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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 493 KB, 495x370, bread and stimpy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12190766 No.12190766 [Reply] [Original]

Whenever I eat stale/hard bread. I pretend I'm a Medieval Times Peasant or Ranger surviving off of my rations and whenever I do this, I end up having a grimace on my face while I eat. gif somewhat related

>> No.12190774

Chop it into cubes.
Toss in a hot pan with garlic, salt, pepper, and olive oil.
Now you’re eating croutons.

>> No.12190912

I have to eat stuff mixed with ketchup most of the time, like chicken pot pie or rice. If I have no ketchup in the fridge, my food choices become limited.

>> No.12191000

When I'm cooking I can't do anything unless someone tells me what to do, and if they don't watch me closely I'll fuck it up. I can't even peel potatoes correctly. I'm trying my best but I know some people get mad and impatient with me. I wear an autism pride pin and make fart noises.

>> No.12191007

When ever I cook things I pretend I'm presenting it to Gordon ramsay and talk mad shit about my food

>> No.12191011

whenever i'm eating something out of a tub or jar like peanut butter i always make sure i lick the spoon completely clean before washing it

i can't eat jam or fruit preserves because the texture reminds me of chopped up spiders so when i'm making a sandwich i cut up the jam/preserves after putting it on

when eating sushi every piece has to have and equal amount of wasabi ginger and soy sauce

>> No.12191012

stale bread in a bowl with milk and cinnamon. thank me later.

>> No.12191026

will next week be okay for you?

>> No.12191032

whenever i eat popcorn out of my hand i feel like a horse

based reference

>> No.12191081

based cross thread poster

>> No.12191089

I think I've heard of someone like you before, keep at it anon.

>> No.12191102

When I read One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, all I craved was some kind of a warm gruel every time he talked about how satisfying it was just to have one hot meal in the middle of the freezing cold. So I'd always make some hot oats or something, imagining how terrible it was.

>> No.12191153

Whenever I eat broccoli I pretend I’m a T-Rex chomping up a tree. It’s all because of one scene that I saw from The Land Before Time

>> No.12191157

that's pretty cute

>> No.12191172
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when I give my dog table scraps I pretend like I'm some master of the hunt who slaid some magnificent beast and brought home the spoils of war that I'm sharing him by the daggerful at tableside

>> No.12191564

Trips checked

I have class with you on Tuesday afternoons in Stafford Courts. You always flirt with that guy Jerry

>> No.12191592

When I'm fasting and hungry as fuck I come on /ck/ and just shitpost as hard and fast as possible. It's a torturous pleasure.

>> No.12191621


>> No.12191624

good idea for a thread

>> No.12191631

I still sculpt mashed potato volcanoes, using gravy or creamed corn as the lava.

Im deep into my 20s but if I ever have kids I like to think that ill pass down my skills to the next generation, who will take up my torch.

>> No.12191713
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The last slice of pizza, I take off the cheese and toppings. I finish the crust, then savor the cheese and toppings. I do the same with the piece of a burger, sandwiches, and gyros. But never tacos, or burritos. I know, but ehh.

>> No.12191721

jaste bevin

>> No.12191723

Whenever I suck big black cock I feel like the original poster

>> No.12191727

You two should really hang out.

>> No.12191738

Whenever I eat stew I pretend I'm some weary traveler stopping by a small inn off of a dirt road in the woods and enjoying a long awaited hearty meal and rest before I need to head on my way the following morning.

>> No.12191749

Based wholesome autism poster.

>> No.12191861
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I chomp into these very obnoxiously and pretend I'm a buck tooth beaver chowing down on a log of wood

I laugh my ass off and slap my hand flat as if it was a big beaver tail

>> No.12191953

Trips confirms, plus this is funny as fuck.

>> No.12191969


>> No.12191970

Whenever I serve dinner to my fat lazy wife, I like to imagine I’ve poisoned it with strychnine and that she’s going to die in spasms of unbearable agony.

>> No.12191973

I occasionally eat burritos with only cheese and ketchup in it (I’m mexican btw)

I can’t eat meat unless there’s room on the plate for me to cut it apart so I’ll eat the sides first if there’s no room

I always try to be autistically perfect when I cook things to the point I’m typically a bit slower than what I think is the normal speed of most tasks

>> No.12191992

Fuck I forgot a couple

I always eat burgers from the outside in, like I eat the outer edges before I eat the center.

