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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12220476 No.12220476 [Reply] [Original]

Do you fellow fans of fast food ever experience derisive comments from those around you regarding your eating preferences? If so, why is it always roasties who have a problem with it?

>> No.12220485

Honestly, who cares. Let people say what they want. It is entirely your choice to be offended and make it into something rather than just letting it be nothing.

>> No.12220535

I only ever really eat Taco Bell, but I also don't have any friends. /ck/ sure likes to give me shit about it, though.

>> No.12220564
File: 173 KB, 1242x403, 2318EEA7-4AD5-4B1D-8387-AE647E93F0F4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I asked my wife to pick me up Wendy’s today on her way home from work. Pic related was her response. Get a better roastie

>> No.12220567

Back when i had a binge eating problem i would eat kfc in my car WHILE driving, like going down empty roads. Then when i was done i threw the trash out all in one bag out the window.

Not proud of that.

>> No.12220637

pick up some trash today to balance it out. i'll be watching you.

>> No.12220658

Having something to eat while driving is the only reason I ever get fast food. Like, I'll be going somewhere for work but don't have time to stop to eat so I'll take a three minute detour through a drive thru to get something to eat on the way. It's very efficient.

>> No.12221030
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I don't think you should NEVER eat fast food, but it is objectively a waste of money and I think most people who rely on it are just too dumb/lazy to cook, which is pretty sad.

>> No.12221074

>waste of money
Not in the slightest. It’s nourishing and calorie dense and designed by billion dollar companies to taste as good as possible. And it’s often cheaper than trying to make an equivalent at home. Hating on fast food is pretentious.

>> No.12221159

Is she fun in the sack though?