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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 32 KB, 640x480, Sousuke_blush3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12194108 No.12194108 [Reply] [Original]

i was cooking for my sisters friends and one of them said i'd make a good wife one day.

>> No.12194113

The proper response was to say you'd be her lesbian wife

>> No.12194115

Kinda hot desu

>> No.12194119

Did she slap your ass when she said it? I'm a little jealous desu.
Rbut emember that all of the best chefs in the world are men.

>> No.12194121

Pretty sure she was just implying that your cooking wasn't very good.

>> No.12194123

Is eating manly

>> No.12194128

Anytime a woman speaks to you (outside of a work environment) it means she wants your dick

>> No.12194129

I agree with >12194115

>> No.12194132

Yes, you have to be a chad to compensate for girly hobbies.

>> No.12194142

>Anytime a woman speaks to you it means she wants your dick
Fixed that for you.

>> No.12194144

You should have told tell her to suck your feminine penis.

>> No.12194150

You see, anon.
Women suck at everything
Men are good at everything.
Men don't have enough time
That's why wifes do the easier work.
But now, we have to work less time
So men have time for cooking.
Society will adapt

>> No.12194158

Women love someone who is good at cooking.

>> No.12194159

women are good at nurturing children

>> No.12194163
File: 38 KB, 600x450, in n out feast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they ate everything and said it was good. so no.

no unfortunately

only if you eat like chad

>> No.12194172

Women are necessary for early child development, all research suggests they're terrible at actually raising children, and if anything can act as an active detriment if they aren't strongly counterbalanced.

>> No.12194178

Yeah, that's what I said fagmo

>> No.12194179

I get the opposite and they say that I would make a fine husband.
It's weird

>> No.12194184

I can vouch for this. The second my kid hit kindergarten age my wife was useless in child-raising. Actually, she wasn't that good at it before then, either.

>> No.12194190

nah, she's just an idiot.
baking confections is pretty girly though, stuff like cookies or cake.

>> No.12194215

There just picking on you; kids are annoying like that. My dad used to cook most of the meals at the house. Unless you are trying to cook to get some dick, it isn't gay.


>> No.12194228

Considering you have pictures saved of anime(dudes) you are pretty gay.

>> No.12194240

i saved it a minute before i posted this lol. i dont watch anime.

i mostly cook meat and starchy stuff like beans or potato.

>> No.12194246

>i saved it a minute before i posted this lol. i dont watch anime.
awfully defensive, sounds like a fag to me

>> No.12194249

im defensive because youre being offensive

>> No.12194255

Cooking is just one of those things women ended up with and is kinda looked down as secondary by simpletons now that fast food and restaurants are easily available. Men are still top chefs, though.

>> No.12195060

whatever you say fag

>> No.12195067

Not really, most women these days take pride in their inability to cook.

>> No.12195076

based insult flies over plebbits head

>> No.12195090

most top chefs are male.

it's hard work. and art.

>> No.12195144

So she was saying women can't cook?

>> No.12195152

Do yoi enjoy cooking?

>> No.12195160

Far from it. Best chefs are almost always men.

>> No.12195168

makes no sense. pretty sure its the opposite

>> No.12195199

Should have asked if she was proposing to you.

>> No.12195211

Can’t believe how many retards need this joke spoonfed to them

>> No.12195289

>Pretty sure she was just implying that your cooking wasn't very good.
No you retard. Staying at home and cooking is a woman's job. Referring to a guy like he's a girl is a reference to that. It has nothing to do with bad cooking. How young are you that you have no awareness of women and cooking being a thing? I bet you were born in the 90s and were brainwashed into the idea men and women are interchangeable and should both have full time jobs.

>> No.12195334
File: 338 KB, 723x750, 46015409_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants to peg you and you should let her

>> No.12195425

She's calling you a faggot

>> No.12195468
File: 147 KB, 1196x772, peg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12195488

God I wish that was my gf/wife.
t. Pegging fetishist.

>> No.12195561

>i was cooking for my sisters friends
why in god's name would you do something so cringe and autistic

>> No.12195581

A while a go a girl in my circle of friends told me I look like a girl but she also grabbed my dink

>> No.12195604

You fucking boomer mong, the post is a joke that amounts to “women are bad cooks.” Go back to /pol/ with your dumbshit kneejerk pseud analysis

>> No.12195798


>> No.12195828

Women are threatened by the fact that in trad marriages, men are the better breadwinners, and in 'nu-marriage' men are better at cooking and housekeeping.

