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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.24 MB, 4160x3120, pan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12213636 No.12213636 [Reply] [Original]

Next time /ck/ talks shit about cast iron pans, remind them that you can make PIZZA in them.

>> No.12213643
File: 3.86 MB, 4160x3120, pan3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12213647
File: 3.58 MB, 4160x3120, pan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PIZZA, in a cast iron pan. Wow. Just wow.

>> No.12213651

Thats how i make pizza at home. Chef johns dough recipe is great but I make 2 'zas instead of 4 for the extra thiccness

>> No.12213655

I'll make your fucking mother in a cast iron pan, we'll see if it turns out any shittier than that "thing" you apparently call a pizza

>> No.12213662
File: 3.43 MB, 4160x3120, the crumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really the best way to make pizza in a home oven. I've been doing this shit for years. I KNOW.

>> No.12213667

Let's see your "pizza" you cocksucking faggot fucker.

>> No.12213677


>> No.12213683

Anuone that shit talks CI is a brainlet anyways.

>> No.12213688

Yeah I just wanted a cool and relevant thread title...hehe..

>> No.12213708
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 317WxxoirbL._SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally a bread with toppings. I'm making a pizza tonite that will be properly thin with a sourdough I've been fermenting for 48 hours on a cast iron griddle. Thick bread pizzas are abominations and Chef John is a fag.

>> No.12213710

Those four pictures are larger than most '90's and early '00's video games and memory cards.
There really is little reason for people to have that kind of video quality in their phones.

>> No.12213725

Look at all of the fucking work involved seasoning this shit. It's ridiculous.

>> No.12213728

>Literally a bread with toppings.
Yes, that's what pizza is, you massive fucking retard.

>> No.12213729
File: 440 KB, 2000x1334, Grape Pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is fuckstick

>> No.12213745

Bro that isn't your pizza, bro. Even still, it looks like shit.

>> No.12213746

Looks delicious

>> No.12213751

Looks fucking fire OP. Care to share your recipe? Might try it tonight

>> No.12213757

>Fucking grapes on pizza
>Looks like shit
Ya think?

>> No.12213784

Thank you, thank you. All credit has to go to the boys at Serious Eats:


>> No.12213789

>Forces you to make your own pizza sauce
Oh god I can't. Every time I try it ends up being an overcooked mess. Recipes haven't helped.

>> No.12213794

You can get cooking advice at /r/cooking if you need it. You won't find any help here, obviously.

>> No.12213816

What about it gives you trouble?_?
>le "/ck/ doesn't cook" meme
>in a pizza OC thread
Okay faggot. You can go back now.

>> No.12213857

i have never seen a good home made pizza on this board

>> No.12213865

making your own pizza sauce is easy as shit. literally bring canned tomatoes to a simmer and add whatever bullshit you want

>> No.12213874

It mostly has to do with seasoning and properly cooking it. I never seem to add enough, or I add too much, or I set the stove too high/cook it for too long without stirring it. Maybe I'm just overly stingy when it comes to this shit, idk

>> No.12213876

Let's see yours then, big guy.

>> No.12214077


>> No.12214101

Yes, you can tell how much you'll enjoy it based on appearance alone. Faggot.

>> No.12214111

Fkn Roy?

>> No.12214113

I mean yeah you could but why?

>> No.12214126


>> No.12214445

You still need an oven who fucking cares

There is literally no way to make pizza on a stove and it pisses me the fuck off because I DONT HAVE A FUCKING OVEN JUST A STOVE


>> No.12214505


Do you live in the Soviet Union anon?

>> No.12214507

>sourdough 'za

>> No.12214513

Buy a grill rtard. Oh let me guess
>I can't use a grill because I live in a broom closet

>> No.12214557

Iron pans rust though

>> No.12214600





>> No.12214664
File: 153 KB, 1200x675, James May Man Lab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Build one yourself like a real man

>> No.12215097


I live in the Stoviet Union.

