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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12221237 No.12221237 [Reply] [Original]

No more grocery shopping for me. It's bad for the environment

>> No.12221240

>rationing yourself in 2019
>falling for studies paid for by companies that make these kits

>> No.12221262


Well planned grocery shopping is even more environmentally friendly than meal kits.

>> No.12221270 [DELETED] 
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>caring about the enviornment

>> No.12221272
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just get your food delivered through a delivery service, i use pic related but if uber eats or doorblast is in your area use them to deliver groceries or something.

>> No.12221277

I do nothing for the environment, and nor should you. Women don't want to procreate with me so I have no personal investment in the state of the future.

>> No.12221294 [DELETED] 

based and blackpilled

>> No.12221311

China and India already fucked us, 90% of world pollution from there, just give up and enjoy your plastic bags already mate

>> No.12221348


>> No.12221379
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>he doesnt grow his own produce
>or raise his own protein
Grocery trips should be for special occasions or exotics. Toiletries and sundries can be obtained like once every 3 months.

It also helps living in Zone 9

>> No.12221406
File: 76 KB, 320x310, soyBTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to fuck the environment like a soyboy gets fucked by his tranny wife's bull.
i remember when we would go dump used motor oil in a hole in the alley. did it for decades and never gave a single fuck about it until i moved to some dystopian liberal yankee shithole where alleys dont exist.
We have a recycle truck that comes every two weeks. The only shit in mine is shit that wont fit in the regular garbage can so its like my overflow garbage.
Open a can? in the garbage.
cardboard package? garbage
newspaper? garbage
styrofoam? slam dunk in the garbage.
glass bottles? broken in the garbage.
light bulbs? garbage.
any shit the garbage wont take sits at the curb until a garbage picker gets it for scrap.
fuck soy fuck this earth let it fucking burn.

>> No.12221427 [DELETED] 
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holy mother of based, EPA BTFO for eternity

>> No.12221490
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recycling isnt mandatory and until it is thats what im doing.
i grew up in the southwest and there were no laws preventing the dumping of motor oil out in the middle of nowhere. it came out of the earth, whats wrong with it going back in?
quick story fuck green text im not in the mood
when i was back in the office, we had some asswipe libshit trash picker who would literally garbage pick everyone's trash pulling out the papers, cans, and other recycled shit. i fucking hate recyclers so i started saving the last few sips of my coffee and then pouring it onto the top of the shit in there purely out of spite.
dudes like wtf man why is everything wet in your garbage?
i said its fucking garbage. dont like it? stay out of my fucking garbage. he was eternally btfod after that. it caught on and other people started fucking with him too because eventually everyone gets fed up with nonsense.
in reality, im not anti-recycling, but im anti people who take the shit too far.

>> No.12221940


>> No.12222069
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You need this, anon. Don't worry, it's recycle-free.
Then you can toss it inna garbage when yer done.

>> No.12222094

whats your address? im going to strangle you with my reusable grocery bag.

>> No.12222103

No, you're anti-anything out of your control. Chuds like you piss me off, but it's on the level of how I'm pissed off by the schoolchildren in my neighborhood.

Here's hoping one of those shitlibs shoves recyclables into the tailpipe of your car (we are all non-confrontational after all) and you can have a modicum of control over that.

>> No.12222106

do you have a closet hoard full of 100W incandescent lightbulbs because you're still triggered over energy efficiency laws?

>> No.12222538


>> No.12222669

Sorry but I'm not enough of a creatively bankrupt fuckass to use blue apron.

>> No.12222693

You just hate the Earth

>> No.12222695

The earth makes chili with beans.

>> No.12222697

dont remind me my house is dark as fuck now

>> No.12222703

this is only true because nobody is using them, and even the people that do use them don't use them all the time which should be obvious to anyone not retarded

if EVERYONE was getting their food that way it would be several orders of magnitude more wasteful

>> No.12222704

>(Note: Blue Apron has been a sponsor of NPR programming.)

>> No.12222719

Cracked the case

>> No.12223047

im just mad that they don't make meal kits for single people its all 2+ servings

>> No.12223094

I honestly think, if this is the stupid mindset/small picture mindset, those interested in saving the environment continue to take, we are fucked. Bit off topic, but if we just have "everyone do their part" cause economic harm for no real reason other than to virtue signal, and focus on how we can incovenience ourselves for the "enviroment" nothing will happen. We need largescale GLOBAL changes that are stomachable. We need Electric cars so good and affordable the chinese WANT to drive them. We need wind solar and nuclear so good everyone around the globe would be an idiot not to start using it. We need largescale GMO enhanced industrial farming so optimized the environmental impact is minimal. Doing "your part" with shit like this, is the equivalant of the "everything causes cancer" movement.

>> No.12223106

dinner and lunch the next day

>> No.12223109

>people were born after me
>the god who made literally the best website ever created was born after me
>should I kill myself
Yes, but for many reasons other than that.

>> No.12223260


>> No.12223262

Industry is so idiotic about the way they think about these kinds of things that there just isn't much to do about it. The messagae shouldn't be "suburban moms buy things without plastic" it should be "fucking take over the government violently to stop the end of the world."

