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File: 146 KB, 1300x919, 57000892-granadilla-fruits-on-the-white-background-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12226210 No.12226210 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favourite fruit? Mine is the granadilla.

>> No.12226449

Probably strawberries and Mandarin oranges. They are so easy to clean and eat. Honey mangos are also good.

>> No.12226464
File: 844 KB, 1400x787, 1547983509424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna try the pawpaw

>> No.12226529

ive heard good things about pawpaw. i wanna try get to the pawpaw festival sometime in my life

>> No.12226641 [DELETED] 

They are said to taste like banana mango, but they go bad quickly and taste bitter. It's why you probably haven't heard good things about them and why they don't sell well in stores other than a farmer's market.

>> No.12226646

They are said to taste like banana mango, but they go bad quickly and taste bitter. I'll have to try to see if they're in the farmers market sometime

>> No.12226669

Pineapples when they're at that right ratio of sweet/juicy.

>> No.12226671

meh, I like pineapple juice and the flavor, but I just hate the texture.

>> No.12226672

Any berry

>> No.12226678

Green apples, the more sour the better.

>> No.12226763

you just have to let it ripen properly. hang it upside down for a week.

>> No.12226778

Why upside down?

>> No.12226782

how poor do you have to be to eat this? it looks like nasal polyps.
i love ripe pineapple too, but fuck does that make your tongue raw as the fuck with all the acids and shit.

>> No.12226922

they taste like gatorade and have the texture of passionfruit thayre good. also theyre quite expensive where i live

>> No.12226929
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>> No.12226943

i was just looking into that yesterday. saw a video about how to eat the seeds, but the actual fruit looks really good and i like to try it

>> No.12226949

>Eat the seed
Why would you do this. The fruit itself is the tasty part, think of a super sweet strawberry mango

>> No.12226952

>they taste like gatorade
you know gatorade comes in about 200 flavors...

>> No.12226963

its that one specific light blueish green one. we dont have gatorade much in ireland, but i had that one in the US and it tastes like granadilla

>> No.12226969

you can put part of the seed in hot chocolate and other beverages and it gives it a slight spicy flavour

>> No.12227015

I fucking love the texture of Rambutans/lychees/dragon's eyes but I'm in the middle of Colorado.
At least we have good peaches though.

>> No.12227021

rambutans are great but i hate how some of the seed sticks to the flesh sometimes

>> No.12227022

They have an extremely short season in late September. If you don’t live in the zone where they grow it’s unlikely you’ll find them. There’s a pawpaw festival in southern Ohio if you live near there, and I’m sure other states that produce them might have similar events

>> No.12227207
File: 35 KB, 400x300, Pawpaw-Susquehanna-TM-shipped-from-grower-LSS--000_5462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried a piece when a nutritionist came to my old highschool. Easily the best fruit I have ever had.

It's like a weird combination of mango and banana. Absolutely surreal

>> No.12227804

when you see pineapples ripen, the juices accumulate at the bottom. do you ever see a pineapple ripen from top to bottom? flip it over so it can riped evenly. you can get flawless pineapples everytime.

>> No.12227819

MMMM spicy hot chocolate! just for the sake of being a fag!

>> No.12227930
File: 91 KB, 750x468, figs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh figs
fucking delicious but only in season, dried does not do it justice

>> No.12227961
File: 38 KB, 480x480, Haskap_-_Boreal_Blizzard_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haskap berries. Taste like sour & sweet blueberries and raspberries sorta with a super soft body. They exploden your mouth.

>> No.12228114

pomelo and lychee

>> No.12228234

Imagine being such a pretentious twit that your favorite fruit is some tropical oddity that you can only get in speciality markets AND that you refer to it by the plant's name instead of just calling it "yellow passion fruit" because you're just so goddamn unique that you have to make sure no more than one percent of people can immediately identify what you're referring to

>> No.12228514

I love dried figs as well, but I agree fresh figs are a whole other category of amazing.

>> No.12228544

Imagine getting mad about what fruit someone likes.

>> No.12228629

Strawberries, that or Starfruit.
It was my favorite fruit as a kid, but I didn’t eat it often.

>> No.12228683

Passion fruit or high quality white peaches

>> No.12228712
File: 76 KB, 900x675, 3 - P6IOTjG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the banana, you can eat it and stick it up your ass!

