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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 539 KB, 2048x1365, fishfry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12195720 No.12195720 [Reply] [Original]

What are some of your favorite British dishes to cook?

>> No.12195733

I'll take the qt on the left. I'll bet she'd let me do ass to mouth.

>> No.12195742
File: 563 KB, 1644x926, BritishCuisine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>edible food
pick one

>> No.12195758

is that bitch wearing a burberry scarf while working at a min wage shithole?

>> No.12195765

>not knowing that burberry is literally the official flag of poor bonglords
What planet do you live on?

>> No.12195864

>Is there anything more British than fish n chips?

>> No.12195874

im really most concerned about what is 'peas' sauce

they both cute

>> No.12195889

mushy peas

>> No.12195898

Spotted dick and faggots for me

>> No.12196024

>charge for fork
>charge for tray/cone
i thought muslims hated jews

>> No.12196040

I don't go to a fish and chips nor run by white people

Whenever I go to one run by muslims the food always has this weird Kebab shop aura about it, like its a doner place disguised as a chippy.

>> No.12196042

>jerk chicken
>fried chicken
>peas and rice

>> No.12196052

the red stripe on her headscarf thing looks like it's part of that refrigerator logo thing and it made me thing someone drew that in after the photo was taken for some reason a

>> No.12196059


>> No.12196067
File: 56 KB, 704x396, Fatty-drinking-gravy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>when gravy is cheaper than a can of coke

>> No.12196197
File: 32 KB, 327x323, dance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are chip spice and vinegar more expensive than some of the "food" they go on?

>> No.12196292

praying towards mecca

>> No.12196360

How is that British?

>> No.12196375

What is the most common male name given to babies in Britain, anon?

>> No.12196377

James? Thomas?

>> No.12196385

Muhammad at this point. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.12196388

Proofs? I don't believe you.

>> No.12196397

yeah you could just be british.

>> No.12196399


>> No.12196401

And what is the source of this list? Seems made up.

>> No.12196406

The fucking birth registry, you moron.

>> No.12196408

Not too far down on this one

>> No.12196413


To celebrate the last 12 months, pregnancy and parenting website BabyCenter has revealed its list of the most prevalent monikers given to children this year, based on data from more than 742,000 parents.


what a reliable source. All the other names are standard British. Feels like they just threw in Muhammad to be pc.

>> No.12196414

Why don't you literally google it for thirty seconds yourself and see what you find? Dumb faggot.

>> No.12196415

>Charging customers for a fucking plastic fork.
That is some jew/poo tier cheapness, I don't even think chinks would try to go that low.

>> No.12196423

Those are pakis, they basically indians but with worse food and more rape

>> No.12196428

And more BOOMs

>> No.12196429

Let’s say I agree with you. It’s still disturbing as fuck given the fact that this isn’t data taken from across the British empire circa 1890.

>> No.12196434

it's 5 cents, you cheap prick. get over it.

>> No.12196438

I mean if it were like a government stat, sure, but this is some off-brand parenting magazine and I'm supposed to buy without questioning that the actual most popular male baby name happens to be Muhammad. Just seems like a fabrication to appease the politically correct as well as /pol/tards who feel this validated their nativist sentiments.

How could you have more rape than India? I call bullshit.

>> No.12196439

Also, 740,000 parents is a viable sample size. You might not understand they’re on a forced jihad to immigrate to western nations.

>> No.12196440

It isn't disturbing, Muslims are willing to work service jobs for extremely low wages.

>> No.12196444

They’re also willing to outbreed you and enforce sharia law.

>> No.12196445

>I just believe any statistic that remotely seems legit without questioning


You believe it because it validates your prejudices.

>> No.12196446

And they're all named after High Lord Pedophile Moon-Splitter

>> No.12196455

If you have to charge your customers for a fork that costs a penny you should just shut down your shit ass restaurant.

>> No.12196464

they wear the headscarves but they're still excited to shove their faces into a photo
>if she breath she a thot

>> No.12196467

Look I posted two different surveys with no personal research. You want me to fly to England and interview everyone named Muhammad? There’s a lot of fucking Muhammads, trust me, and it’s not gonna benefit the uk. Diversity is a mistake. If you don’t believe me, move to a Muslim nation and complain about your “rights”.