I always save whatever I perceive as the best for last even though it would taste better if I ate the best thing first (because hunger) but it also ensures I eat everything.

I literally force myself to eat everything even if it hurts, unless there’s so much left I can save it and have a decently sized meal for leftovers.

>> No.12192122

I drink all soups from the bowl. Finger never touches a spoon. Learned it from when I was younger and single parent too busy to clean so we rarely had clean utensils. Made more sense to clean just a bowl.

>> No.12192126
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>> No.12192185

When I open a pack of hotdogs, I eat the first one, and then shove the other 7 directly up my anus.

>> No.12192322

fucking kek

>> No.12192328

>when eating sushi every piece has to have and equal amount of wasabi ginger and soy sauce
The ginger is for after you eat the sushi, tomodachi.

>> No.12192336

When I eat and I'm happy I hum mmmmmmmmmmmmm very quietly for most of the meal.

>> No.12192539
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>Make popcorn
>Intend to watch something while eating it but end up watching videos on how to make popcorn and movie theatre popcorn ads
>Do something like this with everything I eat

>> No.12192607

Whenever I eat just regular pasta, usually elbow, bowtie, or rotini, I'll eat them one at a time and pretend I'm one of those woodpecker-type birds that drill holes into trees and eat the grubs and worms from the wood.
Saw a documentary on it once, and now it's a decade-old strange habit for me...

>> No.12192613

I commentate to myself when i'm cooking

>'you want to add a splash of Worcestershire sauce, not too much cause you don't want to overpower the bacon' etc.

its comfy

>> No.12192671
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ha i do all of these...hey wait.. a-are you guys making fun of m-me? i'm not have fun any more. fuck you guys

>> No.12192901

this time a little while ago, during my senior year in high school ( 3 years ago ) i was autistically obsessed with don't starve, so all i ate was meatballs, meat dipped in honey, raw carrots and marshino cherries. this lasted like 3 weeks until
i had to stop after i gave myself a really bad hemorrhoid trying to poop.

>> No.12193475

Same but I eat all soups from a spoon. My finger never even touches a bowl. Makes more sense just to clean a spoon

>> No.12193737

When I'm cooking I constantly clean my spatula/whatever utensil in the sink any time I'm not using it.

>> No.12193748

I won't drink water.
I Won't drink beer or wine, only vodka mixed with soda
The meat needs to be placed on the left-hand side of my plate and I eat left to right.
I ALWAYS us a metal knife and fork, even for pizza. No plastic cutlery for me.

>> No.12194015

thanks Audrey, please have sex with me

>> No.12194020

>chopped up spiders
absolutely based autismo maximo

>> No.12194656

When eating a sandwich, I eat crust first and center last. It's my prefered way of eating it but I can't do it in public.

I notice when people eat their dinner in the same order that I would, and feel a little impressed. For example: take a meat and two veg dinner. Some people would eat veg first, meat last, or vice versa. Some eat one part at a time, some mix everything together and eat it like slop. In my case, I would try each thing individually first, then mix two things together to see how they match up, then combine them at random, leaving whatever the best bite is for last. I don't do this consciously, but I appreciate it when I see others doing it the same way. It's truly the most patrician way to eat your dinner.

>> No.12194749

Are you me

>> No.12194751

BASED sandwich autist. I do the exact same shit.

>> No.12194989

Whenever I eat tacos I jump over my backyard fence.

>> No.12195008

I think it's impossible not to do this when you are eating stew.

>> No.12195021

every once in a while, i like a good snack of saltines and butter. wait til a tub of butter is soft/room temp, and literally scoop some out with each cracker

>> No.12195043
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I attempt to eat an entire rotisserie chicken and tear it apart with my bare hands like a madlad and when I get full I just throw the whole thing away. They're $5 anyway, I don't give a shit

>> No.12195242

Sometimes I just give up on my food and get passive aggressive as fuck with it. For example, if I am eating a food that is best served hot, but it isn’t as hot as I would like it, instead of simply reheating it like a normal person, I’ll just eat it as quickly as possible without even savoring the flavor, while trying to hold back tears. I don’t know why i do this shit. Like if my gf brings me coffee and it isn’t piping hot, I’ll just slam the fucker and be pissed off for a few minutes. This also happens with soups (one of my favorite foods). If it isn’t hot to the point where it burns my mouth, I just drink it straight from the bowl in a matter of seconds and find something else to eat. Also, also do this if a food is slightly flawed. If my taco shell cracks, I’ll purposely not give a fuck and eat is messy while feeling extreme annoyance and anger. Same with candy bars. If it’s slightly melted or broken upon opening it, I’ll just break the thing. Holy shit, food fucking angers me sometimes.