>> No.12223289

>fucking take over the government violently to stop the end of the world.
This is idiotic as well. It is based on a fallacy, that self harm or violence, magically solve the problem. Reality is this type of behaviour creates drastic economic inefficiencies that prevent us creating the solutions needed. I mean it could work if all the developing world was sent back to fucking tribal economies. But doing this in the first world would achieve nothing. We need to be using our insane amounts of wealth to creates solutions the developing world will implement. violent overthrow wont fund green energy, or make international agreements that stop pollution from China or India. On some level more pollution in the west could even be justified in creating economic conditions to further this goal. Germany is the only country doing it remotely right with their big picture investments in green energy.

>> No.12223362

>We need largescale GMO enhanced industrial farming
Nope. Instead of the 100's of billions we spend subsidizing unsustainable monoculture industrial agriculture, we need to spend that money developing large scale, integrated and sustainable agricultural applications. If we spent a fraction of our subsidies on developing large scale, chemically free, integrated animal/vegetable farming we'd have it within 10 years. But since the entrenched monoculture megacorporations reliant on petroleum derived chemicals own the congressmen, that's not likely to happen. Pity really, because it so easily could.

>> No.12223399

> If we spent a fraction of our subsidies on developing large scale, chemically free, integrated animal/vegetable farming we'd have it within 10 years.
And it would result in larger GHG emissions to achieve the same output. "chemical free" is just some hippy bullshit that has nothing to do with hardscience. Efficient farming is green. "locally grown, wasteful farming" is a meme.

>> No.12223408

Damn so incel, yet so based.
Also chiggity checked my niggity nig

>> No.12223422
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>we'd have it within 10 years
is that your professional opinion?

throwing money and resources at a problem doesn't guarantee a solution.

>> No.12223606

>Pay more, get less
>Is delivered with existing delivery services that would drive by your house regardless of if you bought these or not
Wow, who would have thought about small portion controlled foods, and not getting extra garbage, and not driving is has a better footprint
Caring about CO2 is for soyboy retards and liberals, since the impact is negligible, even with sea level rise
The real issue of our impact on the climate is the collapse of industrial farming that'll happen from soil depreciation, and microplastics putting xenoestrogen compounds in the global water supply

>> No.12223611

CO2 is a problem in regards to ocean acidification.

>> No.12223625

SHIT, you right I forgot about that
A collapse of an entire biosphere would also be a massive issue for food production and the carbon cycle

>> No.12223673
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>And use like 10x the plastic

>> No.12223727
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yeah I'm calling bullshit

>> No.12223807



>> No.12223821

>I use pic related
So you're a black guy that steals meals from people?

>> No.12223829

>Study Says***

>> No.12223854

>walk to grocery store
>buy only what I plan on using
>put all my groceries in a reusable bag
get fucked blue apron shill

>> No.12224122

Will do

>> No.12224937

Study says that it makes less food waste while making more plastic waste. I wonder which is better for the environment.

>> No.12224970

We're so fucked, I don't even know how to process it all man.

>> No.12225184

While I agree going out of your way to recycle to the point of going through people's garbage at work is bullshit I would say at least they care. I'll never care. But at least someone does it. Because I never fucking will.

>> No.12225209

>less FOOD waste
They have to ignore actually talking about the egregious amounts of the non-recyclable plastics and card boards, and instead talk about how you're leaving behind fewer food scraps with your petite-portioned meal kits.

>> No.12225910

thats what i told him too.
i said that there's people like him to balance out people like us. recycling is for losers, trash is for winners.

>> No.12226035

we may be on the verge of a way to handle plastic waste https://aem.asm.org/content/77/17/6076

>> No.12228004

this shit is going to mutate and kill literally everyone

>> No.12228227
File: 1.13 MB, 1268x669, C9CM4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tiny brain: >>12221237
Redneck trash brain: >>12221406
Real redpill: Your personal efforts at environment preservation are incredibly minimal and useless compared to large scale projects and industry that cause pollution.

>> No.12228348

you forgot blackpill: we could fix most of our environmental problems overnight by glassing all of china

>> No.12228355


>> No.12228381

You've got the right idea

>> No.12228940

>produce less food waste
Food waste is carbon neutral

>> No.12228971

isn't blue apron already bankrupt? also (((study)))

>> No.12229021

The motor oil disposal thing is to do with it being a public health hazard. The environment doesn't give a single shit where you dump your quart of oil.

>> No.12229177

>oil is hazardous to humans
>b-but you can dump it anywhere because it won't hurt plants or animals in the environment
I take it you were homeschooled by evangelicals?

>> No.12229215

Environmental damage is something that takes place on a mass scale. Individual animals or plants are not relevant to an ecosystem.

>> No.12229222

Oh, so you dropped out of evangelical homeschooling at the age of 12.

>> No.12229732

>Study validates urban hipsters’ shallow lifestyles.

>> No.12230450

I'll pray for you.

>> No.12230457

Yep, better fork out for those meal kits like a good little dumb bitch, this meal kit funded study said so.

I really want a chicken farm and home garden, but stuck in an apartment building for now.