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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 720x284, (((eggs))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12198846 No.12198846 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your prediction for 2030?

>> No.12198865

Me in a grave.

>> No.12198868

A war over drinking water resources as the available potable water diminishes due to pollution and climate change

>> No.12198871
File: 609 KB, 940x705, Global Warming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world as it should be.

>> No.12198873

Mass die off of the population from cancer due to 5g being rolled out country wide

>> No.12198875

peddle that shit in africa, buddy

>> No.12198878

Ill be much further from the pickture of that egg. Also Im aiming to be a part of business development instead of doing the tech work by then, be a full on corporate stooge

>> No.12198880

->erosion of the autonomy & bargaining power of labor through mass migration / financial pump & dump
->the Honkening (you are here)
->the autonotram delivers me from my living pod to the wage chamber
->the Culling

corn syrup portion sizes aren't really a concern of mine

>> No.12198951

trump begins his 5th term

>> No.12199101


>> No.12199114

Yeah right, rich coasties will roll over and die instead of buying every safe inch of land

>> No.12199131

I will pass them over to stock up on Reese peanut butter eggs,

>> No.12199169

Only based Yang can save us from eternal wagery

>> No.12199531

Xbox heueg

>> No.12199537

Flyover cope

>> No.12199651 [DELETED] 

the harsh realization that /pol/s meme of 'always do the opposite of what the jews tell you' actually meant that their global warming narrative was in fact a long con to trick people into not paying attention to the very obvious ice age our planet is plunging into. As left wing retards voluntarily give up all their resources under the pretense of stopping global warming while believing that they were living in a land of plenty, they find themselves starving and freezing to death in a resource barren world that they are ill prepared to survive in. They lament wasting all the years they should have been enjoying meat and poultry, their malnutirioned bodies barely capable of sustaining themselves while they desperately seek to consume the new normals of what were once considered faux luxury items: bug milk, vat grown protiens, and literal soylent. But even in that frozen hell, they still remain completely unaware that they had long been betrayed by the people they trusted and think this whole thing is the fault of their political opponents, as if nazi frogs on the moon were some controling the weather and denying them the POWERFUL vegan interracial future where bulls frolick in fields of soy and their jewsish masters happily tell them what good goys they are for fighting racism by castrating themselves and aborting their children.

>> No.12200504


>> No.12201134

It'll be vegan in 2030. Like everything else.

>> No.12202172


>> No.12202191

Creme Egg production will cease after 2027 when the global caliphate declares Easter a blasphemy punishable by decapitation.

>> No.12202258
File: 406 KB, 354x480, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw most likely scenario

>> No.12202270
File: 400 KB, 800x800, Cadbury-Dairy-Milk-Freddo-30p-Chocolate-Bar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12202369

India super power

>> No.12202406

If current trends continue, happily married, probably have my master's, working a well-paying job with health insurance.

>> No.12202410

Absolutely based
Seething coastie tranny

>> No.12202681

lucky bastard

>> No.12202702
File: 81 KB, 1000x783, SOY-DETECTED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12202712

prepared with halal ingredients