>> No.12195264

Fucking kek. That actually sounds kinda fun

>> No.12195469
File: 126 KB, 809x465, img_5552-0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never eat the bread ends
>still hold on to them and don't throw them out until they're moldy
Every time

>> No.12195822
File: 50 KB, 514x350, dogs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet your dog thinks the same thing. Dogs are real bros.

>> No.12195849
File: 1.57 MB, 2576x1932, chicktunasnackscontent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I eat chicken/tuna salad-cracker kits and pretend I'm eating an old C-ration or MCI.


>Thanks a lot, Steve.

>> No.12195970


>> No.12196114
File: 98 KB, 1000x750, vetnam-ration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you not understand?

>> No.12196230

>I literally force myself to eat everything even if it hurts, unless there’s so much left I can save it and have a decently sized meal for leftovers.

>> No.12196261

when i was a kid i would never want meat on my sandwiches, just mustard

so my mom would make me mustard sandwiches (on rye) i would eat the two pieces of bread separately, like a fine mustard-based bruschetta

eventually my teacher started bringing sandwiches with meat on it for me and my parents had to explain to her that we're not actually poor their kid just only eats mustard sandwiches

haven't eaten one in years though but it continued through college because it was an easy cheap meal

>> No.12196465

BASED af achewood poster

>> No.12196544

>turn the pull tab on a can to a 45 degree angle clockwise before drinking
>tear the crust off 1 slice of bread on a sandwich and eat that separately, some times with jam or apple butter
>smash dry ramen bricks before boiling instead of dealing with long noodles, i never do this with spaghetti
>keep chocolate in the fridge but never eat it cold, always leave it out for an hour so it's room temp before eating
think i have too much autism

>> No.12196631
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Whenever I eat combos, I bite them in half lengthwise so half of the pretzel comes off, scrape out the exposed cheese core with my teeth, and then eat the other half of the pretzel.

>> No.12196636
File: 1.77 MB, 1334x750, 5D045F69-BF51-4E94-B0B7-262FA1A6F687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I was around 8, I used to pretend that whenever I ate baked beans or nutrigrain bars, that I was eating whatever Sam Neil ate in the Jurassic Park 3 scene where he and the kid hide overnight in a crashed van/truck. I even mimicked the scraping of the can and coughed like his character too.
Don’t know why I did it.

>> No.12196647

This is un-ironically the funniest thread I have read on this board.

Also, I eat like a dog/animal when no one is around to watch me. Just straight up put my face in the plate, no hands or utensils, and wash my face when I'm done.

>> No.12196793

I wipe my hands and mouth after every bite of food/every time I touch food and waste napkins.

Most people I know wait until they are done eating.

I blame it on my facial hair hair to save face, but truth is I cant stand having food residue on me. It's also an excuse to eat slower since I'm naturally anorexic and tend to get full after only eating a small amount. [I've eaten maybe 4k cals in this this past week] .

>> No.12196806

I get it. Sometimes the imagination makes shitty food good. When I eat crap like that I pretend the world has ended and that's the best I can scavange.

>> No.12196836

I travel around the perimeter of the soup bowl after pouring it out of the pot to find the coldest point, and eat from there.

>> No.12196860
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I eat 90% of my meals with a fork and knife.

>> No.12196863

i spit out anything that doesnt dissolve into an adequate paste or liquid after about five seconds of chewing. i drink a lot of ensure to compensate.

>> No.12196867

>it's comfy
Seems more like neurotic narcissism to me.

>> No.12196868
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>Whenever I'm eating _____ I always pretend I'm ______.
Jesus fucking christ, other people do this? My wife told me she does this shit and I thought it was retarded in an adorable way. You ugly fucks don't get that leniency from me.

>> No.12196891

I freeze my pans instead of washing them.

>> No.12196896
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>> No.12196923

Whenever I'm eating anything I always pretend I'm not a waste of flesh and that this food is being eaten so that I can stay alive and continue to bless the world with my presence

>> No.12196944

>smash dry ramen bricks before boiling instead of dealing with long noodles
so im not the only one!

>> No.12196974

Thats rad!

>> No.12197063

When I read it I thought to myself, damn and I thought I was having a bad day.
I eat standing up and clean as I eat and cook so when I am done cooking Im also done eating and cleaning.

