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12194992 No.12194992 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12194995


>> No.12195001

what's the thing on the bottom?

>> No.12195005


>> No.12195009


>> No.12195011

cbd is a meme

>> No.12195010

I took a shitload of CBD oil and the effects are non-existent. I know it doesn't get you high but it does nothing

>> No.12195014
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>> No.12195015
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>get trace amounts of cbd in an artery clogging burger
>burger gives you a heart attack
>degenerate stoner population drops significantly

Oh I am laffin

>> No.12195031

i have a friend who says it helps with their seizures, and yknow, fair enough

but yeah getting a tiny dose in a fucking hamburger, what does that do

>> No.12195041

If you take CBD, you can go EF yourself.

>> No.12195046

I want affordable hemp clothing but these retards are turning all the hemp into CDB making it so no other industry's can use it

>> No.12195051

>dude you can do so much with it
>lol now let's all ingest it
Who would have guessed?

>> No.12195069

it was always weird to me what a pet issue the hippies made out hemp
ive gotten handed a shitload of pamphlets at the farmers market about what a wonderplant panacea it is, and im uneducated but skeptical

i always felt like if it was really super profitable and useful then the agricultural lobbies would have pushed for it already

>> No.12195079


>> No.12195099


>> No.12195138

hemp seeds are a good substitute for pine nuts in pesto, similar flavor and usually cheaper

>> No.12195143

great nutrient profile too, if you're into that sort of thing

>> No.12195155

it was illegal now they cant get enough of it. Hemp is worth more than Marijuana where I live

>> No.12195179

the US military still uses hemp rope for a reason, its simply the best

>> No.12195185

CBD help me quit drinking

>> No.12195251

Daves not here man

>> No.12195284

CBD oil is the most profitable use ATM because demand is spiking and supply hasn't caught up yet. Eventually CBD will go down in price and more hemp will be used for things like fiber and plastics.

>> No.12195434

Sieg Heil!

>> No.12195966


>piggyback on CBD health crazy by including 5mg of cbd, which is absurdly low
>Epidiolex has CBD dosed to 5mg per kg for minimum effective dosage
A 175 pound person would need to take a minimum of 400mg of cbd to get the sort of health benefits that they pretend they're getting from adding a $3-5, 5-10 mg squirt to their coffee

On one hand it's annoying to see, but it's also the latest trend in retards getting conned out of their money so I can't be too pissed

>> No.12195971
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I like buying CBD heavy weed because it's one of the few strains you can buy that isn't bleeding-edge potency. I live in Seattle, and buying 30% thc weed instead of 15-20% is a matter of preference, not cost. Even 15% can get me uncomfortably high at times.

CBD strains are typically 10-15% cbd and <5% thc. I love casually smoking a bowl with 5% thc because I get a mild high and don't feel like a fucking retard after one hit. The thc arms race is only going to get worse, too.

>> No.12195991

I usually take a THC-only extracted tincture because it offers the best value for my money at the dispensary as well as not irritating my lungs and lasting a bit longer than smoking.

I'm sure maybe CBD is helping someone but I think some of it is placebo. It is primarily a way to market cannabis to people as a legal non-psychoactive.

I take THC before exercising and I WANT to be high when I exercise because it gives me additional stamina and allows me to push myself harder. I have no idea what, if anything, CBD is supposed to "feel" like but THC is a pretty straightforward, consistent feeling so perhaps one of the marketing advantages of CBD is that nobody really knows what it is supposed to do or feel like so nobody can really say if it is working or not vs THC where you know if it is real or not. I usually take a dose around 40-60mg of THC in a go and that's good for 2-3 hours of exercising.

I think a lot of people just genuinely don't understand that beyond limited scope rare variants of epilepsy, the primary use of CBD is making non-psychoactive cannabis plants and providing, essentially, an antidote to the psychosis-inducing elements of THC and THC-containing extractives of cannabis. I think normies just think they are buying cannabis and don't get that it is non-psychoactive or think they are having their cake and eating it too that way or something.

