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12226569 No.12226569 [Reply] [Original]

Just got hired at pic related. What are your biggest pet peeves from your baristas? What makes a good one in your eyes?

>> No.12226574

Learn how to cook the coffee correctly and i will like you.

>> No.12226615

Nice tits.

>> No.12226635
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They offer free SRS, FFS and other procedures to transgender employees.

>> No.12226743

Just saying "Have a nice day," really makes my morning.

>> No.12226860

Dont try to talk to me like a friend. Just take my stupid order. Also dont correct me with the dumb sizes. If I say medium just say one grande blah blah blah instead of "did you mean grande?" One last thing, your beans suck

>> No.12226862

You should be friendly but not bubbly

>> No.12226877

always refuse to serve blacks and other brown subhumans, Starbucks needs your compliance to keep it from becoming like McDonalds.
Also, make sure to write people's names correctly on the cups, it goes a long way

>> No.12227051

peeves: makes shit coffee

which unfortunately you are going to have to get used to doing since your working at starcucks (home of the burnt to a crisp bean)

>> No.12227066

hey how do you guys make the green matcha tea fraps? What do you put in them?

>> No.12227124

It's just Matcha Powder and milk.

>> No.12227152

>if my name isn’t written correctly on muh milkshake drink I get upset
Imagine being this much of a homosexual

>> No.12227165

imagine drinking a milkshake at all, let alone an overpriced one from some fast drink chain

>> No.12227485

just shut up and make coffee you retail monkey

>> No.12227569

they don’t “try to correct” you, nice meme though.

Starbucks will help pay for your college so start going to college asap. Google it

>> No.12227640
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There's no way you can do anything wrong for me because all I ever get is black drip, and almost never from Starbucks unless I'm far from anything else.

Also armpit hair if you're female. My favorite coffee shop has someone like that.

>> No.12227751

What's the most caffeine per dollar I can get at starschmucks?

>> No.12227758


>> No.12227765


>> No.12228745
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Hated when customers would try to use a coupon for everything else not on the coupon.

>Coupon for 50% a cappuccino customer wants a frappicino,
>I say it doesn't work like that,
>they want to talk to the manager,
>manger tells them the same thing,
>they say they're going to call corporate office to complain
>Rinse and repeat
Happened multiple times a day whenever a promotion was going on.

>> No.12228749

i only go there 2-3 times a year to order a frappachino

my pet peeve: not making the frap look like the picture

>> No.12228966

Just give me my fucking cappuccino.

>> No.12229538

Not using small, medium, and large as sizes.

>> No.12229550

I like it when I order a black coffee and their eyes sparkle with admiration and they say "good choice." But only if it's a woman. I don't care what a man thinks.

>> No.12229566

just call out my name when my drink is ready; you don’t need to read out my embarrassingly long and intricate order.

>> No.12229648

peeve: being a guy
a good barista: a very cute girl who is :3

>> No.12229652

Write secret Nazi message on customers' cups

>> No.12229658

>Hard times

My absolute Somalian Negro, good taste

>> No.12229670

I might be an outlier but, they always say that good design is invisible. The more I have to think about you at all the more I have to hate whatever you're doing.

>No small talk
>Gimme the coffee
>I may ask what's new, just say the newest drink
>Keep it quick
>Don't do anything to stand out in order to make it "Exceptional service" like they're going to tell you to do in training, that's all garbage.
>Be a fucking robot basically

>> No.12229682

The last time I stopped in there with my mom, an old woman started talking to her about mermaids and she got creeped out. u lik dudz?

>> No.12229694

Throw away the drug needles instead of letting the customers do it.

>> No.12229696
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The West Bank has started to get pretty shifty in the past few decade, but places like The Hard Times and Palmers are always going to be good stops

And no, ew homo

>> No.12229707
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I was asking about candy, because this is a food forum. You have issues.

>> No.12229714
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Wasn't it shiftiest a few decades ago when white flight was still a thing?

>> No.12229723

Sorry buddy, I only eat the originals Pearson's Nut Goodies, trademark

>> No.12229736

What happens upstairs?

>> No.12229743

Bourgeois decadence.

>> No.12229784

>What makes a good one in your eyes?
Big tots and a fat ass.

>> No.12229848
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That started it, but the massive influx of Somalians to the Cedar Riverside area made it what it is today

>> No.12229896

>fake enthusiastic voice
>screams my name when my drink is done
>"correcting" when i say small, medium, large
Good thing:
if a customer is confused with the Italian bullshit sizes just asking if they want small, medium, or large.

>> No.12229904

Deliberately misspelling my monosyllabic name for shits and giggles. I don't want to tell them in the first place but since apparently they need it for a no room americano I've just started telling them my name is whatever is on their nametag

>> No.12229912
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>> No.12229933
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>Pour 3% milk to the first black line and pour contents into blender
>Add matcha/syrup if ordered
>Add Frapp base and the correct ice scoop for the ordered size
>Set blender for one beverage
>Call and serve at the hand off plane
t. former barista
pic not related

>> No.12229938

Refreshers with light ice and less water/extra base.
It is made with green coffee extract.

