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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12186011 No.12186011 [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you stopped putting cream and sugar in your coffee?

>> No.12186031

I still put cream, never did the sugar. It's coffee, not Kool-Aid. Cream makes sense and it's good

>> No.12186037

i never did

>> No.12186148

20 I think, maybe 19

>> No.12186158

I dident drink coffee for 11 years straight. Then i feel off the wagon when i turned 11. Also when i started drinking coffee black

>> No.12186166

21. Then i was able to buy bourbon to add to my coffee

>> No.12186170

I was 12 when I grew out of the notion having your coffee black made you cool and mature.

>> No.12186171

I still do. Sometimes I have it black, and sometimes I might as well be putting custard in it.

>> No.12186191

When I started drinking coffe I always used to dring it black without sugar. Only when I was almost 22 I did start to drink it with milk and sugar. There was a time when I used to drink it black but with Salt during my goth/egelord phase. Good times.

>> No.12186194

I never did, I put condensed milk instead

>> No.12186197

Milk and sweetener master race here

>> No.12186211


>> No.12186212


>adding sugar to everything

Fat fuck

>> No.12186217

I am the opposite. I drank black coffee until about a year ago. I’m also turning into a fatass.

>> No.12186287


>> No.12186301

>getting your stomach turned inside out by a drink that tastes like shit is classy
fucking morons
It makes your piss smell bad and your partner will not like the taste of your semen. Also, girls who drink coffee all the time have stinky vaginas.
I barely drink coffee

>> No.12186309

Half&half, no sugar

>> No.12186319

Surprise me?

>> No.12186391

gf says my cum is sweet and I drink 3-5 cups a day

>> No.12186448

I didn't start doing so until I was 25, and really only some whole milk for the extra calories + quickly cooling it down.

>> No.12186503

Never have.

>> No.12186706

Stopes sugar when I was 20, cut cream at 24

>> No.12186770

I've never liked cream in coffee. Stopped with sugar at maybe 16, but I'll still add some if its shit coffee

>> No.12186863

It really depends on what kind of coffee it is. Actual coffee from actual coffee grounds doesn't need anything. That instant crystal shit needs milk to cut the taste of regret at drinking instant coffee.

>> No.12186883

>Having sugar in your coffee means you add sugar to "everything"
What the fuck are you talking about? Sugar in coffee is a standard option. You get sugar packets and creamers by default when you order a coffee at most places. Using the standard option on coffee doesn't mean you go around adding packets of sugar to everything else you eat or drink.

>> No.12187046

Same reason why I don't need to have a mug with an epic skull picture on it to feel more manly or secure about my tastes.

>> No.12187058

I just add a tbsp of ice cream to a 16 oz coffee. Fuck off.

>> No.12187083
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im not sure if i like coffee or coffee flavored sugar milk but i can only drink it either ultra sweet and creamy or straight black. That in between coffee that most people drink is nasty, you put sugar and cream in but its not sweet or creamy and it actually hides the coffee flavor so whats the point of adding it?

>> No.12187098
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Depends on the type of coffee
Drip brewed coffee, no sugar, no cream
Moka pot coffee, no sugar, half and half
Espresso shots, half and half, no sugar

Anything else I don't care to make

>> No.12187195

Dude, you don't like food because you put some salt and spices on it.

>> No.12187200

exactly. All the salt and spice, or nothing.

>> No.12187220
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wat? are you trying to communicate?

>> No.12187260

i've never liked bourbon in coffee it ruins the taste of both bourbon and coffee

>> No.12187268
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I always add as much sugar and cream as possible at work, to get those free calories from my employer.

>> No.12187510

I didn't start drinking actual coffee instead of coffee flavored soft drinks until 16
and I always took it black

>> No.12187524

Around 16.
Around 18 is when I grew out of that phase and started adding cream again.

>> No.12187528
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is that what he was trying to say? in which case i agree, all or nothing, either taste the natural flavor or make it taste like something better

>> No.12187558

Almost never used cream, though I always had sugar and milk mine. I only made instant coffee at home, so that's my excuse.

Since January though I've only been putting a bit of unsweetened almond milk in since I'm on keto (some taste shit, but this brand is pretty good).

>> No.12187570

I started without cream and sugar. And, then, a couple years later decided it tasted better with it, and that people who drink it black are just edgy cunts..

>> No.12187593
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Honestly, I drink it black. Have since I seriously started at like 21. When it was a treat when I was a kid I liked lots of milk, then I developed minor lactose intolerance.

Now I take it black. Partially for flavor, 90% because I don't care enough to fuck around and get it right or search for specific creamer or whatever, and if I'm drinking coffee I'm doing it to wake up anyways.

>tl;dr: I take it black because I'm lazy

>> No.12187595


>> No.12187636


>> No.12187660

Yeah okay

>> No.12187680

You sound like the king of bitches. Enjoy your two sugar, two cream, gaylord.

>> No.12187984

When I realised the energy crash isn't caused by the caffine, but the sugars and galactose sugar polymer complexes that cause a sugar spike.

>> No.12188151

Coffee is shit and overrated.
>go drink your energy drinks
Energy drinks are shit too.
If you need caffiene or some other sort of energy supplement similar to it to function you're a faggot. Water gang and pure willpower.

>> No.12188164

>t. never been doing coursework in 2 days in a row

>> No.12188175

>he can't just stay awake
dude just have terrible insomnia like me lmao.