There's definitely a point after which THC is unpleasant, which is useful as it limits the addictiveness of THC. Also, THC is a partial receptor agonist at CB1 unlike synthetics like the JWH series (which are full CB1 agonists) so you can only get so high as your receptors get saturated relatively easily with THC.

I think there's a lot of misinformation and hype out there and what's important is to find what works for you, affordably and efficaciously.

>> No.12196002

Hemp has to compete with an entrenched cotton industry. It's good stuff though. I have a few garments made from the plant and it holds up incredibly well.

>> No.12196004

katy perry looks good for a change

>> No.12196009


>> No.12196013

>>Epidiolex has CBD dosed to 5mg per kg for minimum effective dosage
Isn't that for treating seizures

>> No.12196022

Yeah, but it's also taken twice daily. It's the only approved CBD based pharmaceutical, so it's the only point of reference really available for scientifically determining minimum dosage for effect. I guess the point I was trying to make is if a grown adult needs to take 400+mg twice a day for it to have an effect, 5mg in a burger/coffee is placebo tier.

>> No.12196035

>I take THC before exercising and I WANT to be high when I exercise because it gives me additional stamina and allows me to push myself harder.
Right there with you friendo. If I'm doing cardio and I'm high I just zone in, like it activates the retard strength part of my brain.

>I usually take a dose around 40-60mg of THC in a go and that's good for 2-3 hours of exercising.

I'm a tremendous lightweight because even a 20mg edible lays me the fuck out. Jesus that just seems like a lot to me.

>> No.12196038

I would assume the threshold for non medical effects would be lower than the 400mg for preventing seizures, though much higher than 5mg.

>> No.12196039

There's probably a difference in dosage for different indications. Epidiolex is approved only to treat Dravet Syndrome and 99.9% of people taking CBD don't have Dravet and are taking it for other indications.

>> No.12196046

This is tolerance developed over taking it nearly daily for the past 3 years or so though.

The point is to take as much as you can, maybe 30-60 minutes prior to exercising, that won't make you have a panic attack.

It definitely makes exercising easier and I think all the hype about

>muh CBD

distracts from the health benefits of THC when it comes to exercising for normies.

>> No.12196161

Top kek

>> No.12196205


>> No.12196222

CBD doesn't even do anything.

I knew it wasn't supposed to be psychotropic like weed, but I did 3 gummies felt literally nothing.

>> No.12196246

>I live in Seattle
Faggots like you killed that city. Thanks a lot.

>> No.12196372

It is quasi-legal to sell because it isn't psychoactive. That's a reason it is so big now.

>> No.12196396

>All these prudish boomers who don't understand the anxiety relieving properties of CBD claiming it's degenerate
It's a better alternative to booze or benzos.

>> No.12196398


>> No.12196409
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I find THC a great alternative to pills but I can't say I ever really experienced anything beneficial personally from CBD alone.

Used to take 7 a day of (pic related) yummy bad boys. Nothing is gonna relieve anxiety better than proper sedatives, but THC at least is way less addicting.

>> No.12196673

Hemp is a shit fabric, dont fall for the stoner propaganda. The Russian army used to use hemp in their gear but phased it out because it's poor and not durable compared to every other material

>> No.12197564

People have been pouring into this city since the late 1850s. I moved here for a job because the town I was living in had no employment opportunities and I wanted to make something of my life. Now I have a good job and I'm a homeowner. Make some wine out of those sour grapes.

>> No.12197567

devil's advocate (don't really care about hemp one way or the other,) but wouldn't it be possible for shit russian manufacturing techniques mucking that up?

>> No.12197578

CBD edibles have basically no regulations on how much CBD they actually have to contain. There’s a lot of really shit ones out there with barely anything in them. Smoke some CBD bud and you’ll be feeling it. Great for relaxing after work.

>> No.12197676

I took 30mg.

>> No.12197771

CBD means Central Business District you mongs, it's a burger specifically made in the CBD for those who work around the city.

