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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 750x778, 3F7F25CD-6C82-4BEA-B484-78A24A91A4ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12236580 No.12236580 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf, never eating this shit again

>> No.12236584

>he fell for the soup

>> No.12236585

based facebook sensationalized junk science poster

>> No.12236588
File: 85 KB, 264x289, 1556130451310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bleach shares 70% of its ingredients by mass with bottled water

>> No.12236592

Im sure they never asked a chemist about it. Should start to make plastic with margarine next week and wait until prof call me a retard

>> No.12236593

your analogy is backwards, people don't drink bleach

>> No.12236598

what's depressing is that there are soccer moms out there who unironically fall for this shit

>> No.12236603

Why not its 70% water

>> No.12236605

I mean if you think about it bleach is 70% water, we are 70% water, therefore we are bleach

>> No.12236610

Do you understand how analogies work?

You would have been clever if you said that water is only 30% different than bleach, so people should stop drinking water.

>> No.12236613

Isn' t every chemical element ONE molecule away from the next?

>> No.12236615

no, you need elemets at the right place, the bonds and so many shit. OPs bait triggers my autism

>> No.12236621

Read the image. Read the analogy. Not read image again. The fact margerine "shares 27 ingredients with paint" has roughly the same bearing on it being edible as bleach being drinkable just because its mostly water

>> No.12236622

Based autist

>> No.12236626

...they do make plastic out of margarine, aka plant fats and oils.

>> No.12236627

This. Just how one single atom is spacially placed, the whole molecule can change radically

>> No.12236629

holy fuck... water is one molecule away from being carbon dioxide

>> No.12236643


Goddammit, did none of you take middle school science?

>> No.12236649

No you fucking retard that's not how analogies work.

Look in the image you have two things. One that people consume and one that you don't right?
Which thing do people regularly consume, water or bleach?
The only answer is water. Ok so now we know water is being compared to margarine in a proper analogy

The image is saying you shouldn't eat margarine (something people regularly eat!) because it's very similar to something that is bad, ie paint or plastic

Ok so let's craft our analogy again.

Don't drink water (something people regularly consume) because bleach (something dangerous that nobody drinks!) is 70% water

Get it retard?

>> No.12236650
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Dude, you cant say ONE MOLECULE. Getting from H2O to CO2 is more than brainfucking and better speak about atoms since a molecule can have 100s of atoms or just add 100s in 1 step

>> No.12236664


It is just two replaced atoms away from being hydrogen cyanide. Be afraid, be very afraid.

>> No.12236671

Water is just a single ATOM away from Hydrogen Peroxide!

>> No.12236680

Margarine is shit anyways, idk why you would use it when butter exists

>> No.12236681
File: 80 KB, 272x199, disappoint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chemical element

>> No.12236685

>people don't drink bleach

oh you innocent soul

>> No.12236687

Water is a molecule, dumb dumb

>> No.12236688

Butter is no good for fairy bread because it's too overpowering.

>> No.12236689

And undiluted hydrogen peroxide is practically rocket fuel

>> No.12236693


Thank god for that OP, I'm glad that I can enjoy my delicious margarine thanks to that one special extra molecule!

>> No.12236694

I'm never drinking rocket fuel again!

>> No.12236698

Why would you ever trust a chiropractor with chemistry?
Wait lemme fix that

Why would you ever trust a chiropractor?

>> No.12236702

Nobody tell these people what salt is made of.

>> No.12236705

>he fell for the soup cylinders

>> No.12236748
File: 390 KB, 602x452, 1521646864868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking dietary advice from a chiropractor
>Taking ANY kind of advice from a chiropractor

>> No.12236756

The problem is that the sort of people who take advice from a chiropractor are exactly the sort of people who will read this and think it's bad. The circle is complete.

>> No.12236768
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 16903555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You assholes are lookong at this wrong. Plastic is just one molecule away from being margarine

>> No.12236777

lol suit yourself, more for me then

>> No.12236794

I suppose if it helps more stupid people eat less margarine, then I'm not too upset.

>> No.12236806

What are they going to use instead? Butter? That's one molecule away from soap!

>> No.12236830

WTF I'm making Lead jewelries now

>> No.12236843

This looks like something the avocado fella would post

>> No.12236898

>one molecule
literally changes the entire makeup of the material
did you know gold is literally one atom away from lead?