>> No.12195914

Nah, it's just manbaby cope trying to pretend not being able to take care of yourself is manly. The sister was probably just jelly that you're a better cook.

>> No.12196163

He wants to put you on hormones and make you his housewife.

>> No.12196354

>women are bad cooks
That's not a woman stereotype you idiot. That's the OPPOSITE of the stereotype. Women are bad drivers, not bad cooks. Cooking is one of the few things they're meant to do.

>> No.12196383

In millennial cannon girls are all bad cooks

>> No.12196432

In my experience they're bad at both on average. Honestly off the top of my head the only women my age (mid-20s) that are decent cooks are ones who are also not very good looking (I don't even mean fat, just unfortunate faces).

>> No.12196443
File: 125 KB, 762x1048, 368DFB31-0462-4B3F-84BA-5E2C5B32BDF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if they call you girly you can come be my little girl anon ;)

>> No.12196456

>that's not a woman stereotype
first day on 4chan friendo?

>> No.12196571

That's an 80s stereotype my dude.
Women are bad drivers, bad cooks, bad at cleaning, bad at pretty much everything but following youtube makeup tutorials, playing animal crossing and shoe collecting.

>> No.12196715
File: 341 KB, 634x483, 1500332252633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me the research plz
I don't want it to be true

>> No.12196732
File: 990 KB, 763x586, Mr._Dink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she grabbed my dink

>> No.12196878

anything you can do I can do better

>> No.12196941
File: 527 KB, 1520x2047, Dl_hHvtX0AAu4Ix.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of older and more traditional men take pride in not knowing how to cook because it shows they've always had a woman to do that for them. If you come along and you're cooking and don't think that way, then you're undermining their value system with your mere existence and making them feel less manly. Just keep on doing your thing.

>> No.12196982

Anything you can do, I can do to.

>> No.12196991


>> No.12197013

my life
t. raised by a single mother

>> No.12197157

That was a joke. You're supposed to laugh. I bet you acted like an autist, though. Seriously pathetic if your sister is younger than you.

>> No.12197324

At the very least, a male role model (father, stepfather, single dad) is needed during puberty for both males and females. That's why so many kids of single mothers are complete fuck-ups.

t. teacher

>> No.12197330

>i'd be a good wife one day
more than they ever will

>> No.12197337

What was the reason you cooked for them?

> Did she slap your ass when she said it?

Should have fucked her right on the table to assert dominance.

>> No.12197339

when my mom divorced my dad she hooked up with an asshole. anytime i got violent with him (several times) she took his side up until high school.

>> No.12197353

this, stupid vapid whore has no redeeming qualities besides getting her cunt fucked, prove me wrong bitch ass OP

>> No.12197603

You don't get to just make up new stereotypes like that. Obviously younger adults around today are bad at everything, that doesn't mean the women cook for men stereotype is now magically inverted. If you tried to tell a joke in real life where the punchline depended on the person you were telling it to knowing you believed women were bad cooks nobody would get it. It'd be like making a joke around black people being bad at basketball just because the few black people you personally know aren't good at it. Nobody would get it because the stereotype is black people are good at basketball.

>> No.12197612

>i was cooking for my sisters friends and one of them said i'd make a good wife one day.
Should have told her women have no business in the kitchen.

>> No.12197625

based Timmy asserting kitchen dominance

>> No.12197644

>A lot of older and more traditional men take pride in not knowing how to cook because it shows they've always had a woman to do that for them.
Imagine taking pride in not being self-sufficient and just generally being helpless without a woman. Boomers are weird.

>> No.12197657

absolutely based fetishist

>> No.12197687

Women being shit cooks dates back to at least the '60 - '70s, when cooking became throwing together a bunch of processed shit and calling it cuisine, because in addition to all the time saved by dishwashers, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and dryers, they really needed that extra 30 minutes shaved off of preparing dinner so they could sit on their asses and watch another soap opera.

>> No.12197689

I can relate, same situation, even wanted to kick me out of the house when I was 16 and helped the faggot work a contract and never paid me, and my mom was totally on board with getting rid of me, but then they broke up and instantly my mom was on my side. Fuck women. They're all selfish pieces of shit

>> No.12197690


>> No.12197739

she wants the D

>> No.12198083

Yes. Originally human males were evolved to hunt for meat and the females would stay home to gather plants, tend the fire, and cook it. Real men don't cook their own food, they just acquire the means to have it.