>> No.12215301

fuck you now im hungry

>> No.12215317

Looks like shit. At least load it up with sauce and toppings.

>> No.12215361

This looks like you melted cheese in cheap bread. Looks like shit.

>> No.12215421

That's all a pizza ever is. Sorry to disillusion you.

>> No.12215474

do you have a pic before you cooked it
i wanna see how much cheese you used, i wanna get that flowing look

and im a sucker for deep pan pizzas, especially at home since you dont have to own a stone, peel, etc. even if you did, i feel like a standard home oven doesn't get hot enough for the desired effect.

>> No.12215483

I actually laughed.

>> No.12216132

I used a whole lot of cheese, like 3/4 of a pound.

>> No.12216146

>Chef John is a fag.
hold the fuck up boy

>> No.12216702

Well, I mean...he talks like one for sure.

>> No.12217150

OP you have inspired me to make cast iron pizza

>> No.12217154

you can cook it on a campfire since you are a poorfag in california, just burn hobo shit. faggot

>> No.12219108

>Literally a bread with toppings

yes that's literally what pizza is

>> No.12219117

that looks shitty as fuck though

>> No.12219190

Go to bed gramps you know you get cranky past 7

>> No.12219199

The only reason to do this is deep-dish. Get a fucking pizza stone.

>> No.12219542
File: 10 KB, 480x360, cresent fresh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can make something which you can have delivered to your door with 0 effort for the same price as making it

ok? not really a reason to get a pan which requires infinitely more upkeep than a 15 dollar pan from walmart

>> No.12219902

It costs me less than $10 to make two pizzas. And they're just a bit better than your Little Caesars :)

>> No.12220070

are you gonna crosspost this to every imageboard on the internet, Solly?

>> No.12220380

I miss Man Lab

>> No.12221105

I need to try this.

>> No.12221125

Desert Eagle Horsecock Airport Texmex

>> No.12221174

took me a few seconds to realize this was a flat pan.

the idea of making pizza in a wok is topkek.

>> No.12221187

You must be retarded if you can't make a decent pizza sauce.

>> No.12221191

you know, except for them basically rendering consumer-level cameras and camcorders completely fucking obsolete
I have a $800 SLR I bought when I was in college and I literally have not used it in 5 years. No fucking reason. My camera does everything better except for zoom.

>> No.12221606

What's your time worth?

>> No.12221725
File: 36 KB, 988x556, meme pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'go 'za

>> No.12222165

cooking can be the cheapest hobby for fulfillment/price
why are you on a cooking board?

>> No.12222178
File: 1.49 MB, 1677x1434, 20190423_120715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made these thin crust, more neapolitan style in a cast iron and they're cheap as shit like $5 a 'za

>> No.12222184



also my cast iron was $15 at target

>> No.12223251

I can never get any rise out of my dough when making cast iron pizza
A packet of yeast, some hot water, and mixing in flour. Its strange.

>> No.12223266

What ratio for dough amounts? I got a little 1lb bread maker I plan to use for making small pizzas, it may be the perfect size to make a single 9" cast iron skillet dough

>> No.12223282

I listen to educational podcasts while making pizza, so it is not lost time.

>> No.12223312
File: 681 KB, 2048x1152, 20190421_182137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a thin crust, yours is a fucking tart. Mine was done on a cast iron griddle with a sourdough fermented 48 hours.

>> No.12223317

If you have a grill get some coals going and leaving the lid in get the inside to as hot as possible. Throw the pan on the grate and leave the lid on, check after ~8 min.

>> No.12223327

These would be fun at parties as a nice sampler. Maybe serve with some thin sliced meats.

>> No.12223337

Hey anon, what toppings do you put on your pizza?

>Pepperoni, Mushrooms, Garlic, Extra Sauce
>Mushrooms, Bleu Cheese, Sun-Dried Tomatoes

>> No.12223528

You cant get the cheese to melt properly.