>> No.12197114
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I don't really drink soda anymore but when I did I'd pretend I was a medieval knight or something and I had been given the soda can from someone in the future who told me it was a magical elixir and would marvel at the can and the carbonation.

>> No.12197135

If im eating rice or penne pasta, i eat three single grains of rice or 3 single peices of pasta, 1 at a time and then i finish my meal like a normal person. I do the same with cereal, honeynut loops. Rice crispies etc

>> No.12197150

stupid retarded faggot

>> No.12197162

Honestly. You have autism.

>> No.12197167

When I take my depositories I pretend I'm a Medieval Times Peasant unbirthing chicken eggs.

>> No.12197179


>> No.12197182

>use my mouth to rip n’tear steak rather than cut it
>would always use a fork in situations where forks aren’t conventional, ice cream, rice, i.e
>would pretend I’m eating rations whenever I eat something garbage
>whenever I eat, I would say or think the word munch like “Munch Munch Munch Munch”

>> No.12197358

Post cute feet or dick(feminine)

>> No.12197396
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I eat the salad first and leave whatever I like the most (any kind of potatoes, especially) for last. Ben doing it since I was 3, and I don't hate vegetables.
I only eat with a fork unless it's completely necessary to use a spoon.
I need to do the dishes as I cook to feel some sort of rush while things are being done over the pan or the oven. Remember to wash your hands properly!
Whenever I do the dishes I HAVE to clean the cutlery first, or else I get frustrated while picking up dishes or cups through them.
I like to put catsup over bananas.

>> No.12197419

>Comes to /cock/
>Isn't /fat/

>> No.12197471

Nice try. You don't have a wife.

>> No.12197501

>eat peanut butter sandwiches only without the jam. i used to eat it with jam but after we ran out, i ate one without it. since then, i never ate a peanut butter sandwich with jam
>i have a cup of milk when i eat ice cream. i don't know why i do this, i guess it makes it like a milkshake?
>if im eating soup, i always need a drink in a cup for me. again, i dont know why.
>if i got different types of food on my plate, i always keep it separated when eating, i dont like it when they mix
>if theres dipping sauce or crumbs on my plate after i finish eating, i lick it up
>whenever i eat hot pockets (inb4 janny joke, i like how they taste sometimes) i always cut it with a fork and knife when eating

>> No.12197568

I'm physically unable to proceed cooking when someone else is watching me

>> No.12197718

Not autistic enough, I nibble away the cracker/pretzel and leave just the barest shell of it around the filling, then eat that last.

>> No.12197720

Quit LARPing as a homosexual library faggot. It’s SUPPOSITORIES you fuckin glue sniffer.

>> No.12197936

used to eat just about everything with a steak knife & fork
>invited out to deli for lunch ->get a sandwich ->request steak knife (usually already have fork)
>asked, "Why?"
>"These are the optimal tools for me to to control the composition of each bite - plus I don't get my hands greasy this way
while i still go with sharp-knife & fork for more meals than most; i've toned it down for, what is generally considered, finger foods as i've aged opting to "go with the flow" instead of hunting down a plate, knife, fork, and adequate seating arrangement so that I might be situated to do proper eating
he gets it.

I remember having a 10 minute conversation with a girlfriend explaining why the mini-spatula should be a common, albeit specialty, utensil
>you know? for cobblers and things of a similar consistency

>> No.12198076

wtf is a mini spatula

>> No.12198156
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Sometimes I like to lock myself in my room, cover my window so that its pitch black, sit on the floor, turn on my gas lamp, put on some atmospheric music, and eat berries, nuts, and jerky with my guns next to me and pretend I'm in some kind of apocalypse hinding from an outside danger. Sometimes ita zombies, sometimes it's an eldritch horror come for humanity and I'm one of the very few humans remaining. This one time I was so into my RP that I legitimately jumped because my phone rang.

>> No.12198843

>solo-LARP based meal planning

>> No.12199650

i like to pretend jerky is dippin' tobacco and plug it into my lip.

>> No.12199662

Peeling boiled eggs that dont peel easily makes me autistically mad. I can handle a little bit of white chipping away but after a certain point i just drop the whole thing into the garbage with a disgusted face.

>> No.12199681
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that's pretty based anon, I'm genuinely impressed

>> No.12199699
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Ok, let’s do it.

Ok, let’s do it.

No-K, let’s’nt do it.

>> No.12199701