>> No.12198124

>Women being shit cooks dates back to at least the '60 - '70s, when cooking became throwing together a bunch of processed shit and calling it cuisine
That's not a stereotype about women beimg bad at cooking. It's a stereotype about women from one time period being worse at cooking than women from an earlier time period. Particular woman being bad at cooking make sense, it's trying to make a statement predicated on the idea cooking isn't a thing for women in general that wouldn't make any sense. Like if you said in real life "she's a real tomboy, her cooking is great" you would just confuse everyone around you since that's the opposite of what being less feminine is supposed to entail.

>> No.12198147
File: 290 KB, 411x594, 7a8395848eff876a8cdce53068c296126ddc4e1c9320618e04d4af16dab6e535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being around girls
What's wrong with you?

>> No.12198171

what the fuck is your problem

>> No.12198177

no, but it's gay if you didnt't fuck one of them. faggot

>> No.12198179

Women were shit cooks before that, but because cooking was so labor intensive nobody said anything. All the saved labor just revealed how shit they really are.

>> No.12198209

I'm the second guy in that list:

>You don't get to just make up new stereotypes like that.
I can do whatever I want, cunt. And furthermore I never claimed that woman can't cook AND that men can; simply that women now are shit at it.

>> No.12198219

I agree with you completely that it's stupid, but it makes sense if you think about it through the mindset of it showing off a certain kind of status. Like some rich kid who doesn't know how to use a stove or how to do laundry because the maid always took care of that.

>> No.12198269

Prove your art next time and poison your food.
It's how wives kill.

>> No.12198360

No, what the fuck is your problem? Cooking is a women's thing, stop trying to justify a retarded attempt at a joke about it not being a women's thing.

>> No.12198365

you could point out the fact shes probably a shit cook, or say something like "you wouldnt"

>> No.12198405

If you were in person at an office and not on the internet surrounded by other underage weirdos who never learned about gender roles nobody would have any idea what you were trying to get at. Cooking being something women do didn't stop existing as a concept. You just made a decision to try to force some inane head canon where women aren't women and calling a guy a woman means he's bad at what women do.

>> No.12198421

>her reading comprehension is still this bad
>she doesn't like stereotyping nu-women as being bad cooks but thinks the people here criticizing them are just "underage weirdos"
Get married soon, sweetie. Your cat won't outlive you.

>> No.12198473

I'm male you retard. I'm baffled at how completely unaware of the most basic pieces of social trivia you are here. It's not a positive thing to be a wife who cooks. It's a degrading and submissive thing. You're not supposed to interpret it as something to be proud of like you did just now in imagining someone pointing out cooking is a women's thing would be a woman.

>> No.12198487

>Single mother/Divorcee is bad news
Well I know that
Gave me a bit of a jump there, almost had me convinced my fantasy of coming home to a housewife was going to land me with sad kids.

>> No.12198488

look up research on single mothers, having a single mother is basically the single biggest predictor for ANY bad life event or condition, imprisonment, mental illness, subsrtance abuse, poverty, homelessness, etc.

>> No.12198506

Well your chances of getting divorced, losing your kids and almost all your income basically forever is incredibly high. Way too high for anyone sane to take a gamble on it. Read up on divorce proceedings if you want to be convinced never to be married. If that happens, your kids will also basically be in a single mother household. Why do you think there are so many more these days?


>> No.12198643

>It's not a positive thing to be a wife who cooks.
There are plenty if women who think it is positive to be a wife that cooks, but the number gets slowly whittled down by feminists that hate any concept women being domestic laborers. My contention was that women have almost always sucked at it, but that was overlooked due to how much actual labor was involved. How many men are lazy enough to eat slop if they don't have to cook it? And remember what board this is before you answer.

>> No.12198952

It wasn't feminists, it was the corporations who realized encouraging women to join the workforce would dramatically increase the labor pool which would allow them to substantially underpay for the work while increasing productivity at the expense of the social and psychological well being of the citizens. And not inconveniently for the corporate fascists, that social dysfunction among the citizens led to an increase in crime and concomitant militarization of the jackboots. Par for the late stage capitalist course.