Ive tried cooking pizza on the stove by covering with a lid, putting on low heat, adding a few dashes of water to create steam, even tried flipping it cheese down.

Theres honestly no good way to do it. You can get the cheese to melt somewhat, but theres no way to make it bubble, singe, broil or brown.

>> No.12223533


>> No.12223548


>> No.12223563

which one he has several

>> No.12223601

you didn't even put sauce on there you fat nigger

>> No.12223603
File: 13 KB, 253x274, Jar-Jar-Binks-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a cast iron pizza the other night
home made dough
store bought sauce
grated grocery store mozzarella
can of mushrooms
half green pepper
store bought slice pepperonis
pan in the 500 degree oven for 15 minutes
now press in dough and add ingredients
back in oven for 12-15 minutes

so good

>> No.12223844
File: 604 KB, 600x600, 1553619481690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is my dilemma with homemade pizza
If I buy this to make the pizza, it will cost similarly to a pizza I can just buy.
If I use the much cheaper varieties of cheese at my grocery store, it tastes like nothing.
>inb4 hurdur organic
it has nothing to do with that. it's aged longer or something.

>> No.12223865

>part skim

That's where you fucked up. Even the cheapest full fat mozz tastes better than part skim.

>> No.12223881

There's a shitload of sauce on it. There's just even more cheese.

>> No.12223885


I buy the dough at the fresh market / publix so youve got me there, but now that I've finally got a technique to cook pizzas properly in a shitty oven its time to master dough. Still turns out great

>> No.12223897

I don't think they have that because I've tried each one they sell.

>> No.12223903


>> No.12223928

I give up, after reading this I conclude that I should just mix cheddar cheese into it.

>> No.12223940

Haha, I like this board.

>> No.12224094

id use a blowtorch to brown the cheese

>> No.12224224

I just got into making pizza. Recipes I follow are easily found on YouTube.
>3 1/2 cups of flour
>1TSPN of yeast.
>1 TBS of Salt
>1 1/2 cup of warm water
I Pre Heat my oven to 500 degrees for about an hour. Problem is my dough is more on the harder and dry side. No good crunch and softness. My cheese also burns by the 10 minute mark in the oven so its not that nice soft cheesy sensation. I use a small pan, makes 10" pizza. I don't pre heat the pan. I use Pillsbury All Purpose Flour. I just buy a $4 whole milk mozzarella brick. I think my crust problem must be caused by not kneading well or I need to use a different flour. I'll use King Arthur next time. Also since my cheese heats too much, should I bake the pizza first then add cheese and toppings then put back in? Is Yeast best activated alone without salt mixed in? I read it kills the yeast. Thanks.

>> No.12224234

I forgot to mention i add olive oil as well, 1 TBS

>> No.12224247
File: 1.16 MB, 5312x2988, WP_20190419_15_38_45_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again Pillsbury flour.

>> No.12224607

Cook the bread solo before adding pizza ingredients, just a bit though

>> No.12224880

imagine caring what a homemade pizza looks like. if it tastes good its all the same

>> No.12224962

did you let the yeast raise the dough?

>> No.12224991

cast iron is superior but pizza is something else imo

>> No.12225055

Stfu cu/ck/tards, and end your life

>> No.12225938

Why the fuck do you take a two syllable word and break it down into a shitty one syllable that sounds nothing like the word?

>> No.12226105


>> No.12226878

boomerism incarnate

>> No.12227040


Don't listen to these fags OP, this looks delicious. Personally I would have added mushrooms, olives, spicy peppers and some feta but overall I'd eat the fuck out of this and gain another 8lbs

>> No.12227500

>cheap bread
Yes, bread is cheap. But that's a decent crumb which you'd know if you ever baked for yourself.

>> No.12227516

looks like little caesars

>> No.12227568
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>> No.12228830

>not making pizza with a crispy thin crust
Kill urself fag.

>> No.12229681
File: 514 KB, 532x582, 1541833799791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame I'm eating less bread. That looks killer.