>> No.12197789

You're 30 replies too late 16 year old

>> No.12197930

Also playing Devil's Advocate, wouldn't army use be much more of a strain on clothing than your typical civilian would use? Doubly so in an environment such as Russia.

>> No.12197942

I bought 50g of CBD bud off Amazon a couple of years ago, and it did absolutely fuck all.
No change in anxiety.
No change in insomnia.
No change in nausea.
No change in appetite.

>> No.12198053

Next time you get the flu, take 30mg of CBD. Shit wont cure you but it'll at least make you feel normal again, without the shitty sick feeling.

>> No.12198133

Out of curiosity, if does anyone know what area they're testing it in? If they are testing it, it won't be nationwide.

>> No.12198353

it affects the way in which THC affects you. it makes THC more of a relaxing experience, less anxiety/chaos. on its own it will do literally nothing.

>> No.12200166

Denver only

>> No.12200306

yeah it really does nothing on its own. it's probably placebo for a lot of people

>> No.12200326

based and educated post

>> No.12200340

i'm a 4mg of xanax a day person bc everything sends me into a spiral but when i was in colorado for a week i got a pax era and a thc oil cart and i would just hit it every so often throughout the day and that was the first time i've felt "normal" and didn't need medication for years

>> No.12200442

Is that the legendary hot carl?

>> No.12201919

The oil pretty much tends to pain. If you smoke CBD heavy weed then you'll get a relaxing effect with a few puffs but without the high. CBD infused burgers and other shit is just a gimmick though.

>> No.12201921

CBD doesn't bring on heart attacks.

>> No.12201932

Hemp and marijuana was ousted by the foresting industry. Hemp makes some incredible rope, fabric, and paper with fewer resources than trees. CBD stuff is a scam unless bought in a marijuana legal state from a dispensary.

>> No.12201935

This CBD trend is so weird. I want to get fucking high, not have a slight buzz, fuck outta here.

>> No.12201951

Personally I hate regular weed of all varieties except CBD. My brothers say they also get horrible panic attacks and circular/spiral thoughts and feel like they are going to die of a heart attack from smoking any strain except CBD. So, I'm inclined to think it's a genetic reaction to weed. I'm not that interested in CBD, but I do keep a small container of it around in case of extreme anxiety or pain. It mostly just calms me down without the high but still a little bit of circular thoughts. Everyone reacts to drugs in their own ways, so it's great for some people and totally shitty for others.

>> No.12202143
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Isn't the main thing about it the cancer-fighting properties?

>> No.12202206

crinkle cut french fries

>> No.12202226

So I would recommend taking clonidine to stop the Xanax. I used to take up to 5mg Xanax a day along with 4-5 Temazepam and up to 7 Ambien and it took me years to come off all of it.

The problem with high dose Xanax is the effects on your gut and your immune system with long term high dose use.

I'd recommend seeing a doctor for a nice big comfy twice daily dose of Clonidine (.1-.2mg bid) depending on weight/tolerance and trying to do cold turkey if you don't think you have elevated risk of seizures for any reason. Your genes get addicted to the chemical.

Also Xanax works at peripheral benzodiazepine receptors which modulate your immune system. It acts sort of like a nearal hormone and the mental effects might be nice but it will eventually wreck your gut by altering the acidity as well as making you get sick more often by weakening your immune system. I would see a doctor and come up with a tapering or cold turkey plan, but I recommend cold turkey + clonidine if you don't think you will have seizures.

It takes a while to adjust from benzos/sedatives to THC but it is worth it as it gives you a high that is somewhat pleasant but not at higher doses, i.e. no sedation just heavier body high and panic sets in easily at too much.

It is worth getting a medical card if that is an option for you as well. You can quit benzos and switch to THC (cannabis). Your immune system will thank you as THC doesn't really fug with your immune system in a negative sense that I've found in fact I haven't been sick in a while.