>> No.12229837

bananas are berries not fruit dipshit

>> No.12229957
File: 24 KB, 360x240, kiwi-little-fruit-with-big-benefits-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kiwis best, eat them whole.
>tangy skin
>sweat innards
>perfect size for portioning

>> No.12229960

fuck me

>> No.12230130

say that to me one more time

>> No.12230140

Best stop talkin that fuckin soience shit m8. I'll deck ya I fuckin swear.

>> No.12230199
File: 38 KB, 653x447, plums.jpg.653x0_q80_crop-smart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plums are king
honorable mentions:

>> No.12230249

T. Red Delicious fag

>> No.12230652

Is the coconut a fruit?

>> No.12230663

Super ripe tiger stripe figs are one of my favorites, for sure, as are perfectly ripe red or yellow plums, and good varieties of apples. But for sure my absolute favorite is wild blackberries. Storebought blackberries are universally complete shit because when they're really ripe they're practically impossible to store or transport; they squash or go bad in like one day. But if they're super ripe, and picked fresh, they're unbeatable.

>> No.12230665

plums get a bad reputation because of old people eating prunes

>> No.12230695

Midwesterner here
I’ve actually found paw paws in the wild on multiple occasions and eaten them. Really weird fruit. Definitely would agree they are kind of like a banana mango mixture. They have a way creamier texture though. They bruise extremely easily and go bad super quickly. Definitely a fun novelty but not something I’d wanna eat all the time

>> No.12230730


They look exactly like a passion fruit that has had the inner and outer colours swapped. Not sure what your problem is.

>> No.12230747

What powers would this fruit give if it were an akuma no mi?

>> No.12230764

strawberries definitely.

>> No.12231147

Like someone shat in an orange

>> No.12231536

Shit ton of these on grandads farm.
I like to wrap them in foil, then put them on the grill after the steaks or burgers are done.
By the time your finished with the main meal, dessert is ready. Just crack them open and eat with spoon.
Also, use in smoothies when raw (take out those fucking seeds)

>> No.12231557
File: 50 KB, 320x480, C949F1A5-2F7E-49EA-BB6F-C2E0A30A160E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can stick it up your ass before you eat it

>> No.12231581

Am I a normie because I like green grapes?

>> No.12231592

I'll have to try this. You can also do the same thing with a banana, don't even have to foil wrap them, just grill them in the peel for an hour or so. Comes out like banana pudding inside.
I live in a part of Ohio where pawpaw is all over, and last year I ended up with more than I know what to do with. Still have some frozen pulp. Any recipe ideas?

>> No.12232168

>Hard seedless grapes
Honestly, I like most of them. But give me an infinite amount of those grapes and I will be eating a lot. 1.5-2kg in a few hours? no problem

>> No.12232174

Kiwis and watermelons

>> No.12232215
File: 85 KB, 1200x900, Health-Benefits-of-Kumquats[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kumquats. The flesh is sour, and the rind is sweet.

>> No.12232225


Sable grapes.

>> No.12232267

>They exploden your mouth
just don't chew them too far back or they'll exploden through the roof

>> No.12232392

>Storebought blackberries are universally complete shit
All store berries are shit. U-pick is the only way to go for berries

>> No.12232434

I hated these for the longest time because I was sold an under ripe one. I tried it again and it was pretty good. thinking about vandalizing the guy's fruit stand that sold me the bad one.

>> No.12232566


nothing beats some home made salsa

>> No.12233135

True. They have to pick them before fully ripened to withstand the shipping and storage so they are never vine ripened. Usually they're flavorless and not juicy.

>> No.12233236

Kumquats are super hit or miss. They are really good when they are good, but it seems like 90% of the time I get them most of them are bitter or shitty.

>> No.12233240

I love that but I've had no luck finding it in the US

>> No.12234327
File: 395 KB, 2000x1333, apricot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grandpa had an apricot orchard.

>> No.12234333

Pitaya/Dragon fruit and bananas for me.

>> No.12234405

I used to get mine from a grocery store in a super bourgeois part of town where I used to live.
They were consistently good there. But, I've definitely had some awful ones from other stores, thinking back on it.

>> No.12234467
File: 558 KB, 1920x1080, 2734955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not durian.

>> No.12234472

Pears , Strawberries

>> No.12234525

I guess they never miss huh

>> No.12234624


>> No.12234694

you got a boyfriend?