>> No.12199029

Who owns the corps, who pushes feminism?

>> No.12199319

i feel like the old manly french chef response to that would be to cook sausages the next time for her and stare her down when she eats it

it is a very weird masculine cook thing

>> No.12199338

women were always in the labor pool. in agricultural societies everyone works and in places like 18th and 19th century britain (look up the various census like the 1851 one) you had a high percentage in the broad category of domestic servitude and you'd have them engage in other trades as well such as haberdashery. It was only the more affluent that didn't have to work for the most part. The whole 'women don't work' thing in america is a very specific 40-50 year period from the beginning of the 20th century.

>> No.12199998

Shit thread, i want both reddit and /pol/ to leave

>> No.12200067

Are you drunk? What was the point of this response?

>> No.12200077

Except he told the joke and the punchline was that women are bad cooks and you're the only one who didn't get it. The only conclusion to be drawn is that you don't belong here.

>> No.12200230

>only one
No, something like five different anons expressed confusion over that retarded and backwards attempt at a joke, and that's just the ones who bothered to make a post informing us about it. Like I said, if anyone tried telling that "joke" in real life nobody would have any idea what the fuck they were talking about because it depends on them being able to read some contrarian autist's mind so they can see their personal opinion on women and cooking is the exact opposite of the famous stereotype everyone else is familiar with.
>What's the deal with black people? They're so bad at basketball lol!
>Fucking jews, why are they so loose with their money!
>A lack of curiosity killed the cat!
^This is how that joke sounds. Use the stereotypes the right way. I don't care how many women you personally know who are bad at cooking, that doesn't make inverting a stereotype and being surprised when people point out you got it backwards any less retarded.

>> No.12200264
File: 15 KB, 300x276, bizarro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What was the point of this response?
Clearly the point was to express confusion at the retarded backwards joke made by the bizarro-anon who lives on a cube shaped planet where cooking no am woman's job.

>> No.12200282

The four people you previously responded to got it, so roughly half the nine people that responded at all got the joke. Are you sure you aren't autistic enough to have difficulty with humor?

>> No.12200285

>where cooking no am woman's job.
This is the source of your problem. Nobody's saying it's not their job, we're saying they're bad at it.

>> No.12200291


>> No.12200295
File: 224 KB, 367x506, 1531944161810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a cute grill
lmaoing at your life plebs

>> No.12200323
File: 719 KB, 1280x738, 1492823387890.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okaerinasai anata, gohan ni suru? ofuro ni suru? soretomo.... WA-TA-SHI?
be sure to say this OP

>> No.12200338

What kinda gay Yuri shit is this?

>> No.12200341

Then the right joke would be about some girl being a shit cook in spite of being female, not because of it. Joking about particular women missing the mark for what they're stereotypically supposed to be good at make sense, it's trying to force some inverted stereotype about women in general not knowing how to cook that doesn't make any sense.
>50% of your audience having no idea what you're trying to get at means you made sense
No you idiot. This isn't complicated. Cooking is what women do. Saying someone's a bad cook *because* they're a woman isn't a joke, it's a revisionist zoomer misunderstanding of reality.

>> No.12200355

No, that's how that joke sounds to you. Those of us savvy with the board culture picked up on the intent immediately. Hang around a bit, keep your mouth shut more often, you'll get used to it.

>> No.12200365

I was probably here before you were born, zoomer.

>> No.12200412

Autist detected, my suspicions were correct. It's okay anon, many more people are patient because of all the autism awareness these days.

>> No.12200605

Only out of their boobs.

>> No.12201166

OP obviously masturbate anally

>> No.12201174

>stay home to gather plants
They'd have to leave to do that though. And men would probably just pick up whatever edible plants they saw until they found an animal to eat.

>> No.12201186

Cooking is exactly as feminine or masculine as you make it. Want it to be "girly?" Wear the prettiest dress, full makeup, and fuck-me pumps. Want it to be manly? Do the above, but have Aniki vids playing in the background.

>> No.12201189 [DELETED] 

A-and don't forget to take pictures for /ck/, haha.

>> No.12201289
File: 89 KB, 297x518, 0f472079a8b91435f8a4e563ed41fa8fabc7da1aa06b0b1bb61516ce59dcd2cf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too, as an only child, and you seem fine. pull your head out of your own asshole and move on dude lol