>> No.12196476

So I always play this little autistic headgame on the street called good hijabi or bad hijabi. I rank Muslim women based on whether they actually are wearing two garments such that their foreheads are TOTALLY covered or whether they just have a scarf loosely on. If you can see ANY hair peeking out, (a la Ilhan Omar) they are probably not super observant. At the very least, these women are probably fairly observant "good hijabis".

>> No.12196483

I'm saying I would trust official statistics but I think a baby magazine claiming a Muslim name is #1 is perhaps best taken with a large grain of (kosher) salt.

>> No.12196488
File: 92 KB, 790x790, 1555024823917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheddar cheese
>slice of cheese
What the fuck?

>> No.12196491

Imitation or processed cheese is far cheaper to buy in bulk.

>> No.12196494

Nigger, google the fucking official stats then, you lazy yam herder.

>> No.12196498

I get that, but is it a slice of cheddar cheese or what?

>> No.12196500

My guess is it is like having your meal drowned in cheese sauce vs a slice for your sandwich or possible a cheaper grade of cheese slice.

I'm not the one making weak claims.

>> No.12196504
File: 126 KB, 784x400, 1555486242227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're from the US, do take into account that you are paying for the utensils at your local fast food place. It's just included in your meal already. Businesses don't give shit away for free.

>> No.12196518

You’re claims are plenty weak.

>> No.12196521

You seem retarded. Not everyone that points out stupid shit is mad you piece of shit normalfag dunce.

>> No.12196529

You people just want everything handed to you without any effort on your part. Why not use a search engine to find out what the cheese is for?

>> No.12196541

Most people are retards. I figured that out when I was 5 years old. Being around the average person is such a waste of energy and time, they know what the weather is and what time the sportsball starts on their idiot box. That is about what they care to know.

>> No.12196563

>you people


Um I don't even like sports sweaty but nice try

>> No.12196582

>Proving my point.
Based retard.

>> No.12196620

Lazy, entitled 20 somethings are a race, based retard?

>> No.12196622

>still being a bigot
>implying im under 30

oh honey no

>> No.12196628

>70 cents for ketchup

do bongs really pay this?

>> No.12196656
File: 73 KB, 1024x768, toastsandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the classic toast sandwich

>> No.12196669

>fish and chips in the display instead of cooking it fresh
What the fuck is this blasphemy? There are hundreds of fish and chips shops in my vicinity (new zealand loves their fish and chips) and none of them to my knowledge put fucking fried fish on display. They cook it after you order it, then wrap it in paper.

>> No.12196671

>using the r-word makes you a bigot
>being this stupid and entitled over the age of 30

No man or woman is ever going to be your long term partner, child.

>> No.12196687

lol how high on the spectrum are ya bud

>> No.12196927

>He thinks he gets his forks for free

>> No.12197359

Its usually free, but then again I have never seen a place charge for a plastic fork or vinegar either.

>> No.12197371


Its basic maths, take 100 people and give everyone a unique name except for 2 people and call them muhammad, then that is the most common/popular name.

Its a statistic that shows muslims like the name muhammad and non muslims like to have unique names nobody else does, if this makes you racist then you're an idiot

>> No.12197375


This. I always pay more for Dazza the cheeky cockney serving my sav and chips

>> No.12197400
File: 2.89 MB, 1920x1080, 1555142373732.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original video must be posted for full effect.

>> No.12197418
File: 172 KB, 950x535, redditburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of my favorite memes of all time.

>> No.12197425

That’s more of an indicator of the sheer lack of creativity when it comes to Muslims naming their sons
You’ve got Mohammed, Muhammad, and... uh...

>> No.12197445

It's just sad to me. That "man" probably has less testosterone in his body than a 90 year old man.

>> No.12197447


>> No.12197449
File: 22 KB, 400x246, Redditinacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all know what you're after, you silly goose.

>> No.12197467
File: 103 KB, 750x424, 1555551231108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed. i get annoyed that they all feel the need to be identical to one another, as if any variation from this low-T form could be viewed as hyper-masculine and therefore "toxic."

i went to gamestop to buy my kid a used game and the registerjockey was a soybearded, double arm-sleeved low-t cuck like this. Dude looked like he should be out chopping down trees one-handed but instead he's handing out tips on Kirby Dreamworld and live-streaming fortnight.

>> No.12197933

>british "cuisine"

>> No.12198580

>standard British
your great-grandfather would have been fine with Muhammad but in a full-on gammon rage about the papists making top 25 TWICE

fish and chips is literally Jewish immigrant fast food
if you want British, it's the ploughman's