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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12189277 No.12189277 [Reply] [Original]

>grandma has Alzheimers
>all her recipes are lost forever


>> No.12189280

we all lose people and things we love anon

>> No.12189311

Grandma has some nice razor blade pie for you

>> No.12189340

Dark reminder for everyone else to cherish your elders. Talk to them before it gets to this point.

>> No.12189344

>says mad
>posts pic of smiley
>uses word mad tho
>posts smiles guy
>says da mad word
>posts do opposite reaction pic
>uses da wong word
>posts da wong pic
get a gripe dude lol (lmao 2) ;)

>> No.12189383
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>hey, mom. do you know how grandma made that cake i really like?
>i think she used a box mix, son
you're probably not missing much, op

>> No.12190646

my mother had the sense to write all hers down in a book
maybe your grandma needs to git gud

>> No.12190685


who gives a shit.

>> No.12190689

I actually just posted this in the food gore thread, but my mother is going through the same thing. Her memory is going pretty quickly so I decided I would make cooking videos with her before it was totally gone to make a fun little archive series for youtube. It makes her happy. Check it out if you'd like.


>> No.12190790
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Get the important ones.
My mother shared her cookie recipe freely before she died, so even though I don't really bake I have a copy myself.
I was able to teach it to my students recently. It probably won't become their go-to cookie recipe, but I like to think it might be.

>> No.12190796

those look good, anon.

>> No.12190806
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It was really cool having different groups make the same thing, they all came out a bit different. These ones most closely resemble what my mother used to make.

>> No.12190814

Wish I had asked my grandad how he made his beef casserole.

>> No.12190901

you do realize that box mixes are virtually always superior because they have perfected the formula down to the precise amount. People like to larp that doing it from scratch tastes better so they can feel good about themselves, but it's just lying bullshit

>> No.12191044

im so mad my bitch aunt (who never visits) brought my grandma a disgusting stray cat she found
it's such a hideous animal that bites and vomits all over
she's too old to care for it properly so it smells and scratches itself looks diseased
i used to enjoy visiting my grandma, making food, doing housework and watching sports for hours every week
now she's just another disgusting catfag i can't bear to visit
honestly feels empty as if she were dead

>> No.12191056
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>> No.12191074

they look tasty, but use an ice cream scoop if you don't want them to look so retarded.

>> No.12191078
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>tfw grandma couldn't cook for shit and all her home made food was greasy as fuck
Still miss her, been gone for three years almost

>> No.12191086

>we all lose people and things we love anon
Not if family members constantly stab you in the back and exploit your gullibility.

>> No.12191094

It's "gullability," Anon, cuz it's the ability to be gulled (ie tricked). Look it up.

>> No.12191098
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Think of it as a desire to recreate the taste, channel it into your cooking of those dishes.

>> No.12191099

not gonna do it

>> No.12191137
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>> No.12191289

f-f-f-f-f-f-FUCKN Bllleww :0 <=======3 him DAFUQ OUT SENPAI LMAO GUNNA CUM NOW

>> No.12191297
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>> No.12191298

come to terms with the fact that your grandma doesn't know how to cook and the only thing of value was the nostalgia it brought you

>> No.12191304

the Medieval Era has risen

>> No.12191345

My grandmother has been gone for over 20 years, and I'm just now going through family cookbooks and stuff finding some of her recipes and trying them out. Maybe your family has similar things.

>> No.12191349

>My uncle was known around town as the “fudge man.” Every year, he would make pounds of it for Christmas parties, bake sales, and gifts. It was legendary—people would beg him for the recipe. When he was ill in the hospital, before he passed, his wife begged him for the recipe so she could keep his memory going. He replied, “It’s on the side of the marshmallow fluff container.”

>> No.12191488

>family makes exactly two things
>bith unexceptional and can make even if I don't know """their""" recipe
I wish my family cooked or had wisdom or had traditions or were anything but the drug addicted cultists they are

>> No.12191499

How far gone is she?
Old familiar music and pictures can help jog the working memory of people in middle stages of Alzheimer's.
I did at home care 30h/week for my great grandma in her late stage Alzheimer's. The only thing she never forgot how to make was this oily apple cake.
One day she'd get up and take all her clothes off and wander outside. Next day she'd get up and make an apple cake.

Unrelated to food but another Alzheimer's memory story: once I brought my sewing machine to help pass the time with hobby work. The sound of the sewing machine caused her to start going around opening and closing the windows, doors, and cabinets, saying "We're closing up shop, girls, we're closing up shop" over and over. Never knew but found out later that she had worked in textiles as a sixteen year old.

>> No.12191509

Chances are your grandma was a roastie back in her day. She may have even been slobbing on some old jew dick in her retirement home

>> No.12191516



>> No.12191615

Don't most families commit the good recipes to a note card? We have a wooden clamshell box full of em.

