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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12228327 No.12228327 [Reply] [Original]

Which one do you prefer and why?

>> No.12228343
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>> No.12228421

Zaxby's is Christian without being judgey or douchey. The clear winner.

>> No.12228439

I agree. I also think their food is tastier.

>> No.12228446

and zax’s sauce is simply deity-tier.

>> No.12228447
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god bless america

>> No.12228456


>> No.12228459

No zaxbys in Cali

>> No.12228461

okay. look.
if you want kosher salt, bring your own, kike.

>> No.12228463

>Cant have my fast food without a huge serving of pozzed virtue signaling!
Shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.12228482

Their ranch is the best too.

>> No.12228505

He's right, though. A restsurant virtue signaling to fatfuck, inbred, ignorant homophobes leaves a sour taste in anyones mouth who is capable of rational thought.

>> No.12228532

Chick fil a doesnt do that though. It's the faggots that complain they silently donate money to an anti gay charity. They dont advertise it or have it as any part of their business. Faggots like complaining.

>> No.12228542

Why can't we have a discussion about food without politics?

>> No.12228549


The Virgin Zaxby's
The Chad-Fil-A

>> No.12228559

Both are intertwined and you literally cannot live without them. Thinking you can live without politics means you are living with politics that other people force on you.

>> No.12228560

i saw you coming, kike.
your nose gets here so early that the foods cold when you start eating.
i know it smells good, but one day you will learn to cook for you and your nose.

>> No.12228622

Im sure Jamals dick leaves a sour taste in your gfs mouth too.

>> No.12228623


Zaxby's is a front for meth cartels, it's everywhere and it sucks so it has to have some other kind of side hustle.

Chick-Fila is the real deal, the last polite food chain and better chicken.

>> No.12228646

Fuck off

>> No.12228658


Respectfully resign from your life, please.

>> No.12228799

Chick-fil-a has never been openly anti-gay. Only the owner has, and he's not part of their day to day operations. The individual people who work their and make your food don't give a shit if you're gay or not.

>> No.12228924

Zaxbys is heavenly
But Chick-fil-A IS heavenly

>> No.12229078

I agree that's why I made the thread.

>> No.12229084

Zaxby’s. Better chicken, better fries, better sauces, and no religion bullshit.

>> No.12229107

Ok but the company donates millions of dollars to charities that have openly anti-gay policies, still, via their charitable foundation. If you eat there, you are bankrolling anti-gay discrimination because most of the charities they donate to don't allow openly gay people or gay people in leadership positions, things like that.

>> No.12229113

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.12229126
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Yeah if you are an oppressive homophobic bigot.

>> No.12229129

That’s morally indefensible.

>> No.12229133

They also fund gay conversion torture concentration camps which really psychologically fuck adolescent kids over.

>> No.12229140

Not exactly but they still do donate to charities that have anti-gay policies.


Chick-fil-A has taken great pains to downplay its anti-LGBTQ rhetoric and giving, seven years into a national boycott by LGBTQ and allied diners. But contrary to the company’s latest claims that it has no political or social agenda, newly released tax filings show that, in 2017, the Chick-fil-A Foundation gave more than $1.8 million to a trio of groups with a record of anti-LGBTQ discrimination.

The donations — $1,653,416 to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, $6,000 to the Paul Anderson Youth Home, and $150,000 to the Salvation Army — actually represent a slight increase from the previous year. The foundation’s funding comes almost entirely from the corporate treasury and shares leadership with the company.

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is a religious organization that seeks to spread an anti-LGBTQ message to college athletes and requires a strict “sexual purity” policy for its employees that bars any “homosexual acts.” Paul Anderson Youth Home, a “Christian residential home for trouble youth,” teaches boys that homosexuality is wrong and that same-sex marriage is “rage against Jesus Christ and His values.”

The Salvation Army has a long record of opposing legal protections for LGBTQ Americans and at the time of the donations had a written policy of merely complying with local “relevant employment laws.” The organization’s website has since changed to indicate a national policy of non-discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

Chick-fil-A is one of a dwindling number of companies that still refuses to include explicit protection against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in its employment non-discrimination policy and received a zero from the Human Rights Campaign in its annual buyers guide.