>> No.12236899

The man who invented chiropractic literally said he learned it from a ghost and you're a fucking idiot if you think they're "back doctors"

>> No.12236913

Was the cursing really necessary?

>> No.12236927

No, you're right. I apologize.

>> No.12236934

Just buy a real cake

>> No.12236936
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>> No.12237047

>one molecule away
Water is ONE MOLECULR away from HYDROGEN PEROXIDE stop drinking water

>> No.12237103
File: 27 KB, 300x300, james-trevor-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of chiropractors and soccer moms

>> No.12237108

>Table salt is one molecule away from being hydrochloric acid

>> No.12237113

water is one molecule away from hydrogen peroxide

>> No.12237114

I only consume butter anyways

>> No.12237133

What he said is perfectly fine you autist

>> No.12237136

It's a thing of beauty really. Frauds ripping off dumb fucks.

>> No.12237143

I had to retake chemistry in summer school and one girl in there had a MASSIVE pair of sloppers that I couldn't stop staring at

>> No.12237149

While any person with half a brain should be able to deduce what analogy anon said, >>12236649 isn't entirely wrong. The analogy could have heen better worded.

>> No.12237165


We share over 50% of our DNA with banana!

In fact we share over 50% DNA similarity with many plants.

Bon Appetit!

>> No.12237197

Creationists btfo!

>> No.12237214

Black people finally make sense.

>> No.12237266

Pretty much anything ever is a molecule away from anything else.

>> No.12237290

k yeah I'm thinkin this is based.

>> No.12237302

I always wondered how fundies ignore microbial adaptation, which is a perfect example of evolution, when they abuse their kids into believing evolution is a lie. I guess viruses and bacteria don't exist. It's miasma.

>> No.12237305
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>> No.12237314

Basting fucking autism this is why I love 4chan

>> No.12237318

Finally, a way for us to reuse all that wasted plastic.

>> No.12237322

They wouldn't have taught you anything applicable to this in middle school lmao. Not even an intro chemistry course in college will cover the complexities of atom placement on the physical nature of the molecule.

>> No.12237497

So why not just go for actual butter? What advantages does margarine have?

>> No.12237512

It's either calorie free or low calorie, can't remember which. But yeah, spending money on food to get literally nothing out of it besides the taste just seems retarded to me. I'd rather just save my money and not eat.

>> No.12237730

>Diamond is the same element as graphite. Buy your girl a pencil and save $$$

>> No.12237761

Room soluble/spreadable from fridge.
Cheaper because its butter diluted with cheap oil. Or just a slurry of oil, salt and milk powder.

So basically: No advantages.
If you are cooking you are generally better off using normal fat, lard or oil. Unless you live in some schinzo country where only cooking margarine exists(which is basically milk powder, cooking fat and salt).

>> No.12237784
File: 49 KB, 750x719, 1527754029349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The salt is only ONE ATOM AWAY from a bomb, And a chemical weapons!!!!1!1!1!11
Dont buy salt you FUCKING terrorists

>> No.12237800

>Air is on atom away from being poisonous ozone
>Enjoy breathing!

>> No.12237846
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Nigga its just congealed oil.

>> No.12237894

>water is only ONE MOLECULE AWAY from being DEADLY hydrogen peroxide!

>> No.12237897

People also don't drink paint and eat plastic, well except for the chinese.

>> No.12237918

>chiropractors too stupid to know the difference between atom and molecule
Everything checks out

>> No.12237932

>chiropractic center
I thought this was a meme created by an angry farmer, but no, it's even worse.

>> No.12238056

A lot of food memes came from legit medical advices to certain ill people. People which arteries already fucked can't into animal fats, they eat margarine, because they still need fats for cell building purposes. While healthy people need "bad" low density cholesterol too, bloodstream uses it to smooth the walls which get mealy from immune blood cells continuously coming out and general muscle work. But pair it with atherosclerosis and you get clots out of this situation. Same with stomach ulcer advises which went virile - food in tiny portions 8 times a day, like wtf

>> No.12238102

>chiropractor calling anything out
they should hang these frauds from street lamps

>> No.12238134

Drinking water is ONE element away from being a dangerous flammable gas

>> No.12238171

>Isn' t every chemical element ONE molecule away from the next?

lol, someone failed chemistry

>> No.12238172

Based and butterpilled.

