615

>certainly not like the aftertaste of Diet Coke bothers me
Never had an aftertaste with any colas, don't know what that's about.

I know but I wanted to comment on Diet Coke.

>> No.12240729

Because cattle industry = burgers.

Also, if it's not the same as meat in every aspect, it's not meat, just a substitute, an expensive one at that.

It's just a hyped up option for vegans, who crave meat. Nothing more.

>> No.12240831 [DELETED] 

I bet you think that cars are just a substitute for horses.

>> No.12241309
File: 394 KB, 700x700, 1556063300512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I tried an artificial soy paté "burger."


>> No.12241384

I like meat, but if vegans are as malnourished as you claim you should be able to show some real evidence instead of a fabricated image like that one.

>> No.12241389

It's just some obsessed dude who has been posting that shit in any thread slightly related to veganism.

There are plenty of high calorie vegan foods and you can be a fat vegan. Also, a lot of people who aren't vegan even want meat alternatives just because they aren't particularly fond of knowing that animals have to be killed for their food, but lab-grown meat might be better than the plant alternatives.

>> No.12241396

save the planet brother

>> No.12242998

holding out till the impossible version of the McRib - one that doesn't taste like something the cat dragged out of the dumpster

>> No.12243023
File: 51 KB, 500x323, 3552973176_7290c29f45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

believe it or not, funny you say that, because morningstar foods makes this microwavable vegan mcrib in a pouch, and it's quite rare to find in supermarkets and low key, but it is literally identical. I throw it on a microwaved bun with some diced white onion and pickles, and it's a fucking wrap. i swear to god i'm not memeing and im not one of those vegan "it actually tastes like meat" faggots, i'm not shilling i'm just being an honest man right now that those things are literally fucking identical to the patty in a mcrib, to the point where it's frightening.

pic related

haven't had it in awhile, usually do it like once every few months, but 2 of those sandwhiches (half the box essentially) is enough to fill me for about 6-8 hours

>> No.12243082

But mcribs suck, so why would you want to duplicate it?

>> No.12243342

>Red Robin, Burger King, McRib
you're really just comparing fake meat and fake meat, any burger of decent quality kicks the ass of anything vegan, guaranteed

>> No.12243956

No, you didn't

>> No.12244543

Whats the issue there
Mans gotta eat

>> No.12244677


>> No.12244692

t. prostitutes himself for cheeseburgers

>> No.12244780

>There are plenty of high calorie vegan foods and you can be a fat vegan.

Absolutely true. Vegan junk food, and the obese vegan movement is growing. Congratulations I guess. (Vegan rotten teeth is growing too lol)

>people who aren't vegan even want meat alternatives just because they aren't particularly fond of knowing that animals have to be killed for their food...

"Animals" (and reptiles birds insects) are killed for every vegan mouthful, including the soy paté veganburgers.


>save the planet brother

See the above link. Plowing over more forests for the increasing demand, from vegans, for soy and palm oil and avocadoes etc, in no way whatsoever, Is going to save the planet, or help the environment at all. See and learn above link.

>> No.12244798

I don't give a fuck about fake ground meat. Show me a convincing ribeye. I want to see marbling. I want the cap to be tender. I want there to be fat that renders out. I want to see a nice crust form when I sear it. I want to be able to reduce the juices and deglaze the fond to make a sauce. Once I can do that with fake meat, and it costs the same as real meat, I'll switch.

>> No.12244819
File: 139 KB, 800x784, joe9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"impossible burger" shillers get the rope, too.

>> No.12244896

So you're saying it tastes *almost* like the real thing? Why would I pay more for less?

>> No.12244912

We'll just have good cheap lab grown meat by then. All this substitute stuff is transitory

>> No.12246058

Because presumably once this shit scales up, and economies of scale come into play, the price of fake-ass meat will come down and cost less than the regular meat equivalent. So you'll be paying possibly a decent amount less for a product that is only very slightly less.

And the American consumer's history in preferencing cheap overseas knockoffs shows that this will be a winning formula if implemented.

>> No.12246084

Atlest 90% of all soy is grown for animal feed

>> No.12247144

It tastes "almost like the meat I'm used to".

The difference in flavor is like being used to grain and feed-pellet raised Black Angus your whole life, and biting into grass-fed Longhorn for the first time.

Also what >>12246058 said.
It's expensive primarily because it's not made large-scale, and there isn't any real competition.