>> No.12229186
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>out on lunch break looking for a good place to eat
>faint glow in the distance
>gigantic cross with "FAGS GO TO HELLl, CLOSED ON SUNDAYS" written across it
>its a chic fil a
>heard about this place on /ck/
>decide to go in
>framed Bible verses hanging on every square inch of the walls
>employees are all blonde 14-year-old girls dressed in preacher outfits

>> No.12229200
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Actually I'm gay and I eat at Chick-Fil-A all the time. The more we can get homophobes to out themselves and enter the spotlight the easier it is to shutdown people who claim gays are just accepted now and not persecuted at all anymore. Let the bigots show themselves for who they really are. They have great salads, too.

>> No.12229202

Pretty sure this is falseflagging because even the biggest soyboys and fags can't resist Chick Fil-A, the restaurant is still hugely popular even in Commiefornia

>> No.12229221

>fire and brimstone sermons and gospel music on loop from the speaker system

>> No.12229229

Shit, Zaxby's isn't in my specific area of my state. Is it really that good?

>> No.12229243
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No, they just picked a generic fast food chicken chain so they could make an anti-gay shitpost on /ck/ without instantly getting deleted by the mods. They don't care about food they just want an excuse to shit on gay people in a thread on a board ostensibly about food and cooking.

>> No.12229244

I disagree with Chickster's politics and Zaxby's is too salty. Neither.

>> No.12229246

you disagree with science and niggers don't love you no matter how much you apologize, tranny.

>> No.12229251

Damn, I see. I dislike Chick-fil-A, which most people get pissy about, but it's not even a politics thing. The breading is just too sweet, there's something about it that I don't like.

>> No.12229254

Black people, transgender people, and religious people are all equally distasteful.

Anyone belonging to either of those groups complaining about others is a fool.

You can get grilled nuggets. I almost always get the salads (with crispy nuggets) so I don't really notice.

>> No.12229256
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Gross a gay

>> No.12229258

Thus proving my point homophobes have no rational sound arguments and always resort to >muh feels.

>> No.12229259

If I'm going to eat grilled chicken, I'll just make it myself.

>> No.12229263

I love chick FIL a for their sandwiches, nuggets, and fries
I love Zaxbys for their chicken strips and wings.
zaxbys Caribbean jerk sauce was 10/10 on wings

>> No.12229268

But like the whole point of fast food is grabbing a quick bite when I'm in a hurry or like just finished a big workout and not looking to cook. Anyways, try the salads.

>> No.12229275

Why are Americans so obsessed with the letters "Z" and "X"?

>> No.12229284

>donating to fucking FCA and the salvation army is now not ok
fuck off holy shit

>> No.12229290

Well yeah because they are not gay friendly organizations. I wish the government would simply shut down any anti-gay charities. Nobody should have to live a harder life because people have discriminatory animus towards them irrationally.

>> No.12229292

How so? Considering homosexuality is immoral, I don't really get the leap of logic to say discouraging it is morally indefensible.

>> No.12229296

Morality is literally just your feelings. You don't have any right to make life harder for gay people because you have a hard time understanding or accepting us how we are.

>> No.12229298

Ouch my feelings

>> No.12229299

When the fuck has Chick Fil A ever been whiny or douchey about their Christianity?

>> No.12229310
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Hatred of gays is anything but irrational. It's the only sensible thing. You're just a faggot.

>> No.12229314

If I'm getting fast food, I'm either getting a burger, sliders, or fried chicken/fish/shrimp. Salads and grilled chicken are things I eat and make on the regular. A fast food salad does not compare to a fresh salad, and grilled fast food chicken does not compare to me actually grilling my own chicken. I rarely want a burger, so I don't have the ingredients on hand, and I don't own a fry daddy specifically so I don't eat fried food regularly.

>> No.12229327
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It is 100% irrational and posting outdated, no-context statistics won't change that.

Imagine having to quote surveys literally done in the 1970s to get your largest font "the gays are evil" stat-number.

Their salads are rather filling though. They make pretty good salads compared to other fast food chains. At least try them before disavowing them.

>> No.12229335

What part of "I don't get salads at fast food joints" do you not understand?

>> No.12229343

To a moral relativist I suppose that is true. I am not one.

>> No.12229346

Based homohobe poster

>> No.12229348
File: 166 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190420-162851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost 5000 people is somehow too small of a sample size
The lengths these sick degenerates will go to in defense of their disgusting mental illness never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.12229355

Just seems like you are limited yourself artificially, just like people who refuse to have sex with the same sex.