>> No.12229945

I know Barista is seen as a menial wageslave but as a former bartender I appreciate the competence Baristas require to properly execute one of those ridiculous drinks with 8 modifiers ordered by basic white girls on busy mornings.

>> No.12229949

There are actually more sizes than that.
Short (not available for cold drinks)
Trenta (limited to select cold beverages)

>> No.12229952

protip If you aren't in college starbucks offers a partnership with ASU for free tuition on their online school.

>> No.12229972


Been working for the green siren for 2+ years now as supplementary income and for the decent benefits. Here are a few that I hate as a barista myself:

>flipping out about dogs at the drive-thru and offering a cup of whip cream to every single one even though dogs cannot digest lactose properly
>not offering tap water when a customer asks for public natural resource theft (bottled water)
>enabling unhealthy choices like frapps, mochas, etc.


At drive-thru stores the competence is definitely not as uniform as cafe only stores. There are only a handful of baristas at my store (including me) that can handle working the espresso bar during the busy morning rushes. The drink list is long, the ingredient modifiers even longer and Starbucks has minimum drive-thru times that must be met. Some people get flustered really easily and cannot keep up with the orders as they come in so they are stuck cashing people out at the drive-thru window all day.

>> No.12230447

>What makes a good one in your eyes

Not having tattoos, not being a young minded faggot, now being gay, lesbian or trans, not having colored hair, not having ear rings in your nose, not having shaved headed women, not trying to talk to me when i'm clearly not interested in you.

>> No.12231003

So you're happy as long as everybody is an NPC

>> No.12231051


>> No.12231119

But NPCs are the ones who do all that.

>> No.12231138

I worked for Starbucks between 2007-2012, I think. Just be mature. Do your job and do it well. It's not any different from any other job.

>> No.12231290

Uh huh, whatever makes you happy. Do you have a sidequest for me or should I just ignore you?

>> No.12231400

Bring me 10 bearskins.

>> No.12231417

It's where they hold the orgies

>> No.12231425

>good baristas
Latino women with big tits
>bad baristas
Anyone else

>> No.12231619

Why tf would an american company use italian terms? Doesnt make sense

>> No.12231629

What about black women with huge asses? The kind you have to walk around.

>> No.12231718
File: 93 KB, 680x315, Soy-latte.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can honestly say ive never bought anything from these soylent cucks. only millennial zoomers are brainless enough to pay $5 for coffee when you can make about 200 cups for that price.
>inb4 reddit onslaught
yeah having money is one thing, needlessly throwing it away is another.

>> No.12231725

The venti costs 2$ fucking incel.

>> No.12231748

Oh after last night I don't gotta imagine anymore hun.

>> No.12231831
File: 67 KB, 793x786, F2E26699-AFBC-41ED-A87B-78B7C1CEF9C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw live in des moines and can’t hang out with you bros

>> No.12231842

It's really hard to hang out with Minnesotans even when living in Minnesota.

>> No.12231930

>btfo soyboy right on cue
Reddit Response Checklist
[ ] a lot of hate in you
[ ] you must be fun at parties
[ ] who hurt you?
[ ] find love
[ ] moms basement
[X] virgin/incel
[ ] have some sex

>> No.12231939

I get a grande for $3 and let the bf sip from it. And I just say "large" when I order.

>> No.12231940

Oh sweetie...

>> No.12231945

Are you the top or bottom?

>> No.12231950

Yes they do.

>> No.12231965

I'm a renaissance man, currently single because aloof otter fwb moved far away to work for the forest service instead of using his mech engineering degree at a desk

>> No.12232052

Try to be a float. That makes the day go by way faster. Typically shifts & mgrs will try and take these because it’s the best job on the floor.

Learn the names AND drinks of your regulars. If you see them in line and can get them their drink while they’re still at the register they’ll tip like a MF.

Please don’t repeat a handful of delivered quips at the ready. It’s not as cute as you think.

Brew coffee on the schedule. It’s better to waste company beans than to tell someone your pot isn’t fresh. Customers will come in and ask how long ago you brewed. They’re crazy, yes, and they’re the first ones to talk shit on you to your mgr when you’re not around. :/

Good shift crew? Go out for beers afterwards. ...or fuck it... bring some bailey’s into the back room and drink on the job.

The biggest tip is to remember that this job doesn’t actually care about you so you don’t actually have to care about it. Follow the rules but, unless you wanna be a lifetimer, don’t buy into their bullshit. If they can trick millions (billions?) of people into paying $5 a cup they’ll trick you into caring about your job. <3

>> No.12232066

Imagine a big tiddy topless barista and she lactates into your coffee just as a joke haha

>> No.12232070

Go away.

>> No.12232165

Wrong as fuck. It's match, milk, a base of syrup, and whipped cream. The match always has sugar in it too. So basically matcha, milk, and sugar 3 times

>> No.12232175
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>> No.12232183

Have sex then come bacn and post.

>> No.12232190
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>> No.12232197

Who hurt you??

>> No.12232271

I've never had an instance where they ducky correct be.

>> No.12232362

Shifts don’t just take these positions, they’re supposed to be float for a better overview of the store

t. shift