>> No.12238185

Imagine breathing oxygen when it's ONE ATOM away from carbon monoxide, it's like you want to die

>> No.12238355
File: 92 KB, 682x800, 1504586395441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that oxygen is only ONE ATOM away from carbon dioxide??
Why are you still breathing that poison?

>> No.12238562
File: 11 KB, 705x105, 6ac11a2b3ed93d951868459e906300b0[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12238576

Water contains literally 100% dihydrogen monoxide>>12236603

>> No.12238583

Yeah maybe you do you fucking retard

>> No.12238667


>> No.12238880


Even worse, carbon dioxide is really near to botulinum toxin! just remove the C and both O's and add the complex protein-complex and BAM!

So it's basically poison

>> No.12239133

Bleach is mostly water, and we're mostly water. Therefore we are bleach.

>> No.12240091
File: 46 KB, 672x372, image.jpg.png.gif.wemb.flac.exe.msi.bmp.tumblr.LeReddit.#triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Water is one ATOM away from hydrogen peroxide!
>Ingesting hydrogen peroxide can potentially KILL you.
Stop drinking water!

>> No.12240548

dog is just one species away from being cat

>> No.12240562

What kind of stupid asshole would use this shit over olive oil or butter anyways?

>> No.12240579

Everything is one molecule away from plastic.

>> No.12240750

Maybe lower calorie compared to butter. It's just solidified vegetable oil.

>> No.12240917

Johnny was a chemists son but Johnny is no more.

What Johnny thought was H2O was H2SO4.

>> No.12240978

Margerine is an inferior ingredient anyway. Cook right. Cook it for real and don't be a fucking commie. Cook with that churned cow slime. It's fucking good for you.

>> No.12241008

>your analogy is backwards, people don't drink bleach


>> No.12241010

There are not 27 ingredients in paint

>> No.12241017

They just arbitrarily define it as "micro evolution" and maintain that "macro evolution" (i.e. the gradual transition of one species into another) has not been observed.

>> No.12241026
File: 51 KB, 600x656, MNrzdvS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there's 27 ingredients in your paint then it's probably full of chemical additives and you should steer clear. I'd go for a more natural brand.

>> No.12241089

If it involves my spine why wouldn't I take advice from a chiropractor?

>> No.12241095

There was a time where many chiropractors were actual frauds (some still are). Don't get me wrong, adjustments can be beneficial, but there's a lot of shit some of them practice that is not based on any scientific evidence.

>> No.12241130

Based mediation anon, acknowledging both sides' strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.12241144

And ethanol is literally 3 atoms away from methanol.

>> No.12241146


>> No.12241169

and bananas share 60% DNA with humans. NEVER EATING BANANA AGAIN!!

>> No.12241202

Every atom is a molecule. Not every molecule is an atom. The guys dumb but he is not incorrect in his usage of molecule.

>> No.12241289

My chemistry teacher used to talk a lot about how artificial margarine is and that even starved animals wouldn't touch it.

>> No.12241320

When I hurt my spine I went to a Musculoskeletal Specialist, Spinal Surgeon and Physiotherapist, you know... the people with MD after their name?

>> No.12241407
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Damn, I bet people on facebook fall for this all the time.

>> No.12241799
File: 14 KB, 236x236, 6fc548c9874eaf3e230782fae3bd0c14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>thinking this fucking retarded meme is funny

fuck you soyboy

>> No.12241822

Who the fuck even uses yellow 6 when beta carotene exists? Mountain dew maybe. I looked it up, and country crock, the most popular margarine, does not contain yellow 6.
I'm myself only use butter, but still.

>> No.12241825

The vegan crazy is right if you take his post unironically.

>> No.12241841

they don't make plastic out of margarine they make it out of plant fats and oils

>> No.12241844

Just like how tobacco shares "ingredients" with rat poison?

>> No.12241851

>Water is one ATOM away from a wound disinfectant and an industrial bleaching agent.


>> No.12242328

Drink the bleach Murderface

>> No.12242412

I had some margarine and vegemite on toast this morning :)