>> No.12202235


Clonidine lowers the release of adrenaline in your brain and body making you calmer through withdrawals. It is a first line of treatment in that the side effects are fairly mild (slight sedation at first, dry mouth a bit) and the addiction potential is low but it works so well to manage withdrawals.


In animals, TSPO (PBR) is a mitochondrial protein usually located in the outer mitochondrial membrane and characterised by its ability to bind a variety of benzodiazepine-like drugs, as well as to dicarboxylic tetrapyrrole intermediates of the haem biosynthetic pathway.

PBRs (TSPOs) have many actions on immune cells including modulation of oxidative bursts by neutrophils and macrophages, inhibition of the proliferation of lymphoid cells and secretion of cytokines by macrophages.[15] Expression of TSPO is also linked to inflammatory responses that occur after ischemia-reperfusion injury, following brain injury, and in some neurodegenerative diseases.[citation needed]

Increased expression of TSPO is linked to the inflammatory responses in the heart that may cause myocarditis, which can lead to myocardial necrosis. TSPO is present in mast cells and macrophages, indicating its role in the immune system.[13] Oxidative stress is a strong contributing factor to cardiovascular disease, and often occurs because of inflammation caused by ischemia reperfusion injury.[16] Coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) causes immune cells CD11b+ (present on macrophages) to stimulate inflammatory infiltration. Functionally, CD11b+ regulates leukocyte adhesion and migration to regulate the inflammatory response.[14] Following infection, CD11b+ is up-regulated, activating these immune responses, which then activate an increased expression of TSPO. These immune cells can cause myocarditis which can progress to dilated cardiomyopathy and heart failure.[14]

>> No.12202239


The ΔFosB splice variant has been identified as playing a central, crucial (necessary and sufficient)[9][10] role in the development and maintenance of addiction.[9][11][12] ΔFosB overexpression (i.e., an abnormally and excessively high level of ΔFosB expression which produces a pronounced gene-related phenotype) triggers the development of addiction-related neuroplasticity throughout the reward system and produces a behavioral phenotype that is characteristic of an addiction.[9][12][13] ΔFosB differs from the full length FosB and further truncated Δ2ΔFosB in its capacity to produce these effects, as only accumbal ΔFosB overexpression is associated with pathological responses to drugs.[14]

In the nucleus accumbens, ΔFosB functions as a "sustained molecular switch" and "master control protein" in the development of an addiction.[9][21][22] In other words, once "turned on" (sufficiently overexpressed) ΔFosB triggers a series of transcription events that ultimately produce an addictive state (i.e., compulsive reward-seeking involving a particular stimulus); this state is sustained for months after cessation of drug use due to the abnormal and exceptionally long half-life of ΔFosB isoforms.[9][21][22] ΔFosB expression in D1-type nucleus accumbens medium spiny neurons directly and positively regulates drug self-administration and reward sensitization through positive reinforcement while decreasing sensitivity to aversion.[9][12] Based upon the accumulated evidence, a medical review from late 2014 argued that accumbal ΔFosB expression can be used as an addiction biomarker and that the degree of accumbal ΔFosB induction by a drug is a metric for how addictive it is relative to others.[9]

>> No.12202251

You have to get gradually used to the anxiogenic (anxiety producing) effects of THC by starting at a low dose and progressively working your way upwards. Oral dosing makes this somewhat easier to gauge (tinctures especially). Most people go too hard at first and don't realize it.

THC is really great for some people.

>> No.12202378


>> No.12202439
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>> No.12202638

Reading Compression: Zero

>> No.12202810

Why do redditors love to poison their bodies with drugs and shitty food? Weed is a shit high and Carl's is shit burgers. Literally why

>> No.12202827

I have never met anyone in my life who smokes who isn't a mouth breathing waste of oxygen.

>> No.12202845

You live in a pretty shit area I guess.

>> No.12202862

>only associate with retards
>notice all retards eat food
>"could it be..."

>> No.12202879
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>> No.12202887

i tried a bunch of these legal weed edibles when i visited america and none of them worked.
(both the CBD and THC ones).