>> No.12191646

She only thinks she doesn't remember because alzheimers makes you forget how to remember.
Ask her to cook the dish you want the recipe for and she might do it, if not you can try 2-3 more times at different times

>> No.12191665

YOU dinguS did You noT think to jot them down??

>> No.12191733

very nice anon

>> No.12191858


>> No.12191974

someone gofundme old new york times recipes or a well used julia childs cookbook

>> No.12191983

How did she die?

>> No.12192551

tell her to stop having alzheimers

>> No.12192610

Cancer treatment. She was in remission but the chemotherapy weakened her too much. She got sick and couldn't come back from it.

>> No.12192612

Warm memo: These things are usually dietary.

>> No.12192617

Create recipe therapy.

Each day lay out an assortment of aromatic and memory stimulating ingredients for her to experience and help her create something with them.

>> No.12192621

Your uncle sounds like a fucking legend.

>> No.12192634

Based and production value pilled

>> No.12192712

her recipes were shit anyway and can quickly be upstaged by recipes emerging from the crucible of highspeed selection from the internet

>> No.12192751

wow, this might be the worst, least intelligent post I read all day. I bet you think instant soups are better than real soups too you fucking faggot

>> No.12192759

This post legit almost made me cry like a bitch
Im trying to work dammit

>> No.12192793

so is your mom completely braindead? instead of spreading butter was she spreading her legs? ask her you nonce.
i get shitposting is fun but youre not even trying. also i dont even believe you have a grandma.

>> No.12192958

did I say soups, bitch? No, I fucking didn't. Baking is a different principal than regular cooking, based on precise amounts which can be replicated easily in something like a box mix. That wouldn't work if you were making a fucking chicken roast but for a cake it's the perfect solution. Fucking faggot.

>> No.12193274

haha nice

>> No.12193388
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>have all the family recipes
>10/10 whenever mother makes it
>sub par when I make it

What am I missing lads?

>> No.12193395

My grandma has them all written down in a cookbook and there are cookbooks from her mother and grandmother.

>> No.12193429

Attention to detail and not being lazy while you work, most likely

>> No.12193459

>grandma is losing her mind (literally) but doesn't it suck for me I don't have all her recipes?
Fuck off, you selfish prick.

>> No.12193473
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If you cook her corpse up for dinner one night after she dies, all of her recipes will pop out of the oven like a minecraft mob.

>> No.12193492

That's sort of true but only because most people don't know how to bake and it's easy to make things worse by messing one thing up
If you know what you're doing and are consistent about it you can make something better than the box mix
Took me awhile before my vanilla cakes were better than box mixes; that shit is surprisingly hard and you do need to have good methods, the right ingredients, and of course, good measurements

>> No.12193546

Honestly most family recipes are just box or cookbook recipes.

My grandfather always had the best wings, he actually had a stand where he sold them at the local fair. People would ask and beg for his recipe. He always said he made his hot sauce from scratch and that was his secret.

Then about 4 years ago I got to watch him make his wings and it was just Frank's, butter and a dash of cinnamon and sugar in the mix. He said he loved eating hooter wings and one of his buddies was a chef at one and shared the recipe with him back in the 80s cause he liked it so much.

Same with my mothers sausage rolls, she would bring them to every holiday or event we had. They would be gone within minutes, people adored them. Beg for the recipe and my mother never gave it. It was literally the recipe on the side of the puff pastry box but she threw in a tiny bit extra butter in the meat.

>> No.12193593

Can you post the recipe please

>> No.12193596

>box mix superior
Those preservatives, flavor 'enhancers' and stabilizers really take it to the next level. You sure know your pastry making, anon. You sure are something else.

>> No.12193597

you were never going to use even a single of her recipes, stop being delusional you little faggot

>> No.12193608


Reverse her alzheimer with extra virgin coconut oil


You're welcome cunt

>> No.12193628

most family recipes are shit-cunt rubbish

>> No.12193684

If she ate her own cooking, that's what caused the alzeimer's.

>> No.12193765

go back

>> No.12193777

"details make the perfection and perfection is not a detail"

>> No.12195929

My grandad just got dementia and keeps picking up and eating invisible food off the floor

>> No.12197270

this is so sweet, bless you

>> No.12197573
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>> No.12197685
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Now you get to know her better by trying to gradually approximate her recipes through trial and error. She'd be proud of you for that. Isn't it worth more that way, anyhow? You didn't have a map, so you cut a trail. This is an excellent opportunity.

>> No.12197688

Don’t do this it makes mustard gas

>> No.12198111

>all her recipes are lost forever
That's why every cook should keep a cookbook and, ideally, a culinary diary.

>> No.12198120

>always enjoyed Grandma's cooking
>time passes
>have to start caring for grandma
>find out she doesn't wash her hands after using the bathroom
>mom informs me that she NEVER HAS
You foul bitch, you foul filthy fucking bitch. God damn you. God damn you to hell.

>> No.12198146

You must make love to it. Fuck it with you massive cock and indulge it with your semen