Your "morals" are literal just what you personally believe to be in your own self-interest. Nobody is bound by them and any concept of a universal morality still reflects the individuals in power who construct such concepts. People in power lie. Statistics lie. You lie.

The survey was conducted in 1978. Your study is over 40 years old.

>a large sample size means there are no other possible errors polluting the dataset

oh honey no

>> No.12229361

Ah, I remember when I was 13 and got on the internet for the first time. Those were the days.

>> No.12229366

Are you really attempting to argue that in the last 30 years, the STD rates would go down? We live in an era of promiscuous sex, and homosexual filth are more accepted now than they ever were. If anything I'd wager that that number is closer to 90© given the invention of Grindr and similar gay hookup apps. Why are fags so obsessed with anonymous sex anyways?

>> No.12229368
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>> No.12229373

Yes, and that the survey is non-representative and biased. The readers of a gay magazine in the 1970s ≠ gay people overall now. Gays have been historically forced to hide who we are which often meant in the 1970s having sham marriages and sleeping with other men in secret, which would increase disease transmission but ONLY BECAUSE STRAIGHT PEOPLE WEREN'T ACCEPTING US.


The study, titled “Choices: Perspectives of Younger Gay Men on Monogamy, Non-monogamy and Marriage,” was conduced by researchersBlake Spears and Lanz Lowen. They surveyed over 800 single, monogamously-coupled, and non-monogamously coupled gay menages 18-40 years about their relationships. A handful of “monogamish” men were also interviewed.

“The most striking finding of this study is younger gay men’s greater inclination toward monogamy,” the researchers report. “We see this in the overwhelming number of relationships that are monogamous (86percent). In addition, 90percentof the single younger gay men were seeking monogamy. This is a sea change compared to older generations of gay men.”


>> No.12229378

You're deluded and the study you're attempting to cite is deeply flawed.
>Let's pick and choose monogamous gays and then ask them what they think of monogamy!
Yeah no way that would lead to skewed data.

>> No.12229386

>all studies that paint gays in a favorable light are flawed

>studies that paint gays negatively should be accepted without question

sure honey keep citing those 40 year old surveys

>> No.12229395

I'm not your "honey," you disgusting creature. You're sick in the head. The lifestyle you lead is foul.

>> No.12229405
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Literally just your opinion.

>> No.12229427

Chick fil a because they hate sodomites.

>> No.12229439

>Christian without being judgey
So not Christian?

>> No.12229478

>Implying I give a shit

Caine's is the best though

>> No.12229712

Just eat the goddamn chicken you fucks and stop fucking talking about politics. You stupid motherfucking faggots.

>> No.12229720

Fuck you faggot.

>> No.12229745
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>> No.12229785

chick fila has better chicken and gives you as much sauce as you want but it's too sweet. zaxby's has better sauce but they're super jewish about it.

>> No.12229827

>over 800 single, monogamously-coupled
cherry picking much, i'm gay and i know that "monogamously inclined gays" are a small minority.

>> No.12229830

>FCA and salvation army
No joke I've been boycotting chick FIL a for a few years when I heard they were anti-gay but if this is literally it then that's fucking retarded
The FCA and the fucking Salvation Army, are you fucking kidding me? I thought they were donating to like "pro-family" PACs and shit like that because I was too stupid in retrospect to look it up myself

Fuck you, 2 million to those groups is fucking NOTHING and you're retarded for thinking they are

>> No.12229853

Fuck you fag. Your gay ass is not worthy of the humble chicken sandwitch.

>> No.12229860

Fuck you I'm going to get one tomorrow and there's nothing you can do about it

>> No.12230530

I'm gay, and I'll eat those chicken sandwiches till I die
Fuck you honey, and fuck your gay marriage

>> No.12230696

Now you’re just an incel on the internet

>> No.12230709
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>> No.12230791


Zaxbys because there are more options then chick fil a

>> No.12230824

Okay but I don't give a shit about that.

>> No.12231449

This exactly

>> No.12231461

This also

Not everyone believes that homosexuality is a good thing, and that DOESN’T mean that all those people believe that every gay person is the devil. It also DOESN’T mean that everyone who disagrees with the homosexual lifestyle or believes it’s sinful is secretly gay themselves.

>> No.12231464


>> No.12231528

"Eat more Chicken" they say not more dick.

>> No.12231607

Christ, homophobe, it's 2019 you can come out of the closet now w/o being crucified.