>> No.12202951

do you think that stoners usually eat healthy?

>> No.12203087

CBD doesn't get you high. It's essentially hemp oil.

>> No.12203852

Just one or two hits of a pin joint is all I can handle. It's not my thing, but I've seen it be really helpful for some people.

>> No.12203868

Depending on the state they have really low limits on THC in edibles. Here in oregon they are not even worth buying its better to buy concentrates and make your own edibles

>> No.12205385

So when you smoke that is maybe 5-10mg of THC in a hit or two. I would recommend buying a liquid THC tincture and starting with JUST A FEW DROPS until you build a tolerance. The goal is to build a tolerance so you can take it before you exercise.

I doubt that. Maybe different for recreational vs medical but here the edibles are 40-100mg which is fine but some people take up to 500-1000mg if they have a big tolerance.

Low-THC states are garbage. THC is medicine. CBD is great, but it works best in tandem with THC for many.

>> No.12205688


>> No.12205884

What state? I had one in CA and it was pretty strong. But I'm not really a weed consumer so my tolerance is very low.

>> No.12205930

Why would I take it before exercise?

>> No.12205945

So I take it about 30-60 minutes before exercise. Depends on your dosing form. Edibles take the longest to kick in as they rely more heavily on 11-COOH-THC which has a longer half-life and slower onset than Delta 9 THC. Tincture takes about 60-90 minutes to kick in and maybe 90-120 minutes to peak depending on your metabolism and lasts for 3-5 hours. Smoking kicks in near-instantly and lasts 60-120 minutes on average.

THC helps build your stamina for exercising and allows you to workout harder than you would otherwise while soothing you mentally.

>> No.12205967

cock and ball dorture?

>> No.12205975

Yeah, I like the way thc makes things seem more colorful and vivid. Couldn’t give one fuck about the relaxing effects.

>> No.12205986

I think viewing it as a manageable euphoric high well suited for assisting people engaging in physical fitness is healthy.

I'm not sure CBD helps with exercise (maybe it does!) but THC sure does.

>> No.12206472


>> No.12206556

Guys. You don't eat CBD. It's destroyed in your stomach. You take the oil sublingually or vaporise it and inhale it. CBD gummies will never do anything for you, CBD burger is pointless marketing novelty. Buy a dry herb vape and vape weed if that's your thing or CBD Hemp if you want. I am a piece of shit that has problems if I'm not high for a while and the CBD definitely alleviates all the negative things I feel when I'm not getting high, but it doesn't get me high at all and it doesn't affect my THC tolerance so it's good for T-breaks.

>> No.12206565
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>needing to put weed in your food
I thought weed wasn't as addictive as cigs/alcohol?

>> No.12207435

Delta 9 THC acts as a partial agonist at CB1 receptors in the brain as well as peripherally which (the brain part) induces the euphoria. Partial agonist means it can only partially saturate your receptors which limits the development of Fos B related genetic overexpression and thus the genetic changes associated with neurological addiction in the nucleus accumbens and other dopamine-receptor-rich portions of the brain.

tl;dr it is less addictive but it is helpful regardless to take regularly, especially before exercise

>> No.12207501

In 1971, five high school students – Steve Capper, Dave Reddix, Jeffrey Noel, Larry Schwartz, and Mark Gravich – in San Rafael, California, calling themselves the Waldos because "their chosen hang-out spot was a wall outside the school", used the term in connection with a 1971 plan to search for an abandoned cannabis crop that they had learned about, based on a treasure map made by the grower. The Waldos designated the Louis Pasteur statue on the grounds of San Rafael High School as their meeting place, and 4:20 p.m. as their meeting time. The Waldos referred to this plan with the phrase "4:20 Louis". After several failed attempts to find the crop, the group eventually shortened their phrase to simply "4:20", which ultimately evolved into a code-word that the teens used to mean consuming cannabis.

>> No.12208226

About 1600 years ago it was 420 for an entire year and nobody appreciated it